
Monday, October 31, 2016

Dillards at OSU Homecoming

 Israel Dillard, Jill Dillard, Derick Dillard, and Cathy Dillard Byrum

Jill, Derick, and Israel Dillard spent the weekend participating in Oklahoma State University homecoming festivities in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Following in the footsteps of his late father, Derick Dillard wore the Pistol Pete mascot during his college years at OSU. (Click here for more details and another picture.)

This weekend, Derick joined other men on the Pistol Pete alumni float during the OSU "sea of orange" homecoming parade.

Do you think Israel will carry on the family tradition of Pistol Pete?

Photo courtesy


  1. Remind me again what's so terrible about going to college? I'm not seeing it. I hope that Derick is more open-minded than his in-laws and lets Israel attend a public university the way Derick did.

    1. I don't recall hearing the Duggars saying there was anything "terrible" about going to college, it just wasn't their choice. There are many career paths that don't require a college degree. I think the Duggar children so far have have shown a variety of talents through courses that they have taken and hands-on learning taught them at home. In a lot of ways I see them with a much broader education than those that do attend college. Everything we learn doesn't need to be learned in school.

    2. I hope they let their future daughters go to college as well - an accredited college.

    3. Just finishing up my undergrad at a large university in Canada, and so grateful for the experience. I have learned so much! Although, I do realize that not everyone wants to go on to post secondary

  2. Why does Pistol Pete look exactly like Burt Reynolds?

  3. Before Israel can be admitted to ANY college or university, he must have an excellent elementary, middle and high school education. He will NOT receive that if homeschooled "Duggar style". It's evident that all of the adult children are woefully undereducated and would fall very short on an SAT entrance exam. If Derick OR Cathy would like for Israel to carry on the OSU tradition, or ANY collegiate tradition, they need to step up to the plate and require him to be in an actual classroom...PreK to Grade 12...public OR private (Christian) school. If not, they're living in Fantasyland.

    1. I feel the need to point out that your comment is completely untrue, Grace. As someone who was homeschooled and was admitted to a top university (with an ACT score of 31, I might add), the claim that that students must attend school in "an actual classroom" in order to be accepted into a quality university is 100% false. I have a number of friends who were also homeschooled and also attended great universities. In fact, colleges welcome homeschoolers because they know that the vast majority are highly motivated.

    2. Really? They are educated very well as I used some of the same programs for my kids. There are piles of homeschoolers in high places by the way, they just don't go around belittling people and bragging how wonderful they are, because they are also good humble people.

    3. I completely and wholeheartedly agree!

    4. That statement is fallacious at best. Statistically, home schooled children have higher SAT scores than public schooled children. That's just an objective fact.

    5. Wow -- I know a kid at UC Berkeley medical school who was homeschooled.

    6. Homeschooling is what you make it, just as public school is. I know there are many homeschooled children who succeeded greatly at many things--and went on to public colleges and universities.

    7. Another home-schooled graduate here. I finished my undergrad degree with a 3.96, my master's degree with a 4.0. The Fantasyland is thinking that home education can't prepare a student for college. The Duggars haven't pursued college much, but it just doesn't seem to be where their interests lie. You really have no idea what their scholastic capabilities are.

    8. Anon@ 3:35 There are good homeschool environments and the not so good. I think Grace was referring only to how the Duggars educate their children. Also, homeschool students are not required to take the ACT or SAT tests. Many public and private schools require it as another assessment or to encourage college attendance. So, there's likely a pool of more highly motivated homeschooled students taking the tests.

  4. I'm guessing with Derick as his father, he'll get to go. Good news.

  5. Yes I feel Israel will carry on his father and grandfather's traditions!

  6. Apparently, attending a public university meant a great deal to Derick, considering he has fond memories and returns for homecoming. Perhaps he and Jill will approach post secondary education for their son and any other children with a more open mind than JimBob and Michelle have.

    1. I believe they will, after all with each generation there are always a few changes. They may be much smaller in their world than in the real world, but they do exist.

  7. I think their homeschooling mindset discourages public university. I'm not saying homeschooling itself discourages public university by any means, but their particular ideas about it certainly do. Even though they might not consciously admit this, if they don't value it, their kids won't feel strongly compelled to attend. And I don't really see the Dillards doing anything different. Derick might have gone to public school but he is eager to fit in with them.

    1. Maybe Derick didn't like his personal experience with public school. Both of my parents went to public schools and to public universities, but neither of them wanted to send me and my siblings to school. They had no desire for us to go to college, even though they themselves did. A degree isn't always necessary to do what you love.

    2. Thanks for sharing that. Why didn't your parents want you to go to college?

    3. No degree vs. a degree can mean thousands of dollars in difference on a pay scale. A degree in this day and age is very important for everyone.

    4. I believe your parents are doing you a disservice. Just because your parents didn't have a great experience in public school does not mean that you would t have an amazing experience. Everyone is different. It's like saying my parents didn't like chocolate growing up so they never gave me any because I won't like it either. Everyone is different. No one should be brought up in a cookie cutter mold.

    5. I do think that Derick must have really enjoyed his undergrad to continue participating in OSU events as an alumni with his son and wife.

    6. A degree may not be always necessary (although one could dispute that), but it does help one's prospects quite a bit. Whether you go to college, university, or to trade school, furthering your education in a professional manner is always a good idea if you can make it work.

    7. There are jobs that individuals just can't do without a degree. No Duggar will ever be a lawyer or a doctor or a nurse or an engineer or a CPA or a variety of other careers because they won't consider college. And don't say they might, because given how many have graduated high school and none have gone on to college, they obviously do not value it. This is limiting their choices in life.

  8. I also hope Israel gets to be a Boy Scout and play on a sports team as Derick did growing up as we've seen from family photos.

    1. Not so sure about the Boy Scout part, the way that organization is going, but I agree about hoping Israel gets to have more of a Dillard childhood than a Duggar childhood.

  9. I really hope that Isreal and all of their child will be able to attend college. It's good to go on and get some kind of degree and be able to support themselves.

  10. There's nothing wrong with a public university. I wish more of the Duggars would attend one...poor Izzy, look at that look he's giving his dad!

    1. He's probably terrified of Pistol Pete. I have a daughter who at that age was very frightened by the "oversized" Disney characters at Disneyland. The only one she would go near was Winnie the Pooh.

  11. Did Derrick pass away? The blog says, "Following in the footsteps of his late father"

    1. Yes, about 10 years ago.

    2. Derick's Dad did, a while back.

    3. Derrick's father passed away. The reference is to Derrick.

    4. Derick's father was also Pistol Pete.

    5. Derrick's father is the one that passed away.

    6. Derrick's father is deceased. He also was Pistol Pete while at OSU.

    7. Not sure if you read it wrong, but it was referring to Derrick's late father.

    8. This was in reference to Derrick following in the footsteps of his own late father.

  12. Yes, what a shame when I hear Joy say she isn't going to college and her plans are to help her Mom around the house, get real!! And Jana's dreams of being a decorator will go nowhere without college. Come on, encourage education in your child's future. :(

  13. I believe he will, because it would mean so much to his daddy. And if not Israel, one of their sons will. I'm believing they will be a loving close-knit family just like Jill and her family and Derrick and his.

  14. If Israel wants to he will. I wish Derick and Jill would come back to Arlansas where they truly belong. Derick's mother has one Grandson which she doesn't see very much of., and probably worrys about him all the time. They want to satisfy their need to do this missionary work but are being selfish neglecting her needs. She has to be aching inside to be able to hold her Grandson.

  15. He might go to college if Jill is okay with that. It seems that the boys are more likely to go to college. Sometimes the girls do too but usually they attend Christian colleges not a normal ones. Since Derrick went to a normal college. He might let his son attend one.

    1. Christian based schools are normal. You can get an amazing education at some of the best Christian school.

    2. Why is a Christian college not normal?

  16. They never said anything against it? Even one of the Duggar boys went to college and most of the older kids have some form of further education, training and skills. You sound so angry.

    1. The duggar boy didn't go to a real college. He attended some classes at crown college, which is a totally different thing.

  17. Such a beautiful family get together!! Very heart warming to see๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‡

  18. Kathy looks beautiful!

  19. Some in our family have gone to Taylor U in Indiana, a great Christian school that is very intentional about following Biblical principles. Why would something like that be wrong for the Duggars? I don't get it.

    Hillsdale College in Michigan is another one -- secular, but very conservative. HIllsdale doesn't take a dime of federal money, so they are free to run the school their own way, without the PC/liberal insanity. There are many college choices for Christians if you just look.

    1. They never said college was wrong. Jim Bob talked about the expense of college and said that he didn't see that it was always necessary. Many people go thousands into debt for college, and their family does not believe in doing that. I am sure if any of their children wanted to be a doctor or teacher (etc.), they wouldn't have an issue with them going to college. We have family members that went to prestigious colleges, and ten years later they still owe thousands of dollars in student loan debt. My husband who only has an associates degree makes more money than both of the family members who went to very expensive colleges.

  20. Anna & Anonymous: Please note that I refer to the quality of the Duggar family homeschooling, not other homeschooling. I also think that when done properly, it IS a quality education...the Duggar family has shown thus far that their curriculum leaves much to be desired. This family has a poor quality home school education....not those that have done it properly.

    1. Do you live with them? They have shown some of their home schooling but not the majority of it. I don't think we can judge if their home education is poor quality or not. It would be pretty boring to watch the kids doing their school work all of the time... so we really don't know what they have or haven't learned. I went to public school, and the education I received wasn't that great.

  21. Just for the record...MIchelle went on camera and explained that neither she or Jim Bob went to any college and their lives turned out great, so they see no need for their children to attend college..She said it herself.

    1. Thanks. I remember now that both she and JB have said that. I realize that's their position, but it's a very silly reason for them not to promote college for their children. They obviously do not value education and/or are afraid of their children attending college. "God has not given us a spirit of fear!"

    2. Theres a lot to be said about teaching your child about being a good person. Not just an educated twit. For the most part, their kids seem very respectful of their parents, and others. They really don't owe anyone an explanation.

    3. When you make yourself a public figure and then take a position that is really so far out there -- not encouraging your children to go to college -- then it's fine for people to expect an explanation.

  22. I think the Duggars don't go to college to get degrees because of the expense.

    1. they have lots of money.Thank you, TLC , People, InTouch etc.

  23. I find that to be a narrow-minded viewpoint for the Duggars to have. Some professions require a college degree and to discourage their children from ever going, just because they didn't and "turned out fine", is disturbing. This is placing some very strict limitations on them. I feel sorry for those kids, especially the girls.


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