
Thursday, November 3, 2016

Duggar #14 in the Driver's Seat

You may have to do a double take when you first look at this picture. Is that Justin Duggar? Behind the wheel of a car? He certainly can't be old enough to drive! Or can he...

Justin was a baby when we first met the Duggar family on 14 Children and Pregnant Again, but now he is less than two weeks away from his 14th birthday, which means he will soon be eligible for an Arkansas learner's permit.

Looks like he's counting down the days until he can take that thing for a spin, doesn't it? When Justin hits the roads, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar will only have to teach five more children how to drive. To the average couple, that still sounds like a big undertaking, but for a couple with 19 kids, that means their parenting years are 75% over.

Photo courtesy


  1. Looks like he needs a booster seat.

  2. have got to be kidding...I know you guys are kinda sad...five children left and you will be possibly feeling that emptiness of no little children... bless your guys will then get to enjoy the happiness of spoiling those grandbabies... Love you guys....

  3. When my girls were 14 they wanted us to move to Arkansas so they can get their permit. Such memories! Can't believe Justin will be getting his permit. I remember him being little. Oh and just a slight correction the show was called "14 and Pregnant Again" I remember because someone mentioned it on the Above Rubies Yahoogroup but failed to say it was a mom of 14 children and I thought it was about a 14 year old!

  4. Wow, he can barely see over the steering wheel.

    1. Ya he does look too little to drive I agree.

  5. The family have so many vehicles for around their property I do hope he gets plenty of time to practice.
    If you can manage a tractor it isn't that hard to manage a road vehicle.
    I learned cutting the grass in ditches and driving a pickup in the fields.

    1. I doubt that tractor skills translate directly to city driving skills or highway driving skills.

  6. Arkansas is ridiculous...14 is not old enough to drive. I think 16 is crazy enough, never mind 14. The driving age should be 18. Justin looks like a little boy in that driver's seat.

    1. In Germany we are allowed to drive at 17 but an adult has to sit beside you! But at 18 you can drive without someone

  7. I cannot believe that Arkansas lets people drive at 14!

  8. It's hard to imagine 14 yr. olds with learner permits; in my state of Ga, the age is 15. imo, the age should be higher.

  9. WOW! 14 seems awful young to learn to drive. Good luck Justin.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  10. Nice distraction from the fact that THE WEDDING IS THIS WEEKEND.

    1. Now now, nobody's supposed to be saying when or where the wedding is because it's Top Secret and only for sale to People or Us. But the entire Twitterverse and Blogosphere has already let that cat out of the bag.

    2. Awe too too bad some folks had to spoil it, i hope it doesn't infringe on their dues from the magazines...I hope they get loads, so happy for merry...blessings😅

    3. Agree with you there.

    4. Too bad none of the friends, family, hired help, and even those university students could keep this secret a secret. What are they or TLC or the magazine going to do to anyone who leaked anything?

  11. Can't believe he is old enough to drive. Miss him, all the other kids, Jim Bob and Michelle. Wish TLC would have the entire family on the show!

  12. Even through he has a permit Justin won't get his license tell 16 and he has to have a adult with him tell he is 18 years old before he can drive along.

    Ps. My sister lives in Arkansas. My nephew just got his license at 16 and they told him at the DMV that he has to have a parent in the car with him tell he's 18. and no one else. Not even his sister she is only 14.
    He can't drive to School with out his parents.

    He said he was glad of that.

  13. I can't believe that I have been watching the Duggars for this long! It doesn't seem quite possible. Well time goes by whether you want it to or not right?!!!!!

  14. I wold advise the parents on his early responsibility do not let him out of your sights until the age of 18.

  15. I can't believe 14 is the driving age! I teach 7th and 8th grade students and the idea of them making decisions on a road in a motor vehicle is very scary!!! I understand Arkansas has rural roads but still...a 14 year olds brain and cognitive process haven't fully matured yet! Yikes!!!!

  16. I have no problem with kids driving young. I had an after-school job at 16 and my parents had jobs themselves so how else was I supposed to get work than to drive myself? No wonder so many young adults are failing to launch. Teens should have responsibilities that include driving and holding down a job. My oldest is 14 and I wish she could drive in our state but she has to be 15.

  17. I love that family.

  18. No wonder everyone's insurance rates are so high, if they're letting 14 yr. olds on the road.

  19. Awfully young to drive even if he can't drive on his own til he's 18. :/

  20. Wishing you a day of happiness and a year of blessings. Good luck with your driving.You are one of our favorites.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  21. okay if you actually pay attention it's a learns permit which means he can drive without a legal license adult. He won't get his actual license until he is 16.


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