
Friday, September 2, 2016

Jeremy Vuolo (Fall 2015)

Remember when we posted photos of Jessa and Ben Seewald's "Duggar-sized baby shower" last October?

Looking back at this snapshot in particular, you may notice a familiar face who was not officially introduced until several months later. Do you spy Jeremy Vuolo? Although he and Jinger Duggar were close friends by fall 2015, they had not yet started courting.

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. Is he in the upper right portion of the photo with the dark colored shirt on... Above the lady sitting down in the red top?

  2. Ladies, please do not mis-use the term "close friends". How can two people, who barely know each other and for a short time be close friends? A close friend is an especially close relationship between two people that develops over a lot of time. It takes years to be really, truly close friends. Jeremy and Jinger were acquainted with one another and allowed to converse in the company of others. That does not make someone a close friend.

    1. The Duggar girls are certainly not allowed to have "close friends" of the opposite gender. We all knew what was going on when this unidentified man started showing up in pictures last year. And then Jinger acted all coy right before Jeremy asked to court her. Like she didn't already know exactly what was going on or what was coming next (the ring, the ceremony, and the babies, in that order).

    2. Exactly. To be close and know them extremely well takes years.

    3. Well said and that is reality. Close friendships truly do take years to form.

    4. I cannot agree. I have moved every two years most of my life. Several of my close friends I knew for only a matter 2-3 short months before I moved, but within the first conversation I knew that they would be a lifelong friend. Because I have met so many people, I just recognize that instant connection.

      Also, I have often had deep conversations in a room full of people who are all busy chatting. Total privacy is not required to know a person well.

  3. Another observation here and question: If Jeremy is a pastor, particularly in a small start up church, how is it that the pastor of such a church has the time to travel from southwest Texas to Arkansas so often? He would be too busy to travel and would be needed by his congregation. Please explain how he has so much time to visit there? It's not logical IMO. What are his duties in this church specifically and what are his credentials and qualifications to do so. It doesn't happen that fast to change from soccer player to minister. Thank you.

    1. My pastor travels quite frequently because he is involved with other ministries. I believe Jeremy is involved with ministries in Arkansas and Texas, so he probably travels often period just to deal with those things. :)

    2. Maybe there's a main pastor there and he's the helping pastor. I don't know if this is the correct terminology, but you know what I mean. Maybe there's someone else who has most of the responsibility and he's helping, as if it was an apprentiship of sort.

    3. Really! Why is this a concern? For crying out loud! Just be happy for them! God bless you two! May He bring you closer to Him in all you chose to do! Jeremy & Jinger praise God!

    4. I think if Jeremy has a true concern for his congregation, he should make a point to be at his church 99% of the time, since pastoring is his job. My pastor travels so much that we are wondering whether he was actually called to be a pastor or a traveling evangelist.

    5. In the public's eye or not, I really don't think any of those questions are something the public needs to know. That's his business and between him, the Lord, his church, and his own family. No need for anyone to explain anything to anyone else.

    6. And I think there IS a need to know who your pastor is or pastors are, when they will be available, and if they're truly committed to their congregation or will be there for them to turn to in times of need. It's a huge commitment, to lead like that. Not something you can go hop-skip-jump away from whenever. My church's pastor goes on vacation one week a year and there's always some degree of congregational panic because he won't be available then for weddings or funerals or other things! Yes, there is the youth minister, but it's not the same to a lot of congregants. THAT man in THAT robe is what makes us feel most comfortable. Jeremy will not be able to build that relationship if he's always somewhere else.

  4. Oh wow lol totally missed that.
    By the way I love this picture :) lol

  5. I knew that whole "this is the first meal Jeremy has had with the family" was not true.

    1. A baby shower is not a "meal" and it wasn't just the duggars there.

    2. He was at the Duggar house in pictures early last winter. In the kitchen, hanging out with the Duggar kids before or after a meal, making everyone wonder who he was.

    3. Jeremy ate with the family before, at their house. Caught on camera doing so.

  6. Thank you, Kalin, for your response, but it doesn't answer my question about Jeremy's duties and qualifications. I still believe that a small home church needs their sole pastor on site for their congregation. What religion is he? Surely a minister/pastor must be some type of Christian religion? A free-lance church just doesn't cut it. He needs to be real,not self proclaimed. What are his credentials. Lily and Ellie do you know? If not, please find out.

    1. I'm confused...why would Lily and Ellie try to find out if ur the one wondering. I dont think they see the duggars too too often. If they want the public to find out, they'll tell, if they dont, they won't:)

    2. He is Italian, so like most Italians (83%, including myself) I am assuming Roman Catholic.

  7. If you watch Jessa and Ben's baby shower episode, Jeremy is also a part of the group of people, who go shopping for the baby food-making competition. Ben, takes Derek, Jeremy, and several of Jessa's brothers, to the grocery store, with him.

  8. I can see Jeremy in the background and Jinger is loocking at him!

    1. I don't see anyone who looks like jinger,,,,one looking in his direction....
      not sure that's her .🤔

    2. Maybe your right it good be an other girl.

  9. good point @ 1:28pm... as we all know it is staged... there was a posting/video of Jeremy @ a siblings birthday I think it was April 2014 that he was giving some wise counsel to...the fairy tale is more interesting and exciting when told in its fullest context- They put themselves in front of us.. I don't know why they tip toe around questions about how they met, what their plans are, etc...interesting how much child caregiving & cooking lessons they have done prior to marriage...yet the all claim they can't cook and don't know the stages of child care! Katie M.

    1. Funny how viewers can see these things but those being filmed can't.

  10. Was wondering if Jeremy & Jinger have set a wedding date?

    1. You know there is a church booked, a dress bought, a reception being planned, invitations being printed. They are hiding out with the gift registry, too. It's about time for the first news to be leaked.

    2. Don't think it has been released, unless they are keeping it private (good on them if they are).

  11. y does every one have to pick apart this family they said that was his first official meal with the whole family since they started courting dont anyone pay attention to the show i wish ppl would stop posting rude n dumb comments about them live n let live in peace gezz

    1. You should use punctuation in your writing, so readers can understand what you're trying to say

    2. @anan12:12 it's because those who have watched since day one, know what the Duggars have always told their viewers about their standards, convictions etc they do and say opposite of what we have watched them say and do over the years and it's like whoa! What! Huh? That's not the Duggars we've come to know!!!

  12. Funny they just said in this wks Episode that they met on the mission field in South America.

  13. Here's what some of these comments remind me of: When the US, or any where in the world, has a horrific event such as a shooting, I see where people get angry if the Duggars don't put out a statement of sympathy. Now I know they can expect interest on some things in their life because they put their selves "out there" so to speak, however, expecting them to answer to EVERYTHING is rediculous. Next people will expect the Duggars to reveal what color of socks they wear! As far as "sympathy" statements go - I've never seen anyone on reality TV put out those kind of statements, besides, the Duggars do not hold any political office, and to my knowledge, none of them are even running for any office!

    1. We've already seen the Duggar dirty laundry piles with the sock colors in them. So that much we know. The other questions being asked, not so much.

    2. They supported many candidates over the years...

    3. Did you ever think that maybe some of the statements here are made out of worry for the kids or the grandkids? As we watch more & more bizarre things happen, and things that don't add up or make much sense or are downright dangerous? If we saw this happening in our own families or friends' families, it sure would be cause for concern. Don't say it's none of our business. The welfare of children is everyone's business, and often it's someone not related who spots something wrong first. And yes, this goes right along with putting yourself "out there." Your behavior is on display by your own doing. Expect the microscope along with the spotlight you asked for. And actually, some very good observations are made with microscopes. Life-saving ones.

  14. Does Jeremy have his own pillow with Jinger's clothes on it, the way she has her pillow with his clothes? I really don't think that's very chaste, to be hugging the opposite gender's clothing on a pillow when you're not married.

  15. I wrote a comment above (10:39am). Reading it today it doesn't convey what I was trying to say, so let me try again. Just want to get the point across that although the Duggars put part of their personal lives on TV, that doesn't mean they should be expected to answer to EVERY. LITTLE. THING. THEY. DO.!!! Just take what they want to give and just leave the rest alone! There, now I feel better! LOL! TIA for posting this comment.

  16. Is that Debbie Pearl (or however her name is spelled) in the red shirt at the table?


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