
Friday, February 17, 2017

Seewalds Looking For a Bigger House

In this week's issue of PEOPLE Magazine, Jessa and Ben Seewald candidly share details of their new life with two babies, 15-month-old Spurgeon Elliot Seewald and newborn Henry Wilberforce Seewald.

With her first delivery, Jessa was in labor for nearly two days and was rushed to the hospital for a blood transfusion. She told PEOPLE that it was "intense and completely exhausting" and that she "slept for 24 hours straight afterwards."

This time around, both Jessa and Ben brace for another long and grueling birth, but it didn't happen. Jessa's water broke just before midnight on February 5th, and Henry Wilberforce arrived at 4:26am on February 6th.

Now that they have two children, the Seewalds say they have outgrown their two-bedroom one-bathroom home, with Jessa telling PEOPLE that they are "always checking the market."

Both Spurgeon and Henry are named after well-known Christian heroes. If you're wondering whether Jessa and Ben plan to strictly stick to the naming theme, the proud parents say no. "The next kid could have a totally different name," announced Ben.

For more pictures and quotes from the Seewalds, check out this week's issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands now.


  1. Seeing Jill & Derek are gone so much & are having another boy, the should switch houses with Jessa & Ben.

    1. Logical idea!
      Although Josh and Anna lived in the exact home with 2 kids.

    2. Three bedrooms is pleanty. Mom and Dad have a room, then one room is boys the other is for girls. As they get old enough two sets of twin bunks that are three beds each. So, up to 6 of same gender per room. This isn't even an issue yet, but growing up the families with two bedrooms, mom and dad got a sleeper sofa in the living room and the bedrooms were set up one for girls and one for boys. Completely doable.

      I am sure they are well aware that children do not each need their own room. That is a complete shallow worldly perspective, something the Diggers definitely are not.

      Be blessed and don't get stressed over the holier than thou attitudes of blog readers.

      Keep on keeping on with Christ at the fore front of your life. Steward well what you have and remember it is His anyway.

    3. I agree. I live in a three bedroom house, but one room is an office. So we use two for bedrooms, and we are expecting our fifth baby in a few months. We also only have one bathroom. It works out for us just fine, and when they get older we might have to get a bigger house, but they are all under 6. Bunk beds work good.
      Not every child has to have their own room.

  2. Checking the market for what? Neither of them work, the house they live in isn't even theirs. Jessa received a free, renovated home, and she never sounds like she has appreciated it at all

    1. I believe they are renting the little house from Grandma Mary Duggar. And how do you claim neither of them work? Jessa (along with her sisters) have written a book from which they would receive income, Ben works for Jim Bob, and they both work on the t.v. series. And that is just the things that are commonly known. They may have other earnings besides that.

    2. Ben does not hold a job; but Jess's does as a reality show star. Therefore, she has an income.

    3. They are in a reality TV program and get paid for if, so they do work.

    4. Ben is also on the show, so must also be receiving a paycheck from TLC, so he has that income.
      The Jim Bob Duggar approach to earning a living involves significant passive income. Real estate isn't just about buying and selling properties, it is also about owning residential rental units, commercial properties (which are usually income bearing), and in the Duggar's case, leasing property for cell phone towers (which can be incredibly lucrative). The Sewalds would be smart to invest what they can of their television earnings into passive income generating ventures. This is how the wealthy in the US get that way.

    5. Jessa and the girls wrote that book years ago, that Harold counts as being gainfully employed.
      Ben does chores for Jim Bob which I doubt makes more than minimum wage.

      Yes they are both on reality TV and have probably earned quite a bit from that, but they're fame isn't going to last forever.

      I really hope they are start thinking of what they will do for work in 10 years when their game has dried up.

  3. Since the Dillards are returning to Central America, the Seewalds could live in that larger house.

    1. Great idea! Then the current house of the Seewalds can serve as the guest house for short term guests.

  4. They can take over the guest house that the Dillards just vacated.

    1. Jim Bob and Michelle graciously share the guest house with various people on short-term basis. If Ben & Jessa moved in there it would not be available for guests.

    2. It hasn't been available for guests since Jill & Derick came back last year! Why can't they use the little rancher for the guest house?

    3. A part from the guesthouse they have the other big house where derick and jill lived for the first hear of their marriage.

    4. No, 2:27, that house was sold as commercial property & was converted to offices.

    5. I would love to know if the house they loooked at with the pool is for sale.

  5. The next kid? Calm down. Parent the two children you already have, including your tiny newborn. Get jobs. Move into the new house.

    1. They weren't even talking about having another kid yet, there were answering a direct question about what they would name their next kid (assuming they will have another at some point). And are you really that surprised? We all know their desire is to have a large family.

  6. There's a big empty house just across the yard from their parents/in-laws...

  7. whose paying for the house? they probably getting free rent right now and they should be greatly they have a roof over their head since none of them work.

  8. Ofcourse they are, they made money with selling their stories to people magazine. I hoped they would give this blog the primeur, just because you guys are doing such a good job keeping this blog. But guess money is more important than people who supported you when the tabloids didn't....

  9. When I read Henry Wilberforce I read Henry as oke yeah whatever the parents like I'm not to judge but them comes Wilberforce and I can't help grinning. Sorry seriously it almost seems like a reflex and I love the complicated given name wich is substituted/called by for a cute nickname but the Seewalds might have taken it a step further...

  10. Yeah just like there strict Christian values selling to a magazine like PEOPLE...

  11. They should move into the house The Dillards were in. Didn't they just leave to go back to the mission field?

  12. I love both children's names. I hope they find a nice place with good neighbor. Such a awesome family.

  13. Since Jill and Derick fly back and forth to Central America so often, only needing housing for months at a time, why can't they use the house Ben and Jessa are in and vice versa? It never made sense to me that Ben and Jessa were not given that huge home as they are the ones living in Arkansas permanently.

    1. The first house was sold. The recent guest house isn't always available.

  14. Josh and Anna lived in that same house with three children. You barely have two. I'm sure you could survive it there a few more years till Ben can make more money.

    1. Until ben can make some money. He should be out looking for a job. 2 children the money from people magazine and tlc wont last forever

    2. Ben completed some credits and since early fall was taking others online. He needs to actually earn a degree to afford or even qualify to buy a house.
      Jessa has earned good coin over the years being on TLC but it's time he steps up.
      The money won't last forever and the series won't either.
      They have Champaign wishes on a baked beans budget but then they are young.

    3. Make money?? Are you kidding me?? They make $25,000 to 45,000 per episode! Where could Ben make that kind of money somewhere else?

    4. One day, "Counting On" won't be on any more. Hopefully the guys (or is it just Ben?) Have a backup plan for a job. Working in the family business is good but hopefully if the ladies plan to have a big family, there is or will be a plan.

  15. What type of work does Ben do to make a living? Or is the money from the show and the people magazine stories is how they make their living?

    1. Works for Jim Bob

    2. I was wondering the same thing. Money from people magazine and tlc wont last forever. And 2 children plus the others they r talking about having are not cheap.

    3. So many comments that Ben don't work...did you guys not see the show where he gets home from work with lunch box and also the one he left for work with lunch box. He works forJim Bob...they are not going hungry....they drive a nice vehicle.....and when you save like they do it does take much....they probably take our 1 week check and make it last 2 months. Good for them.....I love the show so much and the Duggars......I want not waste 1 min of my life to write a negative'll never get that 1 min. Back.

  16. Happy for you both and your two children! congratulations!

  17. They have said for years that they wish they had gotten the larger house that Jill was using. They're mentioning it again now as Jill leaves. Take a hint already!

  18. Hey Ben & Jessa, instead of speculating on "the next kid," why not concentrate on the two you already have? It's not a race or a competition.

    1. Can't believe they just had one and are already talking about the next one. These are children, not puppies!

    2. Maybe because they have already determined that they wish to have a large family, so they're trying to plan ahead? Do you ever try to plan ahead for things?

    3. That would be strange since they are leaving it up to God!

  19. Some people say the Duggars have no talents that earn them their fame, but after awhile some of the things they are doing and how they behave on the video and in the media does have enough value to earn them credit and merit their fame. Jessa has been a super star this season, what with the home decorating and the home birthing and Ben has shown himself as a constant, loving husband, etc., etc.

    1. That makes them famous

    2. I do wish TLC would let Jessa and Jinger play the piano one episode....they are concert pianoest. Or it sounds like to me. Love Duggars

  20. Do you plan to put little Henry on the header soon?

  21. Ben should get a real job first before they look for a larger house. Hopefully they will not count on the show for making their money. The tv show plays the same thing over and over with no new content how long can that continue?

  22. I think the whole family is wonderful..there should be more families with the values and beliefs I do believe then there wouldn't be as much violence in this country...I wish them the best in searching for a new home where their family can grow...

    1. Every person has values and beliefs.

    2. I agree feb 18 11.19 pm, it feels very hurtfull how some commenters seem to think you are a bad person without any morals when you are not Christian! It also seems like a big paradox to me!

  23. Maybe they need to ask how Jessa's parents lived in a 3 bedroom house with -was it-7 kids???

    1. I think Michelle and Jim Bob lived in a 3 bedroom house with 14 kids. They were still in the process of building the big house they're in now.

    2. My in-laws did that. 3 small bedrooms, 1 bath, tiny kitchen, 8 kids, 10 people total, lived there for 50 years and made it work. And even overnight guests were welcomed!

    3. Maybe they don't want to live that way. It's not for everyone.

    4. If they don't want to live that way and they can't support themselves without TLC and People money, or Jim Bob employing Ben, then they should have more children.

  24. Maybe they can move into the warehouse where Ben lived at first. Josh & Anna & the kids were there for awhile, too, by the pictures they posted last year. That ought to hold both boys and all the rest that they're obviously planning on already.

    1. The warehouse! Perfect idea! And it's already decorated.

  25. They should be thankful for what has been provided and in time earn for something they can afford to own.

  26. We lived in a 2 bedroom/one bathroom house until after our fourth child was born. Then we added 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, and lived there until after our 9th child was born.

  27. People, Jessa and Ben make $25,000 to $40,000 per episode! Pretty good $ if you ask me! More than most will ever see. Their net worth is $400,000! I would Bea stay at home parent too, with that kind of dough. Especially if they invest in real estate like Jim Bob did. They could have a fortune and be full time parents!

    1. Winning the lottery isn't a career plan, and neither is reality television show income. The gravy train won't last forever.

    2. How do you know their net worth? Have the Seewalds announced it themselves?

  28. If they are truly leaving the number of children up to God, then they don't know if they will have more children. I suggest they look up Luke 4:12 and be grateful for the home they have been given to live in for free and the children they have.

  29. They ought to be looking for jobs!

  30. When and if they get a bigger home....I'll celebrate with them. I enjoy the show and don't want to tell them what I think they should do. They are a young family with two sweet boys and they plan to have more children a bigger house will be nice. I hope they don't read most of the comments here.....

  31. What happened to the first house Jill/Derrick was living in? Is that where Anna/Josh is now?

  32. There is nothing wrong with planning ahead, moving forward, dreaming big! Just because JB and Michelle lived in a tiny house with a million kids, and Josh and Anna lived in that tiny house with 2....does not mean Jessa and Ben should just stay there! People want them to be martyres?! They know they want a huge family, so they should be planning that out! No matter what they do, they're attacked for it though.

    I think a lot of people who comment on here are miserable in their own lives and jealous. When you're a joyful person and happy with your own life, you want everyone else to be happy to! When you're grateful with what you have, you don't have to be jealous of what someone else has.

    1. You speak the truth. There's a way to discuss issues that shows love and concern, even if you have a different opinion, but the nasty comments say something sad about the commenters.

    2. It bothers that they're living beyond their means when they say things like "buy used and save the difference" and tout a frugal lifestyle. They're not realistic. Jessa is young. Has she not heard of IKEA? She could make her growing family fit in their current house in a very hip fashion rather than going the traditional route and getting the same old conventional house that is too much for a family her size.

    3. Sadly there are people here who post negative comments because deep down they are really unhappy. Oh they might say, this site is free and they can post negatively if they want. That may be true but deep down in many of the negative people's souls they are jealous of how God has provided for these families and are very miserable in their souls. Pictures of children on this site and the other site these ladies take care of bring negative comments. Pictures of food bring negative comments. Probably a picture of the blue sky would bring a negative comment.
      As of today I've decided to say a prayer for the people with sharp tongues who come here just to post negative comments. I think that please God better than me saying something ugly to them. And believe me my flesh wants to say something but the Holy Spirit helps me control my tongue.

    4. It might be too big right now, but if she's built like her mom, she could be pregnant again in a few months. It's wise to always be thinking 5-10 years down the road. And in real estate, you want to keep your eye on the market, always know what you're looking for and be ready to pounce when you find it.

  33. People can leave all the mean comments they want. They can belittle the Duggars and their extended families too if they want. But one thing the mean commentators can never do is take away their faith.

    1. Amen Regina! They should keep their negative comments to themselves.

  34. Jessa worked for ten years starring on a hit reality show 19 kids and counting. All of the kids should have huge saving accounts assuming Jimbob are paying them what they earned over the years. The adult Duggar kids should all have enough money to make a down payment on a house. They haven't spent any money. Even Jinger didn't even buy herself a car the family gave her a used car at wholesale price.

    Yes, the Dillard's and Seewalds should just switch houses. Let the little house be the guest house. Anna should have had the Stoneybrook house after the third birth, no wonder Josh moved his family to DC. At least for awhile Anna was finally able to live comfortably until his secret life was revealed.

  35. These guys make more money in an episode than most of you do in a year. Plan big Ben and jessa. Love every baby god blesses you with. Wanting a bigger home doesn't make them ungrateful. It makes them human. If you all hate them so much, why do you waste your time on their blog... so ridiculous.

    1. Because most of us like the Duggars or maybe used to, but may not agree with some of their choices. Take this for example. Telling others to keep their mouth shut when they don't agree is claiming that the Duggars are perfect, infallible human beings who can do no wrong. If they can speak up and tell others how to live Godly lives, and it is considered out of love, then they should, likewise, be able to listen when ppl tell them a choice they're making may not be the brightest idea. They are human, and not perfect just like everyone else, after all.

  36. is Spurgeon helping with Henry diaper changes by either taking depoitble ones to the trash or cloth ones to the landruay

    1. Are you serious? Would you hand a 1 yr. old a "loaded" diaper and trust them to put it in the trash? Or take a cloth one to a hamper, rinsing it out first? You'd end up with dirty diaper wherever, and completely contaminated hand prints everywhere.

    2. an a baby story episodes were the first kid was about Spurgeon age and took his new baby brother diaper to the trash is the reason i ask


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