
Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Duggars to Adopt 20th Child?

Over the past few hours, several gossip publications have released articles claiming that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar have been granted temporary guardianship of a relative's child. It won't be long before this information is all over the internet, so we want to give you the facts.

As of now, the Duggars have not made any public comments addressing the situation. Therefore, the claims that Jim Bob and Michelle are caring for another child and working towards adoption are only rumors at this time.

There are many loyal fans out there who would be thrilled to see the Duggars add to their brood, but we encourage everyone to grant the family privacy in this matter. When/if Jim Bob and Michelle make an announcement, we will share it with you all right away. For the time being, we know they would appreciate your prayers.

Photo courtesy


  1. Replies
    1. Seriously? Did you not read this? Give them privacy & if it is true they will tell everyone when they are ready!!! Smh

    2. Did you read the article?

    3. One of the celebrity magazines seems to have court documents regarding it, so it seems true they're pursuing it.

    4. I'm very happy and smile for them yay. Congelation and tell them for me and God blessed them. ❤️💯👍🏼

    5. Yes give them privacy and if they want people too know then they will tell.

  2. Replies
    1. For people to stop spreading these kinds of rumors; thus creating gossip about them.

    2. For wisdom and for God's will. Adopting a child is an important decision for all involved.

    3. What a wonderful thing for Jimbob and Michelle to do! Are they also going to take in the child's mother, Michhelles niece? Now that would be a truly selfless act, so that the child could still see his real mom! Congratulations Dugga Family! Pray it works out for the best for ALL concerned!!

  3. I wish people would respect their privacy. Every move they make is scrutinized. I'm so sorry people are hateful. You have my prayers.

    1. They are scrutinized because they chose to be on TV for many years. Everyone who is famous is scrutinized. I don't see how this is hateful though? I read an article about the guardianship/adoption and it was only stating the facts from legal sources. Of course it is of interest to everyone who watches the Duggars, just like any celebrity. If you choose to be a TV star, especially in reality TV, the fact is people are going to want to know about your life.

    2. Your right. It's terrible how people twist everything

    3. they're scrutinized because they have their lives out on TV for all to see. You can't have it both ways, with people knowing everything and not knowing everything

    4. that's what happens when you publicize yourselves on tv

    5. They out their lives out the for all the public to see! If they want privacy then stop doing tv shows!

    6. Almost every legal paper they sign is a public document, or aren't you aware of how things work in the judicial system? Unless a judge seals things, nobody has privacy. I could see the deed you signed for your house, for instance, know when you bought it, what you paid for it, and how much was mortgaged. It's all public record. Yea for America.

    7. The Duggars have made no secret in the past about their desire to adopt. Viewers are going to speculate because the family has placed themselves in the public spotlight for years. If they truly wish to have privacy, a good start would be to stay off of TV, decline interviews, and use privacy settings on their social media .

    8. They put their lives on television for the public to watch them in their every day unfortunately they will be scrutinized and have their every move watched. It sucks, but they wanted to be on tv and it comes hand in hand. May God continue to bless the whole Dugger family!

  4. I am so happy for them and the child , if this is indeed the situation . when little Jubilee passed away , oh my , I cry every time I see a rerun of that series episode . God Bless you , Michelle and Jim Bob ! <3

  5. Thank u Lily and Ellie for clearing things up!:) We do understand that their are many rumors out there. I believe this blog all the time! God bless u both and the duggars!!:)

  6. I don't put stock in anything unless it comes from the family themselves. If The duggars ever have or adopt another child, I congratulate them and pray for their family always for God's blessings and grace.

  7. Praying for you all. Thy will be done. Amen.

    1. Praying for them, and whatever the situation is with the relative and child.

  8. If Michelle were pregnant again, we all know, she wouldn't be quiet about it nor would they be silent and ask for prayers. Why not simply deny or confirm the rumor and leave it at that? They like to invent controversy and discussion about themselves is my opinion.

  9. God Bless y'all Michelle & Jim Bob !!!

  10. Wish them the best. I know the child will be in a good family.

  11. Congratulations is its true it's pathetic how the world judges them so much yet they are just like everyone else everyone has skeletons in the closet so stop hating on these poor people

  12. Hope it's a boy. I would hate to see another little girl turned into a baby making factory.

  13. Prayers For y'all !!!

  14. Thank you for your sensitivity and faithfulness to them. Will be praying for the situation. The best outcome would be for the original family unit to be healed and restored but am so thankful for Michelle and JimBob to care for this precious soul for however long God sees fit.

  15. As an adoptee with an adopted child, I just have one piece of advice. Please treat this child as your others. Do not introduce them or say this one is adopted. You have no idea the label that places on a person. To the child, YOU are the real parents. I'd tell everyone to never mention the word that doesn't mean you keep it a secret from the child. We put the adoption right in her baby book..the pictures of her with the judge. However, we considered her adoption to be her private information. I send my congratulations.

  16. I understand. This is coming from an active foster parent. If the rumors have truth to them, they could not discuss anything about that child or that child's family. Thank you, duggars, for respecting that child's privacy as we respect yours.

  17. I sincerely hope they don't consider adoption at this stage of their lives.
    I respect they may wish to have another but you can never replace a loss. The older siblings are more responsible for the care especially with all the speaker engagements.
    You can remain a guardian without adoption.

  18. Its a family members child they're taking care of while the mom gets help.

  19. I like this family. But I find it interesting that a family who was and still are in part on national television and all sorts of social media is asking for privacy. I don't have a problem with granting privacy, but seriously when you are aired on TV weekly??!! I wish nothing but the best to all of them.

  20. Prayers. I feel the Duggar are good people and have done an amazing job raising their children. I would hate to live under a microscope. Whatever decisions they make have been prayed upon and will be the right one. Enjoy watching your children grow. A friend in Branson.

  21. That's funny; I haven't heard/seen that gossip. We try our best to ignore gossip/ rumors. But we did get a glimpse of divorce rumors on some magazine at the grocery store. So sad. Of course, our family is praying for the whole family.

    1. Court records are NOT gossip or rumors.

  22. As you have always put God first, he will guide and direct you.

  23. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  24. They are public figures now so everything they do is in the public eye. They made that choice

  25. Leave these people alone! They have been through enough already!

  26. Happy for them if it's true.Oh, brother I can see the negative comments coming.Can you believe that some people watch the show just to then criticize and read this blog to do the same, that is really sad, do they not have anything else better to do with their time.It is really kinda sad when you think about it, that says alot about what kind of person they are, prayers are heeded their way.Now I'm going to watch programming that I like and troll sites that I like, makes sense😉Bless those Duggars😄

    1. I don't know. I think it kind of says a lot about a person when they point out what they think are another person's shortcomings. And so on and so forth.

    2. Amen. I so agree with the post above. People should find better things to do with their time!

  27. If the rumors are true I hope that their niece is being helped to get back on her feet so that she may one day have a solid relationship with her son.

  28. If it is true good for them giving this child a safe and happy home to live im and so many friends and people to help guide them. This child would be so lucky to have them

  29. If anyone can come in and fulfill the genuine role as parent to this child, it is Jim Bob and Michelle. The nephew will be blessed; as will they.

  30. I really hope this isn't true, but will wait to hear from the Duggars themselves.

  31. I will pray for God's will for the Duggar family.

  32. Yay love the duggers I will be praying

  33. We still love the Duggar family. I think hardship unite your loved ones. I'm sad that people are so judgemental. You find the ones that are the most judgemental have something to hide themselves. I hope they choose to adopt. I hope they continue to unite their families. I think it is time to keep the media away and stay private. They seem to like to break up families of faith.

  34. May God guide you in any and all your plans may he be your compass and may he open the doors if it is his will. I hope all is going great with you and yours blessings from Ohio. Maybe someday you can come visit us you would be welcomed in our home. Vonia.t

  35. How is Michelle not pregnant Yet? Are they using birth control ?

    1. You can't be serious. By the time a woman reaches 50, she's probably been through menopause. Therefore, she's unable to become pregnant.

    2. Michelle turned 50.menopause... Aka done! That means unless an act of God occurs she's done having biological children.

    3. Michelle is 50! She is likely in menopause or at least perimenopause. It would be far more surprising if she did get pregnant at this point, honestly.

    4. Simple... she is pass the age she can get pregnant.

    5. Michelle is fifty years old this month. At that age pregnancy is highly unlikely.

  36. The information (court papers) has been released but won't say kids name out of respect and privacy. They only have been granted emergency guardianship for time being until later court dates to determine a perm foster home etc. Legally the duggars are NOT allowed to show his photo or share details etc at this stage so don't expect anything from them at this time. Lets pray for the family, God bless

    1. Names of minors are not redacted "out of respect for privacy." It's the law.

  37. At this stage they are not adopting. Just emergency guardianship until further court dates determine otherwise. They are not allowed to share further details

  38. In other baby news, the bates adult child Alyssa Webster is expecting baby girl number two with husband John! Prayers for a safe pregnancy to them.

  39. praying thanx 4 the clarification

  40. Poor child...a public is not was an abandoned child needs.

    1. The child is not necessarily abandoned. His mother is not able to care for him and placed the child with her mother,Michelle's sister. Unfortunately, the sister had a stroke and now the Duggars have stepped in.
      Abandoned would be if the mother walked away from the child. That does not seem to be the case.

  41. I think it is wonderful to provide a home to someone in need who otherwise may not grow up in a stable environment. If that is what the Duggars are doing, more power to them. Our purpose in life is to reach out to our fellowman and share the burdens if we can, not everyone is in a position or willing to do that, especially within our own families.

  42. Jeremy's parents seem so poised and gracious in the face of Jim Bob's interrogation.

  43. Praying for God's gracious guidance for the Duggar family, now and always. If it is true that they are caring for and adopting a child, then this child is truly blessed to becoming a part of a very loving, compassionate family.

  44. Taking in a family members child who is in need is a wonderful thing to do. I am happy the child has family members to take him in and he is not lost in the foster care system.

  45. Seeing that there are legal (public) documents showing proof that they have gained custody of this boy, this is beyond just a rumor. That said, I wholeheartedly believe that this should remain private for the sake of the minor child in question. This child has lost his mother (in the sense of custody here), and is probably quite distraught over this. All this child needs is a safe and loving home. What this child doesn't need is a media circus to make his transition into a new family (regardless that they are relatives) any harder. I'm hoping that once the hype of the Duggars now getting a "20th child" dies down, this poor boy can live his life in peace.

  46. Temporary guardianship is not adoption.....they will be caregivers
    And guidance for a family member .its a good thing,,family is better than foster care when
    The boy has a mother.

    1. The boy has a mother, and the Duggars have the means of helping her, too. But there are no signs of that happening, just confirmed guardianship and then these adoption rumors. Adoption should be unnecessary in this case, if the mother had the proper help.

    2. They should be doing all they can to help this boy's mother with any problems she may be having so he can stay with her. They seem eager to get legal control of this child for some reason.

    3. If the mother is incapable of caring for the child, then someone else should have legal custody, and I could understand why the Duggars would be eager. Someone has to be responsible to make medical, school, and other important decisions for this child.

  47. It would be the 22nd child, never forget those who are gone. They lived, no matter how long, but they lived and are children of Mr and Mrs Duggar and the Lord
    Hope and Pray for every Duggar Child to grow and marry and give birth to all the children god gives them, through birth or adoption. An adopted child is also a present of god. It was sent to the parents so they can teach the right views, to be christian.
    There is a reason for every given child!
    Best wishes to you from Germany

    1. A child is not a present, it's their own person!

    2. Psalm 127:3 Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.

  48. If it becomes true, that child will have a great home full of love and guidance. God bless Jim Bob and Michelle for that level of caring.

  49. I agree people need to mind their business and let the Duggars live their happy .

  50. As I understand it the child they are caring for is Michelle's sister's daughter's son. He is not a baby. If there is a child in need within their family then it makes sense that they would step up. They would make fine adoptive parents if it comes to that.

  51. Thank you for the truth. Rumors are just someone trying to cause trouble for others.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  52. The have been "praying about adopting for yeaaaaaars now"

    1. Adoption is an extremely complex, long and often ridiculous process. I'm sure they are praying that the Lord allows them to get through the process quickly and in His time adopt a child. Unfortunately the government makes it far too difficult to give a child a home. Sure there are many parts of the process that are completely necessary, however these are human beings that are sitting in orphanages while bureaucracy plays out in its crawling fashion.

      God bless

  53. When comes from the family or through this blogg site then I will know it is true.

  54. I realise that it's no confirmed, but don't the Duggars have enough on their plate with all their natural children?

  55. While I can see the need to have a TEMPORARY guardianship, they should be housing and employing that mother so she is able to take care of her own child.

    1. From what I gather the mother is on drugs and a theif. You can only help those who want to be helped

    2. What happened to "Oh they made a mistake and they've now reformed" - does it only apply to Josh and why couldn't it apply to this woman, too?

    3. There has been nothing reported that she is on drugs. She was charged for break & enter and taking a pocket knife and $2 and is on probation. The young woman is homeless so honestly, your comment about those who want to be helped is uncalled for. You DO NOT know her situation. For shame!

    4. That is not a fair statement to make about the mother, 12:39. Maybe nobody has offered to help her!

    5. The mother does not need help. She can get a job like the rest of us. The child is the one who needs help.

  56. They are not adopting! They have been granted emergency temporary guardianship of a family member in a difficult situation. The court papers have been publicly released. I'm glad they're staying quiet about it to protect the child's privacy. He/she has a mother and is not the Duggar's "20th child" as the tabloids are reporting. Praying for the child, that they may find some peaceful and loving arms in the Duggar household.

  57. I remember in one episode when "19 Kids and Counting" was still on TV, that Michelle said they were considering adoption. For them to adopt would not surprise me the least bit.
    But seriously people, BE QUIET 'CAUSE NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING ABOUT IT!!!!


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