
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Is Jinger Pregnant? Duggar Sisters Want to Know

Monday's new episode of Counting On will be a two-hour show featuring Henry Seewald's birth and Austin Forsyth's big discussion with Jim Bob Duggar. Jinger Vuolo is thrilled to video chat with the four Duggar sisters who are back home in Arkansas, but she is caught off-guard when they ask her point blank if she is pregnant (see the promo video below from the Us Weekly website).

Video courtesy TLC/Us Weekly; photo courtesy TLC


  1. here we go again! if she is good if not good too. they FOCOUS soooo much on being pregnant. it will all repeated how happy everyone is same song and dance ! barbra b. middlefield ohio

    1. I wonder if you are less of a woman in the
      Duggar family if you could not have children?

  2. I think we all know that Jinger is not pregnant, since we have seen recent pictures of her where she has no baby bump. Also, when they asked Jeremy and Jinger where they saw themselves in a year, they didn't mention anything about a baby. And when asked where they saw themselves in the next five years after that, Jeremy said that they would probably be starting a family.

    1. Good point! That and the way they reacted other times (Jinger usually looks to Jeremy to answer for them) about having children made me think that Jeremy and Jinger have likely concluded that, for them, it's Ok to wait and responsibly plan their family's growth. It's a blessing and also a wise choice for them to adjust to married life in a new city first and to build a strong foundation for their future family. I'm sure there will be little ones somewhere in their 5 year plan. :-) I'm proud and happy for them but this will likely take the extended family time to adjust.

  3. That is not a question you ask someone "point blank" on camera. Tacky!

    1. I agree. I love this family but thought Jill was WAY off base for asking. Everyone else got to share their news when and how they wanted. Shame in ajill!

    2. Im glad Jinger and Jetemy are waiting to start a family. They are going to focus on themselves first. I always think its so rude when the camera crew asks if someone is pregnant so it took me by surprise that Jill asked.
      Sharon frm SC

  4. I don't think that Jinger is pregnant. They asked her that question months ago, and she would definitely be showing by now if she was pregnant. I think Joy will actually get pregnant before Jinger does.

  5. An honest question here in trying to make sense of the Duggar values regarding modesty- How do they rationalize wearing skin-tight tops that accentuate every curve and bulge above the waist, yet a pair of pants are off-limits because they may bring about lustful attention by the opposite sex? I just don't get it.

    1. Neither do I.

    2. That has confused me also. Clothing should conceal and never reveal. Their modesty standards are definitely not consistent.

    3. Anon @ 11:02. I would love to hear the Duggar girls rationale over this. The too tight tops when pregnant are the worst, the bates ladies don't wear tops like that when pregnant, Erin always looked lovely. I'm glad Jinger is wearing jeans/trousers and shorts, hope her next move is a real bathing suit.

    4. I do have to agree on the skin tight tops for sure (and I will admit that I have to watch this in my own closet so no judgement made) However I do believe they decided to wear skirts because it made a distinction of their femininity (back when they made their decision to wear skirts only skinny jeans where miles of time away from being on the fashion radar) So maybe modesty was the idea with skirts, but showing femininity was the main reason :)

    5. I've been asking that question for years.

    6. There shirts arn't skin-tight they were another shirt underneath that make it that why.

    7. Anon @ 1:50 even with another shirt underneath the tops they wear when pregnant are way overstretched and show everything, who could forget the sight of Jessa's belly button straining against her shirt when she was pregnant with spurgeon, no one needs to see that, and it certainly isn't modest.

    8. Pictures of Michelle pregnant show her wearing loose and comfy shirts. At what point did the standard change?

    9. It could just be what they are comfortable in. Wearing loose shirts only makes the body look bigger than it is, which I doubt any pregnant woman is aiming for. Their shirts highlight their growing belly, but always cover everything else. Nothing wrong with people seeing that you are pregnant and your body is growing a new life.

  6. Nothing is private with this family. If my sisters asked me such a private question the way it was asked they would be told in no uncertain terms to mind their own darned business. Poor Jinger looked totally taken aback and didn't know what to say. I hope her sisters have stopped this stupid nonsense now she has been married almost eight months and seems to be in no rush to get going on the baby front. I will be happy for her when she does annonunce any news, but I am also happy she is taking her own sweet time.

  7. I think they already posted this, but I love it anyways. Jinger looks like she doesn't really want to speak of it... I wonder if she is???

  8. Wow. I think Hunger and Jeremy have their ow timing to when they will have a baby.

  9. It's an adjustment to go from a home where there is constant activity to a home of quietness like the ladies were saying.
    I'm glad Jinger is finding her way around Laredo. We're still trying to learn our way around here after living in CA all our lives.
    I think it's sweet the sisters got to Skype each other. That time is special and should not be taken for granted.

    1. Regina, you are definitely the ray of sunshine on this blog!

  10. "Did you take a test?" What a thing to ask. Don't they know that you don't have to take a test unless there's a good reason to? Do these girls live for those test results??

    1. They take pregnancy tests all the time!

    2. I don't think any of them believe in using birth control, so they probably test regularly especially if their cycles are irregular.

  11. Joy asking "have you taken a test yet" kinda blew my mind. Do these girls know how their bodies work? Do they randomly taken pregnancy tests just because they are married? There is a pretty big indicator if a woman is pregnant and it sure isn't taking random pregnancy tests

    1. @11:57 - I have had the same questions in my mind. Why would a woman even take a pregnancy test unless she knew (by her body cycle) that she might be expecting? And, asking such a personal question and then it being aired by TLC?! I don't understand.

    2. I kept test around all the time. I missed periods due to health problems. If I was two weeks late I would take a test. All came out negative for 10 years then one day it did not. There was a surprise. If someone looked in my bathroom drawer they would see pregnancy tests 3 or 4 deep.

    3. Jill and Anna both said they took multiple tests before falling pregnant at 1 and 4 months post wedding so I'm assuming they take teats before missed period etc..

    4. OK ya'll!
      I'm sure all the sisters planned out this scene, and they are pretending like the whole thing happened spontaneously.
      Do you really think that such a personal topic just happened to take place when TLC was filming? They do this to have good previews on upcoming shows and get ratings up.

  12. How long had Jinger been married when this video was shot? 4 weeks? 6 weeks? Why would Joy ask if Jinger had taken a test yet? Is that part of a married Duggar girl's daily routine?

    1. I will never forget how Jill went upstairs in her parents' house and "stole" (they said to make it sound scandalous) one of her mother's pregnancy tests. Who has that many spare pregnancy tests lying around all the time? Don't they have expiration dates? Shouldn't you just buy one if you think you need one, one at a time?

    2. This was less than a month after the wedding so why would she be taking tests? Don't think the duggars girls are educated on how the body works

    3. Maybe Joy prego

    4. Yes, pregnancy tests have expiration dates and they cost about $7 for a store brand twin pack where I live. I can understand taking one if there's a missed period or if a lady's cycle is irregular, but it's a little hard to believe that all four married daughters and Michelle all have irregular cycles. I think pregnancy has been elevated to a badge of honor (like an approval from God) and a measure of a woman's worth to the Duggars- a kind of idol. I'm very concerned should one of these young ladies (Duggar or a Duggar's wife) "fail" to become pregnant quickly, easily, or regularly. It's like watching Leah and Rachel race to outdo each other having children. I'm worried for these ladies.

  13. I love this blog and I love the Duggars. I have been watching them since the very first episode. But I wish there wasn't such a long delay between what you share and what's going on in their current lives. I wish we could see current clips of Jinger and Jeremy, current updates on the rest of the kids and their spouses. Watching the delivery and seeing so much wedding and baby stuff month and months after it happened.. I realize that the deal with TLC probably puts a huge damper on what you can show.. but we already know Jessa had a happy, healthy baby. Why air the delivery months later? Jinger had already announced she isn't pregnant so again, why air this like the response is going to be a surprise? Wish you'd post more current pictures and updates and less stuff from 3 months ago. Where are Joy and Austen living? How is married life treating them? Why didn't Jana buy an old tattoo shop. So many things Duggar fans are interested in. Even if we hear current stuff, it won't stop Duggar fans from watching the recap on TLC.

    1. Reality TV is behind in real time.

    2. I totally agree... I guess that's what we get when we read the blog and then watch the shows later (I don't even watch them having no cable but all the recaps posted here and such I can gather that much) Don't think it's Lily or Ellie's fault though... if you look at the Bates blog it's quite current. Think it's more of a producer thing

    3. I found this blog after we gave up cable tv, and I couldn't watch the show anymore. Before this blog, I was updated on the Duggars' life as the show was aired. It is nice to find out news right away; however, it seems unrealistic to think TLC can air the shows as soon as the event happens. There is a lot that goes into putting a show together, and they have to make sure they have a season's worth of shows before they can start airing them. Maybe we can appreciate this blog as a way of finding out the big news early, and enjoy the anticipation of getting to find out the details in the show later when they are able to air it?

    4. I agree there is so much other stuff TLC etc should be filming etc. Noone cares about grocery shopping when theres so much more they arnt showing.

    5. It takes a couple of months to edit the stuff out before they can show it on tv.

    6. They had no problem getting Joy's wedding on the air in good time!

  14. I definitely do not think that Jinger is pregnant. She certainly didn't look like it in the pictures of Joy's wedding just a few weeks ago.

  15. I don't care what your family is like. It's inappropriate!

    1. Yea , it's getting wonder she may be enjoying living a few hours away,,,,,And I read a comment somewhere...
      If Jinger chooses birth control of any kind ,
      It's her business...........😬 Oy...

  16. Maybe this is the "big announcement"! LOL 😀

  17. What an utterly obnoxious question to ask a woman. The status of her uterus is nobody's business.

    1. I agree, Sara. When girls from this family insensitively question a newlywed sister about pregnancy in front of other family members (and of course, those rolling cameras), it makes them appear so immature. I would be mortified if my daughters (teenage and elementary aged) asked a newly married family member or friend such a personal question. Poor Jinger~her face said it all. Hopefully down the road they'll gain some wisdom and maturity on this topic. Perhaps if/when they witness the pain of infertility in a family member or friend, they'll get a clue. If they've already experienced supporting someone suffering from it, then shame on them.

    2. I disagree. I think it's totally fine for a sister to ask her sister that question.

    3. I agree, this is a very rude question. For all you know, a couple may be dealing with infertility issues, and this question, is just a reminder, of the difficulty they are having to deal with. I go by the belief, that when a woman/couple, is ready to share the news of a pregnancy, they will share.

    4. They are her sisters and I doubt that was the first time they asked her. I don't think they would be inconsiderate enough to Jinger to put her on the spot on camera like that. If I had to guess it was scripted in.

      Now, If a complete stranger asks a woman if she's pregnant, that's a different story.

      I bet it is a very big adjustment for the Duggar girls when they move out and get married. To go from a full house to a home with just 2 people in a matter of weeks must be a shock. I cannot even imagine how it must be for Jinger to also be 12 hours away. She and Jeremy are so in love and hopefully that is a distraction :)

    5. Nobody's business except the producer of the show's, maybe? Even if the girls were put up to it, they should have known better than to go along with it. Pretty disappointed in their behavior this time.

    6. Not true. Of all the things in life to call obnoxious, that question is not one of them, at least not coming from a SISTER.

    7. I doubt asking the question on camera was the sisters' idea, although I don't doubt the subject is on their mind. Ratings...

    8. Anon @ 11.00 While it might be ok for a sister to ask another sister in a private girly one on one chat it is not ok to do so in a large group and with TV cameras filming. It was totally out of order to ask such a personal question, and even if the girls knew they were going to ask, Jinger didn't appear to be in on it, she looked so uncomfortable.

    9. I'm sure there's a more tactful way to ask, if they were so curious. Sometimes, those questions can be painful even if the person that asked didn't mean it. After I had a miscarriage with number five, it didn't take but weeks, and my sister asked if I was pregnant yet. She didn't mean to be insensitive but, she was. Praise God, we are about to welcome our fifth baby any day now. But people should be more thoughtful.

    10. Have any of you had someone ask if you were pregnant when you weren't? It's very uncomfortable, even when it's a family member asking. That question can happen right after an unannounced miscarriage. It is tactless for ANYONE to ask if someone else is pregnant. When someone is pregnant, they will let YOU know when they are READY to.

    11. Having been asked 4 times in the last 6 months by both a close family member and a family friend why we haven't had another baby, it's no one's business. Jinger owes no one any explanations or information, period...sister or not. If the Duggar girls have nothing better to do than this, they need to get a real life not a reality TV one. I too am disappointed that they either thought this was funny or had so little discernment to go along with a producer's idea to drum up ratings. Lame.

  18. This "new" episode is already quite dated. Old stuff. It would be nice if they could all get over their fixation with getting pregnant. Hopefully, Jinger isn't joining that race any time soon.

  19. Anna's pregnant with a baby boy, why isn't his square beside Meredith's?

    1. Seriously? Why questions about the header all the time? If Lily and Ellie screen the posts I wish they would stop putting these posts up, its getting old now.

    2. Patience and Grace Anonymous #2. Chances are incredibly good that the people asking are new to this site and would have no way to know that this question's been asked and answered before. This blog gets many hits worldwide each day= Lots of new readers and posters. Can we practice some kindness please? If they're asking, we should assume they're new and just nicely share what we know.

  20. remember they are sisters, and they have lived most of their lives openly b4 cameras. we would all be the same way if we knew no different. i do agree that it is an unhealthy focus, but Jim Bob's personality is much the same with blunt personal questions.

  21. So sad to hear this question from Joy...Did anyone noticed that Jana was quiet? I am not sure how she feels about all these wedding-having baby-stay home thing...

    1. I sometimes get the impression that Jana is over all the filming and staged stuff. She is almost 30 and seems to be way more mature than any of her married sisters. She also has a LOT of responsibility in the household which has increased as each sister marries and leaves home, I am sure it weighs on her at times.

  22. I agree with those who think it is ridiculous and tacky to ask Jinger is pregnant.
    1. Believe it or not a woman can be whole and happy without a baby.
    2. If Jinger is pregnant she will tell her sisters when she and Jeremy choose to.
    3. How uncomfortable would that question be if Jinger had had a miscarriage.
    4. How sad the question will be if Jinger were to discover she can't have children -it happens.
    5. Is there really nothing else that these women can talk about. Are they that uninformed of other topics of conversation.

    1. Right. I had an early miscarriage but only my husband and I knew I was pregnant. I would have felt uncomfortable if anyone asked me if I was pregnant.

  23. That is between her and her husband!

  24. Jinger said she really missed the long sister talks in their room every night. So she was inviting some intimate, personal questions. That is how that interaction seems to me. It is not really bad on the ones who opened up with their questions after Jinger said she longed for that type of relationship with her sisters still.

  25. Do the Duggars not value post-education? Isn't Jill and Jana midwives or something?.....but what about the rest? It seems like it's all about weddings and babies. They are missing out on learning and having fun. It sounds like once the girls are married they are lonely until they have a baby. Maybe Jana has it right....from past blog entries she has friends and doesn't she do or is studying something? Also, she is still in the hustle and bustle of the house. I used to watch the Duggars but, frankly, I'm bored with all the weddings and babies. I know the new program is 'counting on' which means the older ones and their families but can TLC focus on something else of the Duggars? Maybe they can follow one of the boys around when they work or have an episode with the younger girls and Michelle. I like the Duggars, their faith, how they discipline their kids, their clothing modesty,etc but lets focus on something else for a change.

  26. Is this a competition? First one with 20 or more wins?

  27. All families are different and interact according to what THEY feel is appropriate. Nobody should be judging what is appropriate or not in someone else's family. I'm sure every one of you commenting this has plenty they could be judged for as inappropriate as well.

  28. I understand that the sisters would want Jinger to tell them when she gets pregnant. But they should wait for her to decide to tell, and not ask her. What if she is having trouble getting pregnant? What if she and Jeremy have decided to delay having babies for a bit? What if she IS pregnant, but she has a special way in mind that she wants to tell people. It's just not nice to ask someone if they are pregnant! I remember my mom asking me point blank if I was pregnant. We had just found out and were planning a fun way to tell them when they came over for dinner. But that was ruined, because I didn't feel like I could lie about it.

  29. Babies are so exciting. And this family loves babies and are very excited every time another new little one is on the way. However, it feels like to me that they shouldn't ask people of they are pregnant and just let them announce it when they feel ready.

  30. We all know that Jinger is NOT pregnant. We just saw pictures of her at Joy Anna's wedding a few weeks ago, and she did not look pregnant at all.

  31. I have watched this show as long as they have been filming. I love this family and have enjoyed watching them grow up. I have to say I am completely disgusted that Jill asked if Jinger, then Joy asks if she has taken a test. Really??? If and when Jinger gets pregnant, it is up to her and Jeremy to share their exciting news HOW they wish. Jill, you should be embarrassed how you blurted it out. And Joy for joining in. I agree with Sara above. I really am disgusted.

  32. Since this was last year its safe to assume she is not pregnant. I remember Amy saying when she come back from HSR honeymoon and said the girls were asking if she was pregnant. It seems to be what they do..take lots of tests as soon as they can

  33. It could honestly be that Jinger had mentioned she wasn't feeling well, or she was late earlier on and the girls were following up. As will all things TV and media, what you see is only ever part of the story to cause controversy.

    1. What you see is is not stemming from a previous conversation that the girls had. Reality tv is not really reality.

  34. That was awkward. The show keeps getting more boring to me.

    1. Amen... ! Don't even care to watch it tonight...
      They drag the storylines out to long.....I know it can't be a year around show ,,,,,, we all know what has happened , and don't care to watch
      it six months's getting old....I must say !!

  35. Love this family and not trying to be negative, but...I have never, ever heard them ask things like, "Are you reading any good books?" "Have thought about taking some classes while Jeremy is working?" or even among the other sisters - The bates have discussions about career choices. I find it hard to believe that none of those girls thought of cosmotology school like Joise Bates. I just don't get why they don't have aspirations. Aspiring for things doesn't have to interfere with being devoted to husbands, home and children. I get tired of the constant pregnancy talk.

    1. I think it's ok of they don't want to work. They are working raising the babies! I agree it would be nice to talk about something else besides babies

  36. I understand they are very close sisters - however that is not a question you ask on camera! Really girls???

    1. They put everything in front of the cameras. Nothing is sacred or private to them.

  37. If we didn't have this blog or read PEOPLE magazine, we would not know about their lives until they are on (Counting On). Yes, we know Henry is 4 months old, but the tv watchers are hearing about Henry for the first time. Also expect Jinger to tell everyone she is pregnant on the last show of this season??? I'm guessing she is!

  38. Nope! Won't be watching! A little bit of this family goes a long way, especially the never-ending pregnancy drama.

  39. I am disappointed with Jessa statement that in their family its just a question to ask if your pregnant or have taken a test. I know many of the same families in their church community and it isn't an appropriate question. It is about God's planning and your own convictions about family planning that lead a couple to that stage of their life. It's considered poor taste and instrusive to ask such personal questions. Poor Jinger looks like a deer in headlights and some things are just private even amongst sisters.

    1. I agree. I absolutely do not discuss things like that with my family members! If there's an announcement, they get it at the right time. If not, it's none of their business what goes on behind closed doors. And I don't ask about their closed doors, either!

  40. Growing up Duggar, Jinger is probably not very comfortable telling her sisters she's using birth control on national TV. It's kind of insensitive that she was put on the spot.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, or at least that Jinger is using the rhythm method and doesn't want to tell them that she and Jeremey have decided not to have kids for a few years.

    2. Maybe Jeremy is the one insisting on using some sort of control, and Jinger was too embarrassed to say?

  41. Aww..jinger was so taken aback by that! Let Jinger find a way to announce a pregnancy when the time comes

  42. I don't think it's tacky that her sisters asked... she did look surprised but I think its because her and Jeremy have planned to wait and that's why she asked them not to ask. However, some in here have said if my sister's ever asked me that question I'd tell them to mind their own business... why? Weren't you guys close to your sisters? That and so much more gets put out there in tv or social media. It's a way of life now. But I was chose with my family and don't see it as a "mind your own darn business" situation. Some ppl are ridiculous.

    1. I think they say this because many people choose to wait until the first trimester has passed before telling family and friends...again, I never think it is polite to ask this question. Those questions can be harmful when people are struggling to conceive. That's why no one should ask that question, regardless of how close you are. Always wait for the lady to tell you first, even if she looks pregnant.

  43. Why oh why is it always wondering what married daughter is pregnant? How about wondering if Jinger is taking courses at the local college, working outside the home at something she's interested in pursuing, volunteering or organizing/leading a church group in Jeremy's church??? Enjoy being a couple.

    1. Why assume they aren't talking about all kinds of other things? They don't film or at least don't show the whole conversations that they have. TLC is going to edit anything to try to increase ratings.

      My sister, sister-in-law, and I were all pregnant once at the same time. It is really nice to have cousins all close in age. I am sure that they are thinking of how nice it would be to add more cousins (nieces or nephews) to the family. I wouldn't think anything negative if my sister asked me if I was pregnant. We have always been very close. I don't think it is an appropriate question for non family members to ask.

  44. Jessa has a larger mouth and more prominent teeth. Someone needs to tell her to close her mouth when she laughs. A fly will go in her mouth soon.

    1. Now now, they invested a lot of money in those teeth, remember? Wisdom teeth pulled...was she one of the ones to have braces...

  45. The ridiculous thing is that Jinger was married only a few weeks when they asked. Nothing could be more intrusive and preposterous than asking someone if they've conceived when married such a short time. Don't they know how their bodies work in the first place? Jinger and Jeremy's private married activities are not the sisters' business.

  46. It is absolutely possible to have video ready to air much sooner than TLC has these episodes air. How is it then, that news footage can be edited and aired the same day? I'm not suggesting that they be DAILY, but they can do it much sooner perhaps begin airing 6 weeks later and so forth. TLC has don't this with other shows they have. This old news isn't helping keep this boring show on.

  47. Why not let the couple enjoy themselves before being saddled down with children. Like maybe wait a year or two before children come and more able to handle it as a couple.

  48. If the number of children they have is really up to the Lord, they would stop with this constant questioning of newlyweds and rest in trusting God.

  49. The question is ...Is Joy pregnant ? Oh , they'll announce that next
    season ,when she is eight months along....🙄

  50. I give Jana so much credit for not joining in on badgering Jinger. Whomever snags her will be blessed :)

    1. Why does she ever need to be "snagged"?

    2. Yep reel her in ,, one of you lucky guys ‼️😳

    3. Lol just saying whomever she decides to marry will be blessed...relax8:10!

  51. I like the way Jinger thinks. She's young and wants to wait to start a family.....Jane

  52. That is awful! She has value, even if she doesn't have children. She just got married for goodness sake.

    It seems like Jill just wants everyone to be as miserable as she is and doesn't want Jinger to be out having fun when she (Jill) was pregnant right away.

    Jinger, enjoy your marriage. Babies can come later.


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