
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Life as Reality TV Stars

"I think one thing that [the cameras] haven't captured is in the morning all the alarms going off in the boys' room. We're pretty hard sleepers."
-Joseph Duggar

In this TLCme video clip with interviewer Danni Starr, Joseph Duggar and Josiah Duggar share what it's like to have hundreds of hours of professional home movies to look back on and how filming for their reality show has changed their family.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. They call the Duggar kids "stars"? Really?

    1. Says the person that is reading and commenting on a website post about a tv show that stars the family... Really?

    2. Any reason why they shouldn't be?

  2. So does Joseph work or does he come alongside and help his dad?

  3. I love these boys! They're so classy and such great communicators.

    Dani Starrs shirt though, oy vey! Just seems so disrespectful to wear a shirt with a perfectly placed peep hole to flash some cleavage when you're interviewing Duggar guys. Can't say she reflected the same level of class as the sweet gentlemen she was interviewing did, unfortunately.

    1. I agree. Someone please tell this woman dress modestly.

    2. Ms. Starr has no control over her wardrobe, makeup or hair. TLC makes those decisions and brand's her the way they like.
      It's no different being a woman working for your local television station as a News or weather person.
      I noticed every time she asked a question she kept the cards up blocking the key hole in her blouse. Those cards only dropped once. I don't think she likes her image either.
      Good to see the young men apart from the show.

    3. You can't spend your life hiding away from people who dress differently. Unless you plan on living under a rock you have to see people like this in daily life and move on, with out judging people you don't even know

    4. No, you can't hide, but isn't it disrespectful of the woman to dress that way? Would you serve bacon to your Muslim or Jewish dinner guests?

    5. How is it disrespectful? You guys are acting like she was sitting there naked. And she's not friends with the Duggars, she works for TLC. TLC approved her wardrobe. If you have such an issue with it, write to TLC. Sheesh.

  4. I will not be watching this interview as it has Danni Starr interviewing them. I do not agree with her clothing choices and I should not have to see her like this. Isn't this against all that the Duggars stand for? Why is it acceptable to be interviewed by this most provocative dressed woman? This makes no sense!!! And yet, interview after interview is posted on the Duggars own website. Sickening!!!

    1. Ms. Starr has done and said some things on TLC (other shows/commercials) that are totally against Duggar values. Although she acts toned down here, her dress still reflects her personal values (or lack thereof). TLC needs to find another interviewer to face the Duggars.

    2. I don't agree with her choice of clothing either, but when I look around as I run errands, I don't agree with what a lot of people wear. So do I just not talk to any of them? We don't get to control what other people wear. We can only control our reaction to it. As a Christian, we are to show the love of Jesus to everyone and be kind to them.

    3. The Duggars dress how they want and choose. They don't care what others wear, look at their cousin Amy who wears pants.

    4. The Duggars most certainly DO care what others wear! They started a family warning system so the children wouldn't look at people out in public who they (Michelle and Jim Bob) didn't consider to be decently dressed. You don't remember where the term "Nike!" came from? It's classic 19 Kids stuff!

  5. i like seeing these clips from danni starr! thanks for sharing

    1. You must be male or Danni herself. This type of dressed woman does not belong on here!

  6. Please stop posting these horrific and uncomfortable interviews with Dani Star! Unless she can dress appropriately she has NO business appearing on this site. It is an absolutely ridiculous to share this interview on this beautiful blog page based on modesty, wholesomeness, and appropriate material. This is one webpage I allow my 7 and 8 year old children to visit and I am mortified that they would have viewed this video had I not previewed it. I'm sorry, but you just lost a faithful follower.

    1. May I suggest you contact TLC and Express your concerns about their choices dressing Danni.
      That is the only difference you can make and do her justice to regain her modesty.

    2. Thank you I 100% agree!!!!! Why wouldn't they DEMAND another interviewer or a change of tops? Baffling, considering they're the stars!

    3. Excuse me I see nothing showing She is decently dressed. She is lovely How is this worse than hiding what the DUggars have?

    4. You can barely see her cleavage, unless you were staring at it (why would you anyway). You can't hide your kids away from everyone who may be different, part of life

    5. This was not by any means "horrific" or "uncomfortable". Unless your children are zooming and intentionally looking for holes in her dress, there is absolutely nothing showing. You can feel free to tout your beliefs on what your children should wear, but you have no business shaming others for their choices.

    6. Guys - what makes this so strange is that it's not OUR dress code that's being violated here, it's the DUGGAR'S! And Danni is well aware of this and what her kind of shirt would do to boys not used to seeing it! It would be like going to the Vatican and purposely not covering your knees, shoulders, and cleavage, even though that is considered so disrespectful that they won't let you in.

  7. ? ? I think they should stay clear of this topic now.

  8. How the show has changed their family? Many of the younger kids don't remember life without the show. That isn't change at all.

  9. Something occurred to me when he referred to the "boys' room"- The Duggars are never alone, except to use the bathroom or take a shower. They share a dorm-type room with many siblings. Even when they leave home, it's to get married and move in with a spouse. I guess it must not bother them, perhaps they don't miss what they never had. I can't fathom not having had any privacy, a retreat of my own in which to enjoy solitude - especially as a young adult.

    1. My mother was one of 7 kids. They shared rooms growing up. A few went to college & shared with a roommate before getting married and the rest went straight from parents' house to married. There is a balance of being independent but not being lonely. A few years on your own can make you a stronger individual, for sure, but it is also not a bad thing to have the stability & comfort of your parents then a spouse.

    2. It's their life and you have a life of your own.

    3. I know everyone is different, but personally, I would have given anything to have lived as the Duggars do! I would have loved the fellowship and company of a big family!

  10. Alarms? Do they have to catch the school bus or get to work on time? I thought they lived on Duggar Time, where being on time doesn't happen.

    1. I think they've all grown from that..... o_O

  11. I think it's a bit extreme to comment that Dani is VERY immodestly dressed. She isn't. Why do some people think that they whole world must yield to the Duggar's extreme dressing standards when interacting with them? Why shouldn't the Duggars yield a bit?

  12. I don't understand why people are making a big deal about her clothing. If you find that provocative maybe there's something wrong with how you view and objectify women, not her shirt. As for kids viewing this I very much doubt they would have even concidered her clothing choice. That is you projecting sexuality on children.

  13. Do all the kids sleep in 2 rooms? Does anyone know why Jimbub and Michelle decided to do that? Are there other bedrooms?

  14. I think people need to get over Danni and her shirt already. I'm not saying it is ok for her to wear that when she is interviewing the Duggar kids, but who are we to say what someone else should wear. If you walk down the street,go to the store, or anywhere else now days you will see much worse than the little hole on her shirt. And the Duggar kids do a good job of keeping their eyes on her face. It's not that big of a deal people. Stop judging so harshly. If you got hurt and someone came to help you wearing a shirt like that would you refuse the help just because of the shirt they were wearing?

  15. Glad they finally said that some scenes are reshot. Reality shows are not true reality. Wondering if any part of their show is scripted?

    1. Prime example - the part where Austin talked to Jim Bob about asking Joanna to court. Totally looked re-enacted.

    2. Oops, I meant to type JoyAnna. You all knew who I meant. :)

  16. "The show has changed the way we live a little bit..." A LITTLE bit?! They were crammed into a tiny donated house before they were on TV. I wouldn't call the changes they've gone through "little."

  17. It's all scripted.

  18. I agree with anonymous about violating the Duggars dress code and regarding how they won't let people in the Vatican if they don't cover their knees. Very well said!! That is exactly why these interviews with this chick bugs me so much. Normally I wouldn't give a hoot if she had on a keyhole blouse or what not, but it is their own dress code she is violating! One they make such a big deal of. Why not with her??

  19. The rude comments about what Dani Starr wears to interview the Duggars are being judgmental. Here is another way to look at it:.. ..Okay, ask yourself this - Would it be wrong to ask the Duggars to dress in a way that Dani Starr dresses and that Dani finds acceptable? No it wouldn't! So don't expect Dani to dress the way the Duggars choose to dress! She obviously does not share the same beliefs and besides, she is not employed by the Duggars, nor does she answer to them.

  20. As far as the Vatican's dress code and the Duggar's dress code, the Duggars are not God. No one needs to adhere to their belief systems especially for a short interview. It's work, not the Almighty for Dani. Duggars need to get over their over the top modesty rules. She was wearing something appropriate.

    1. HELLO -- the Vatican is not God, either. And a keyhole top showing cleavage is not appropriate attire for ANY job, much less a job interviewing young men.

  21. We believe in and teach modesty in our family. Having said that, if we visit a Waterpark, we certainly don't expect that everyone there will hold to or conform to our standard of modesty. We recognize that that is not the culture we live in. Unfortunately, most people are using their body as a type of currency, trying to buy "love" or trying to see who can get the most attention by baring the most skin like it's some badge of honor. They don't realize they're worth waaaay more than that and that's sad. We have a saying in our household- Whatever bait you're using to catch your fish, determines what you'll catch... and who wants to land a bottom feeder?

  22. No, the Vatican is NOT God. I agree with you on that one, but it IS a recognized holy, sacred place. The Duggar dress code can't be compared to 2,000 years of Christianity. Not condemning any other faith here, mind you, but it does represent the Almighty and the Duggar family states that their dress code is just Michelle's "personal conviction'. Dani and any other interviewer can dress how ever they like and the Duggar boys and JB can look elsewhere if they don't like it. I post this respectfully.


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