
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Joy-Anna Duggar is Courting!

Joy-Anna Duggar just made a huge announcement. She is in a courtship! Who's the lucky guy? His name is Austin, and he and Joy have known each other for 15 years. We don't have access to a computer this week, so we can't post the couple's announcement video, but you can get the scoop on by clicking here.

Our recap of tonight's wedding episode will be a few days late, due to our blogging break, but we promise to have it up as soon as we can. Thanks for understanding. :)


  1. sweet! Good luck you two. Hope all works out for you. You make a cute couple. Make it a long courtship, no need to rush into anything.

    1. Yeah, I hope they really have a long courtship, after all she's so young!

  2. Congrats joy and Austin. You two are very young just don't rush things you two have a whole live ahead of you so, enjoy every moment of it good luck and God bless you bless guys!!!!!💕

  3. What about Jana!!!! Prince Charming is taking too long!!!!!

    1. Not everyone woman wishes to be married. Perhaps Jana chooses NOT to be married!

    2. God is writing her love story!:-)

    3. What about her? She's stated many times in interviews, that she's in absolutely no hurry whatsoever.

  4. That is so sad. She is just too young and she hasn't
    even done anything with her life yet.

    1. Perhaps this is the way she can

    2. I agree she is way to young. I hope this courtship lasts awhile. Usually once it is announced it is a month and they r engaged. And once they r married it seems pregnant right away. She is far to young

    3. I met my husband at 19 he was 22. Married at 20 and he was 23. Been married for 20 years. Love of my life and best friends. When you know you know. No sense in waiting around especially if you have been saving yourselves for marriage. Apart from accepting Jesus Christ as my Savior best thing in my life. I don't see this as sad at all.

    4. A courtships doesn't always lead to marriage. One of their other sons was in a courtship about a year ago, and that ended.

    5. So Was I and I've done many things with my life after marriage.

  5. Very happy for Joy and good to know she has known Austin for so many years.
    I hope they take this time to make certain a real bond and like values exist.
    I'm glad she is able to start her own life but hopefully she isn't just running from the one she has. She seemed disappointed not continuing her education but expressed her responsibilities to help care for her siblings.

    1. I just don't understand; is marriage the only option the girls have in life? And it's not Joy's responsibility to raise her brothers and sisters. It's their mother's. I wouldn't blame Jana one bit for waiting to get married if that is her only option in life. But I'm grateful to live in a country where we are free to raise our families as we wish.

    2. They are so talented. Why would you think they aren't going to be happy being married?

  6. My eyes got wide when I saw this!

  7. Eeek! Congratulations. How old is Austin?

  8. Joy Anna, Congrats to you and Austin! It's great when you've known him so long. I knew of mine also, we met at a wedding (His brother married my sister)!

  9. Congratulations Joy so happy for you wishing you lifetime of happiness looking forward to more announcements cant wait this is so exciting love you gorgeous

  10. This certainly comes as a surprise to me! I know it's not my life, but I kind of felt both happy and sad for Joy. Happy because she is dating with a purpose aka courting. Sad because I was hoping she'd go to college, and be able to financially support herself one day.

  11. And Jana is 26 years old and not in a courtship, but then again neither are the older brothers. Jana has said that guys have been interested in her, but she's not interested in them because she doesn't want to settle for the first one that comes along. She's not settling for just any guy. She's said that she wants someone that gets their hands dirty, probably a carpenter type, or home-builder, etc. Or maybe she doesn't want a lot of children (they don't use birth control) so she is purposely waiting until later in life to marry, so there won't be as many fertile years in which to conceive. Or maybe she just wants to be single, which is cool too.

    1. I hope Jana really is waiting for the right one, or waiting as long as possible to decrease the amount of children she has. However-Most first born daughters within thier belief system never marry. I wish I was kidding but sadly I am not. First born daughters are responsible to care for younger siblings and household duties until all the children are grown and married. She will then have to take care of her parents as they age. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    2. They don't believe in birth control as a lot of people don't, because it puts a barrier up to life. However, she's stated many times, she is in no hurry, which is her choice.

    3. It's not like meeting your soulmate is a choice. You don't just look at a guy and decide he's the one. Sometimes finding that one person can take a really long time. Sometimes you don't find them at all. I'm 28 and still waiting. And at times I do lose hope that he'll ever arrive.

  12. This post is going to get a lot of comments watch!

  13. CONGRATULATIONS Joy!!!! I'm so happy for you and wish you lots of happiness. Lots of prayers!! God Bless You!!

  14. Ooohhhh :-( Im sad. She's so young. I hope she doesn't rush into things.

    1. Courtship doesn't always lead to marriage Dawn. One of her brothers was in a very brief courtship last year I believe, and that ended.

    2. Yes and because of that I don't think the Duggars will announce courtships until they know it will head to marriage. I wouldn't be surprised if Joy Has been courting already for a few months.

  15. I'm sure there will be lots of comments on here about how sad it is that Jana isn't the one courting... But I just have to say that I truly believe that what God has planned for her is much, much, much greater than she or anyone else can ever imagine. She is completely trusting God and His timing and as a 22 year old female who has never had a boyfriend, I am so inspired by that. She is a good example to me to be patient and trust Him. And I pray that she will follow His plan for her.
    Huge congrats to Joy-Anna! They're cute together and I'm sure she is also following God's plan for her. Love this family and the good examples they set for us. :) God bless!

    1. Jana is also inspiring to me, as was your comment. I'm 19, never had a boyfriend, and don't know any godly guys I'd be interested in entering a relationship with. It's SO HARD to trust God and His timing, but as a Christian, you just have to! Watching Jana go through the same thing helps me deal with my situation.

    2. I love your comment! God doesn't owe anyone a spouse, and doesn't call everyone to marry. Marriage can easily become an idol, especially in the Christian world. Jana can fulfill God'a purpose for her life regardless of whether she's married or not.

    3. Umm..just saying, Jana is 26 years old soon to be 27 not 22.

    4. You're more than right! I'm still waiting for gods timing,too!

    5. Let me say that Gods timing is always the best. I'm thankful to see more girls trusting the Lord with their love story! I myself have constantly learned to trust God and stayed single all through my last day of 21 and that was when a godly young man asked me to court him. We are engaged now but I never would have treasured that if I would have been dating.. blessings to you! Stay near and satisfied in the Lord always!

    6. Anon@10:14
      I am a senior citizen, long happily married. I also went to college and had a career of my own before settling down with my husband and raising a family. I am fascinated by the notion some have of "completely trusting God and His timing, and follow His plan." Perhaps you think of finding the right spouse as destiny, but I think there are likely any number of paths we can follow, people we can meet and have things work out just fine.
      Don't get me wrong. I love my husband and children dearly and I've been very happy. However, I think it all worked out by time and chance. By the way, I hope you find the same happiness.
      But first, you have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.

    7. No whoever made the comment is talking about herself not Jana. The original poster is 22.

  16. Never ever would I have guessed joy she is still a teen! Hasn't gotten to really grow and experience adulthood yet! Too young to start thinking marriage possibilities! What's next, the Duggar age 17 or 18?? Hope not.

  17. What! So surprised! What a cute couple! Happy for both of them!

  18. So little joy- joy as her sisters call her, is courting. She mentioned she doesn't want to go to college. What will her future husband do to support them both? Its odd to me little joy is courting before her 26 year old big sister is! She is too young yet.

  19. Sooooo unexpected!
    I never thought it would be her!

  20. I am so happy for Joy-Anna but my heart just brakes for Jana. Another younger sister will probably be getting married before she does. If
    it was me I would be so upset.

    1. I'm getting tired of all the "poor Jana" comments. Just because some people would be upset to see their younger sisters get married before them doesn'the mean Jana is. As has been reported many times, she has had offers and chosen not to pursue them. It seems she is happy with her life the way it is at this point. In fact it's kind of funny that people are saying the younger girls are too young to rush into marriage but Jana is too old to be single.

    2. It's probably bitter sweet for Jana...I'm sure there are tears when she lays her head on her pillow. It's a hard thing to watch all of your younger sisters leave and have lives, etc. Hoping Jim Bob allows Jana to start a business for herself...I mean she is 26. She should be able to move on with her life until someone comes along that she likes.

  21. I must admit, I was not expecting to year that Joy was in a courtship. But they seem like a sweet couple and I'm glad they have been friends first for so long. It would have been nice to see one of the guys in a courtship.

    1. maybe one of the.boys is courting who knows?maybe they just don't want us to know. or maybe the girl does not want any publicity just yet, or maybe her parents don't want that.

  22. Congratulations Joy and Austin on your courtship!

  23. Why do the Duggar girls feel the need to court and get married at such a young age?? Plus how come the Duggar girls are always courting and never the Duggar boys?

    1. I am wondering about the boys too... Are they waiting for the girls to ask them to court?

    2. Because to them marriage is the only way to freedom which is a huge MISTAKE!!! I really hope joy takes her time ,nothing wrong with dating every girl her age does it, Hey, Joy if you read this just don't pull a Jinger don't rush in to it just like your sisters did, you are a teenager enjoy it do what makes you happy God bless you and Austin 💕

    3. The man needs to be able to support a family and the woman doesn't in their culture or tradition.
      John David is the only one bringing any real income in. I can't see the others being able to provide.
      I don't believe that is the parents responsibility though I doubt they haven't helped Ben and Jessa over time.
      If a young man can't pay his own way, he isn't good enough for any of my daughter's and better not be asking for a commitment when he hasn't learned how to make one for himself.

    4. Yea Please give us some input as to why NONE of the Duggar boys are courting?

    5. They don't feel the need to get married as such a young age. They have placed this in God's hands, and have asked him to send them the man he wants for them. Josh courted Anna, so far he's the only boy. John-David says that he's also in no hurry. I'm not sure why this bothers people so much.

  24. I hope Joy takes the time that she needs... I'm in a relationship since I was 17 (over 6 years) so I totally understand her. But courtship is way more serious than my relationship was when I was 18... She should enjoy her youth and find out what she wants in life, get a job and be independent before getting married and having children...
    She can deepen her faith, enjoy her youth and be independent without getting married right away...

    1. I agree with you and find your opinion a wise one. The family doesn't have the same beliefs or values though. It's not uncommon but rarely published for others to see. TLC in this case reflects the reality.
      I've known girls that were raised to have families and were very excited about the future just doing that.
      I admire Jana in that environment. She is holding on to her convictions and making what she can of her life before marriage.

  25. So happy for you Joy. Praying for you both during this courtship and both of your futures xx God Bless.

  26. He looks like Chad!!

  27. I assumed it was going to be John-David or Joseph but I'm so happy for Joy. She seems so happy and he is pretty cute. Congrats to the new courting couple!!

  28. That video is not much more than Jim Bob reminding you to watch their show!

  29. Yahoo! I knew it was Joy. I just got to meet her at and ATI Family conference this past August. She is sooo Sweet!

  30. Replies
    1. Probably all of them are to me
      There friend bates did get married younger however josiah courting never worked out maybe or they'll have a longer courtship at least then Jing (im usually wrong on everything )

  31. Josh and Anna were 19 when they courted, and 20 when they married. Ben Seewald was 19. In the Bates family, Alyssa was 19 when she started courting, and 19 1/2 when married. I think 19 is young too, but it doesn't seem unusual in these families.

    1. Ben's wasn't born a duggar.he's a Seewald.

      Joy is still way to young. See said she new Austin for 15 years that means Joy was 4 years old when she meet Austin.

    2. Ben was 24 when he was courting. Ben was born in 1989 get married at 25. Look at the birthday list above.

    3. No, Ben was born in 1995, he's currently 21, which means he was 18 when they started courting and 19 and a half when they got married.

    4. It's Derrick who was born in 1989.

    5. No, Ben was born in 1995, making him 20 now.

    6. anonymous @ 10:12 - Ben was not 24 when he was courting nor was he born in 1989. He was to 19 when he was courting and he was born in 1995. if you are going to 'correct' someone, maybe try and have the info correct first!!

    7. No. Check again!

    8. Ben was 19, he is 21 now while jessa is 24

    9. Ben was born May 1995. I think you were looking at Derick's (Jill's husband) birthday- he was born in 1989.

    10. Ben was not 25 when they got married.

    11. Ben isnt 25 yet. Hes younger than jessa

    12. Ben wasn't born in 1989. He was born in 1995.

  32. Congratulations Joy and Austin.

  33. Last night when I saw it was Joy, I'm thinking that's way too young. Then I realized I was mixed Joy-Anna with Johannah! That's exciting news. I would be very happy to see Jana courting but at the same time I'm glad she is waiting for the man God is preparing for her. That's something I remember Jim-Bob saying when they were expecting Jackson. I won't go to There are too many vultures that leave the most hate filled comments I've ever read. The hateful comments that come through here are mild compared to what I've read on People and YouTube.

  34. So since this guy knew the family, did he get the 40 page courtship application instead of the 50 page one?

  35. Are they already engaged? She is on the photo on his family's camp web site.

  36. I met my husband when I was 19. We married when I was 20. We have been married for 13 years and have 5 beautiful children. I wouldn't change my life for the world. There is nothing wrong with marrying young, as long as you are ready for the responsibility. Some aren't, and that's ok. But just because you weren't at that age doesn't mean that other people aren't. Best wishes to Joy and Austin.

  37. They are so relaxed with each other, it's great to see that! The fact that they've known each other that long really helps I believe(me and my husband have been together since we were 14, over half our lives)! They're not too young, maybe to some folks but definitely not us. Goodness, I was married and a mother at 20, now we're happily married with 4 kids.

  38. Please don't have a baby at like 20. That's way too young. You are still a child yourself.

  39. When Jill and Jessa got married before Jana and John, I didn't think much about it. When it was Jinger, it was a little weird. If Joy ends up getting married before them that would be just plain sad.

  40. Everyone mentions poor Jana is still single and forgets her twin John David is still single too! I was thinking he would be the next one to enter a courtship. Joy is so young. I wish these families would encourage their kids to get a college education even be it a Christian college or online. I really liked Austin and I'm glad they've known each other so long, but I'm hoping they have a long courtship so both can learn a trade to be able to support themselves. Looking forward to more episodes and getting to know Austin and his family. Did my DVR not record part of the season or did they do things backwards with Jingers wedding and show the wedding before the courtship? I was so confused when I started watching this season and then last night they showed future episodes where we first meet Jeremy and Jingers courtship begins. Am I wrong that they showed it backwards this time? Or did I miss the first half of the season ?

  41. When Jana was Joy's age - Josie was in the NICU and that was the families full focus. She did not get any chances to court at a young age. It will be harder and harder to find an older guy who meets her families standards..... and if an older one comes along - one of her younger sisters marries him! At least after Joy the family will have a long break before another daughter is close to courting age!

  42. Congratulations to Joy-Anna and Austen. Wishing you a happy and blessed courtship. Joy-Anna you are a beautiful young lady. God Bless.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  43. There is something behind her eyes showing through that says if you could see through the brave happy mask I am putting on I am really not sure, this is so soon and fast.
    And saying I was really not expecting this is not so much joy as asking why you and so soon?

  44. Joy,
    You are so young to think about marriage. There are many opportunities and experiences out there for you. Both of you should experience some of life before you are tied down with marriage and babies. If you are meant to be together, it will happen but please wait a few years.

  45. What is Austin's last name and what are the names of all of Jinger's bridesmaids and lastly what happened to Jeremy's best friend Luis from the soccer team? He was not at their wedding. Thank you

  46. This explains why her goal after graduating high school was helping at home. Sad how the only goals duggar women have is being a wife and mom. Great for some but with so many women you would think there would be one who wants something different in life and not just immediatley get married and start a family.

  47. I don't understand why everyone is so critical. "Jana is too old", "Joy is too young". I went to public school and I know people on my class that dated in high school and got married right after graduation and had kids and I know people that still aren't dating or married and I'm about to turn thirty. Perfectly normal situation either way. As a mom of two little ones, I get many comments from strangers like "you've got your hands full" and these comments don't make me want to change my life (not that I can undo being a mom anyway, but I wouldn't change a thing!)...but the rare comment like "you are doing such a great job!" really brightens my day. I'm certainly glad they are trusting in His plan. Do you want to be a discouragement to people or an encouragement? Choose positivity.

    Jana- I am proud of you for trusting God with your dating life. I had a hard time when I was single and I didn't always trust in His plan and I regret that. You are such a testament!

    Joy- congratulations on your courtship! This is such an exciting time for you and I wish you many happy memories!

  48. Not at all to me. I think it's better than all these promiscuous college kids and younger teens that end up with STD's and/or pregnant. It's not like they marry the father of their child either. And most continue to have children out of wedlock while single or just living with a guy. If you're going to do all that, it's just better to make the commitment to me.

    1. Hear hear! I agree.

    2. Terahdox, that is an exaggerated generalization. In reality, the vast majority of teens and college kids do not get pregnant. But if you want to talk statistics, strangely enough, Arkansas has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country. Someone's not getting the message through there.

  49. I met my husband when I was 19 and we are still happily married ten years later. Just because you get married young doesn't mean your life is over- I went to public school, I got a college degree (that I am not even using because I choose to be a stay at home mom!). I love having a family and I love having the support of my husband and I see it as a blessing that I met him early. If you find someone you love what is the point of waiting?

    On another note, the number of young teens having intercourse is much more shocking. Joy is an adult and I would be proud of her if she was my daughter. Why are we criticizing her?! You are awesome Joy-Congrats!

    1. I would be thrilled to have a girl like Joy as a daughter. I agree.

  50. My mother had just turned nineteen when she met my dad, and had me ten months later. They have always been very much in love. Years ago, it was considered quite normal for a woman to marry around age twenty and begin a family. Attending college was not the norm, and most mothers stayed home to raise their children. As years passed by, women began to pursue college degrees in droves, either putting off marriage and motherhood, or putting their children in one of the many daycares that began popping up everywhere. Now, most women can not imagine having joy in "just marrying and having children". They assume it's a droll brain sucking choice. How is it then that so many women years ago made this choice and found it an honor to take care of husband, children, and home? I think a college education is a wonderful thing, I have two degrees myself. However, when I think about what matters most to me, I don't think about the degrees, I think about my six children and husband--taking care of them is where I have joy. Best wishes Joy-Anna!!!!


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