
Friday, September 2, 2016

Dillards' Anniversary Getaway

Next Tuesday on a brand-new episode of Counting On, Jill and Derick Dillard are treated to a one-night anniversary getaway at a Central American resort. In celebration of two years of marriage, the Dillards enjoy some much needed relaxation. While there, they take full advantage of the pool and give 14-month-old Israel a swimming lesson (video below).

Meanwhile, Jill's siblings continue survival camp in Missouri.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Saying they are glad there is a wall and someone else to watch out for them is a red flag. Do they realize how nervous they are? It is a sign of life in a single cell creature to withdraw from danger. If they are that much at risk I think the reasonable thing to do would be to not stay where they are not safe. If something bad happens will they say they chose it? If they have options, why choose a bad consequence?

    1. The Dillard's are perfectly SAFE!!!! They were living in a resort tourest town, ( which is heavily guarded)had luxeries such as running water, appliances and had wifi access. Jill's parents even bought them window air conditioners!!!!! And TLC was there filming so they were never really alone in the jungle living in harsh conditions. The only threat they had there was the Zika virus....

    2. I think it always felt like such a threat to Jill because she had no exposure to anywhere like that before. At least Derick experienced Nepal. Might not be the same gang danger there, but at least he knew what it was like to live as a foreigner, far away from home. Jill was more "Get me out of here!" when it came to El Salvador. I really don't think it was a wise move for them. Derick could have stayed employed at Wal-Mart and found some way in his community to help out, fulfilling his need to do something like that. Jill could have volunteered somewhere locally, too. I think they were all too young to attempt what they did. I hope they don't try it again until they have more training or more experience (locally), but you never know.

  2. Jill looks healthy.

  3. Whatever was done to Dericks mouth it seems like the operation has made his mouth worse not better. It really changed his image, he seems like a completely different person.

    1. I've also been wondering about Derick's appearance. I can see his braces. I wonder if he's trying to look more indigenous.

    2. If he's happy and healthier with this operation, what's the problem?
      I will never understand the so common need in our times to constantly criticise people's appearance and style...

    3. Sometimes it's gotta get worse before it gets better. I think he looks fine, and you never know what types of issues people are dealing with ya know?

    4. I agree. He had a much better smile in Nepal. Maybe his bite was off, but his smile was better.

  4. So nice that they were able to get away and enjoy their anniversary! It breaks my heart to see them living out there. It must be so hard for Jill to have spent her first year of motherhood away from her family, in a place that they keep Sat ng isn't safe! She looks tired, and worn down. Good for her for following her husband's direction, I just don't understand why they're there with a baby. That's a mission trip that would be better enjoyed just the two of them when their children are grown.

    1. They choose to live there. No one is forcing them.

    2. The Dillards aren't a "mission trip" they are serving on the mission field. Trips are generally short term. One serves on the field after being called by God to serve. One doesn't go just to enjoy oneself...they serve and love on the locals and obey God's calling. You go where God calls when called to full time mission work. There is an element of choice when opting for a short term trip. Tis a big difference.

  5. I'm sure Jill said on Tuesday's show that her father gave them air conditioning for the mission house. So why would the hotel air be such a treat?

    1. Uh... Let's see; no cooking,or cleaning, good mattress, a pool, and Filtered Air/Air Conditioning... Positivity is easy to find...💓💓💓

  6. Jill complained that the electricity goes out and the water sometimes is out as well. Their right to come back and enjoy the family and each other bc missionary work is not easy, and in some instances has been dangerous for some families!!

  7. Well I am not sure where "anonymous' got their info on where jill and Derick were living but it certainly did not look like a resort town to me!!! Maybe they are thinking the picture of them swimming is from where they lived, it wasn't. Stop trying to make something negative out of everything you read about them. if you don't like them they simply ignore them.

  8. "Treated" to a one-night getaway by whom?

  9. I know! I know! Because the power actually does stay on there?

  10. What were the ratings for the first two shows? You haven't reported them.

  11. What's with Derick lately? First a man bun, and now he has a head band?

    1. I agree, it seems like he's wearing it more like a girl would.


  13. It's so good to see them having fun together as a family ❤️

  14. Congratulations Jill and Derrick. GOD bless, hugs to the family. Vonia

  15. Derick's hair looks nice like that.

    1. I agree! I like Derricks longer hair and scruffy beard and he can pull that look off! I think even Jill mentioned that she likes how he looks when he isn't clean shaven. And her opinion should be the only one that matters. People are either going to like it or hate it but it's derricks choice to grow out his hair- he has to live with it, not everyone else, so I don't see what the big fuss is all about!

  16. The Dillards had only one day to relax and enjoy the hotel and they invited the film crew to join them?

    1. They have to be filmed to get paid. They are probably paid by the number of episodes they appear in.

  17. When I was dating my future husband and about to be engaged I was still expected to help out in the family and do my share around the house. What is with the special treatment for the Duggar who is courting? A little ridiculous and dramatic, don't you think?

    1. The girls who court also say they don't know how to cook (Jinger, Jessa). Then who is cooking? I know they have hired some live in help so maybe she cooks? Do they eat a lot of frozen meals, pizza and sandwiches or what?

    2. Michelle boasted in an old episode that on grocery store runs they buy "as many frozen burritos" as they can. Not a lot of cooking involved with those, or tater tot casserole either for that matter.

  18. Are you still in contact with the Duggars? I would really like to get some advice from Jim Bob.

    1. Blake, ask God for wisdom, read your Bible, and seek advice from the pastor of your local Bible-preaching church.


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