
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Meet Joseph Duggar's Girlfriend

Joseph Duggar is in a courtship! He popped the question yesterday and made the announcement this afternoon. (Click here to watch the video.)

For all you long-time Duggar fans, you already know Joseph. He is the seventh of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's 19 children, and he turned 22 in January. When the first special featuring the Duggar family, 14 Children and Pregnant Again, aired on reality TV, Joseph was just nine years old.

So who is the lucky lady? Her name is Kendra Caldwell, and she is 18 years old. The two met while Joseph was attending church with the Forsyth family. (Austin Forsyth is Joy-Anna's fiance.) Kendra's father is a pastor, and she is the oldest of seven children.

The couple shared statements via PEOPLE Magazine:

“We are so excited to share the news with others that we are courting. Our families are close friends through church, and this has allowed Kendra and me to get to know each other. She’s the best!”
-Joseph Duggar

“I’m looking forward to getting to spend more time with Joseph as we take this exciting step toward a new season in life. It’s a really wonderful moment!”
-Kendra Caldwell

Photo courtesy TLC

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  1. Oh those seasons of life... Every Duggar seems to have them.

    1. Actually everyone does! I miss the season of life when my girls were little. Oh how quickly they grow.

  2. Cute couple. She certainly talks the Duggar talk -- "new season in life."

  3. I think her side hugs comment was cute!😄

    1. I do, too. She's adorable. She seems very innocent compared to my own 18 year old, and that's a good thing. God bless them both.

  4. If he asked her to court yesterday, how is there an article already in People magazine? Unless it's not in printed copies yet? I feel bad that all these kids have their lives displayed for the world. I know ya'll fans love all the Duggar news BUT I've feel bad because they have NO privacy. Stinks ya'll. Can't imagine having the ups and downs of my life splattered across the internet.

    1. They can choose to be away from the spotlight, Josh and Anna have.

    2. Remember that sharing their lives drives the popularity of their show....the show provides a stream of income. If the info stops the show ends and the income is lost. I don't get the impression they are being forced to participate, if they that would be sad.

    3. Right? And they seemed so awkward and uncomfortable in front of the camera. Can you imagine being in a new relationship and having to announce and discuss in front of a tv camera?

    4. I agree however no one is forcing them to put their lives out there. Its a choice they have freely made. I just don't think its always healthy.

  5. It's about Time.......So excited for them.

    1. It's about time? She's 18, he's 22. What's the rush?

    2. Not engaged, just courting (dating)

  6. Congratulations on the courting relationship you two have officially begun. May you follow where the Lord Jesus leads you in life.

  7. Whoever finds out Kendra's middle name and date of birth first wins 10 cool points!! LOL :)

  8. Congratulations so happy for you God bless you both

  9. Congrats to Joseph and Kendra May God bless you both

  10. Wonderful! Congratulations @

  11. Nice to hear about a Duggar son in a courtship.
    It's interesting how she uses the much used "season of life" cliche by the Duggars, too!

  12. Kendra seems likIt e a nice young girl.Rumors have linked her sister Lauren to another Duggar son. If Kendra is the oldest of seven at 18, I do hope the other brother holds off for awhile on courting. It is just too young to not even be 18 in Lauren's case. I wish them the best.

    1. As far as Kendra's sister, Lauren being linked or with a Duggar brother, I'm wondering if Karen is simply Kendra's "accountability" partner or chauffeur?

    2. Could be, but you know how tight those social circles are and how many available Duggar boys there are.

    3. ALWAYS PROOFREAD! I didn't and I meant to say...I bet Kendra's sister Lauren has been Kendra's "accountability" partner and not necessarily involved with a Duggar also. When I posted it the first time (above) I typed Karen instead of Lauren.

  13. Congratulations Kendra and Joseph. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  14. Are they allowed to say that they are in "a relationship" instead of always saying "a courtship"? I don't see anything wrong with the word relationship...because technically they are in a new kind of relationship with one another

    1. Courtship, relationship, I don't think it matters what word they use.

  15. Amy Tucker Krum, TexasMarch 8, 2017 at 8:15 PM

    Congratulations Joe and Kendra! I am so happy you found each other! May the Lord bless your courtship!

  16. She is so young at ·18·

    1. To be in a courtship, yes, she is.

    2. Yup. Maybe it's the norm for rural Arkansas?

    3. Looks like her mom was about that age, if not younger, when she got married?

    4. I'm from rural Arkansas and got married at 19. My husband and I had dated for about 3 years before we married. Here we are 13 years and 2 beautiful children later. I am so thankful that we got married young, it's just more years to spend together!

    5. 10:06- I am so glad that my 19 year old daughter is pursuing a career and independence so that she will always have the means to take care of herself. If she chooses to get married someday, that's great. But she realizes that you cannot always depend on a man to support you. Things happen... divorce, sickness, death, job loss. You never know when you will be faced with having to pay the bills all on your own.
      Good Luck to you!

  17. Michelle's sister is going to feel very awkward at this wedding. Wonder if she'll come?

    1. Meaning what?

    2. Why? Whats the story behind that? Which sister?

    3. You know, the sister....

    4. I think the original poster meant that since Michelle's sister is gay that the sister will feel uncomfortable due to the anti-gay pamphlets that Kendra's father handed out not that long ago.

    5. Why are you even bringing that up?

    6. 8:44 Are you trying to start something that isn't true? Are you seeking Attention? The couple isn't even engaged yet!

  18. Congratulations Joseph and kendra!

  19. Her father is the pastor of the church that handed out those anti-gay flyers a few weeks ago! I will never understand the need to do things like that, and by a church, of all places.

    1. I read that story. My understanding was that the flyers were meant to let the LGBT community know that God loves them.

    2. That made the news. The people whose houses they were put on were quite disturbed by the leaflets. I agree, how is such intolerance and public action like that justified by any religion? "Love thy neighbor."

    3. BC if the church doesn't tell you its a sin, who will? I wish I had Godly people in my life to help me not do some of the things I did. Yes there is more sins than just being gay but the Duggars help their kids make the right choices in those areas.

    4. I cannot fathom the things some people do "in the name of God." It should be considered full-blown hate, and not be tolerated by society. The flyers in this case state that homosexuality "does not exist." Not that it's a sin, but that you're making it up. What a horrible thing to tell someone.

    5. It's one thing to be a church with a certain set of beliefs within your own congregation. That's religious freedom. But it's another to go out into neighborhoods spreading misinformation about certain members of society, to people who don't share your beliefs. That crosses the line of tolerance.

    6. 5:11 Whose church? Contrary to what you may think, there's no consensus on Biblical interpretations or what constitutes sin. Every religion, and even individual churches within those major denominations, have their own nitpicking methods for determining what "sins" will lead to eternal damnation. Been there, done that. The Bible was written eons ago by a whole lot of different people over a long period of time. It's been a source of dispute and conflict ever since. I rejected organized religion many years ago, because it finally occurred to me that nobody is privileged enough to know the full truth about anything. If everyone followed the Golden Rule, the world would be a much better place.

    7. No church should go around neighborhoods handing out anything saying that certain people are sinners! If that showed up at my door, it would be go right into the trash, and I wouldn't soon forget which church was responsible. Because no matter how they stated it, it still would feel like a message of "hate" to me.

    8. When I read the Bible it is written that there that there are criteria for being holy and people achieve that through confession God's forgiveness God,'s love and repentance by the sinner to come into conformity with God's holiness to be a child of God and inherit His Kingdom. This is an agreement and action formula not an arguement. Being informed is a part of the process, Jesus was obedient with His Father's plan and we should be too to follow in the way Jesus opened up for us sinners; by carrying His cross to calvary and taking our punishment upon Himself, for us. Jesus came into the world not to condemn the world but so that through him the world might be saved. To be saved we need to co-operate with God's plan of salvation. The self righteous pharisees did not confess their sin before a holy and loving heavenly Father, but a wicked sinner would not look up to heaven and was afraid of the consequences of sin. It was the person who acknowledged their sinfulness who received the forgiveness God was offering. Acccording to the Bible as God's word, there is a danger in not agreeing with God and standing before Him self righteous and unwilling to see ourselves as God sees us and accepting His forgiveness and salvation. If God sees me as a sinner I don't see myself as right and not in need of His help. I want to know and see what God sees and knows about myself. If someone comes and tells me that I would be ever so grateful to them for their self extension toward me.

    9. Anon March 9, 2017 @ 5:11am
      How is being gay a sin??? Please explain that.

    10. Except that being gay isn't a choice, it's a way of being, just like being blonde or brunette...

    11. @5:11 The Duggars helped their children make a "choice" not to be gay? I don't understand that logic.

    12. Kendra's father also ran for Arkansas state rep. Josh Duggar endorsed him in 2014. So these families go back a way together. Same political views. And that can be good or bad, depending on your views.

    13. Read your bibles people!!! God doesn't say being gay is ok... Read the old testiment and see what you find. If we can't live by Gods word what do we have to live by?

    14. That sexual orientation is not choice is a lie.
      Universities perpetrate that lie. Sociology is one of the psuedo sciences that perpetrates this huge fallacy. Just follow the word of God and save money, time and your soul. Institutions no matter how big they seem should not take over people's faith. I wasted my money thinking I was getting a higher education, people do not go higher than the Bible. TheBible is the top of creation and anyone can read and learn it.

    15. 5:21- You are entitled to your opinion. However, a good many people disagree with your stance on homosexuality. The Bible has been a source of conflict and differing interpretations for generations.

    16. Yet, you must be educated enough to understand the Bible. There are a lot of misinterpretations running around out there. Also, I firmly believe people need to be practical. The Bible will not prepare you to work in the world but a good education sure will.

    17. For the people who think being gay is a choice, do you know any gay people? Have you sat down to have a conversation with any to see their point of view.

    18. There are two kingdoms in the spiritual world. If the Bible says homosexuality is not in the kingdom of God then it is in the kingdom of darkness. This is about truth, Jesus came to set people free from bondage. There has to be a distinction to have freedom. Jesus can deliver people from oppression and possession by wrong spirits.

    19. The ark was a message then the rain came and only one family and the animals survived the flood. Believe. Jesus said he is coming back like a groom for a bride. He asked, will there be faith on earth then? It is time to believe and get ready!

    20. The Bible will prepare us for Heaven. Don't be so smart you don't read it. Don't be so smart you think it is good business to join the beast system and take the mark of the beast. At some point our heads won't help us as much as our hearts and being loyal to God in Jesus Christ. Even if it means letting go of our heads like John the Baptist had to.

    21. 9:08- I think God gave us brains for a reason... to use them.

    22. Im pretty sure people can get an education and go to Heaven. The Bible and education are not incompatible.

    23. I also took sociology at university and also found some of it was very incompatible with the Bible. The introduction of ideas that directly oppose the Bible enter the systems of man partly through sociology classes in university. Those classes say they are giving people expertise that makes them leaders, in what ideas that go against the commands of the Bible? That is Satan's job!

    24. Why is being gay a sin?

      Because God said so. That is why.

      Definition of a sin, committing a act or doing something that God hates.

      Basic biology - look at how the male and female bodies designed to create another being. Two men and two women cannot create another being. We were created just like the animals to be able to reproduce after our own kind meaning human.

      Now the bible has made it as clear as ABC that God hates homosexuality as it goes the way we have been designed. Show me a time in the bible when God highfived this. It always ended in a bad way.

      It seems we are living in a day and age when men don't like to forfeit the wickedness in their own hearts or they consider obedience as too hard because of their own selfish desires that they have to come up with platitudes such as 'the bible has been disputed by many men throughout the ages'. And it is 'hate'.

      What is real hate is if God who has the power to wipe everything completely, who created as here did not warn us what displeased him.

      Whoever thinks it is okay to live a life outside of what God wants is being foolish. If you believe all the things that the media tells you about certain attitudes and norms and lifestyles, you are being brainwashed. These people hate God and people and want to destroy everything that is good and wholesome.

      To conclude, the duggars are not perfect and perhaps neither is this girls father.but you probably get more truth out of them and it does not hurt to practise their beliefs such as not date, get married and have children which is what has always been the norm.

      That unlike the beliefs pushed by media will not send you to hell.

  20. Yay!!Joseph!I'll be praying for them and that they follow God's leading in their lives.

  21. great news to this couple have happiness an love

  22. Is there some kind of handbook of appropriate phrases for these folks? I have never heard "season of life" used so much before but the Duggars and their friends use it for many things. It doesn't sound like something an 18 yr old girl would say. That said, I love that Joe said "she's the best" when describing his girlfriend. That definitely sounds a guy with stars in his eyes!

    1. I'm sure if you really listen close you will realize your own family has favorite phrases they use frequently; all families do.

    2. There are definitely teachings that Michelle and Jim Bob follow, with writings that include certain phrases we've heard on the show over the years.

    3. I don't think it is a handbook. Everyone tends to pick up the phrases that the people around them use. It probably came from someone's parents or grandparents. Homeschooled children are around a lot of adults as well as kids, so they tend to talk a little more adult than other kids.

  23. Hooray it's the boys turn. Congratulations Joe!

  24. I just wanted to post a big "told you so" comment. They've been sighted together for at least a year.

  25. She is adorable and so is exciting for this next phase in their life.😉

  26. A lot of these phrases like "season of life" aren't Duggar sayings they're church sayings. I was part of a non denominational Christian Church for many years and we used a lot of similar phrases. Fellowship, courtship, side hugs, etc. Kendra isn't copying the Duggars, she grew up in church and that is just part of church lingo.

    1. Our church doesn't use that lingo, and we're nondenominational evangelicals. I think they get it from IBLP/ATI.

    2. It's still sad.

    3. Exactly! That is very common evangelical lingo.

    4. I've been in evangelical churches my entire life and never heard this kind of talk... But then again, I'm in Los Angeles.

    5. It's not a IBLP/ATI thing. I heard it mentioned when I was in MOPS, I heard it when I went to homeschool conferences and homeschool graduations. I use the phrase"Seasons of life" many times. I miss being in the season of life when my daughters were little but now they are young ladies with one in the mission field. I'm enjoying this "season".

  27. Purity ring, Promise ring, Engagement ring, Wedding ring....what's going on? Soon these girls will run out of fingers. I don't understand why Joe gave her a Promise Ring. What's that about? This video is quite confusing.

    1. Usually the guys give the girls a heart necklace (Jill got one, Jessa got one, Joy got one...probably Jinger too, but I never saw one). Joseph gave a promise ring, maybe with a heart shape, and that is different from a necklace. That's what he's talking about.

    2. Maybe he was saying he would wait for her, and giving that ring to her was a symbol of just that. She may even think she is too young for anything serious now and he maybe just wanted to give her assurance he is in it "for the long haul" with her. Just a guess.

    3. He gave the explanation for the promise ring. I am glad he is did something that has meaning to him. My husband gave me a promise ring. I don't know many women that will complain about getting an extra ring 😄 A promise ring and engagement and wedding ring still only take up two fingers.... not sure how they will run out of fingers.

    4. I understood the "promise ring" to mean Joseph was the one wearing it. He said it was his way of saying he's saving himself for her.

    5. From my understanding, a promise ring is given when the couple is in a serious relationship, usually after a couple years, but not quite at the point or not ready to get married (school commitments, etc.) I have never heard of a man giving a girl a promise ring after they JUST started their courtship! Why is he promising himself to her when he is a new boyfriend? Can someone explain?

    6. In my day, we just called it "jewelry."

    7. I received a promise ring from my first and only boyfriend in 1978. A promise ring was very popular then. It meant that the intentions of the boyfriend was eventually marriage and was far superior to the "class ring" exchange of couples more casually dating or "going steady". He made good on that "promise" and gave me an engagement ring two years later. We have been married nearly 37 years. Just because you have never heard of something doesn't mean it is strange or odd. Obviously, when my now husband gave me my promise ring, we were at the stage in our relationship that the Duggars consider "entering into a courtship". If it has meaning to them, why find it necessary to criticize?

    8. The purity ring or promise ring goes on the same finger as the engagement and wedding rings. You generally remove the other ring or change which finger you wear it on when you get the engagement ring. Since there are not a lot of people who still give out purity rings or promise rings, I think most people are "safe" from running out of fingers. I don't know many women that would reject getting a new ring no matter what the reason :)

  28. Congratulations to Joseph and Kendra! May this be the first step to a wonderful, happy life together.

  29. It's amazing how much they have in common, and they met through church. So cool too! She seems like a nice girl who has the same values in life as Joseph. It will be interesting to see how much they connect together through GOD and with the chaperones. Next season is shipping up to be big and full of lots of surprises. Can't waite for summer!

  30. They are certainly a cute couple. John David stated on an episode of 19 and Counting that he owns a home that he has remodeled. So he is ready for when the time comes. I wonder if Joseph has one too.

  31. Joseph seems genuinely into her. Pretty cute to see.

  32. If this is 'church speak', why must they ALWAYS speak like they're in church? My mother used to say that even a healthy meal if eaten continually that contained nothing else becomes unhealthy for someone over time. Why can't they just 'speak' without those tired, old phrases?

  33. I respectfully ask: why so many headings for the same subject? It has been done for weddings, other courtships, more and more. One is sufficient. Please include OTHER CONTENT. Thanks, ladies.

  34. There are Christmas decorations in the background of this video. The timing just doesn't add up here, folks. Kendra has been seen as far back as Jinger's wedding, helping with the decorations. Joe said they've been talking a while? In a recent tv interview segment, filmed around Jinger's wedding, Joe specifically said that he didn't feel called to any kind of relationship with a, what happened? This photo is about a month later at best....and he's just about proposed to her? Please, TLC, Duggars, this blog or People Magazine, please stop playing with time here. This video, like all of them was filmed a while ago and just Joy's engagement, which was back at Christmastime, not in March. Information is purposely withheld for publicity and timing with the TV show and magazine interviews....and you want to tell me these people are NOT A TV FAMILY? Jess, who are you fooling, honey?

  35. In the Netherlands we're at the episode that jill and derick are coming back to arkansas and at the moment they see the house updated you see austin and kendra also in the background, that's a fun thing about being way behind all of you

  36. I like the Duggars, but they do seem a bit rehearsed. Especially Jim Bob. But, he's a good dad, and his kids love him. Joseph and Kendra ... Congratulations!

  37. This is such exciting news! I love seeing God directing and leading in their lives. It would be really cool to have an interview with just Kendra or have a video of her and Joe together. Just to get to know her a little better as they grow closer together.

  38. Ellie, I'm seeing some really homophobic comments on this post. I believe they would be classified as insulting. In this day and age, (saying this as a queer woman) we don't have to agree with the way everyone lives their lives, but we do need to be tolerant, as Jesus was. There is no need for homophobia and being hateful towards the way a person was simply born. I can't read your blog anymore if these types of comments will be allowed by you.

    1. Kendra's father's church has a strong anti-gay stance, so strong that they recently put those flyers out. That fact needs to be made public so blog readers know exactly where this family is coming from. So it's good that Ellie let that truth get posted. It's in the news anyway, if you know where to look.

      Now that you know that truth, you can make up your own mind what to think about it. And obviously, some here agree with that church's ideas, and others don't. I am on the side that views it as harmful intolerance. There certainly is enough of that in this country on any given day, without encouraging more through flyers. (I hope this gets posted...I'm trying to state things unemotionally and factually.)

    2. Please don't leave. Try to be tolerant of other points of view. Some people here may not be as articulate as we'd like, although what the Bible says is clear. We love you just as Jesus does. :)

    3. 12:39, You are not alone in your feelings. I don't like social phobia of any kind. I especially don't like it when it's rationalized by religion.

    4. The Bible says to stone people, too, and worse. So I guess if it's "clear" on those things, then you must adhere to them.

    5. So you will not tolerate people expressing their personal beliefs if those beliefs oppose your own personal beliefs, but you are asking that they tolerate you expressing yours? You are, then, saying your beliefs are superior to those you disagree with. You are asking the blog authors to censor other people because they are being honest about what they believe. Can you imagine the uproar if they asked that you be censored because you support gay lifestyles?

      I find it disturbing that folks are so quick to accuse Christians of "hate" speech anytime they repeat what the Bible teaches and admit that they do agree with it. So, in other words, according to many liberals, if you don't agree with all of the standards set by our current culture, you are hateful.

      You value your freedom of thought and speech, right? Might I suggest you allow the same freedoms to those you don't understand or agree with? This is America - "land of the free", not "land of those required to agree with majority/public/pop culture opinion".

    6. I would also like to point out that there are entire websites dedicated to bashing the Duggars, Christianity, and everything it stands for. They are full of personal attacks on individual family members. This blog, although intended to be a fan blog, is routinely speckled with what you would most definitely call hate speech if the comments were turned on you and your own family and belief system. Do you hear the Duggars complain? Do you hear the majority of Christians whining and pouting and saying we want the entire internet shut down because we are offended? Nope. We take it in stride because we know that we live in a world filled with people who disagree and in a country filled with people who have the protected right to disagree and say so. Being a mature adult should mean that you have enough personal strength and integrity to live your life according to your own standards and convictions and you allow others the space and freedom to do the same without needing to call in a referee or the "hate police" when you get your feelings hurt. I imagine if the Duggars read everything written about them on a daily basis, they would be deeply hurt. I have a feeling they read quite a bit of it. Do they lash out? Do they demand that the world tolerate them and that those in authority silence the differing opinions? Nope. They walk in love and they trust that God's grace is sufficient. What an outstanding example for us all.

    7. I wish you would stay. I don't think everyone who participates here is intolerant. It would be wonderful as Christians if we could have respectful conversations and learn from one another.

    8. 12:39- By continuing to participate in this blog, you have an opportunity to perhaps enlighten others and give them an opportunity to reflect upon this subject, and others, with a different perspective. Shutting down dialogue altogether is not productive.

    9. 10:45- "Telling you it is sin is the most loving thing we can do as we want you to make it to Heaven." I have to say, that is preposterous and and a very condescending thing for anyone to say to another human being. You are placing yourself as an authority on what constitutes sin and that is putting down the other person for what they believe. If interpreting the Bible were a simple matter, we would not have countless religions and eons of dispute over it. There are many people who disagree with you about homosexuality, myself included and it isn't going to matter at all how much someone preaches against it. You can believe what you like, but don't expect understanding when you use those beliefs to belittle or discriminate against an entire group of people.

    10. I think there is a lot of misinformation goibg on here.

  39. Once a minister said to me he thinks God has someone for everyone. Well these two look like they managed to find each other in the crowd! (Maybe simply cause they just spotted their look a like to what they see in the mirror every morning!)

    1. My mother, a "minister" of another kind, always said, "Every pot has its lid."

    2. I disagree. I think it a fallacy that everyone will find a perfect mate. Some people are perfectly happy remaining single their entire lives.

    3. I have to agree with 3:24, there are truly people out there that are in fact happy being single and have no intention at all of getting married. There is not a thing wrong with that.

  40. Can't wait to see Joseph & Kendra Caldwell together on Counting On. Do you have any pictures of her family you could post, would love to see her parents and Siblings, I think I read somewhere that she had 7 Siblings?

  41. Just saw in the news that she is pregnant. So now what are they going to do?


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