
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Duggars Visit Fayetteville's Funky Yardsale

"Out of the two of us, Jana is definitely the one that likes shopping more than I do."
-Joy-Anna Duggar

In this extended scene, Jana Duggar and Joy-Anna Duggar stop by Fayetteville's Funky Yardsale to pick up a few small pieces of furniture to redecorate the guesthouse for Jill and Derick Dillard. While browsing, Jana, who is not known for being clumsy, accidentally knocks an item off the shelf and breaks it...

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. its so nice to see Jana and Joy getting to be what i observe as close sisters. with Jill married and Jinger rather preoccupied. Jana really needs that and Joy does too. Jana is a super sweet girl with mtns of potential and very godly

    1. Joy needs her parents, too. I don't see them spending as much time with her as Jana does. In fact, you could say that about most of the kids. The parents only seem to get involved when a courtship takes place, and then they are non-stop involved. Too bad.

    2. How do you know how much time Joy's parents spend with her? You are there 24/7?

    3. I am glad that you can determine the time they spend with their kids by the five minutes an episode that we see them each week. You have no idea who they are spending most of their time with... they are not filmed 24/7. Stop making assumptions!

  2. I thought Jill and Derick are missionaries in Central America. It does not make any sense that an already-nice guest house would need to be renovated and redecorated for them to simply visit, even if the visit were somewhat longer than normal. What happened to their home in Central America - did they move out or is it just waiting empty for them? Did they get rid of all that stuff they took down there and bought? How are their supporters' donations being used in the interim? How can they say they have a real job down there and also be able to leave indefinitely? That's not how jobs work. If they're not needed there, then they weren't doing anything of substance.

    1. Missionary work isn't a paying job. You volunteer. The place was provided and their commitment is over. They have implied they will do it again. They have not said where.
      I don't understand the face lift either for the guest house. Maybe them returning is good enough excuse to do it.
      No one said anything about the air conditioning they were given but their return hasn't been filmed.

    2. Their return was definitely photographed and posted online already.

    3. I think that job is done. They are now home taking some online classes. Who knows what they will do next. Maybe start a business? They might be living in that large guest house for a couple of years, maybe having more children there, etc.

  3. What's with all these random videos? Footage that TLC shot but it hit the editing room floor? Why is it being released like this, and are the Duggars getting paid per click or something? In any case, it's no more exciting than what's on the show, so this tells me it's Dullsville 24/7 now for the film crew. Do they really need to keep filming?

  4. Why is Joy being forced to like things that she doesn't like? She prefers to NOT wear skirts or dresses, doesn't like shopping, etc..the list goes on. Please respond.

    1. And how exactly do you know what Joy likes?

    2. She specifically says in this clip that she doesn't like shopping

    3. @9:57, You haven't been watching Joy in what they call the "talking heads" segments of their shows? She herself has explained what she does and doesn't like.

    4. What was said was on previous episodes and Joy was the one that expressed them.
      I'm just thankful she has Jana. He responsibility to the family seems to come first. I was so saddened to hear her say she wouldn't continue her education after graduating.

  5. It is good to see Jana and Joy-Anna getting a little air time. They are more interesting. How many times do we have to see Jinger and Jeremy meeting or surprising each other?!

  6. thats a guest house? that is the dullards old home before they moved?

    1. That's not the same house they lived in. I like the layout though. I wonder how many properties they own.

    2. Nasty, nasty comment and I'm referring to the spelling of their surname. I think if some of you people who write these kinds of comments liked yourselves more you wouldn't be so caustic toward others, but I know rather than hate you the Duggars would show you compassion because that is who they are.

    3. No, this is a house about a five minute walk from the Duggar big house. Jim Bob has owned it for awhile. Vanessa,the midwife Jill trained under, lived in it. It was where one of Jill's bridal showers was filmed.

    4. Oh come on, haven't you ever had spell check on a portable device turn one word into something completely wrong? Auto-correct will do that EVERY THYME. <-- See??? I've seen all sorts of strange spellings of the last name here. Don't blame the person who typed it, blame the device that changed it.

    5. Hey 9:57, have you ever noticed how close together the "I" and the "U" are on a keyboard? Like if your finger slipped a few millimeters to the left, you'd come up with a Dullard instead of a Dillard? Junger instead of Jinger? Likewise, if you go the other way, the "I" becomes an "O." So you could be dunating dillars to the Dollards instead of donating dollars to the Dillards. I know, confusing.

    6. Um.... really now.... that could have been a typo in the comment made by Anonymous 7:38.... I mean the "U" and the "I" keys ARE right next to each other.... ;)

    7. I think you have harshly criticized and misjudged the poster. I'm sure "Dullard's" was an autocorrect and not intentional. How many of have been victim to autocorrect?? So..I ask you to look in the mirror and see who is being nasty? What is the Scripture about taking the plank from your own eye? You might want to take a peek at that one.

    8. Wow, anon 9:57. Chill. How do you know that it wasn't a typo? Or auto correct? Last names
      Aren't common words and cell phones are constantly correcting them. Chill. Just chill.

    9. Jim Bob only bought that house a bit over a year ago according to property records. He sold the huge house Jill and Derick lived in before leaving for CA. They had a $43000 wedding gift registry that was 100% fulfilled. A huge amount of appliances and homewares which I assume are in the guest house now. Why would they be shopping for more? Its just material for the show as its almost all flashbacks and previews.

  7. Jana breaking something is not news worthy. It is not even a little entertaining.

    1. I sure hope she paid for it from her own money, not the camera man giving them TLC's credit card. I would have liked to have heard her say that, not a bunch of giggling.

    2. No idea why they chose to show that. It obviously wasn't part of the 1 hr. show, but they found it necessary to keep it and make it public. Convinced they're trying to make these people look like fools on purpose.

    3. Lighten up, folks! It was funny and relatable!

    4. Well....maybe ya'll should watch the clip again and one of the girls stated " guess I'll be buying that".....nervous giggling after an embarassing moment is actually quite common...just saying..

    5. Does TLC really have to try?

  8. Joy stated on the show that she doesn't like to wear skirts or dresses and prefers to dress in "her own style" during the episode when the older girls and Anna were packing to go on their girl retreat and out to eat in that "fancy" restaurant...also Joy has stated on multiple shows that she doesn't like to shop.

    1. That is correct, she has said it multiple times.

    2. She said that she doesn't like dresses and that she was a skirt girl

  9. Thanks for a post about Jana and Joy. Love their personalities!

  10. Although I'm sure redoing the guest house is a fun project for Jana and Joy, if Jill and Derick are coming home just for a little while in between mission trips, why do they need to have a home that has all new decor and paint, and is huge? It seems a little much for a house that 2 adults and a toddler would be in for only a couple of months, if the Dillards are returning to the mission field like they said they would. I love to redecorate too, I'm just wondering why it is such a big project, and if Jill and Derick even want all this new stuff. I'm not trying to be critical, just wondering.

    1. They use that house for other things, too. It's the one with the pool that we've seen before. They film there and did when it was empty while J&D were away. Now if you really want to ask a good question, ask why at least 2 unrelated people are registered to vote using the Duggar's main address. Hmmmmmm

    2. My view is they will be there 2 years+. They won't go back to mission work but don't want to say that (which was an SOS paid job, not a free mission trip) until they raise funds/ideas for their next job opportunity.

    3. Even if Jill and Derick live there for only a few months, eventually someone else will live in that house. It's normal to give it some love from time to time.

    4. Guess who the next guests will be?!

  11. The cost if redecorating could easily go towards their missions work.

    1. I agree. Why waste the money? Even if you're "frugal." The only thing I would do would be to paint the front door before that wood rots away at the bottom. Looks like they don't have the proper downspouts on the house to stop that.

    2. Exactly. I think they will be there at least a year or two. I think the mission was too much. At the end, Jill wasn't leaving the house, it was locked up for safety and she wasn't meeting women in the village but inviting to visit her (see last episode of that storyline). With Zika concerns and safety, I doubt they will go out of the country on a mission trip ever again.

    3. The cost of that last cookie or candy or gum that any of us bought could have gone to missions work.

  12. I'd really like to see the family do something for Jana. No one ever does stuff for her, but she does things for everyone.

    1. She does seem to be very selfless, doesn't she? A Proverbs 31 women from what I can see, and a very sweet one, at that.

  13. People can shop and decorate. Even on the mission field some one had to purchase the jewelry they taught people to make. Is it a sin to participate in the local economy in an endevour to make a room warm and inviting to be in? I do not think it is.


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