
Monday, November 28, 2016

Duggar Baby Statistics

 The Duggar family in 1994

Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been married for 32 years. After tying the knot in July 1984, when Michelle was 17 and Jim Bob was 19, the couple waited nearly four years before having their first child.

Between March 1988 and December 2009, a span of almost 22 years, Michelle Duggar gave birth 17 times and was pregnant for more than 12 years. During that period, there were only five calendar years in which the Duggars did not welcome a child.

Aside from the 22-month gap between Josh and twins Jana and John, as well as between Johannah and Jennifer, all the Duggar kids are between 12 and 19 months apart. The average age gap is 16 months.

To compare these statistics to those of the Bates family, visit the "Bates Baby Statistics" post on our Bates Family Blog. 

1. Joshua James Duggar
22 months
2. Jana Marie Duggar
3. John-David Duggar
16 months

4. Jill Michelle (Duggar) Dillard
18 months

5. Jessa Lauren (Duggar) Seewald
13 months

6. Jinger Nicole (Duggar) Vuolo
13 months

7. Joseph Garrett Duggar
19 months

8. Josiah Matthew Duggar
14 months

9. Joy-Anna Duggar
14 months

10. Jedidiah Robert Duggar
11. Jeremiah Robert Duggar

16 months

12. Jason Michael Duggar
15 months

13. James Andrew Duggar
16 months

14. Justin Samuel Duggar
18 months

15. Jackson Levi Duggar
17 months

16. Johannah Faith Duggar
22 months

17. Jennifer Danielle Duggar

16 months

18. Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar
12 months

19. Josie Brooklyn Duggar

*Caleb Duggar was born to eternal rest after Joshua and before twins Jana and John-David.
**Jubilee Shalom Duggar entered into the presence of Jesus December 2, 2011. She was stillborn at 11:46 p.m. on December 11, 2011, weighing 4 oz and measuring 6 cm in length.

Photo courtesy


  1. Why would we want to compare to the Bates? It's not a competition...:(

    1. It's not a competition, they just thought it would be interesting to us fans to compare the tworld families. Nobody said anything about a competition. It was interesting to me, and im sure I'm not the only one to think that. Thank you Lilly and Elly.

    2. No, but they are the only other family with 19 kids that we all know.

    3. No need to be so literal, they were just having some fun...lighten up some๐Ÿ˜‰

    4. To compare similarities, not to compete. Why would you feel a need to put a negative spin on it?

    5. Compare and compete are two different concepts.

  2. Adorable kids, but that hairstyle on Michelle... I wish Jim Bob let her wear her hair in a more current style. Remember how great she looked after Cindy's makeover?

    1. Knowone in that family seems to mind, so who really cares what the public thinks.I'm sure if u put your pic up others would find something to pick apart, but should you care what Tom, Dick,or Harry thinks, I think not!๐Ÿ˜Ž

    2. I thought so too! Jim Bob definitely didn't like it though... Personally I thought it suited her.

    3. Well this was in 1994. Big hair was in ;-)

    4. Anonymous 7:01AM - Why the need to make a nasty comment? The original comment was respectful. This is a forum to offer opinions and talk about the Duggars, not disparage other people who post here.

    5. I did not particularly like that makeover hairstyle that Cindy gave her. Her hair was too flat and boxy looking in the front. There are so many pretty hairstyles that have more style to it, that I bet would look amazing on Michelle. I think the straight look would look lovely, but with a few layers that framed her face. Then, with nice bangs, styled to one side. I think with Cindy's hairstyle, her bangs were just cut straight across. It did nothing for Michelle's face.

  3. It is of course up to every person how many children they wish to have, but I believe the Duggars are disingenuous about how possible it is to support such a large (and growing) family while also shunning traditional education and employment. The Duggars have been able to afford a very good standard of living only because they are paid cast members of a long-running television show. Their children are encouraged to marry very young, without education or proper employment, and begin having children of their own. This family's financial situation and daily life would look very different if not for their television show. I believe it does a disservice to their fans and viewers to imply that such a standard of living is achievable without reality television celebrity and the associated income. It is my understanding that even their home was paid for directly by a network. The young couples - Josh, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger - are very fortunate to have such a lucrative family business (television and magazine interviews) as income, but what about their peers or fans who follow suit? A young couple with children and no proper income would be living in poverty, as the Duggars were before the cameras came along. Surely they agree God isn't going to bless every large family like theirs with television riches.

    1. Totally agree and followers need to be made clear on how a family of 19 lives way above the poverty level.

    2. I have to agree with you. I do believe that the Duggars are following God's will for their own family, but I hope people don't take it as anything more than that.

    3. I completely agree. TLC has given them a lot. Their situation is definitely not the norm.

    4. The above post has quite a lot of false information. For instance, the Duggar family WAS living a very good life before even the first television special, and would still be doing fine if the shows had never started. They worked hard and lived under their means. They took an extended vacation to the East Coast, including Disney World. They were able to relocate to Little Rock during Jim Bob's elected service. They were able to afford homeschooling materials and travel to their annual homeschooling conference. Also, they clearly do NOT encourage their children to marry early (think: Jana and John David)! They encourage their children to seek God's will for their mate and the timing. And no network paid for their house. They have gone on record saying that they paid cash, progressing as the money became available. Lily and Ellie, you know the Duggars personally - you've read their books and watched their shows. You approved that post knowing that it contained false and derogatory information. Why?

    5. I remember when they started the specials they had zero debt (unlike many americans with only a couple kids ) they weren't wealthy but they definitely weren't living in poverty

    6. I agree with everything 3:47 said. I know many really believe Jimbob supported the family with one cell phone tower rental! TLC did lay out the money to build the house and furnish it too. It is wonderful that the Duggars were able to be a part of a successful TV show, especially since they think TV is a bad thing. I agree with the other poster that it is NOT possible to afford a large family on even a middle income job today. It is obvious to me why they so desparately wanted back on TV. Who could blame them? TLC should have a disclaimer though that reads: DONT TRY THIS AT HOME (19 KIDS)! YOULL GO BROKE! LOL!!

    7. Very well said, and very politely too. To everyone who read the above statement, it was not antagonistic but very spot on. Anyone who should feel offended by the above statement is simply turning a blind eye. It is what it is.

    8. You seem to forget that some of the older children are trained as mid-wives. Others have their own small business which involves heavy equiptment and Jim Bob has many real estate interests. They weren't without means before the show started.

    9. shame on you for thinking you know them like God. very evil. thou shall not talk about thy brother or neighbor in a negative manner. God is in control all the time.

    10. Thank you for this. I have always been concerned about the lack of direction these children have. There is such a narrow window of "careers" that are encouraged by their parents. One of the joys of parenthood is watching your children spread their wings and fly. It's a little hard to fly when those wings have been clipped by Daddy and Mommy. Those children have been raised to do exactly what their father wants.

    11. Great point. Look at the early TLC specials before they were famous - they had a dozen kids living in a 1,000 square foot house.

    12. They didn't start the tv show until they already had fourteen children and seemed to be doing fine. Also, parents are not obligated to pay for education. It would be nice if they did but I don't think they are bad parents. I am one of three and my parents did not pay nor did I expect them to. You are right about young couples today facing hardship... in the Duggars' case I wonder if they did not have the family business to fall back on, perhaps the girls wouldn't marry someone who was not already established/the boys would wait longer until they could support a family properly.

    13. That is so not true. Long before the television show started and there were only specials, they were already debt free and were entrepreneurs. They also teach there children to own their own businesses and how to make money otherwise. The bulk of their financial freedom came from a cell phone company renting or purchasing land for a cell phone tower and renting out warehouse space. There wealth can not be attributed alone to their television show. It is naive of you to think otherwise. They have taught their children how not to be in debt, which would be a useful skill for the rest of America to learn.

    14. Hi, im not sure if you are aware but the family own commercial rental real estate which is very lucrative if done well. As well as other properties that they rent out. I believe they also allow cell companies to put towers on land they own which cell companies pay a rent to use the land. Just because they dont have what you see as a proper job does not mean they dont work and earn an honest living!

    15. They were very well off before the show.

    16. Wow, u need to do your homework and fact check first.The Duggars were millionaires and debt free welll before the show, that was just a bonus.Wow,you really need to know what is true before you post what you have totally wrong.They had many many rental properties and lest not forget the cellphone tower on their land they sold, easy peasy to find all that out dear.I hope when u do an apology is in order.

    17. They paid for their home in cash and did most of the work themselves, TLC helped them decorate some as they got signed on to a long term contract, not just specials.I say start from the beginning and watch the shows then u will learn something,instead of hearsay from the ill will judgemental gossiping folks.All of the correct info if easily accessible to the public, that sure will surely set you straight. So sorry someone fed you the wrong information, all this time you have believed fiction, no wonder some people think negatively,they just don't have the facts.Good luck on your venture...Blessings

    18. I agree, it isn't really realistic. The Duggars made a lot of money off of real estate and used cars, but while those can be lucrative, not everyone can do those things. And, frankly, not everyone has a parent has an extra home or two they can let their children in rent free or for below market value, nor has the ability to employ so many sons (and at least one son-in-law) in a family business. I genuinely doubt a family would be able to support this many on a nine-to-five, working class salary.

    19. Good needs to be out there

    20. I agree totally.

    21. I have to agree. Sadly, I am afraid you are right.

    22. @Heather McCully

      There are many people, with much smaller families, who are not in debt. I and my husband had 2 because we knew that we could not afford to have more than that. We wanted our children to have the benefit of an excellent education; to earn post-secondary training and have a good start in live. Both have graduate professional degrees; graduated debt-free; have high paying jobs that contribute to society.

      This would not have happened if we had more children.

      Children are a joy but they are also a responsibility parents should take seriously. Quality is more important than quantity.

      My husband and I have NO debts; that includes house mortgage or car loans. Our children are the same.

    23. Before moving into the house they have now the Duggars lived in a small house rented to them by a church. The church evicted the family when they wanted to tear down the house for a parking lot. Since their new home was nowhere near being done TLC stepped in and finished the construction. TLC was also responsible for having the house decorated (by Miss Cindy, that Jill-of-all-trades) and furnished. Remember the surprise when the grand piano was unloaded from the truck? Please don't think that one man and his flock children were responsible for building that house. No possible way that the Duggars had the money or the manpower.

    24. I want to point out that being poor and living frugally are two very different things. If everyone lived within their means of what they could afford we would all be living quite differently. How many people have a mortgage? Credit card debt? Student loans? Car loans? There are quite a lot of people that live in fancy houses with nice clothes that have not even paid for those things yet. You can get a mortgage and only put only 3.5% down. So if you have a 1,000 sq ft house that is completely paid for, you might actually OWN MORE than someone who has a 3,000 sq ft house and put only a minimum down payment on it. I don't have all the details about their home purchases, but I did work in real estate and I'm just saying that just because you have a nice home doesn't mean you have more money. Plus add in all the interest you are going to pay for that home that you only put the minimum down payment on.

      they bought and sold properties for a living. They probably owned more than just the property they were living on. I wouldn't consider that living in poverty. They simply penny pinched and spent their money wisely.

      When I worked for a new home builder, I sold NOT ONE home that was completely paid for. Every buyer had a mortgage. If we all only bought what we could afford we would all be living very differently.

    25. At 3:47, your understanding is completely wrong, like where did u get this inaccurate info...rag tag mags? Such a shame shame, my oh my...blessings๐Ÿ•‡๐Ÿ˜‰A wink and a smile

    26. Dozens of businesses and real estate have acquired them more fortune than the show ever could, do a little archive search and your lack of knowledge shall be sated, ignorance is not bliss, Godspeed๐Ÿ‘ผ

    27. Lisa G, you are so right, so many people have the wrong information, it should be considered slander and defamation of character when said posts are so grossly innacurate, they should not be considered "opinions", and therefore should not be posted.How so many people can put false statements boggles my mind. Forgive them father,they no not what they say, they actually believe it, someone put the wrong info in their head.I hope change is a coming soon, seems to make sense to me.๐Ÿค”

    28. To the poster who said that it's impissible to support a large family on a middle income, we have 13 children. My husband has a very "middle income"job, and I am a stay at home mom. We have to economize, drive older vehicles, and don't go on many vacations (2 in 24 years to be exact), but we want for no neccesseties. It is possible for a large family to not only survive, but also survive on a middle income salary.

    29. To the poster who said that it's impissible to support a large family on a middle income, we have 13 children. My husband has a very "middle income"job, and I am a stay at home mom. We have to economize, drive older vehicles, and don't go on many vacations (2 in 24 years to be exact), but we want for no neccesseties. It is possible for a large family to not only survive, but also thrive on a middle income salary.

    30. The other thing that the Duggar's are changing for their kids, is that Michelle and JB waited to have kids for 4 years, and in doing this had time to establish themselves some before having kids and expenses related to that (plus Michelle no longer working once Josh was born). This is not something that their kids are getting after they are married, due to the beliefs they hold, so the kids don't have that time as a young married couple to get established before kids, it is harder to do with kids. Those of us that don't marry as young, tend to establish ourselves first, then get married, or at least wait to have kids, so getting established in the world is a little easier (financially, that is).

    31. To Sunnysideup -- I'm curious, if you don't mind sharing... What part of the country do you live in, how do you afford health insurance, do your children have braces on their teeth, etc.? The reason I ask is because I live in Los Angeles, and there's no way a family of 15 could survive, much less thrive, on a middle income. Honestly, your family sounds like what the Duggars used to be. I'd be interested in hearing how you do it. Why don't you hit TLC up for a show?

    32. Wrong again southern belle, they did have the money to build their home debt free, and yes, the children did help immensely,as well as friends and others, they stated that fact...and yes, TLC had to hurry up the finish because of the shows schedule.So therefore, not all of your info was accurate.I would suggest you dosome fact checking from reputable sources and you will learn the truth...knowledge is key.Blessings๐Ÿ˜‰

    33. It depends where you live. Never ever where I live could that be possible.

    34. Anonymous 7:08 PM -- !! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    35. Sunnyside Up-
      Just curious, with so many children/deductions, what is your tax burden at the end of the year?

  4. Amazing and incredible Michelle appears to be so healthy.
    I'm just thankful the children were.

    1. Not all of them were, Jubilee stillborn and Josie dangerously premature and Michelle was very ill. Michelle took big risks with her health and the health of her later babies. Her choice of course but it would not be mine.

    2. It is recommended that women (who are physically able) breast feed for at least 12 months. It is for the best of the child and for the mother. Although it is possible to breast feed while pregnant, it would put an unhealthy demand on the body of the mother and could impact the development of the unborn child.

      Plus, a woman needs to recover from pregnancy not only for herself but for her future children. It takes a toll on a woman's body.

      Pregnancies should be spaced by at least 24 months.

    3. I think it is fine to breast feed and be pregnant. I am pregnant with number five and am still nursing my little one who is 17 months. I have been nursing for six years straight and everything is going fine.
      I think it's your preference to space them out 24 months. But everyone doesn't have to follow that. My children are fine and healthy and they are all under two years apart.

    4. Anonymous @10:29. It is not a preference but medically recommanded that there be at least 24 months between children.
      It is better for the long term health and intellectual development of the child.

  5. Jill looks so much like Israel!

  6. Jinger's name should be Jinger Nicole (Duggar) Vuolo.

  7. The Duggars promote the notion that practicing birth control is somehow interfering with God's will and that having one child after another is a righteous endeavor. Children can be a blessing, provided you have the means and ability to care for them. As another poster stated, the Duggars have the advantage of making a great deal of money from their TV show, as well as profiting from other media deals. There's is a unique situation. It is irresponsible to hold up their ability to procreate in large numbers as an ideal, because average folks simply cannot afford it.

    1. Saying that you are open to having as many children as God gives you does not guarantee a large family.

    2. So, the fact that couples who do not use birth control are the same people who have large numbers of children is coincidental? You've heard of cause and effect, right? If God gave you children then he could just take the reins and 'give' a couple children, even when the couple was using birth control. So why not take a safe form of birth control? Then if you keep getting pregnant, you'll know God's wishes.

  8. I'm glad it was Michelle and not me with so many children! I have 5, and that is plenty, and they are all thriving and self-sufficient. Does Jim-Bob really tell Michelle how to wear her hair? I wouldn't stand for that. I grew up in a household where my father ruled the roost; we ate what he wanted, watched what tv he wanted, etc. Our opinions did not count. His word was law. My moma waited on him hand and foot. But he never tried to hold us back from college or work; he encouraged us to go. I left home as soon as I was able. I did love my dad, but we never had a close relationship.

  9. i honestly wonder if michelle and kelly bates have any pelvic of bladder issues from having some many kids.

    1. Probably, but it's not really anyone's business.

    2. It should be talked about! Michelle should address what her body has been through, so other women can understand what happens when you have that many pregnancies and deliveries.

    3. Why isn't it anyone's business? These folks have chosen to make quite bit of money by making their lives public.

    4. I agree that women who have had so many children should let the rest of us know how hard it is on the body and what changes happen later. Nobody talks about this. It's medical information that should be shared by those who went through it.

    5. But they should have the right as to what they share and not share - we don't own them.

  10. Jinger Nicole (Duggar) Vuolo!

  11. Whoops, Jinger is married, so she is not Duggar anymore.

  12. Thanks Ellie! I have always wanted to know this. I tried doing this myself a long time ago and gave up. kudos. And as always, thank you for your hard work on all of your blogs.

  13. Jinger should be Jinger Nicole (Duggar) Vuolo!

  14. Omg I love this family! It's so crazy and beautiful what can happen when you give an area of your life over to God. He is good!

  15. The Duggars were not living in poverty before the TV show. They bought property that I believe they rented out & shopped smart at second hand stores & purchased used vehicles & such. Also, their decision to have as many children as God would give them was made long before the television show happened. I wish we all could just live in harmony with one another & respect each other.

  16. Both sets of twins did not come out at the same moment, therefore Michelle gave birth to each of them. She was pregnant the one time with both......

  17. And Jessa still looks the same!
    They have a beautiful loving family.

  18. I would like to know what they would do if some of their children decided not to have children? Would they accept that or is everyone expected to have children?

    1. Just as valid of a question would be what would happen if some of their children realized they didn't ever want to get married, or that they liked someone of the same gender. How much turmoil would that cause? Would they be forever cut off from their family? Have the Duggars ever addressed this, when it comes to their own children?

    2. Those are interesting questions. Jana has stated that she has turned down a few courtship requests, and she's still in their good graces, despite their ATI beliefs which I understand promote early marriage for girls. So they must be somewhat flexible.

  19. Michelle looks so beautiful in that photo! I have always wondered how she gets her hair like that.. no wonder Jim Bob likes it. He has good taste!

  20. 22 children! Wow! I hope I can have that many children when I get married.

    1. If you want your own reality show, try it before you get married!

    2. Maybe have 8 at a time like that California woman did?

    3. You will be an amazing woman indeed to be the mother of 22 blessings!๐Ÿ˜Š

  21. I loved this post! I enjoyed the timeline. I have just had 2 pregnancies, and my children are 27 months apart. It truly amazes me that Michelle's body has gone through so much.

  22. Before TLC the Duggars were living in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house with 14 children. That is living in poverty. In many communities people who rent are not allowed to have more than two persons per bedroom. It is appalling that those 14 children all had to share two bathrooms.

    1. I don't think living in poverty would include having a pantry stocked with food, which they had in the earlier shows in the smaller house. Poverty wouldn't include traveling yearly to a homeschool convention, buying clothes for that many people, paying for piano lessons, etc. states that "Poverty denotes serious lack of the means for proper existence." Having to take turns at the bathroom, even with six other people, is not lacking the means for proper existence. In college, I shared a suite bathroom with six other people, and guess what - there was one toilet and one shower for the seven of us. We existed quite properly.

  23. Great post! Thank you for including Caleb and Jubilee. I just was wondering about Jubilee's length...she would have been longer than 6cm...maybe more like 6inches, right?


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