
Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dillards to Return Home Soon

 Israel Dillard with his Oklahoma State University 2nd birthday cake
(OSU is Derick's alma mater)

Jill and Derick Dillard just shared a ministry update and new photos on their website. They have experienced both triumph and tragedy, as they see the fruits of their ministry grow, while mourning the loss of Derick's grandpa, who died earlier this month. "Paw Paw" left behind his wife of almost 62 years.

The Dillards recently put on a series of women's conferences alongside a short-term mission trip from the United States. They have also been investing in youth ministry in their area, in addition to other ministry ventures. Jill and Derick praise God for Israel's recovery from a five-day fever.

 Israel and his little friends

Jill's pregnancy with "Samuelito," as their friends call him, is progressing well. He is due in July, and the Dillards plan to return to the States soon to prepare for the birth.
The Dillards with friends

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  1. Glad they're all doing well! Are they naming their new baby Samuel? I'm wondering since their friends are calling him Samuelito?

    1. Interesting! Seems like it. I wonder if they are doing a names ending in el theme.

    2. My birth name is Sammi. I go by Samantha. When I was growing up my brother would pick on me by calling me Samuel. I'm a woman

    3. A woman named Samuel would be called Samuelita.

    4. Ito is added to a name in the hispanic culture meaning little. samuelito. Means little Samuel

    5. So, wouldn't the female version of Samuel be Samuelle? Or Samuella? Instead of Samuelita?

  2. I hope they go home very, very, soon.

  3. Why r they calling him Samuelito?

    1. Perhaps just a nickname? Or they just gave it a spanish twist. My cousin Samuel was always called Samuelito growing up :3

  4. U should say little friends bc that makes it seem like their less important than others u should just say friend.

    1. I see where you are coming from, OP. I think some people say things like "Little friend" as a cute descriptor. To me it sounds belittling.

  5. Glad they will return soon. Between bites, fevers and burning poor Israel certainly seems to have been through it this trip.
    Younger active children naturally explore their surroundings.
    I realize there hasn't been complete support from readers on the choice to return. I just pray everyone returns safe and healthy.

    1. They want to be missionaries and learning from great missionaries there. So many places are not safe. Even Paris these days. I'm sure they see it that way. It is like those running when California has a great earthquake and they sell house and move onky to get blast with a tornado. If it is your time it is your time.

  6. I really hope they name him Samuel! Cute name.
    Another thing: I've read a lot of comments from people assuming that Jill isn't happy there and that it's Derick's idea. ( just because she shares that it's hard living there)I do not get that at all!
    I think if it was Derick's idea they'd be in Nepal but we've seen that the duggar's have ministered in South America for many years. We've seen Jill crying when she had to leave her friends there and eager to return. When she was single she would talk about wanting to continue to be a missionary. Her favorite bible verse is the one that talks about going out and preaching the gospel to other nations. Jim bob matched them together because he saw they had the same interests.
    I'm sure that if Jill was unhappy, Derick would know about it and he wouldn't make her do anything she was unhappy with.
    God bless you Dillards!
    Keep up the great work!

    1. Absolutely! Couldn't have said it any better!

    2. I love his name too! :D
      A lot of these people are trolls. They think these girls are being controlled but the only way they would know that is if they actually knew them. Just ignore them.

    3. I completely agree! Jill has always shown an interest in missionary work. Just because she admits it is hard there doesn't mean her husband is controlling her life and forcing her to be there. People just like to make drama. They are a great match for each other!

    4. I know this may not seem like a big deal, just a pet peeve of mine I guess, but why do people say the Dillard's are in SOUTH AMERICA!?!? I see that often and I'm sure people know that South America is a whole, whole lot different than where the Dillard's are which is CENTRAL AMERICA! Look at a globe or a world map folks! And they're NOT overseas either! I see that a lot too! Central America is right below Mexico and South America is detached from Central America. Really, its basic geography! If you follow the Dillard's you would know they're in CENTRAL AMERICA! NOT SOUTH AMERICA! BIG DIFFERENCE!

    5. It was the Dillards themselves who said they were going "overseas," remember? They used that term several times on the show and on social media.

  7. Prayers and blessings are being sent to you guys...

  8. No one knows what they will name baby no 2 yet. People like to guess at names but we will find out the name when he is born.

    1. Yes, so far no official announcement but we did know Israel's name way before he was born.

    2. Very true. I think they are just teasing us :)

  9. Cute picture of Israel. He looks just like his mother.

  10. What did Jill ever find out with her carotid? Love this family!

  11. Hmmm... I thought they were expecting a little girl? Anyway, so glad they're doing well!!!

    1. It was always a little boy. They've never said girl.

    2. No it is definitely a boy they announced it ages ago.

    3. They announced in a video that they are having a boy :)

  12. Will they go back to CA? It seems they just do short terms stints there now.

  13. I disagree with their statement that the young people need to be directed towards Jesus to keep them from violence or "street life" (whatever exactly they mean by that). It's the economic problems of the region driving that, and/or lack of jobs and higher educational opportunities. In a country that has always been so predominantly Catholic, knowing about Jesus hasn't changed those social conditions yet. Jill & Derick make it sound like all you need is their type of Bible study and things will be perfect. Not still won't have a job or any more money or increased safety in your village.

    Also, the woman (Velma) who wants to "commit her life to the Lord" but is hesitant to do so because it will cause family relationship strains -- she doesn't need HER heart softened, her family needs THEIRS. But I don't think it's right for Jill & Derick to push her if it will cause family problems for her. Don't these people have enough problems already without adding more?

    1. Everything you say makes perfect sense. You can't make people accept the faith, and you don't get points for conversions. You CAN show and tell people the joy of your faith. You can plant the seeds, but it is always the work of the Holy Spirit of God to bring faith to fruition. They have introduced this woman to Christianity. Now they should STEP BACK and let the woman consider such a big step prayerfully and let the Holy Spirit work within.

    2. Instead of criticizing them maybe you should go and help them. My point is it's easy to sit in our comfortable chair and preach to others how and what they should be doing, but it is quite different to actually roll up your sleeves and get in there and do it. Bless them for what they are doing to make a difference and I know they are. We don't need money or family's permission to follow Jesus!

    3. I have to agree with your comments. Missionary work even centuries ago has caused great stress and even death with misunderstood goals.
      Example and education expands understanding, choice and reduces fear's. Persecution from family or community never ends happily. Especially when mission workers leave to live their own lives.
      Support should be their for that girl finding balance to assure peace.

    4. Well, if you disagree than you should click of this blog. It's a blog for FANS. If this country had more God instead of trying to take him out of it, than maybe this world could be a better place. The more they take him out, the worse it gets. Jill and Derick wasn't pushing her. Velma was hesitant because it is hard to choose between you're family and what is truly right. Velma can use what she taught and teach it to her own family. God always comes first and you're family comes second.

    5. There is a huge difference between just knowing about Jesus and fully giving your life to Him and trusting Him to meet your needs. The Dillards are not saying going to Bible study will make life all fine and dandy.

    6. 7:07, "This country" has always "had God," and other countries have always had their religions and their gods. And what has it gotten us? A big global mess that is as old as time, ever since the first cave man threw the first rock in anger at another cave man. Maybe it's time people voted for other, more capable leaders? Try that angle??

    7. Fans are allowed to speak out when they see something that doesn't seem right. Being a fan doesn't mean you have to agree 100% with everything that happens. Why are people here so quick to give others the boot when an opinion is voiced that challenges something? That's not very Christian, for starters.

    8. Amen to that.(anonymous @ 7.07pm). And I will add that he is the one you will be seening on judgement day. Jesus once said if you cannot leave all behind and yes even your own life, you are not worthy to be his disciple.

      Not saying you must neglect or reject family, but our lives here are temporary. It is eternity that counts and your family may not be with you for that.

    9. Anon @ 7.07 you have no place telling people who don't agree with a certain point of view to click off the blog. Lily and Ellie have the job of vetting the posts and they try to strike a balance, otherwise it would be very boring. I often read points of view that I disagree with but I would never tell the poster to get off the blog. Finally while it is a fan blog do not assume that everyone who posts here is a fan, some of us just don't like how vicious other sites can get.

    10. Catholics have a different brand of Christianity than the Duggars. It would be far better to say that that brand of Christianity is not working for them. They are different flavours. Yes these young people need jobs but they also need Jesus. What good is a job to them when they may get caught up in illicit vices and harm themselves and others. I've met plenty of people in jobs who get involved with bad company that ruins them.

  14. I do not mean this in a mean way at all but Derrick needs to gain some weight, I hope he is well. He looks so different from when they first married in their wedding pics. He has not looked well for some time.

    1. NOT AGAIN!! Thought this was done with!

    2. The big question is, why does people pick at him so much? They pick at his hair, teeth and skin. It's ridiculous. He looks completely fine and healthy. You also have to consider that he is tall, so.........

    3. He looks like he has the genetic problem of Marfan Syndrome, with the height and the build and the teeth trouble. I wish they'd address this, if they know what's wrong. Speaking out could help others with this problem know that they are not alone.

    4. Dereck has always been a slender chap. He's fine as he is.

    5. To say he looks completely fine and healthy would have to mean you haven't viewed several photos of him. It's pretty much the consensus that he has not looked well for quite some time.

    6. I'm the anonymous at 7.24pm. Yes he has not looked well in several photos, however since he came back to the States and spent some time there, he looks much healthier.

  15. When is the show going to be back on tv?

  16. Wonderful to hear about them, thank you for posting.

  17. I really hope Jill has a safe birth and doesn't get zika as she's very high risk for zika. Prayers for Jill and her family

    1. She could get zika here too though :\

  18. Has Jill and Derick ever addressed their high risk of Zika or do they believe they won't get it so won't talk about it. Very silly being over these with zika with her being pregnant and young son!

    1. Did you know you don't have to go to SA to get Zika. No, you might even get it in the US. Check it out.

    2. They've talked about that before but anyone who lives in America are just as able to get the Zika Virus as they are.

    3. April 21 @ 1:01pm - Did you know the Dillard's are in Central America? Not in South America, or as you put it - SA?

    4. Missionaries have been taking risks all throughout the ages. Not for me, but who am I to argue with the Lord if he called them to do this type of work.

      At least they as young people are doing something more productive with their time then partying, getting drunk, changing partners, making vapid conversation and all the other nonsense.

  19. They look so happy doing their thing but i hope they cone back and be safe!

  20. Samuelito translates to Little Samuel so they just told us the baby's name

    1. Don't be too sure, didn't Israel have a nick-name before he was born?

    2. Did he? I don't remember that but they did announce the names they chose before the gender reveal.

    3. No you are thinking of Jessa's little boy. Spurgeon was nicknamed "Quincy" before he was born.

  21. Have they officially announced the name yet?

  22. Glad that Israel is better.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  23. Wishing you a year of happiness and a year of blessings.
    God Bless Jason.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  24. It is wonderful to see young people working for the Lord. So happy that all is well. Keep doing what you feel is God's will in your lives. Look forward to seeing you on TV again God Bless

    1. Yes it is rather than being a pain and a drain to society.

  25. Has a specific date been announced for the new season this summer?

  26. Jill never said that this girl (Velma?) wasn't of a Christian faith. I bet she is a Catholic Christian. With all her writing about commemorating Good Friday and Jesus' passion he suffered for our sins and all. Is she attempting to convert an already Christian young woman to HER kind of Christianity? I hope NOT for I am a Catholic and I can write a book 1,000 pages long about how Jesus, God the Father Amighty AND the Holy Spirit have worked in MY life and resolved issues I thought would never be possible to change. I sought God and our Lord through Catholic avenues of prayer available to us AND of course, directly asking for His hand in my life. How is that wrong? How is that not Christian? Jill and Derick insult me every time they attempt to 'convert' Catholics. I would like for them to clarify clearly, if they are trying to convert Catholics down there or not. I don't think that's being too personal nor is it an inappropriate inquiry. Are they or not?

  27. In the ministry update, Jill said: "It is common here in our area for people to focus on the suffering of Jesus and lose sight of the hope that we can have through salvation because Jesus rose again."

    I can't believe Jill said that, and said it as if the days leading up to Easter Sunday are less important and not worthy of our focus! The entire Lent season, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday are extremely important and holy times in the calendars of many different churches & religions. Empathizing with the suffering Jesus endured makes the resurrection all the more glorious. We don't "lose sight" of anything during the entire holy season.

    I get the feeling Jill was never around Catholics and other Protestant denominations enough to understand how sincerely devout those religions can be. She is in an area that is predominantly Catholic. You'd think she would understand and accept their traditions and respect their worship, not speak about it as if it were wrong.

    Is this the aim of Jill & Derick's mission? To show the locals that they're doing things wrong? No wonder family members are against another member converting.

    1. I hear what you are saying anon 9:26. After all, Catholics, Protestants and Evangelicals are all Christians at the end of the day. We will all be together in Heaven some day as long as we accept the Lord as our Saviour. I am hoping the Dillards are not actively trying to convert believing active Catholics. They may be ministering to those who are non practicing or non believers. Catholicism does not work for everyone. I will say although the Catholic church is strong in CA, historically they have not done a great job supporting their members in the community with outreach programs etc- so many Cental American Catholics have lapsed because they feel unheard. Missionaries like Jill and Derrick may be filling in this gap. However, certainly, I hope that, the Dillard's are not actively trying to convert happy Catholics away from their religion.

      Btw I hope Derrick was joking about Israel having some human nature left in him because he likes to butter his dad up for treats etc. He's just being a toddler and I hope they don't feel they have to crush his spirit and make him some personality-less child to please the Lord.

    2. "The suffering" the Dillards refer to is such an important part of the Easter story. I too can't imagine telling "people in the area" (Catholics) that they should not be focusing that. I mean not just at Easter, but whenever. It's a story that transcends that one season and can apply at any time in the church calendar.

  28. Anonymous 4/23 @ 9:26 AM....YES, excellent post. I am a Catholic and it has been said that one can't have an Easter without a Good Friday. I'm sure Jesus wouldn't want us to forget His suffering for US before rising for US. The Catholic Crucifix with the crucified Jesus on it, depicts the MOMENT OF REDEMPTION. That is all, of course, we don't belive that He is still on that cross...HE HAS RISEN.

  29. @9:26. Great post. I,too, am Catholic. I worship a Risen Lord Jesus Christ. But...I am in awe at every Mass when I see the crusifix over the alter. I am reminded of the suffering Christ did---for ME and the sins of the WORLD!! I honestly don't think Jill/Derick or any in their theology understand that. You are correct. They should try to understand ...not just condemn because it doesn't fit their brand.

    1. My church keeps its altar triptych of Jesus and His disciples closed during Lent. We cannot look at Jesus in that panel until Easter morning, when the triptych is once again opened in celebration. We concentrate during the time leading up to that (the opening) on the physical loss of Jesus, represented in our own church by the closed panels. It's very solemn and meaningful to us, not something to be scorned by other churches or faiths.

    2. Agree 9:26 and 5:52. Fellow Catholic here. I wonder if the Duggar's know how many of us are followers? Maybe they would be a little less harsh about us?? But, yes. When I meditate on the crusifix and Holy Eucharist how can I not fall more and more in love with my Saviour Jesus? It would be impossible!! I wish Jill and Derick in particular would try to understand --not convert--but understand the Catholic Faith as they are serving in a predominantly Catholic country. That would break down barriers and if nothing else demonstrate some cultural respect.

    3. I'm Protestant and I agree also!

    4. @11:04. That reminds me of a friend I grew up with. Her family would put out the Nativity in their home the first Sunday of Advent...but would leave the bassinet empty. Then when all the kids were in bed ( there were 9) Christmas Eve her parents would add Jesus to the Nativity. She said they all were as excited every Christmas morning to see Jesus as they were for presents. They truly meditated on the season of Advent ...anticipating the coming of Christ! Now they knew Christ wasn't still a baby in the manger, but a Risen Lord, but these reflective seasons can be such sweet faith reminders.

  30. Suggested reading for Derick AND Ben: The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Those two 'preachers' need to be educated about what a 2,000 year old original Christian faith entails and why it has survived.


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