
Monday, May 22, 2017

Jana the Baby Whisperer

The oldest daughter in a family with 19 kids, Jana has spent more time around babies than most moms. Although Jim Bob and Michelle's children are growing up quickly, the cries and laughs of small children can still be heard regularly in the Duggar home, as their grandchildren visit frequently. Like her sisters, Jana loves to dote on her nieces and nephews. And as you can imagine, with all the experience she has had, she is quite the pro at caring for little ones.

Jana Duggar

Photo courtesy


  1. She will make a wonderful mother someday! Does she live by herself or still at home?

    1. I believe she lives at home still

  2. Is this Anna's baby?

    1. I think this is a pic from when Henry was smaller. :)

  3. Blue blanket. Anna may have had the baby.

  4. Cute picture! Thanks for sharing! This picture reminds me of when my children were babies and how they loved being "baby burritos".

    1. A picture with Jana actually paying attention to the child and not talking on her phone would be a better one to illustrate that she "dotes on her nieces and nephews". If I saw this picture, without any captions and not knowing who it was, I would have think it was a picture of a bored young woman who would rather talk on the phone. It looks like the baby"s face is being smothered.

    2. Open the photo and zoom in you can clearly see the babys nose sticking out...Im sure as
      experienced and lovin as she is ,she would never smother a babe.😉

  5. Strange article...

    1. It's strange how many trolls this site and their Facebook gets

    2. I think it would be wise if the Duggars updated their settings on Facebook so trolls can't post.

    3. Why does this post make the poster a troll? I thought it was strange too. Maybe its because after all the drama of the past few days its a bit of a non story. Suppose i'm a troll now too?

    4. There is really nothing "strange" about trolls posting on the internet. Goes with the territory. I take it you've never ventured into youtube comments, lol!

    5. Given that the Duggars are all about family, I too found this article strange- sort of a non-article really. It didn't really tell me anything that I didn't already know about Jana or anything new-and she's my favorite Duggar. :)

  6. Who is the baby? Henry? Josh and Anna's new one they haven't announced the the birth of yet? Is this an old/new pic?

  7. The brothers don't like to dote on their nieces and nephews?

    1. You haven't been on this site that long, huh?

    2. Look close on the happy Mother's Day video and you will see I believe Jackson and Jedediah holding Henery and spurgeon. The boys dote on thier nieces and nephew on rare occasions despite following very gender specific roles within thier home.

  8. Love to know who Jana is talking too,maybe her future man.

    1. Er, is it anyone's business who she is talking to?

    2. Nosey lol! If she is ma + pa will be listening in!

  9. Jana will be a Great Mother one of these days when Mr. Wonderful comes along.

  10. It's so much fun to cuddle and love your nieces and nephews, than give them back to their parents. I never met Jana, but she seems like a warm and kind godly lady. Jane

  11. If Jana finds a man she is interested in marrying and marries him, I hope she keeps her maiden name.

    1. Out of curiosity, why so? I always thought it's the right thing to take your husbands last name. I don't care if some woman doesn't. I wouldn't personally if my future husband had a weird last name lol xD

    2. Out of curiosity, why do you think it's the "right thing"?

    3. Taking the husband's last name is not the custom in many cultures and countries. There is nothing 'right' about it; it is just a cultural based practice.

      Here, only girls who marry straight out of high school, who have not accomplished anything, tend to change their names. Since the average age women get married here is late 20s, most woman have worked, have bank accounts, earned an education and credentials, paid taxes, have a credit rating etc.. prior to getting married. Some even own their own homes. Changing their legal name would cause them all sorts of problems, including lost of their credit rating and credentials. It is easier not to change your name.

      I did not change my name when I got married over 30 years. My daughter and her married girlfriends did not change theirs either.

    4. 3:11 I don't think there are any hard and fast rules. It's up to the individual. If you think the right thing to do is take the husband's last name, it shouldn't matter if it's a strange one or not.

    5. I'm sure she'll take her husband's name It's traditional and nice for the whole family to have the same name.

    6. If it's nice for the whole family to have the same name, couldn't men change theirs?

    7. 6:21- Senior citizen here- MS degree, professional career, home owner... all before marriage at 30 when I did take my husband's last name. I simply liked the simplicity and sound of my husband's name better than my own. Your broad generalization is rather condescending, unless you live in some part of the world other than the U.S.A.

    8. Anonymous @12:17, some men here do. And some couples even combine their names. The children do not automatically take the fathers; some have both names.

      As for the woman not having the same name 'not being nice", there is a different between a title and a name. Socially, I have no problem being called Mrs. "my husband"s last name". At their schools, the teachers and their friends, all called be Madame "my husband"s last name" But I never sign anything with my husband"s last name and, on all legal papers (bills, credit cards etc..), it is my legal name.

  12. How recently was this picture taken and which baby is she holding?

    1. Lily and Ellie, which baby is she holding and when is this picture from? :)

  13. Can't wait to see what the trolls post today. They've already been posting under this blog on the FB.

    1. Oh, they are already starting lol

    2. You shouldn't judge others or call people trolls. Jesus wouldn't approve.

  14. Is she smothering the baby? I've never seen a baby that wrapped up. Plus, it doesn't even look like she's paying attention to it.

    1. I thought it was a doll at first.

    2. Someone on another site said it looks like the giant cheese that Lucy Ricardo tried to pass off as her baby on an airplane haha

    3. She's holding it just right. You clearly aren't a professional. Funny thing is, there is a comment just like yours on Facebook under the same post.

    4. She is not smothering the baby. Babies like to be swaddled. It reminds them of being in the womb.

    5. So what if more than one person has the same thought? Everything is not a conspiracy. A lot of people don't have Facebook accounts, either.

    6. @3:05. That is hilarious!!

    7. You can see the baby's nose peeking out. She's holding it just fine.

    8. by_the_way -- OMGOSH -- So true!!! It does look like Lucy's cheese!!!

    9. @3:05, Ha,ha,ha!!! I love I Love Lucy!!! That episode was great.

    10. What @ 3:11, no one ever said she wasn't holding it correctly. Plus, nobody ever said they were a professional. Did you even read the Co before you responded?

    11. Sorry Regina, but not all babies like to be swaddled. My daughter didn't like being swaddled at all.

    12. Anon @ 6:28 neither did mine, she always liked her feet and legs to be free.

  15. Jana is so great and beautiful inside and out. She is going to make a great mom. I have noticed for years that she more than any of the other girls have her mom's temperament with the children.n She is firm yet calm and loving with them. Off the point but I just noticed Grandma Duggar's picture on the banner and boy she looks great! She looks so young and beautiful. Guess Godly living is good for the looks - lol!

  16. You are going to make a great momma Jana!

  17. Is this Josh and Anna's new baby?

    1. I don't think their baby I should born yet!

  18. Wow! The guy that Jana will choose to marry one day will be one lucky guy. She knows so much about taking care of children, that taking care of her own will be a piece of cake!

    1. Er, I would hope Jana's future partner values her for dozens of traits ahead of her knowledge of childcare.

    2. First of all, I don't think this is what constitutes "luck" for anyone. Second, children can't be ordered to specifications and don't come with guarantees. So no matter how many babies you hold that belong to other people, you never know what your own will turn out to be. Jana has never taken care of anyone but her sisters or her sisters' babies. Pretty sheltered circle of children there.

    3. And if she decides she doesn't want to get married or have kids, that's ok too.

    4. Anon 2:24 - Point taken. I just mentioned childcare as it was related to the photo displayed above.

      Anon 5:11 - Agreed.
      I understand. I'm just saying she won't be stepping into motherhood without any previous experience as to what's it's like being a mother.

      Anon 7:38 - True. So true.

  19. Is it only the girls that dote on the nieces and nephews? One would hope the boys and men care for them too.

  20. Is she holding Josh's and Anna's baby boy?

    1. He isn't due to be born until July.

    2. That's Jill. Anna's baby is due "later this year", which could be yesterday till october (given that she new the gender in March)

    3. It could be Henry when he was first born?

  21. What a sweet kind heart. To be helping her siblings and always willing to be the extra pair of hands to hug hold & love. TG🇦🇺

    1. She is 27!!! She should be on her own living her own life. College, career, travel, dating. All can be done and remain a virgin until marriage. I know!

    2. Amen to that!

    3. She should be doing what she wants to do not what you think she should do. If those are things you chose for your life, then I am glad you did them. It doesn't mean everyone wants the same life.

    4. 12:00 PM -- You're right, and good for you! God bless you.

    5. @3:08
      Your so right!!

    6. 12:00 you can't choose what she does with her life. I would hope that you would never control your kids like that. It's her choice, not yours. She studied to become a midwife and currently working on writing. And this whole family has traveled a lot and it's their choice to live with their parents.

  22. Noticed how the duggars post old pics and claim their recent. Henry is the youngest and is not this small. They do it all the time

    1. I didn't see any claim that this is a recent picture...And I'm also assuming it is Henry. He was born in February, this is May. So whenever at picture was taken, it IS fairly recent.

    2. They don't claim anything and this blog isn't run by the Duggars.

    3. Um..... are you lost? This blog isn't ran by the Duggars and they don't claim that these photos of recent.

    4. This isn't the Duggars blog

  23. Where's the baby's face? Lol! I know he is face down. Is that Henry?
    I understand why Jana dotes on the kids. I'm the same way. I was unable to carry and had no children. But even as a tween I would hold them and just love on them. It's like holding a part of yourself in a small way because they came from your siblings.

  24. I guess she does since she doesn't have anyh of her ow. What a shame she doesn't

    1. Oh, please. There is nothing shameful about a childless person! What a thoughtless thing to say.

    2. I think the poster only meant she has none of her own at the moment. Many cannot have children and there is nothing shameful about it, but you don't need to be so defensive of what sounded to me like an innocent remark.

    3. One day she probably will :)

    4. If something is "a shame" that's not the same thing as being "shameful."

    5. There is 7 billion people in the world and there is expected to be 8 billion in 12 years and 9 billion by 2050. I don't think it's a shame for anyone to not have children given our population problem.

    6. We do not have a population issue. That is all propaganda propagated by the elitist to gain easier control over the 'sheeple peoples' lives as they call us. Besides why are we so bothered by population? are we all going to live forever.

      Also fyi those people who talk about population control the Gates, my former church leader and many others like prince Philip of england all have children. It is selfish to expect others not have children because they might eat up your resources.

      God made his planet with enough resources to feed his children. If people would stop being greedy and hogging up all the resources for their family of 3 such as what happens in developing world where people own large swarthes of land -doing nothing with it while people in their village starve, they would be plenty for everyone.

    7. Just imagine Jana reading these comments. It's reasonable that she might feel bad hearing that someone thinks its "a shame" she is childless. Maybe it's something she struggles with personally. We don't know. Like asking a woman with a belly if she's pregnant, it's risky to tell a stranger that it's "a shame" she is single or childless.

    8. Anon @ 3:41 You are so ignorant of the facts and arrogant in your reply. This planet we live on may have enough to feed everyone but the many thousands who go without do so because we in the western world stockpile and waste so much. Corruption in governments both in the west and developing countries also plays a huge part in hunger. The post above correctly pointed out that the population is increasing and the situation is only going to get worse. If everyone had 19 kids like the duggars and bates then we would reach a situation where the planet could not produce enough. It is irresponsible to close your eyes to the facts and have such large families.

    9. @10:12 am, the problem is indeed people being wasteful, not large families. We have 13 children. We grow most of our own vegetables in our garden to eat fresh in the summer and freeze in the winter. We raise meat chickens, laying hens for eggs and hogs for meat. Our water is rainwater. We are not a wasteful family and try to take reasonable care of our environment. Don't blame the troubles on large families, but rather on those individuals who care more about material goods than they care about their neighbors and communities.

    10. Anon 10:12 - I think you should try the serenity prayer. It really helps.

      God grant me the serenity
      to accept the things I cannot change;
      courage to change the things I can;
      and wisdom to know the difference.

      Living one day at a time;
      enjoying one moment at a time;
      accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
      taking, as He did, this sinful world
      as it is, not as I would have it;
      trusting that He will make all things right
      if I surrender to His Will;
      that I may be reasonably happy in this life
      and supremely happy with Him
      forever in the next.

    11. Anon @ 10.12am

      I did not suggest that everyone should have 19 children at all. I suggested that people should not be discouraging people not to have children just because we are told that the planet will run out of resources. Bottom line, why are we so bothered if we are not going to live forever.

      It is true that the we in the west are wasteful and there is plenty of corruption in both western governments and developing countries.

      I know all these facts thank you very much. But I also realise who is in control of the media. But I also have enough commonsense not to believe every minute detail that spills from the mouth of those who are saying we need to reduced world population.

      The bottom line is that most of the so called population controllers have another 'god' who they serve and this 'God' will eventually come to take over this planet to control it. They want the population reduced because of this. Up unto a certain time, Christians did not support birth control or abortion nor did you hear about any mother being bored to death of her own baby so she hadc a desire to leave home in pursuit of a career. This was a non christian practice as people always believed that God would provide. If he didn't, they didn't sit down and griped about it.

      And what makes you believe that all large families will use up all the resources. The Duggars and many large families are not living of welfare a d are self sufficient. They are a working family and many families grow their own produce. Many homeschool and do not travel that much therefore reducing carbon footprint. I do not see your point about using up the resources.

      Also FYI, I want to know how is it that the world population when most western women are on some form of birth control. There are towns in Europe that have very small populations or none at all because people are not reproducing and increasing thanks to the vaccination programmes and better education, more women in developing world are having less children. Also there are wars and famine, surely that reduces it too.

      The only people I can think of who are having more children are the hasidic Jews and some Muslims.

      For the record, I personally do not have a big family, but I could not care less if someone chooses to have one. We will soon be of this planet and our resources will be left for the pp
      next generation. And by the way, the really arrogant and ignorant people are those who just place 'the yellow journalism' out there as the gospel truth and read everything with a subjective mindset and don't bother to do any research. If the by do, they read books written by those who think that Alister Crowley was a great guy.

      I have had connections with the media and am not so called ignorant of the 'facts' as you put it. I know that they can pick and choose the news that would make the public believe something and over exaggerate. May I suggest you go and research into the real facts behind population control especially the people behind it, who actually owns the media and their beliefs and get back to me rather then name calling.

      Going back to topic, would love to see Jana out and about her business working on her own projects and perhaps residing in a little granny apartment somewhere. But overall marriage babies or none, I want it to be of her own free will.

    12. Anonymous May 25, 2017 at 10:12 AM- I take issue with your remark. My family neither stockpiles nor wastes. We're driving 2000 and 2001 vehicles (1 for my husband to drive to work, the other I drive to take family and an elderly neighbor to appointments, grocery shopping, and family errands), we have few clothes (nearly all of which were bought used at our local thrift stores and we've had for several years), we take very few vacations (generally a 1 day trip within a 2-4 hour drive), and we've been married 25 years and bought 2 couches (only because the first wore out after 23 years). We bought new dining chairs this year at a thrift store (3 of our 4 have been broken for two years and had become beyond repair). We regularly and gladly give our full tithe each month, as well as tithe off any employee bonus check. We happily give freely as often as we can- none of it is "ours" to begin with and won't be when we leave. We're debt free and have sacrificed wants for an Emergency Fund. So, please do not lump everyone into your wasteful, selfish "western world" stereotype. Thank you.

  25. Jana is a wonderfully talented lady in many ways. I wish I had her patience and ever-present smile. I'd guess she's a real blessing to anyone's life she touches.

  26. This is kind of an odd and random blog post. Wonder why nothing regarding acknowledging all the rumors on when Joy-Anna's wedding is or was.

    1. Yes they are playing their cards close to their chests with this one, but someone will eventually blab.

    2. It's not odd or random. And they have acknowledged the rumors made by trolls under the comment section a few blog post back, Joy-Anna's wedding date has not been announced yet.

    3. They have and her wedding date has not been announced yet

    4. It is random. But I think it's kinda obvious that there was no weekend wedding.

    5. Their marriage licence notice was posted in the paper so it will be soon.

    6. Dear Ellie and Lilly- I would be very grateful if you would consider banning any blog post that refers to another human being as a troll. Calling others names is insulting, derogatory, in poor taste, rude, unnecessary, discourteous, demeaning, and evidences a lack of self-control. More importantly, it is cutting and devaluing another human being. Thank you for your time.

    7. The term "troll" isn't so much name-calling; it's identifying what someone is doing, namely, commenting on a site purposely to stir people up and bait them into arguing. It's not demeaning the person to call them out when they do that.

  27. what baby is that??

  28. Would love to know who she's talking to on the phone....

    1. She telling the person on the other line, that when some people see this picture, they are gonna want to know who she is talking to.

    2. Maybe Oprah?

    3. Why? It's not really our business! :-)

  29. Jana is so lovely. Beautiful on the outside and the inside ,too.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  30. This picture reminds me of the old saying 'a picture says a thousand words' because I'm thinking, who's the baby? Cute baby! Wonder who she's talking too? She's so pretty and talented,. Wonder what she's growing in her garden this year? Etc haha!

  31. Is this an expectation that Jana live with her parents until she gets married? I've wondered if this is a religious belief they have, considering none of the adult children move out until they find a spouse. Just an opinion here, but I think there comes a time for grown kids to make their own way in the world, married or not. Parents can still be supportive in different ways, without having them under their roof indefinitely.

  32. I Love Jana <3 God bless you all. <3

  33. Does anyone else sometimes think that the reason Jana is still single is that God is intending her to be a second wife? And by that I mean I can totally see her falling for a young widower who already has a child or two. She has such a kind and generous heart, she would be perfect to help rebuild a family like that. I'm fantasizing I know, but I can't help but wonder if God is preparing her for such a purpose.

    1. It might make for a good romantic novel or movie, but I really don't think God is orchestrating our lives. If He were, there'd be no point in any of us having free will to make decisions for ourselves- or for that matter, no point in praying about anything because our lives would be predetermined, destined to follow a particular path. In my opinion, we are all at the mercy of time, chance, and our own good or bad choices.

    2. Would the man have to be a widower? Seeing as how the Duggars frown on divorce, I wonder what they would do if Jana fell for a divorced man?

    3. @9:10 a widower means someone whose wife has died, not someone who has been divorced.

    4. 9:03 AM -- You're right that we have free will, but for those of us who follow Jesus, God will work everything together for good, even our bad choices. Romans 8:28

    5. It's not about orchestrating, it's about soul mates, and guiding and directing. And I like to think that God helps bring challenges and people into our lives to help us reach our goals and desires. If he never steps in then there is also no point in praying because it would never affect anything.

    6. We know the difference between widowed and divorced. The question was, would Jana be allowed to marry someone who was divorced? Good question. What would Jim Bob say?

    7. I think 9:10am understands the difference between widower
      and divorced...being divorced is a whole different bag of worms ,,
      that I don't know if she would get involved in,,,
      let alone her parents opinion......❣

  34. What is that sticking out of the back of the sofa? It looks like a broken gray & white plate?

    1. Yeah, what is that? I can't tell if it's 3-D or flat. ???

      And is that wadded up tissues? You know, sometimes photo cropping is a good idea...

    2. Even when I zoom in on it, it still looks like a broken plate. That's very strange, lol!

  35. I wonder if Jim Bob has considered that guy from the Bontrager family(Mitch) for Jana. Maybe Jim Bob could arrange for them to meet and see if she likes him, if they don't know each other. He is really good looking and almost the same age, maybe a year or two difference(Ben and Jessa are 2 yrs. apart) and he is single. He has the same interests as Jana!! They would make a sweet couple!!

  36. Jana might not want to get married. I'm not married and I'm 45 and still live at the house in grow up in with my mom.

    1. There is something special about living in the house you grew up in. We had to sell the house my husband grew up in after his dad passed away. We had been living there taking care him who had dementia,COPD etc. It was a difficult decision to sell but Dad had taken a loan several years ago and he put the house up as collateral.We couldn't keep up the payments so after 60 years of the house that was home to my husband, we sold our house.The Lord has us in a new home and state and we love it. Anon @11:26, enjoy your time in your house and your mom. It's precious!

  37. An innocent picture and then all these crazy speculations and insinuations, are we bored are strange...really now, its just a picture folks...golllleee😌


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