
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Jim Bob's 50-page Questionnaire

Tonight's new episode of Counting On is sure to be interesting! The Duggar siblings sit down with cinematographer and producer Scott Enlow, who has been working with the family since the early days of their reality TV show, to recap season two and chat about what it means to be part of the supersized Duggar clan. (Schedule and new sneak peek video below.)

Now that Jeremy Vuolo has been shown in a preview for tonight's episode, do y'all still think he is the surprise guest, or do you think TLC has someone else in store?

Tuesday, October 25
7:30pm ET: Jessa's Announcement (Recap)
8pm ET: The After Show (NEW)
The family comes together to relive some of the most memorable moments from season 2. Plus, before the reunion is over, there is a surprise guest in store for the cast. 
11pm ET: The After Show

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Why is Jim Bob having the boys fill out a questionnaire regarding their financial status? That's personal private information that shouldn't be discussed with a soon to be in law. I think Jim Bob crossed the line on that one. I would never discuss my financial information with anyone other than my parents, my husband or my financial advisor. There are some things that in-laws do not need to know. His only question about money should be do you have a stable source of income. Anything outside of that is really none of his business.

    1. I disagree I think that it's Jim bob's business how his daughter is going to be cared for. I appreciate a father that cares so much for his daughter.

    2. Yes and no. Jeremy is now going to be apart of that family and the father to Jim Bobs grandchildren. He wants to make sure Jeremy is in the right place mentally and financially to get married and support a family.

    3. I think your reply is probably a common sentiment about financial stuff. It seems to highlight a societal taboo about talking about finances. I'm not sure it is healthy. I think we need to be talking bout money and how we use it, even with our in-laws. Not easy, but I think good.

    4. My dad asked my soon to be husband if he had a good enough job to support a wife, so what's the difference. I think Jim Bob is just trying to make sure his daughters are cared for in their marriage.

    5. I think Mr. Duggar is just being a responsible father. Jobs can disappear in an instant, especially in this economy. Unless these young men have responsibly saved in case of emergency they would wind up woefully unprepared. I expect nothing less from who ever my future father in law is. It shows that he cares for his daughters.

      God bless

    6. How many of us didn't have 2 pennies to rub together when we got married, but we did it anyway? And we made it!! Butt out of your daughters' lives, Jim Bob. That level of protection is not needed, and it's an insult to every adult involved in these courtships.

    7. Agree with the orginal commenter. At most Jim Bob should ask do you have a steady income. Knowing the details of someone's finances is too much. Finances should be between you and your spouse.

    8. Good enough job and how much money do you make, how much debt do you have, etc are completely different things. I have my own bank account and I would never want to share that with my in laws. It's not their business.

    9. Maybe Jim Bob should slow down and get to know the potential suitor instead of throwing pages of questions at a relative stranger and making a decision based on data.

    10. Ridiculous in this day and age! Couples work as a team and I would hope that the couples are mature enough to discuss finances before they get engaged. The question is not if the man can support a wife but, if the couple together, will be able to support themselves.

      This questionnaire high lights that the Duggar girls have not be brought up to be independent women.

      My daughters were all brought up with marketable skills; they do not need a man to support them. And their spouses are the same.

    11. Is there a way to get a copy of this questionnaire!?!? I think this is a great idea!!!

    12. At first I thought the questionnaire was a bit much then I realised that my church has a mandatory marriage prep course that includes finances and children and all kinds of issues. I think the Duggars do home church so it makes sense they would go through the same issues plus maybe even more details since it is family as well as church.
      I do agree with the comment about the girls not being independent. My aunt was tragically widowed at age 25 yrs with 5 small children. She had no education and had to work to support her family. Yes, she married in her early 30ys and that was a big help but she made sure all her kids, including daughters, had a skill or education to earn more than minimum wage.

    13. My dad asked my husband about his financials before marrying me because as a good father you want to make sure he can care for your daughter or has a plan to do so. My dad was old fashioned and believe that when you give away your daughter that the man you give her to can care for her. Working as a team is fine but things happen when only one of you is able to work and he wants to make sure he has a plan. And I wonder how many of you had the young man asked to date your daughter or marry her. But these girls are some of the most talented girls I've seen and they have an amazing skill set. If you don't know anything about religion or what the bible dictates concerning marriage this may seem strange. These young men know what they are getting into when they court these girls and in this day and age, a little modesty isn't a bad thing. But a lot of this is asked in premarital counseling which he does with them as well.

  2. Unfortunately, I think the surprise guest is Josh. I hope I'm wrong.

    1. Luckily it was Jeremy, not Josh.

  3. I wonder if one of the girl's potential in-laws would ever present her with a questionnaire. It all seems to be on the guys to prove themselves.

  4. I don't think of Jeremy as a "surprise guest". We have seen him so much this season, he's basically a regular. I don't think that would stop TLC from saying he's the "surprise guest" as a way to get views though.

    1. It's Jessa's expression TLC folk looking for hype.

    2. Why so negative? Maybe TLC was trying to have a little fun with the viewers, and why not some people like a little surprise. I thought is was cute. I just don't believe everyone is cruel with evil intentions.

  5. I can understand something to make one think and be responsible in their proposed commitment. Fifty pages is just over board and in Jeremy case as mature adult insulting. I'm glad he took it with a grain of salt.
    Just seems controlling.

  6. "The questionaire is top secret, and I let the cat out of the bag." Jeremy V. said.
    Oops! LOL.

  7. Maybe Josh should have filled one out for Anna.

    1. It's been admitted that Anna and her parents knew about Josh's past before she married him.

    2. It would all been a lie, so what's the difference. In my opinion Josh is a troubled person. My heart goes out to Anna. God is only one that can help her.

  8. For me, if my in-laws would have sent me a 50 question test prior to me dating, I think I would've felt ap for me, if my in-laws would have sent me a 50 question test prior to me dating, I think I would've felt apalled. It is degrading to me. But, if they are OK with it, more power to them

  9. Considering editing time (don't know how long that takes) and the fact that during this episode, it was said that there's only 2 episodes left before jeremy and jinjers wedding, who thinks they've already gotten married?!?

    1. Probably already married, probably save that footage for Season 3. End of Season 2 will be one big tease about the wedding.

  10. I am wondering what the questionnaire covers? :)

  11. I believe taping for the season is over so they are already married. I also like that Jinger allows arm around shoulder. She is not adhering to her sisters rules. I think she is a little rebellious since I have witnessed 2-3 front hugs. Although Jeremy changed his life around, this is not his first rodeo. I also think Joy is a smart cookie. She should go away to college. And why hasn't Janna courted? She is beautiful. I am sure gentlemen are knocking on the door.

    1. I agree that taping for this season is over, but think that Jinger & Jeremy are not yet married. The wedding will likely be the focus for the next season. Therefore, the wedding will take place very soon! Congratulations to this gentle young lady and her handsome fiance! And I suspect Jana has very likely had opportunities to court, but just hasn't found a man she is interested in enough to commit to a courtship. After all, courtship is "dating with a purpose" so one must be very interested before they commit to this type of courtship. And that is her choice.

  12. Putting aside the creepiness of having your dad make your adult boyfriend fill out paperwork with highly personal questions, I thought it was offensive that the main question was "How did you come to Christ?" Does this mean that non-Christians need not apply? Isn't that rather discriminatory? Another example of how this family segregates themselves from those not exactly like themselves. I don't know how anyone can be proud of doing that. It's not legal for businesses to hire like that or for landlords to rent like it, but it's OK for fathers to discriminate? I don't think so.

    1. I've wondered what would happen if a Duggar daughter rejected every suitor except a Catholic or a Jew or a Muslim or someone of any other race or faith but their type of fundamental Baptist. If Jim Bob felt he had to say no, what basis would he claim? Would he threaten to ostracize the couple?

    2. God says that Christians should be equally yoked. In other words marry someone who is a Christian and follows God as you do. Two oxen on a plow is useless if one is larger and stronger than the other.
      We aren't simply dealing with a difference of thought, but with the driving force of your life. I am sorry that this offends you so. But it is wise to enter a relationship with someone who holds the same beliefs as you do, whether you are religious or not.

      The Bible calls the husband to be the spiritual head of the household. The Duggars are devout Christians. It would be foolish of Mr. Duggar to leave the care of his daughters in a man that will not lead by God's direction. I hope that you can understand this. It is not a call for anyone to worship who does not, but it is and should be a requirement that all parents have when their kids are choosing a life companion.

      God bless you

    3. Actually, no. I think a fifty page questionnaire is ridiculous, but finding out if your child's future spouse holds beliefs that are compatible with the ones you've raised your child with is just good parenting.

    4. The bible says to not be unequally yoked. That means that Christians should not marry a non-christian. Therefore, that was probably the most important question on the list and I believe that you are correct, non-Christians need not apply

    5. Really? You don't think people can discriminate for themselves as to whom they will marry? Or fathers can decide, based on their own criteria, to whom they will give their blessing for their daughters to marry?

    6. Christians are only to marry other Christians. They are going in the same direction in life. Not so with a non-Christian.

    7. The Bible says not to be unequally yoked, and many Christians believe that this includes "yoking yourself" (committing yourself) to someone who doesn't share the same personal relationship with Christ. That makes complete sense that not only he but Jinger would want to make sure that they are on the same page spiritually before they go further in the relationship.

    8. It's unthinkable a Duggar would be given the family's blessing to marry someone of a different faith or none at all...or even of a different brand of Christianity.

    9. I'm pretty sure the Duggar daughters only want to marry Christian men anyway, so having that question makes sense. I actually admire them for having the questionnaire; would be very difficult and awkward to get someone to fill it out, but after that initial hurdle, all the more worth it in the end!

    10. But it's not a business thing. If I'm a Christian and God is the center of my life, how can I form an intimate relationship with some who doesn't even believe in God. In my opinion that's a recipe for problems. To me atheists and agnostics are not a group of people I can marry. And I'm sure they don't want to marry me either. We are too different. I'm not saying be friends with, I'm saying set up one household and have kids. What do you tell the kids?

    11. Obviously, a non-Conservative Christian would not date any of the Duggar girls.

    12. 6:12, You tell the kids that everyone can believe whatever they want. Or not. I know of a Catholic/Jewish marriage that's successful, with children. The kids chose whether they wanted to go to the temple or to the cathedral, or neither. It can work, when the parents agree it's not an issue to argue over.

    13. I would want no part of a system that limited my love choices so severely.

  13. As a parent, I understand the need to be comfortable that your daughter is marrying a financially responsible person. However, to ask a guy to complete a 50 page questionnaire is absurd. You can get to know the person without using that tacky tactic. I wonder if the guys have to give him their bank account number and balance. Ridiculous! Hope he has his sons complete the same questionnaire for their courtships also. Clearly a controlling man and very tacky!

    1. I wish my dad would have cared enough about me to do something like this. It is a great idea for a lot of reasons. There are way too many boys pretending to be men out there. You want the best for your daughter...not a turd who isn't good enough. Being in love makes your judgment a little less then it should be. Jim Bob is a good dad, and I appreciate what he did.

    2. Completely agree!

    3. I'd say that's a major red flag for Jeremy. Very bizarre.

    4. I don't think you should say your dad didn't care about you enough, that's not right. If your relationship didn't work out I'm sure a questionnaire wouldn't have changed things. People can lie on paper just as easily as lying to your face.

  14. I am glad you repeat the show at 11. I work and do not see the 8 pm show. THANK YOU

  15. I laughed out loud-this is so funny. Ha Ha.

  16. I heard that most of the Duggar family have disowned Josh. Any truth to that?

    1. Knowing what we know about the Duggars just from watching their shows, I'd say that's highly unlikely.

  17. I think the surprise guest is Josh, baby seewald number 2, or Michelle's nieces boy, they are trying to adopt!
    Congrats Jessa and Duggar family! I think Jessa will have a boy!

    1. Please not Josh- that would be such a bad idea.

  18. Why would the 50 page questionnaire be "top secret"? Aren't these people happy to advertise their way of living? I think even this family is ashamed now of what they have done and continue to do. I hope these guys present Jim Bob with a questionnaire of their own to see what kind of FIL they will probably be inheriting in the process.

    1. Must say, I thoroughly enjoyed your comment about the guys giving Jim Bob a questionnaire! That's a good one! I think we all have 50 questions by this point that we'd like to ask him.

  19. Thanks you Duggars for being willing to share your lives and faith with us this season. You all have been a blessing to me and I wish I could tell you all the ways you have helped me in my life and walk with Christ. I know it hasn't been easy for you all lately, so hopefully knowing that you are helping a fellow believer will bring you joy.

  20. Maybe the Duggars should just let dating go on for a while and let the young couple get to know one another.Then they would get to know the boyfriend/girlfriend naturally instead of a 50 page questionnaire. It's a little strange

  21. Ladies: a LEGITIMATE QUESTION HERE: Since Jim Bob already had a full financial disclosure from Jeremy, it wasn't necessary at all for him to ask Jeremy those embarrassing "how are you going to support my daughter on a modest pastor's salary" questions in Laredo and in front of his parents and a TV audience...why did Jim Bob ask such a question? Is this annoying "persona" of his a character TLC has him portray or is he really such a man that enjoys embarrassing people on the spot? If the latter, how is this a Christian man? No Christian takes pleasure at the squirming of others at your hand. Thank you for posting this very important revelation and I look forward to the comments, if any about this.

    1. He asked it because it was in the script by TLC.

  22. So do you have to submit your 50-page application before or after you are granted permission to court? Maybe before you're allowed to even talk to a Duggar daughter? They didn't exactly go into detail there, but it's a question that begs asking.

  23. What kind of person asks those questions of someone else? Even more puzzling, what kind of person puts up with being asked those questions?

  24. Jim Bob does their marriage counseling... I'm not sure why it suprised people that he would have a questionaire. When my husband and I were gettin married we had to do the same thing, and then, with our pastor, who is experienced in marriage and all that goes with it, we discussed our questionaire over the the proceeding eight weeks in order to build a foundation and education that could support our marriage for a lifetime.

    1. That's exactly what I thought about when hearing about the questionnaire. My husband and I had premarital counseling with our pastor, and we both filled out a booklet with questions regarding finances, children, schooling preferences, work, etc. It was a pivotal point in our engagement to see where our views lined up on things we may not have thought to discuss. I know the questionnaire seems invasive, but marriage is an incredible commitment before God, and I believe that Jim Bob has wisdom and insight into a lot of areas of marriage that his young adult children couldn't fully know.

      I'm not sure how I feel on the extent Jim Bob and Michelle go to set up courting rules. I am happy to see that Jeremy and Jinger have established personal boundaries that they have agreed on to stay pure before marriage without it necessarily being the cookie cutter rules laid out for them. Honoring your Father and Mother is a command from the Lord, so I surely hope that Jinger and Jeremy's commitment to stay pure is held as honoring to God and Jinger's parents even though they have chosen to give front hugs and Jeremy puts his arm around Jinger.

  25. Wish my dad had given an in depth probe into my first husband's heart and finances. All he said was "take good care of her and if you hurt her I'll break your neck." Well that was before Jesus was my savior and what a horrible mistake.
    I'm glad for Jim Bob making sure he knows where his future son in laws are at mentally and financially.

  26. So Jim Bob has no problem marrying off his son with deep issues, but requires his daughters' suitor to jump through a million hoops? It doesn't seem fair to me.

  27. It's is his business when it's his daughter. How is he supposed to approve a marriage proposal and give his daughter away at a wedding to a man he hardly knows? They do things traditionally, and the way a person handles money and plans goals is a strong indication of their character. He's a good dad. Maybe if more parents did this, there wouldn't be such a high divorce rate. She is blessed to have this kind of support.

    1. Or you can do like the rest of us did. Bring the guy around at family gatherings. Act natural, be truthful, and assure your parents that you're making the right decisions for yourself. It's not so terrible. It works. Always has!

  28. I'm enjoying this season, but there is a lot of time in each episode spent on reviewing. And usually at least one complete episode of review. Last week they were watching clips together, which was a review episode. And this week we are remembering previous weddings. The seasons are so short, I wish there was more original and less repeat scenes.


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