
Friday, March 10, 2017

Birthday Message From Israel

Yesterday, Derick Dillard celebrated his 28th birthday. Watch 23-month-old Israel Dillard give his dad a special birthday concert with his maraca in the video below. In just four months, Jill and Derick Dillard will welcome another son.

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  1. I don't understand something here. Why is Derick content with living like this in Central America...look at that bed and the mess they live in. Clearly this house has appliances etc, but it's quite a step down from living well in Arkansas on HIS earning capacity. Why would he want his own children to live like this?
    He's not going to get 'brownie points' from the Lord by doing this. So sad for Israel and this new baby, as they didn't ask for it.

    1. He's not getting browning points from the lord. This is why I'm so confused. If your are a born again Christian you do what the Lord tells you to do or you will be miserable. No sleep at night, etc. Your statement explains it all. No doubt he had rather be in Arkansas in that Mansion... for instant if all men from beginning turn down God's calling to preach the Gospel the whold world would have burned in hell. I thank God for the men that obeyed God'calling.

    2. This is Gods plan for them. God has guided them to be missionaries in Central America. They are just following Gods plan . This is also a great way for these children to grow up to learn what being a missionary is all about and to become Gods little disciples at an early age.

    3. That really nice home they stay at in Arkansas belongs to Jill's family. It's their guest house.

    4. Every one in this life has choices regardless to any religion! Personally I believe in God but I also believe in letting others have the free will to live their lives as they see fit! If I am not mistaken that is what free agency means as it is a choice in life with or without a belief in religion!

    5. @6:27 PM -- there's so much you don't understand about following Christ. I hope you find a Bible-preaching church and read your Bible if you are truly interested in knowing about the Christian life.

    6. this is because they put God first instead of pretty things. Derick always had a calling to missionary. Remember he was across the world. So i think they are doing South America to serve God and not be that far from home

    7. His heart's desire has always been to serve in missions. So has Jill's; that is one way in which they are well-suited to each other. Material stuff is not their goal. If they have the use of it at times, fine. When they don't, fine. They get the fact that 'stuff' doesn't matter, people do. I hope someday you realize this. Then you will understand that Israel and his brother have everything they need - loving, nurturing, happy, godly parents.

    8. Shela- Here's the problem I see with your reasoning: There are countless people under the delusion that they are "called by God" to preach the Gospel and they all have their own take on the Scriptures. Some may mean well, others have questionable motivations and some are downright mentally ill. The Bible has been disputed for generations and I think it is quite presumptuous to believe one person, or group of people, have the market cornered on Biblical truths. To say that preachers or ministers have saved us all from hell is quite a stretch. I've had bitter experience with such "men of God" who practice nothing but a double standard. I have no problem with educated people willing to share their knowledge when asked. I do have a problem with self-appointed missionaries asking for money and pushing their beliefs off on poor and unsuspecting people who already practice a faith. If you truly believe that your religious ideology is the only path to salvation, that is glaring testimony to your misguided indoctrination.

    9. God's plan was for them to be somewhere where Jill is frightened to pieces by every loud noise, where Israel is in danger of spider bites and infections and kidnapping, and where their newsletters are full of reports of horrible things that they obviously aren't enjoying? That is one scary plan, then.... Maybe Derick got the calling but showed up at the wrong address??

    10. They left the US when everything with Josh blew up. Honestly, I think they just wanted to get as far away from Arkansas as possible and the family had a connection to this specific organization.

    11. "Showed up at the wrong address" - that made me smile! Good way to put it.

    12. Why do some folks comment about how/why they are living in South America. It's the lifestyle they have chosen in their ministry serving the Lord. They are happy and doing what need to be doing! Blessing to them.

    13. @7:13AM -- "To say that preachers or ministers have saved us all from hell is quite a stretch." You did not understand Shela's comment. That's not what she said. Christians don't believe we are saved by any preacher or minister. We are saved by Christ.

    14. I think Jill is unhappy where they are. I also believe the missionary work came at the right time back when Josh's life style caught up with him. I believe Jill thought at the time it was the answer to her prayers! There are places right here in our own country where there new skills in missionary work would be greatly needed and appreciated. Maybe the new baby coming was God's way of saying don't go back right now! For now think of your children and the two of yours health! Just my two cents!

  2. AWW! so sweet! :~)

  3. Why isn't Tyler in the heading?

  4. For Anonymous, why would you ask something like that, they are teaching their son it's not about things, it's about what you can do for others, they don't do things for points with the Lord, and it's very sad, your way of thinking, their not raising their children to be about material items, like most America's do.

    1. If they aren't about material things, then why did their wedding gift registry go on for pages and pages? Why do they drive around in big vehicles, have extensive wardrobes, wear jewelry, have a house full of furniture (that seems to change every time we see it), have laptops and cell phones, and even observe Christmas with all the traditional decorations and gifts? I'm sorry, but I don't think Jill & Derick quite fall into the material-less category where Terry is trying to put them. They have not denounced material things.

    2. Their registry was long with many small affordable things. They had hundreds of gifts, and wanted I presume to make it easy for their guests to choose gifts. Their wardrobes aren't that extensive. They mix and match alot and accessorize. Most of it is from thrift stores--You can get very nice things from 2nd hand shops! Big cars--maybe less expensive if it was used--also used for transporting big family, etc. It's also fine to have all those things, while still wanting to humble yourself to serve others. They couldn't take those things to Central America. As servants to the community they are to right to live as their neighbors live

    3. I see nothing but material things when I look at any of the Duggars! Way more material things than most people!

    4. More people = more things. S

    5. 4:39 PM - You can't be for real with a comment like that.

    6. I agree 4;39, they started with not much, a donated house, scrimping and proud of it, and now look at them.

    7. No one said they have denounced material possessions. They are not nuns or monks, but you have to admit they have way less material possessions in Central America than we do here in the U.S. Go live where they are or in a foreign country for a while and see what they are giving up. I am sure the hardest things for them to do without aren't things... but the families they have left behind. Being able to skype is really nice but talking and visiting in person is way better.

      I don't see a bunch of material things when I look at the Duggars. They aren't wearing Rolodex watches or Apple watches. They don't each personally own a computer. They don't wear tons of jewelry or have rings on each finger. They don't buy new vehicles. They don't live in a million dollar mansion. Have you looked at how some of these Hollywood actors and actresses live (multiple million dollar houses, tons of cars, so much jewelry, clothing designed specifically for them)? They are the ones who are all about material things.

  5. Israel is absolutely adorable! Way too cute! :)

  6. Happy belated birthday to you! And Israel is very cute

  7. What a sweet little boy! He is just too cute!

  8. Happy Birthday! You two have a beautiful family.

  9. If it's God's calling for Derick to be in Central America, why, they is Jill miserable, crying and afraid? This is common knowledge that she is not happy to be there and would rather be in the USA nearer to her family. How is this God's calling: I think it's Derick's desire, plain and simple. Plenty of atheists to minister to here in the USA. Derick is wanting to convert people in Central America who are already Christian. I respectfully submit this point of view. I see the poster's point.

    1. People don't "convert". It's our job as Christ followers to share our faith. It's up to the individual if they want to receive the free gift of salvation. We don't go around like Star Trek Borg telling people they will be assimilated resistance is futile! And I still don't get why people complained about their "fancy" lifestyle the last time they were in Central America and now they are living a more frugal lifestyle people still complain!

    2. I read their first newsletter after being back there, hoping that Jill would have a more mature view of the situation. No. She immediately launched into paragraphs about the awful and scary things that were happening again, and the hardships of living in that house. Her request for prayers were more about them and not the people they were there to serve. Jill is still not happy there, and it shows.

    3. You nay-sayers make me ill. Warped veiws, warped minds and hard-hearts. You act as if you know everything there is to know about the Duggars;even their thoughts. Open your Bibles and read everything God has to say, not just bits and pieces of what you like and agree with!

    4. Regina- You would not be sharing your faith if your intention was not to convert people to a certain belief system. The Dillard's are associated with SOS ministries, which stands for Seekers of Souls. If that isn't about converting people, I don't know what is.

    5. Regina, their lifestyle is still day and night different than the villagers they say they visit once a week. Those villagers have no way of asking others for funding, for starters.

    6. Jill is also pregnant, making that kind of change would be extremely hard. Glad they'll be leaving soon.

      I pray for Derick's health, seems like he has a thyroid issue that needs to be treated.

    7. I think Central America is Derick's calling, and not Jill's.

  10. We must understand what the Bible teaches us. It says we are to pray for our Brothers and Sisters and not to Judge them. Our job is to seek God on our own for our own walk and to hear from Him what HIS WILL IS FOR OUR OWN LIFEŚ. AS far as our brothers and sisters, we are to pray for them that they will hear what God is saying yes or no to.. We are released from judging them. I am going to keep praying for JILL AND DERICK that they will keep on hearing Him and I pray many blessings over them and their endeavors... GOD will do the rest for them..... Please see that those who judge are on shaky ground with the Father in Heaven... I pray for you also.

  11. So very sweet💗🎂🎂🎂

  12. Good job Israel! Jill is an amazing mom!

  13. Girl,,,,straighten up that bed before you start start with the video...😳 ❗️

  14. Let me preface this by saying, I'm not trying to be critical or mean-spirited here. I have worked with and taught a number of toddlers and preschoolers for years and have also had a nephew with a 2 year undiagnosed speech issue. I'm concerned that for one month shy of 2 years old, Israel may be having some speech difficulty. Given that he's in the care of a stay-at-home mom, who clearly spends time reading to him and talking to him regularly (as well as Derick spending time with him, engaging him), his speech is largely still pre-verbal, pretty garbled, and difficult to discern. He's absolutely adorable and I don't want him to experience frustration in expressing himself and being understood. As a toddler ages, sometimes what is "read" as a temper tantrum can actually be attributed to a hearing or speech impediment and the resulting frustration for the child. I would encourage Jill & Derick to have Israel tested by both a pediatrician and an audiologist. Surprisingly, some speech issues are allergy-related (swelling in the Eustachian tube or ear infections can affect ear drum functioning and how a child hears words and phrases). Israel is way too bright, cute, and energetic not to have this checked.

    1. Not trying to be critical or mean-sprited, but I am wondering how you can draw conclusions about the articulation and vocabulary of a 2 year old based on a short video clip, unless you've had personal contact with him. An evaluation by a licensed speech clinician would involve intensive observation and data collection.
      I am going to assume that Israel has regular check-ups with a pediatrician, who would be in a much better position to identify possible delays. As a side note, receptive language is a useful predictor to differentiate late talkers from those children with developmental delays.


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