
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

New Dillard Photos

The Dillards have been back in Arkansas since last week and are enjoying time with both sides of their family. Jill is due with Baby Dilly #2 in early July. Here are a few new snapshots:

 Israel Dillard, 2 years old

 Jill Dillard and Michelle Duggar

Jill and Derick Dillard

Photos courtesy,


  1. Good grief, Israel is just the most adorable little boy!!!! Jill looks beautiful and healthy. Great pictures

  2. The Dillard's look like they're happy to see their family!!! I can't wait to see baby #2!! When is the dur date?? @Lily and Ellie

  3. Israel is such a cute little guy. You can see that he looks a little older now. Thank you Duggars for the pictures of your family.

  4. I'm glad they're back home. Israel is a Handsome little guy 🙂

  5. Israel is one very cute little boy - He will soon wear the ccrown of "Big Brother" - my hope and prayers for Jill is for a "nature" delivery this time around. . . . in any event I wish the family well.
    I had my second child (also a second boy) ALMOST exactly the same time frame between babies - way back in AUG. 1964 & OCT. 1966. No jealousy of any kind.

    Bless you all.Thanks for the pictures

    1. Im wondering your thoughts on c section deliveries a "nature" delivery? Honestly as long as the baby is born healthy and mom is healthy that is most important.

    2. Not the Anonymous above, but weighing in. My child was a C-section because she was breech. My OB and I had a long talk on options-He shared that another doctor had turned a breech baby, only for them to discover at birth that the cord had been wrapped around the baby's neck and in the turning it died. Although I had clearly stated no turning, another OB just before our scheduled C-section tried to talk me into turning our baby...a flat no. I've had friends with emergency C-sections want a VBAC and sometimes it's successful. With a history of large babies though, the risk of the baby being stuck in the birth canal and experiencing distress & oxygen deprivation, the mother's blood pressure escalating, excessive blood loss, and the risk of rupturing the uterus, a C-section is a small price to pay for a healthy baby (barring other serious health issues for the mother). Just my opinion. Too many mothers succumb to the idealization that a "natural" birth is some some kind of badge of honor. Getting the baby here safely and healthy, with a healthy Mama to raise him/her is the goal

    3. Yes and yes to both of these comments! My first child was delivered via C-section due to being in a breech position, and I remember thinking that giving birth to her wasn't about MY experience, but her health and safety. I also remember thinking that following the counsel of my Dr. for a scheduled surgery was what being a mother is about: sacrificing my desires to allow for the best possible outcome in her birth. I couldn't and still cannot understand how disappointed women get when their birth plan needs altered, yet leave the hospital with a HEALTHY baby. I've had friends give birth to stillborn babies, miscarry, or never been able to conceive a child. PERSPECTIVE!

  6. Cute! Michelle looks great- she's lost weight and has her hair sleeker, very nice.

    1. I noticed that too. More flattering.
      Great they are home and hope all is well with the pregnancy.

  7. Oh my goodness. So difficult to believe Israel is 2 yrs. He's such a handsome little dude.

  8. Wow! Michelle has sure lost allot of weight. I hope she is ok

    1. Probably just because she hasn't had kids in over 7 years!

    2. She looks the same. She lost weight a while back ago. She can't bare children anymore because that season of life is over with it.

  9. Israel is gettting to be so big boy and oh so cute! I love Michelle's apron. I think I want to sew a few. I think baby is going to be a big one and I can't wait for him to get here.
    Thank you Ellie and Lily for posting this.

  10. Jill looks so cute pregnant. Also Michelle looks young enough to be her sister - wow she and Grandma Duggar are getting younger looking and more beautiful year by year.

    1. While Michelle does look be
      Very good for her age she does not look young enough to be her sister, you would know its her mom. Sorry I just hate to hear overly sugary compliments, its cringey.

    2. Really? Look at the age difference between Josh and Josie. Yes they could really be sisters!

  11. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Jill and Derick look so much nicer together, since Derick got a haircut. The short haircut and bangs does make him look handsome. Blessings to you all.....Jane

  12. Israel is so cute

  13. I think Izzy will be a great big brother. Jill is looking really big!

  14. I wondering why Jill hasn't given out her due date and has left it at 'early July'? Is it to protect herself publicly from going way over her date again and avoiding criticism for not seeking out a qualified obstetrician that she most likely needs this time? If her date is known, please advise. Thanks.

    1. Why is the due date such a big deal for you? As any mother knows baby will arrive on his time not some random date that is just an estimate. As long as Mom and baby are healthy then the estimated date is not a big deal.

    2. Agreed. I have kept my due date private to spare myself the very unneeded stress of having someone else trying to tell me what is right for me and my baby. Why do people think they know what is right for someone else? The arrogance of that mind set is unbelievable. I will be praying that Jill has a safe, natural, and empowering birth experience.

    3. I'm a medical doctor & I can say that a good midwife for an uncomplicated pregnancy is very appropriate medical care. Family doctors also do a good job. An obstetrician is meant for complex cases. My bias is that births should be in a hospital setting so that help is close at hand because a home birth means you accept the high morbidity & mortality rate that every mom faced before obstetricians & hospitals were widely available. Each woman should understand the risks & benefits & make the right decision for her. Best wishes to Jill & baby.

    4. They did make a announcement, she's due in July. And they never kept their home births private. I'm pretty sure she doesn't care what people say.

    5. I'm not telling anyone my DD unless a very close friend or someone in same boat because older ppl often start to flap about 2 mths before the DD..... the nerves of others just aren't needed!

    6. I have a friend who never tells her due date to anyone because she knows it's too easy to go before or after and everyone hangs on it so much. So she just doesn't even say haha. She give a very general time frame as well. :)

  15. Israel is such a cutie and growing taller. Jill looks radiant and Michelle looks wonderful. God bless this precious family.

  16. Wow looks like Jill may have another big baby, she looks like she could give birth anytime! Michelle looks great, wonder if she lost weight.

  17. What date in early July?

  18. I wonder if the people who kept insisting that Israel had Down's Syndrome will change their minds when they see this picture? Michelle is looking good, too. Looks like she's lost a lot of weight since her baby-carrying days are past.

    1. I sure hope so. That comment was so disturbing to me. I believe the best word would be is incentive. Imagine being the parents reading something like that. Israel has many of his father's appearance.

    2. While I can understand people having issues with this family, to attack an innocent little child is deplorable, and I will never understand it, children are off limits. He is a very cute little boy,as he gets bigger he looks more like his dad, he certainly got the height gene lol.

    3. I think he looks a lot like his dad and his dad's mom. Cute little boy!

  19. Little Israel is super cute! And he has wonderful loving parents lucky boy!

  20. How cute are those flip flops on that beautiful boy!! Thanks for sharing !

  21. Does Derick have braces? in the last picture it looks as if He does

  22. Israel looks a lot like his dad.

  23. Cute post. I have a question, is Josiah still friends with his ex-courtship gal? Are they planning on getting together someday? What is their age to start anyhow?

  24. Cute picture of Israel. I think he looks like his grandma (dericks' mom)

    Also Michelle, Jill and Derick are looking good.

  25. I love this family. Especially Israel. Cute little guy. Love the name, too.

  26. Izzy look just like his mama,ao adorable...cant wait for new season😊

  27. It's such a shame you feel so uncomforatable with a super-sweet compliment that you need to actually correct the individual making it. Perhaps if you re-examine the issue and celebrate the fact that, given the often snarky, judgemental and critical tone that can be taken by those who come here to simply be ugly, this was an individual who chose to "sweeten" the tone here and used that "sugar" to sweeten the lemons of less kind remarks and make lemonade:) Even over-the-top compliments can brighten someone's day!

  28. Nice to know Israel is safely back "home" - around his aunts, uncles & cousins.
    Hopefully Derick's mother is well and everyone can enjoy the birth of dilly baby #2 & have a great celebration.

  29. Israel is adorable and growing so fast! He's such a cutie! Thanks for the delightful picture! Love that smile!

  30. I'm glad you guys are home! Can't wait for my Jilly to have another baby Dilly! Anxiously waiting!!! And Jill you look beautiful as usual!


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