
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Congrats from Justin, Jordyn, and Josie

Even though they are quite frequent in a family with 19 children, pregnancy announcements are always cause for celebration in the Duggar household. Jordyn Duggar, Justin Duggar, and Josie Duggar are all looking forward to welcoming another baby in July 2017 (videos below). We especially like 14-year-old Justin's statement: "Congratulations, Jill and Derick. I'm so excited for you guys, and for me too because I get another niece or nephew."

Check out this morning's post for more information and this afternoon's post for a video message from newlyweds Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo. And in case you missed it, we also revealed the official start date of Counting On season three.

Photo/videos courtesy


  1. What's wrong with Jordyn? She never seems very happy. Although why send a congratulations video when you can congratulate them in person???

  2. Enough. Enough congratulating. This is just a way for the family to put everyone on camera.

  3. I have been saying this for months! When is Anna announcing?

  4. The two girls look tired and pale.

  5. Jordyn does not look happy. She did not look happy at her birthday outing at the Mexican restaurant either.

    1. I thought the same thing. It's disturbing. And I wish we could have heard about and seen her playing instead of doing chores.

    2. I definitely agree.

  6. Please explain your Lord
    How could any decent God burn a non believer for all of eternity. That seems harsh to me

    1. Hi, I'm a Christian and I am so disappointed when people portray my God like that. He is a loving God. The Bible says He is. You can have Him as your best friend. Then when He comes back to earth to take His friends to heaven, we'll go with Him. The people who chose not to be His friend will be destroyed. However, they will only burn until they are consumed, NOT for eternity. God loves them and will not torture them, He only destroys them because they wouldn't enjoy heaven, since heaven is about God and living with Him for eternity. The unbelievers made their own choice, God doesn't force people to choose Him.
      If you have any other questions or want Bible references to what I said, just ask! And I will work on it.

      God bless you, Holly

    2. Try reading the entire book of Psalms in the Bible.
      My question is why don't more people read the word before they criticize it?

    3. Hi ss, I know that is a common question for people about God until they come to know Him personally. I know it was for me too. I hope this clip will explain things. Praying for you:

    4. Please answer why does God owe anyone anything? A person goes to hell by their own choosing, not God's. He made the way to escape hell and if a person rejects His offer, they've made their choice. It's an insane accusation to try and bring any charges against God.

    5. This person is just asking a question most thinking people ask at one point or another. Calling it an "insane accusation" is very rude.

    6. ss- Hell was never created for human beings; it was for the Devil who rebelled and decided he wanted to be god and took some angels with him. God loved Adam & Eve so much He came down daily to walk and talk with them. He gave them free will because He didn't want robots, He wanted a family, children to love. He created them in His image (likeness- with 3 parts- spirit, soul, and body). He also gave them all authority over the earth (kind of like a deed for the property). The Tree of Life (as in eternal)was in the Garden of Eden, along with the the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The Devil, knowing that sin brings death, lied to Eve, telling her if she ate from the Tree of Knowledge she'd be like God. She did and Adam followed suit. What it really did was to corrupt them, their hearts and they became sinful, selfish, self-centered, self-indulgent, self-seeking (that "knowledge of evil" thing). Because they held the DNA code for all mankind, they corrupted all their biological descendants. They also relinquished their authority over the earth to the Devil, which is why there is sickness, death, and loss (and every form of evil) on earth. So, playing by the rules, since humanity was sold into sin by humans (Eve, then Adam), God sent His only Son Jesus in the form of a human (a baby). He couldn't be born of two humans or he'd have a corrupt heart, so God literally implanted Jesus into a young lady who loved God- a virgin named Mary. So, Jesus was kind of the first "Quarterback Sneak", so to speak (no disrespect intended). Knowing that our sins (any bad thing we've ever done/said/thought) separated us from God, God didn't want to lose not even one of His children. Jesus, having no corrupt nature, grew up without sin. Because sin brings death, someone has to die. The old way was to sacrifice an animal in the person's place- but that didn't fix the corrupted heart problem. Jesus chose to die on the cross as the sacrifice for every person's sins (and we've all got them-any thing any person had ever done wrong in all of eternity)...the perfect for the imperfect. Jesus was raised from the dead and sits in Heaven next to God. Just as Eve and Adam used their free will to sin, when we use our free will to confess our sinfulness, ask God to forgive us, and ask Jesus to be our Lord and Savior, God counts us as forgiven because of Jesus' sacrifice and gives us a new nature- His own (all good qualities). Then we practice using them, instead of the ugly old ones.

    7. I don't think SS was accusing was asking a spiritual question. I wondered about God's ways too before I became a Christian. As I studied scripture more, things became clearer.

    8. Holly,
      I'm glad to read that you are a believer in Jesus Christ. I am a believer as well. But you are misinformed and are not accurate in your reply to above commenter SS.
      Please read Matthew 25:31-46
      Especially verse 41: "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."
      And verse 46: "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
      Also read Luke 16:19-31 which talks about the rich man and Lazarus. Where Lazarus died and goes to Abraham's side and the rich man is tormented in Hades and wants Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and come to cool his tongue because he is "in agony in this fire." vs 24
      And verses 27 &28: 27 “He answered, ‘Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, 28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.'"
      Please do some research on this topic. It is very important. God IS a loving God and He doesn't want anyone to perish to Hell.
      2 Peter 3:9 says: "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
      God wouldn't have given us a way out of the punishment of our sin if He didn't love all of us! And not only that, the way out of sin was to send His One and Only Son Jesus Christ, to die a terrible death for us!! To cleanse our filthy sin covered blood with His perfect and holy blood! He created us in love to be His friends and sent His Son in love to die for US so that we could be with Him in Heaven One Day.
      It is our choice where we spend eternity. If we accept the fact that we are sinners and need Jesus as our Savior we go to Heaven with Him.
      If we deny and ignore Him then we are choosing eternity in Hell. The ONLY way to be with God in Heaven is through Jesus Christ!
      John 14:6
      Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

    9. @8:11 PM, this is for YOU. Your reply to that honest and sincere question was very rude. You respond to someone asking to learn more about God -- calling their question an "insane accusation"? How about answering a question in love with a heart toward leading them toward the Lord, the way others here did?

  7. So anytime anything happens with this family, they grab the video camera and make 20 or so congratulatory videos to post online just as soon as possible? Wow, my own family is woefully behind in the filming department. When something happens, we call each other, or make the bold move of seeing each other in person and offering our congratulations personally with hugs and kisses. Guess we've got some work to do to measure up to what a true loving family does at times like these.

    1. They probably earn something from all the videos.

    2. No what you do is what i do as well. I think they make these vidoes because well they probably get money from TLC. I think if they didnt have or were not used to a camera following them around they would probably call them and everyone say hi instead of videos. Honestly i call and wish my family a personal happy birthday. They get money for this.

    3. Can you imagine how bored out their skulls the little kids must be with filming these congratulations videos on a regular basis?

  8. None of these kids look like they WANT to make a video about this. What business is it of Justin's to congratulate them? It's just not what children at this age are interested the real world.
    Please stop forcing these kids to go on "tape".

  9. The obviously most important question out here from this blog's readers is this: What pre-natal care will/is Jill receiving for this child and who is administering it?
    Also, the same question for Jessa?
    Will they have a hospital birth with a real OB/GYN in charge? THIS IS WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. Not the mostly silly inane stuff this family puts out.

    1. I do hope they both have Doctor and midwifery monitoring them. After the experience they have had it just makes sense to provide the best care for baby and Mom. Be interesting what they decided...

  10. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

  11. It does seem strange that these videos keep getting made. I could understand the videos from people that live far off like Jinger but why make a video if you congratulate them in person? And poor Jordyn's face makes me so sad. Is she okay?

  12. I've often wondered how much of this is the Duggars vs People Mag/TLC. People claim they're money hungry or attention seeking but I bet a lot has to do with contracts involving both. People will post 3 or 4 "cover interviews" with them but in reality, it came from one session, not just several back to back.

    I wish they'd switch to UP! but with Josh's infamy, I don't think they would. At least they would be run through the mill. I think it's TLC & People Mag using them as cash cows, even if they don't want to. They want their yes to be yes and thusly not breach the contract.

  13. I also love the Lord with ALL of my heart, soul, mind, and strength! God is a loving God, and He promises to take care of us too! Anyone that truly knows the Lord, and accepts him into their lives, they will go to Heaven for all eternity!!!!!!!Jesus died on the cross for your sin and my sin!!!!!Please read these verses: John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life, Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, Romans 10:13 For whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord! These verses are very good verses to knowing the Lord personally!!!!!!!
    Well, congrats to Jill, Derick, and Israel!!!!!!!!!! I am excited for you guys, and can't wait to find out what the baby is!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Ok first of all Jill and Derek weren't in the U.S when they announced they were pregnant they were in Central America with their son Israel ok so BACK OFF


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