
Friday, April 28, 2017

Smiles from Henry

For those who expressed concern over the somber picture we shared of 11-week-old Henry Seewald on Monday, this video should assure you that he does engage with those around him. And his little smiles are absolutely adorable!

Just a heads-up, most smart phones are unable to play this type of video, so try a desktop or laptop computer (with a browser other than Internet Explorer) if you can't view it.

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  1. Beautiful baby. Sad that you needed to post this to prove that nothing is wrong with him because some people jump to conclusions upon seeing a photo without him smiling. As Jim Morrison said, people are strange.

    1. Or maby it was kind concern... maby... most people are meaning well... maby!

    2. Maybe... but kind concern for what? Concern for a baby who's not smiling 24/7?

    3. You know, it wasn't the fact that baby Henry wasn't smiling in the picture, but he had a vacant stare like he wasn't interested or focusing on anything. Any pediatrician would tell you that it IS a warning sign. Glad to see that he is okay after all.

    4. Ugh! Have you really watched babies this age? They often have what appears to be a vacant stare. Geesh. He is obviously fine, so whatever "warning signs" you all "thought" you saw were obviously normal infant behavior.

    5. So babies aren't allowed to be pensive?

    6. But I wonder anyone can assess what kind of a stare he had from a snapshot of literally one moment in time? I honestly think most people just want to have something to say or contribute, so they nitpick to total absurdity.

    7. Maby we should all stop taking snapshots, and talking and having an opinion.. geesh maby people are being genuin and know it is just a picture but they don't mean bad... sunny side up people.. even persons that don't agree might mean well.. try to walk a mile in any persons shoes

  2. I wouldn't have even bothered to post a response to who wrote that. I'm not sure it was someone that was truly concerned as much as it was someone who just didn't have anything nice to say. Breaks my heart when people post such negative things about the younger children. Responding to that kiND of stuff only encourages more comments like that in the future.

  3. Dear heavens! Newborn babies, in case the commenters have never had their own, son't do hardly anything except eat and sleep! They reach milestones of smiling etc but there is a period in which they don't smile and appear vacant. It's all normal and should need absolutely no apology or explaining. I don't even know what to say anymore about some comments...Keep it to yourself might be a start. Or have a child of your own and see how 'easy' it is or isn't before casting such judgement. Love Wins Every Time!

    1. Wish I could give your comment an so many others a big thumbs up.

  4. Just wanted to say I'm so glad that Henry has smiled and has shown interaction with people. Even those of us who aren't in agreement with how this family does things, want and hope that everything is ok with this little guy. We appreciate the video. He has a nice smile, Jessa should post his smile more often.

    1. Jessa didn't actually post this. This blog is run by fans.

    2. This blog is run by friends of the Duggars, not fans.

    3. Melissa - I suppose they can be both.

  5. He is an adorable baby. Take that you naysayers who said something is wrong with him!!πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜

  6. I usually see the video, did you accidentally upload a pic instead?

  7. now the haters are going to say Henry parents must be tickling him to make him smile or it is a stage smile....they come up with some crazy mean stuff on this blog and on the Duggar's facebook page - sad!He is a perfect normal cutie pie baby!!

    1. Betty,
      That may be true but I've started to pray for the people who write mean comments. They definitely need it!

    2. Or maby you are being negative and people were genuinly concerned... maby...

    3. Oh, Regina, I just love you. You're my favorite fan. :) Seriously.

    4. I like Regina also!! She always has something kind and encouraging to say.

  8. He looks like Spurge when he smiles! See people- Henry is a normal, very happy& apparently, very sweet, smart boyπŸ˜€

  9. Waaaayyyy to cute! Henry is adorable and very engaging (and actively engaged, with developmentally appropriate expressions). Sometimes, it really is all about when you take the picture and what's going on, gone on just a few minutes before. Henry is adorable!

  10. Babies this age haven't been smiling very long--it's too bad that a baby this young should have to deal with this. Isn,t Henry a little young to have to please all the hyper-critical people in the world?

    1. Henry doesn't have to please anybody but he is on TV and social media because his parents have chosen that for their family. I often think that since the Duggars have chosen to put their lives on display for the public then they have to be able to accept the positives and the negatives that comes with their choice. It's really quite a simple concept. We reap what we sow.

    2. It is pure nonsense for strangers to make autism connections under any circumstances. However, this is why I think it's irresponsible and cruel of parents to exploit their minor children in the media. There are miserable people in the world looking for targets and no child deserves to be placed in a position of being bullied or disparaged. There's a reason why so many Hollywood celebrities have learned to keep their kids out of the limelight and away from publicity- it's for their protection. I understand that some fans expect regular photos and updates, but that is not making the needs and welfare of the child a priority. It's a shame that the Duggars haven't learned this yet.

    3. If my limited understanding is correct, the Duggar family has chosen to make much if not most of their lives public so that those who find encouragement, wisdom or a lesson in what not to do can be taken away by those with an interest or need. A sort of "take what you want and leave the rest" approach. We who come to view or read on any platform are responsible for how we receive and what we say. For instance, a single picture of a vacant stare on an infant should truly illicit once response - poop face. That's how small ones look when they poop. It's a hoot. Autism shouldn't even enter the conversation without significant additional supporting evidence. I cannot imagine anyone posting that same remark on a close family member for friend's child's picture and yet it happens here too frequently. To blame the family for making available and sharing with a good heart pictures of their children feels cheap and weak. I would be delighted to see someone say that they do not agree with or believe in this family's values and yet come to read and see their lives out of a perverse sort of pleasure rather than seek material that they enjoy and support. That they choose to make remarks that read as negative, non-encouraging and sometimes downright snarky simply because they can and they are asserting their choice to tear down rather than build up, recognizing that their time and efforts would be better spent elsewhere. That would be an honest acknowledgement of their behavior rather than couch in in a tone of faux concern or obligation to speak out. I do know it is a wonderful opportunity to expand a prayer list for those sleepless nights, and I always come away blessed when I see the Godly way so many here choose to respond - it's a beautiful witness and testimony to the heart of what this family is about regardless of the times human nature creeps in❤️

  11. With the negative comments with the other picture, I started too worry stupid. A smile will do it everytime.

  12. So precious! God's gift.

  13. What ev...its a baby nice and look in the mirror...gee...for real🀐

  14. God bless you, little Henry. So sweet!

  15. Ellie and Lily, why are you letting this blog go the Huffington Post direction. I understand good journalism is balanced and looks at both sides, but it seems like you are allowing this blog to pander to the trolls and people who are not fans. There are a zillion blogs and sites out there for those folks to post these kinds of comments. I feel pretty disgusted the direction this site has taken in recent years.

    1. That's a bit much! I wish trolls weren't given as much air time on this blog, but maybe we can ask Lily and Ellie respectfully to not post thier comments.

    2. Anon @ 9.41 I think lily and Ellie try to strike a balance with the posts they put up on their blog. Not everyone who posts here is a Duggar fan, but it would be a very boring blog if it was all just praising the Duggars. I am not a fan of this family for various reasons, but the other sites you mention often are very vicious and go after children which is wrong. I started out just reading this blog and have only recently started to post, and I do so only when I see a post that I do not agree with or know to be incorrect. I try to be respectful when I post and I have had posts which have not been used which can be frustrating, but I still read it from time to time. Keep up the good work Lily and Ellie.

    3. 9:41 I agree, many of these people commenting certainly don't sound like fans to me. Comments by nasty people shouldn't get on here, after all it's called a fan blog. The word fan suggest love not hate.

    4. 4:13 Fan Blog is what the site is called.....if your not a fan shouldn't be on here and no it wouldn't be boring and no no one but other non-fans would miss your comments.

    5. Differing points of view are interesting, if you ask me. I think Ellie and Lily do a great job of filtering.

  16. People were concerned about him not smiling? What's wrong with that? My nieces didn't smile a lot when they were newborns. They turned out just fine.

  17. That person could of really been concerned about Henry, but didn't know how to say it. What's the difference if a fan said something. A good friend or a relative could of said something.

  18. I think I can post here for many 'non fans' and say that we DO NOT HATE children and little babies of this family. They are innocent and I, for one, am generally concerned that these babies and children are ok and well. We want them to be healthy and happy. Thanks for posting real concerns. Not agreeing with this family does NOT make us haters. I hate no one.

    1. Totally honest question -- Why do you look at this site if you are a "non fan?"

  19. Henry is so adorable. God Bless

  20. You know you are making the situation worse by calling people morons. Just because they have a different opinion doesn't make it right to treat them with such disrespect. What would Jesus do?

  21. I look at this site because I watched their TV show from the first episode out of curiosity about this large family. It was interesting to learn about how they live and what spiritual social beliefs and customs they have. Boy have they changed since then. I have observed things that were disturbing to me about them and continued to watch the show and have found websites about them, like this one. They have IMO unnecessarily strict rules and they also have some good basic ideas about living their lives too. I have followed this family because they themselves have put themselves out there for viewing and as a result draw attention and comments about their actions and their words. I have observed their parenting philosophy, their children growing older, but not 'up' also. I am GLAD that this website invites different viewpoints. I have posted them in the past and they are not insulting, hateful or in bad language, but have been thought provoking. May I ask the die-hard fans of this family a question also with respect? Why is it that thought provoking comments are not welcomed here? Do their fans not like to think about a topic from another point of view? It would be quite bland if every comment here stated 'great"," I agree", 'yes' and so on. There would be nothing to read other than one compliment after another, which would also give this family some type of unreal view of themselves..that they are SO admired by 95% of observers and do everything so right. Since they are human, I doubt everything they think, do and say is so perfect. Thank you, for allowing me to respond respectfully.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.