
Friday, June 16, 2017

Joy and Austin's Vows

During their wedding celebration on the evening of May 26th, Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth each read their own vows from a piece of paper. We know many of you will be interested to read their heartfelt words, so we have pasted them below.

Austin's Vows
“Joy, I love you, and I know that this love is from God. Because of this, I want to be your husband so that we might serve Jesus Christ together. [Through] all the uncertainties and trials of the present and the future, I promise to guide and protect you as Christ does his church, as long as we both shall live. This ring is a token of my unending love.”

Joy's Vows
“Austin, I love you. Through the pressures of the present and the uncertainties of the future, I promise my faithfulness, to follow you through all of life’s journeys as you follow God, that together we may grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ and our home be a praise to him. This ring is a token of my unending love.”

Interested in looking back at the vows of past Duggar brides and their grooms? Follow the links below to earlier blog posts:

Jill and Derick Dillard's vows
Jessa and Ben Seewald's vows
Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's vows (found towards the bottom of the recap)

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. It's nice that each couple had their own unique vows :). I did the traditional vows with my husband like Jill and Derek.

  2. That was very sweet Eliie and Lily, but you do realize that you'll either get criticized for not including Josh and Anna or people will thank you for not including them. Either way, this may not be a happy post.

  3. Just wanted and hoped that you would give an update on grandma's new marriage, honeymoon.

    1. Whose grandma ❓
      Are you confused with the Bates family ❓❗️❓

    2. Think you might be confusing this with the Bates blog. Kelly Jos mom got married.

  4. Beautiful from the heart vows.
    Wishing Joy and Austin everlasting love and happiness.
    Sharon from SC

  5. Beautiful wedding. I love your dress :)

  6. Ah, to guide and to follow. I'm so glad to be me.

  7. So Joy is all follow, no lead? It's sad they can't be equals, each sharing the burden of leading and following depending on their strengths.

    1. According to the Bible, the man is the head of the home and his duty is to lead according to what is best for his wife and the family.

    2. I agree!! A marriage should be an equal partnershio and the couple should be "equally yoked" as the Bible states. From the wedding episode it seems joy is a good follower and wants Austin to lead her every thought an opinion. She couldn't make decisions for herself so she let Austin guide and lead. Hopefully Joy will find her voice in the marriage and Austin will allow her to be heard. Marriage can't be all one sided. Austin can't lead all of the time, he will have to follow at some points just as Joy can't always follow. She will have to lead at some point whether by choice or circumstances... either way I do hope this young couple find happiness

    3. Yes, God has ordained the husband and wife to be as equals in the marriage relationship, but equal does not mean the same. Yes, equal standing before God and equal in a relational sense, but having different roles. Everybody does not have to be the same to be equals. I think it just as hard to follow as it is to lead, just as hard to lead as it is to submit. But one role is not "greater" than the other. In the Biblical book of Ephesians, Paul says "husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it." This is sacrificial leadership, not selfish domineering. Austin and Joy's vows show Christian maturity as they recognize and submit to their God-ordained roles in marriage. May they be blessed as they strive to obey the will of God in their marriage and make much of Christ. Love you guys!

    4. In the Hindu faith, the bride gets put in charge of the finances during the wedding ceremony. And she promises to provide healthy food. Pretty good system.

    5. 7:44 PM -- Interesting!!

  8. Upon reading all the vows, I must say that Jessa and Ben undoubtedly had the most lovely vows.

  9. Nice and conscise!

  10. ♥ ♥ ♥

  11. Just love these two! May God bless them greatly.

  12. Reading Joy's vows nearly brought me to tears. Those are very precious words. It shows a maturity in her to realize and vow this already. It took me 6 years into marriage to get a better grip of what Joy vowed on her wedding, and even now, I am a slow work-in-progress by the Holy Spirit. I love part of her vow that says, "that together we may grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ and our home be a praise to Him."

    I loved this!!

  14. I loved their vows too. It makes my heart happy to see a husband and wife make Jesus a part of their marriage.

  15. All of these vows are better than Josh and Anna's vows, which were as follows:

    Pastor: Joshua, placing yourself under the headship of Christ, faithful to lead Anna in the ways of the Lord, as her priest, protector and provider.

    Pastor: Anna, placing yourself under the leadership of Joshua, submitting to his authority as his helpmate, being loyal, supportive, following his direction through Christ in your lives.

    The siblings DID NOT do this type of vow, and thank goodness.

  16. Short, sweet and to the point. Loved them!
    It's all about following Jesus!

  17. Which grandma got married ?
    Are you confusing show with The Bates ?❗️❣

  18. I've never loved the idea of thr husband "guiding" and the wife "following" but whatever floats their boat!

  19. Lilly and Ellie, I'd love to read Josh and Anna's vows! I remember watching their wedding episode, it was so long ago!

    1. Remember the song he sang to her at their wedding. So sad how he broke that trust.

    2. Josh and Anna's vows:
      Pastor: Josh and Anna, do you commit to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?
      Joshua, placing yourself under the headship of Christ, faithful to lead Anna in the ways of the Lord, as her priest, protector and provider.
      Anna placing yourself under the leadership of Joshua, submitting to his authority as his helpmate, being loyal, supportive, following his direction through Christ in your lives.

    3. That song was an even bigger embarrassment, looking back. :(

    4. We all make mistakes. Some bigger than others. We can also make great comebacks. Which is clearly what they are doing. So god bless them and guide them. May they trust the lord and find more than they could have ever hoped for or imagined. We serve a mighty god that saves and forgives and redeems. And he can take a speck of sand and build a beach. So Josh and Anna- embrace your beach! And bask in the beauty. Angie


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