
Friday, June 9, 2017

Forsyths in Switzerland

Those who guessed that Joy-Anna and Austin Forsyth traveled to Europe for their honeymoon are correct. Austin had always wanted to visit Switzerland, and Joy agreed that it would be a lovely place to spend their first days as a married couple. In the video below, the newlyweds share a video message from Geneva, Switzerland.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Glad they are having a good time, bless them both. Also great shirt Austin, very much approve.

    1. Haha! Same here! ;-)

    2. Is that a rolling pin on his shirt? I don't get it

    3. It's a for 2nd amendment t shirt. Right yo bear arms. It says...come and take it.

    4. It is a cannon. I love the shirt, Austin!!!

    5. I don't understand why someone would visit such a beautiful place and wear something so inappropriate. I mean no disrespect and I realize he is young but plastering look at me, I'm from the USA is a mindset Europeans cringe from but unfortunately label them for.
      Jeremy certainly blended in during his travels... maybe Austin just doesn't know better.
      Hope they enjoy the experience and learn a lot about the culture.

    6. I too LOVE his shirt! Hope and pray they had a great time.

    7. @ Anonymous 7:50 PM: The item in question is a Cannon, the very cannon that sparked the Texas Revolution with the Battle of Gonzales. The Star, Cannon and phrase "Come and Take It" is very important to Texas history. It's story is a great one and is certainly worth a good google or two to read all about it.

      God bless.

    8. I believe it's a canon, not a rolling pin on his shirt.

    9. To Anonymous at 7:50 pm, it's a cannon. The "Come and Take it" flag, which is what is on Austin's shirt was used in 1835 during the Battle of Gonzales during the Texas Revolution. If I am remembering correctly, Austin is originally from Texas.

    10. It is a cannon. You can read more about it by entering "Come and Take It" into the Wikipedia search box and scrolling down to section about Texas Independence.

    11. @AnonymousJune 9, 2017 at 10:07 PM

      I'm not quite certain what the geological aesthetics of an area has to do with dress code, but the young man is wearing a historical flag on his shirt. I can't see anything wrong with that, unless perhaps its because its got a big scary 1800's cannon on it. As far as people cringing, they "can go to hell and I'll go to Texas" as a great man once said. He's showing pride for his state, God bless em for it.
      Bless your heart Anonymous.

    12. 6/9 10:07- there's nothing wrong with his shirt. If you support the second amendment, be proud.

    13. 10:07, I agree. Not that Switzerland is particularly dangerous, but when you travel abroad like that, it's best not to label yourself as an American tourist. You might be perceived as a target.

    14. I couldn't give a hoot if Europeans cringe at what he's wearing. What about all the Europeans who come visit here and don't TIP? But the point about him possibly making himself a target is a different matter.

    15. Your beef with foreign tourists is that they don't tip? Do you understand what percent of the American tourism industry is funded by foreign tourists? In NYC alone, it's a hefty percentage representing a staggering number of visitors. In fact, the leading area they come from is the UK. We should be glad every last one has chosen to visit the US, tip or no tip.

      I was sitting in the audience of a Broadway show several years ago and struck up a conversation with the lovely woman beside me, who was from England. Turns out we had similar interests, and we became pen pals! Do you want me to ask her if she tipped while here?

  2. Yea!! How fun! :-)

  3. So Austin always decides for the both of them?

    1. You didn't read the post?

    2. So in your world, Austin never gets to suggest stuff and Joy never gets to agree?

    3. I hope not, that's how I started by saying yes to everything he said and wanted, because that's how I was brought up, to always put others happiness first, my parents, siblings, husband and children and the list goes on.... never putting my self first because it's what they said to me over and over that I strongly believe that's how it suppose to be and I thought I was happy but than after seen my six beautiful children who I love to death growing up going to school full time some in college I had the feeling that something was missing I looked back and I see nothing but emptiness and I became very sad felt into a big depression and it was my 23 years old son who said to me "you've always lived for others, never for yourself, you've never done anything for your self and it's time to do things that makes you happy" so, I decided to go back to school it was something I always wanted to do, but that almost cost me my marriage because he didn't approve (my husband)of me going back to school and that's when I understood how much control he had over me, when he took my car away and any access to his finances. When I was about to quit my son and daughter came to me and told me not to quit because that's what he wanted, because he was afraid of losing control over me. I didn't go to college but I found my self a very good certified training school, graduated, got my license through the state, got my self a good job, became financially independent, paying for my kids college, I still have little kids but I work when they're In school and when they're off school I'm already home, and don't miss any off their sports games. My husband learned to respect me and my decisions. I'm not saying this will happen to Joy hopefully she has a mind of her own and she can think, speak and decide for her self it's nice to make others happy but you have to make your self happy too!
      I hope I don't make anyone unhappy with this post because it's not my intention.

      Best wishes to Joy and Austinđź’•

      My apologies if anyone gets offended đź’•

    4. I doubt that. She did have to go if she didn't want to.

      Glad,you're having fun.

    5. I doubt that. She did have to go if she didn't want to.

      Glad,you're having fun.

    6. Well I would imagine they decided "together" which is how marriage works! YOU must not be married!

    7. I'm sure he doesn't and beside who decides where to go is not as important as just being together in God's beautiful creation! :-) She's probably having an amazing time! :-)

    8. 6:58 pm. You must be quite intelligent and talented to achieve those goals. You were kept back from your potential until you decided to do what you could. What is it to know God in Christ and to fulfil that for ourselves. Nothing else matters this is what it is really about.

    9. How did a simple statement about one of them wanting to visit a destination and the other "agreeing" become a commentary on everyones unhappy relationship whoas? Two people, two ideas, compromize and decision
      ...simple. Not a prlude to divorce by any stretch of the imagination, wish these young people a great time and get over it!

    10. Sandra in a perfect world you would be correct. We are all God's children but he doesn't provide the intelligence or compassion we should have to treat others fairly. That's something we must develop and strive to have.

    11. I agree....On both counts.

    12. WHY do you people feel the need to come to this blog and ALWAYS leave a hateful message?! I am sure Austin and Joy decided together where to honeymoon. I am going to stop reading these comments because it makes me nuts to have so many people that come to a Duggar fan page but obviously does not like the family because they pick everything this family does or says apart. Leave this blog to the ones of us who love and appreciate this wonderful family!

    13. 6:58, Thanks for sharing your story so honestly. Some of us do fear that the same types of things could be in store for any of the Duggar girls. They were raised to put themselves last, too.

    14. i must have missed something cuz it sounded to me like they both wanted to go. he may have suggested it, which is what it sounded like to me when they said it was somewhere he always wanted to go, but joy says they both looked at pictures & both agreed it was so beautiful. after being friends for 15 years, i'm guessing joy may have already known austin always wanted to go anyway! my gut tells me joy's utmost happiness is at the top of austin's list

    15. Anon @ 6:58. Your story is an inspiration and made me smile. Women often do neglect their own needs looking after others, and being taken for granted. You raised great kids who love you, and are setting a great example of a strong woman for the ones you still have at home. You can stand tall and pround.

    16. The Duggars' mantra of "God first, others second, yourself last" could indeed result in the same things Anonymous 6:58 experienced. It may sound good in theory, but it's not so great in practice, especially if "the others" don't put you in there at all.

    17. Anon @ 11:18 You need to take your complaint up with the admin of this blog as it is they who choose which posts to allow through.

    18. My husband had a great suggestion for our honeymoon and he had a great idea for one of our children's names. I was happy to agree to these important life decisions. I have also made lots of suggestions that he has agreed to. That's what marriage is. I have two university degrees & am not downtrodden in any way. It's great to work together as a team.

    19. 6:58, your story is similar to mine. Its very easy to lose yourself over the years while busy taking care of a family and always putting your needs last. I went through a similar depression when my youngest turned 13 and my life wasn't what I thought it would be and my husband was against my going back to school and building a career. Glad you turned your situation around. Thanks for telling your inspiring story.

    20. @6:58 and 5:25...I'm having trouble understanding how your husbands could be against you furthering your education or helping financially with the family? And, since you are one household why not just do it anyway? I guess 6:58 did, but 5:25 doesn't sound like you pursued anything? Gods Word says we husband/wife are to submit ( support) one another. You make it sound like you are barely above a dog just obeying any commands by a husband. I personally have found husbands who don't "allow" their wives to work are very insecure men. I hope you both find your own way to fulfill your goals and dreams.

  4. Too bad we didnt know. We could have met them!!!

  5. they look really happy,congratulations

  6. That absolutely did not look like Switzerland in previous pictures. Wrong color rocks, and peaks not jagged enough, snowy enough, or with enough glaciers. Did they fly to Switzerland via Colorado?

    1. You probably just guessed wrong, it's okay. I doubt they would go to two totally different places for a honeymoon.

    2. LOL! I thought Colorado Rockies as well. I've never been to Switzerland, so I have no reason to guess that. What a fun start to a wonderful marriage! Best wishes and God bless you both.

    3. Maybe the peaks and rocks were different ones than the ones you saw in Switzerland.

    4. Have you been to every corner in Switzerland? And why would they lie about something as trivial as a honeymoon location?

    5. Because you've been to every place in Switzerland? I've been there, but I promise I wouldn't be able to identify a place off a picture that focuses on a couple not the scenery.

    6. I've been from Geneva to Lichtenstein, Baden to St. Moritz, 11,000 feet up to lake level, so yes, I've been to nearly every corner of an oval-shaped country. You usually see granite or limestone rocks. Gray not red, like the southwest US.

  7. I love the way he looks at her. Such love and admiration!

    1. Truth be told...I've been married 14 years, and I wish my husband still looked at me like that. It makes me sad to know he doesn't. I wonder how the Duggars marriages will be in 15 years? I'd appreciate any prayers ya'll could send our way. I might not agree with all the posts, but I have to believe the readers here have good hearts and will pray for a stranger and her family. Thank you.

    2. Anon @ 8:56 I guarantee there will be Christians who will pray for you.
      I do a lot of praying for the people who comment including, those who leave rather unkind comments.
      It's one thing to leave a negative comment that is respectful but the downright rude ones are not necessary.
      So anyway, I will pray for you and your husband.

    3. And what exactly do you pray for the commenters, Regina?

    4. Regina, thank you for being such a good example to us on this blog! Anonymous, I'll pray for you too. We've been married a little longer than you and I get what you're saying.

    5. Thank you 10:24. I try to obey the Word and speak kindly though I don't always succeed.

      Anon @6:38 I pray as the Holy Spirit leads. I pray their salvation, taming of their tongue, or their family situation. Just whatever God puts on my heart to pray. No, I don't have some special connection to God.I don't pray a bunch of repetive prayers. I'm just a humble, plain Christian woman who actually cares about the people here.
      I suspect there are some hurting people who comment here. Sometimes I wonder if my praying is doing any good. But I know the Lord is listening.
      I probably won't know the fruits of my prayers until I get to heaven.
      Now Anon @6:38, I'm truly sorry if my answer offends you or anyone else. I'm just honestly answering your question.

  8. I love the way he looks at her. With so much love and admiration! God bless them

  9. So TLC is filming the we go again.....

    1. I'm so anxious to see Switzerland through their eyes! I have never been there.

    2. What I have been led to believe is that TLC pays for the honeymoon, with the rights to film. They chose to do this as opposed to going some place quite a bit less expensive to avoid publicity. Joy and Austin's decision.

  10. Is the proper use of "I" and "me" taught in homeschooling? I hear this mistake a lot in the Duggar videos, including this one. It's a fairly basic grammar rule. When broken, it really stands out to me (not to I).

    1. I hear you and sympathize with you. ;) It's not a homeschooling issue by a long shot though. I think the majority of people (at least in the U.S.) have been incorrectly taught that they're to always use "______[other person's name] and I" in every situation. In actuality, they should use "______[other person's name] and me" when the sentence could be broken down into 2 pieces: "Thank you for .... to Austin and to me.". - A Homeschooling Mom

    2. I went to public school and my dad is always correcting me on that one as well! I know the proper grammar, I just sometimes prefer saying it my way. There are many people that attend public schools that don't use proper grammar. My own sister has horrible grammar and she went to public school as well.

    3. This problem is not limited to people who have been homeschooled. I hear many people on TV make this mistake.

    4. Personally I could quote you the proper "me and I" rules, but that doesn't mean that I always choose to follow them. It's a standing joke in my family that if you were to follow the "rules," when you knocked on someone's door and they asked "Who is it?" you'd have to answer. "It is I." That's just crazy. Every dialect is different, and some are less "correct" than others.

    5. Why is home schooling the target of improper English being used? I have met plenty of college graduates, who do not use English properly and yet they somehow managed to earn a degree. Why must you be so critical? Just so you know for future reference, you spelled home schooling incorrectly.

      When home school functions as a noun, it is still two words, without a hyphen. When it functions as a verb, it usually takes a hyphen—e.g., I home-school my children; my children are home-schooled.

      You might want to spend some time brushing up on your grammar.

    6. Please don't assume that homeschooling doesn't teach proper grammar. We home school our large family, and they are absolutely taught how to speak and write correctly.

    7. I hear a lot of kids mistake I and me that are not homeschooled. Is it not taught in schools anymore? People speak like the people they are around most often.

    8. No kidding! That drives me crazy but is not just a homeschool issue. It is so common and I don't understand why.

    9. Home School Mom- Look it up. It is acceptable to write 'homeschool' as a compound word, whether it's used as a noun or verb.

    10. I have to admit, this particular mistake IS made more often by homeschoolers than the general public, in my opinion. I don't think 7:37 was picking on homeschoolers, I think they were just stating an observation. I'm sure there are public schoolers who make this mistake, and there are plenty of other grammatical errors made by those in public schools, but I hear this particular mistake used a lot more frequently with those who homeschool. And as much as I love the Duggars, it is a bit annoying to hear that, whether it comes from sweet Joy, or someone else.

    11. 6:23 AM, 7:07 AM and others -- RIGHT ON!
      Another example, to which I'm sure 7:37 PM can relate:

      It's natural to ask, "Who'd you go with?" (ending the sentence with a preposition -- not grammatically correct) rather than "With whom did you go?" (grammatically proper).

    12. Home School Mom, please check the Oxford dictionary or Merriam-Webster. "Homeschooling" is one word, not hyphenated.

    13. "Homeschooling" is one word, no hyphen. You owe an apology, Home School Mom, to the Anonymous you tried to shame there.

    14. That's correct. The words "Austin and I" are only correct at the beginning of a sentence, as in "Austin and I are in Switzerland". When broken, "I am in Switzerland".

    15. Thanks for the rousing grammar discussion! ;) This homeschooled, homeschooling mom of five knows and teaches the difference between "me" and "I." I think it's more what you grow up hearing the people around you saying (I don't know where Jim Bob went to school, but we know Michelle went to public school).

    16. 9:42 (Homeschooling Mom) Public school teacher here- You use the proper noun (name) + I in the subject of a sentence and the proper noun + me in the predicate of a sentence.
      example: Mary and I ate lunch with Joe. Joe ate lunch with Mary and me.
      If you are not sure which pronoun to use, omit the proper noun to see what sounds correct. I beg to differ with your notion that most everyone in the US has been taught this incorrectly. It is basic rules of grammar they were taught that people choose to ignore.

    17. No, this is not a homeschool problem. I live in Los Angeles, where the vast majority go to school. Most young people here say "xxx and me." I know my kids have learned to speak and write properly in school, and I am correcting them all the time, but they do it anyway.

  11. I can't believe he wore that shirt in Europe. How embarrassing!

  12. i love the way he looks at her!!!!!❤️❤️❤️

  13. Was I the only one disappointed when Austin said; "I think the thing I look forward to the most, is the skiing and the outdoor activities."??? Because of his previous declarations of love and his letter to Joy, I fully expected him to say something like "I think the thing I look forward to the most is seeing Switzerland with my beautiful wife and all the fun things we have planned to do together (like going skiing and some outdoor activities)." I felt a little bad for Joy in that moment. It fkelt a little like to honeymoon's over already.

  14. Is Austin growing a beard?

  15. I hope they are taping the honeymoon in Switzerland because I've never been their.

    I would want to go overseas know with all the shoots in London and the other place we're Arianna Grande concert was.

    1. Anon @ 10:46 I'm from the UK and London and Manchester are two of the greatest cities in the world. The whole country is so proud of both these places and how they have reacted to these horrific attacks, and stand right with them. You are more likely to be shot in your own country than here, as our gun laws are very strict and most citizens do not own guns, so gun crime is almost non existant. We cannot and will not let evil people beat us through terrorism, so we all must carry on and live our lives without fear.

    2. Ok anon 1:30, that is where you are sorely mistaken. Your country is going down fast due to these attacks! If you all didn't have open borders, this wouldn't happen! The greatest cities in the world you say?? Ask the victims families if they feel the same way! Shame on you liberals over There! A lesson for ya- a little bit of fear can go a long way. I thank God we have a President who cares for the safety of his citizens. Bad things happen, yes. However, with a travel ban, wall, deportations, we will be safer. Mark my words, things will get worse for you all over there. Be careful

    3. Thank you so much for sharing this! We have to live without fear. So many people in my country (the US) believe guns make them safer because they live with irrational fears. We are far more likely to die in a car accident than an act of terrorism. My father died from being shot and I wish more than anything that person hadn't had gun access. I've visited several countries and cities including London and felt incredibly safe all over England. I hope that the U.S. will eventually be able to adopt similar limits and gun safety laws.

    4. Our thoughts are with London and Manchester, but I disagree that we're more likely to "be shot" here in America simply because of less strict gun laws. In the US, the terrorists would "more likely" have been stopped by a responsible gun owner. Criminals don't obey laws, that's why they're criminals. They will get guns and other weapons no matter what.

    5. Well that's rude anon @1:30pm. Gun control is a right in the great US of A, the right to protect ourselves against terrorism, and crime instead of being helplessly taken over because we can't protect ourselves ( I'm not saying your being taken over btw)

    6. Are those of you for strict gun control also in favor of strict regulations on the purchase of alcohol due to those killed by drunk drivers?

    7. @ 11:11 - Things will not get "safer" with a sweeping travel ban. Last time they tried to put that into place, over 100 workers from my son's company were caught outside the US on business and personal travel. They were in danger of being detained or not let back into the US, where they hold valid working papers and visas. These are innocent people whose lives and work don't deserve to be disrupted just because of their nationality or travel plans. Dispute this all you want, but you will never convince me otherwise, and apparently not the court system either.

    8. @11:11 You should be ashamed! I was in London last weekend when the attack happened and felt perfectly safe the entire time. The next morning you never would have guessed anything had happened. London is an amazing city and those terrorists are not going to stop me from traveling. I am from the U.S. as well and in my opinion Trump has done nothing so far to make the country safer. A wall and travel ban are not the answer. That would go against everything this great country stands for.

    9. I'm embarrassed by how many people are responding that it is safer in the US because of our unrestricted gun access. So many Americans including children and families have been killed by Americans with guns in schools, movie theaters, churches, and while walking home from work. These people do not deserve to die. I can't believe We are still debating this. We desperately need universal background checks and a waiting period to purchase a weapon.

    10. Imagine if this wall and travel ban had been put in place prior to 1492. Not many of you would be in the US today. Unless you're Native American, your ancestors took advantage of an open border and immigration rules that allowed passage.

    11. I did not mean to cause any offence with my post (1:30) it just makes me so sad that these people are making others affraid to live their lives without fear. If we let them make us feel that way they win, and we must never let that happen. I was also just trying to highlight the different attitudes we have towards gun ownership, guns would have just made awful situations worse and more lives would have been lost. I am sure those who lost loved ones feel the same way. In the London attack the police had the incident dealt with in eight minutes, and there were many acts of heroism from people with no guns. Thank you to those who responded to me with a level head, and understood the point I was trying to make.

    12. Anon @ 5:48 I am not sure how strict gun control and driving while under the influence are connected, but I think the alcohol level while driving should be 0. No one should get behind the wheel of a car with any alcohol in their system. If caught you should loose your licence like they do in so many scandanavian countries.

    13. 1:30 PM -- Your head is in the sand. Very sad. Thank God we have a President who is trying to protect the U.S. Wake up before it's too late!

    14. 5:48, How can you even compare those two things? There peaceful uses for alcohol, such as cooking (and high proof grain alcohol makes a good cleaner). You don't buy alcohol with the intention of killing someone or something. There's only one use for guns - shooting a projectile out of them to hit someone or something. You can walk around with a full bottle of alcohol in your pocket and nobody will get hurt. You do the same with a gun, and it's there for a reason... You have to be 21 to buy alcohol and if you look young, you show your identification first. Not the same with a gun. Parents don't give children alcohol to "practice" with. Guns are in the hands of kids as young as 12 if they're hunting. Bars won't serve people who appear drunk. Gun shops will sell ammo to anyone.

      Yours is a very weak argument against gun control and background checks.

    15. We have a president who's trying to protect us? He's more interested in protecting himself right now. Senate hearings, anyone? It's gotten to that point in the first few months of a presidency?

  16. Yay...i guessed it right.How lucky they are, that one of my places i want to visit someday...cant wait for the honeymoon footage🤗

  17. I am from switzerland and we dont have snow at the time. You should come and visit our country

    1. Well, you may say you are from Switzerland but you must not have traveled in your own country. Several years ago, I spent June and July in Lausanne and went hiking on weekends. There were definitely small snow patches when I started in Lauterbrunnen and other places and hiked up high.

    2. They had very little snow this year, needed to bring snow in even in the winter time, I highly doubt that you can go skiiing in the snow. You might see some snow way up and there are no outdoor acivities you can do in the summer with snow

    3. I guess she/he meant not enough *natural* snow to go skiing. Of course you can allways find some small snow batches somewhere... I'm swiss too;-)

    4. Mayb they planned on skiing but ultimately did not. Or mayb they found a tiny patch of snow for skiing! We'll see on the show. Here in Canada, many Americans think they can ski in summer. Not being mean, just some light-hearted teasing. Just like when Canadians go to a Caribbean island and keep asking every single day what the weather is going to be. Well, hot & sunny lol! We are all guilty of some silly things but skiing in summer is definitely a silliness that I've seen many Americans doing in Canada and in Europe. :) ;)

  18. I guessed Colorado because of the mountains, but I guess I was thinking of the wrong mountains! Switzerland looks like a beautiful place, how fun to honeymoon there.

  19. It is ok "anonymous June 9th". You expressed yourself in a very kind way. I am glad that you are doing better now. ❤️��

  20. I'm from Switzerland, what fun they're visiting my country. I honestly don't understand why anybody would skiing in june (it's summer here). But I'm dure the agency highly recommended it.
    What strange image they must get from Swiss people as Geneva, Interlaken and Zermatt are extremly expensive whit watch stores everywhere and Asian tourists... Which is not the avaerage.
    Hope they enjoy our chocolat.

    1. Your train system, though, is among the best in the world!

    2. Thank you, anonymous works as civil engineer in railway projects ;-)

  21. Hey, that's just 4h away from me. Come to my place. It's very nice :)

  22. I'm surprised at the majority of Christians who post here viewing a difference of opinion about this family as hateful comments. I don't think the majority of differing opinion is hateful. Respect goes both ways and as Christians, YOU are required to be courteous and understanding of others' opinions. If a post is calling someone here a bad name, that's not right either. Be more tolerant of your fellow human beings as you claim ' love for all'. Thank you.

    1. Yes, those that accuse others of hateful comments are pretty brutal with their own comments and are often quite judgmental themselves.

  23. Love it! I knew they weren't in the USA because the drivers seat was on the wrong side of the car. (I was secretly hoping they were here in Australia too ;) ..)
    So happy that Joy and Austin are enjoying their honeymoon. They look like they have been together forever. God Bless xx

    1. Please don't say "wrong." It is just different and other countries do things differently.

    2. But you drive on the right (like not left) side in Switzerland. They must have edited the photo or something then.

    3. 5:05 PM -- For real???????


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