
Thursday, August 11, 2016

Israel Dillard Enjoys Arkansas

The Dillards are making the most of their time in the United States. Since their arrival last weekend, they have been spending time with family and friends and checking items off their to-do list.

Following the ADA's recommendations, Jill and Derick Dillard took their one-year-old son to the dentist for his first checkup. It looks like Israel is enjoying himself, doesn't it?

 Israel Dillard's first visit to the dentist

Jill and Derick say that their little family is enjoying air conditioning, which they consider to be a luxury after living without it in Central America.

Israel was an infant when he left home last fall, so Grandma Cathy had a new car seat waiting for him when he arrived in Arkansas.

Israel Dillard and his new car seat

Derick introduced Israel to baby chicks at the Benton County Fair, which runs through Saturday. It's never too early to teach kids how to handle small animals.

Derick Dillard and Israel Dillard at the Benton County Fair

Photos courtesy


  1. Bless his heart. Hope he had a great checkup and the family is enjoying settling back in.

  2. No animal handling any more at our fairs - they had E. Coli cases in children and adults, some of whom died, even after they had installed hand washing stations and hand sanitizer stands. So you now can't touch any animal at the fairs, you're roped off well back from them, and you are supposed to have your shoe bottoms come in contact with a sanitizing solution when you enter and when you leave the buildings.

    Really not the best idea to have a lot of people who aren't used to handling animals be around them like that. You have to be extremely EXTREMELY careful with hygiene. E. Coli in a child can be fatal.

    1. I have to question this post. Our kids bring and show animals, including chickens, at our county fair as a part of 4h. They are taught animal and health safety, but the guidines stated above are ridiculous! The kods could never take care of or show their animals if they had to jump through those hoops all the time.

      Also, we have raised laying hens and meat chickens for a while now. With proper hand washing and leaving your "barn boots" in a specific area (not in the house) there shouldn't be any issues with illness.

      Some people are scare-mongers...

    2. Don't question it, Google it. Public events with animals such as petting zoos, fairs, and farm visits have caused E. coli outbreaks in at least 15 different states, sickening many (and unfortunately killing some), according to Food Safety News and the Centers for Disease Control. The CDC has published prevention guidelines in response to the problem. Those agencies are not scare-mongers. Events have triggered places to change policies and even pass laws about animal/human contact in public places. Your experiences reflect animal handling by a small trained group or one family. Multiply that by tens of thousands of untrained people touching animals at public events, add the distractions and excitement that come with having children at fairs, and that's where the problems come in.

    3. AMEN Sunnysideup

    4. Sunnyside, so since your children have never gotten sick handling animals, you doubt that anyone can get sick, and you think some safety handling guidelines are crazy? Sorry to burst your bubble but E. coli deaths from transmission of the bacteria through animals to humans is well-documented. And that's just the start of the long list of zoonotic diseases you can get from handling animals, some leading to death. The original poster is right. Even more precaution is needed at public places than at home or at the farm. Think of the potential lawsuits, for one reason.

    5. Amen...Be careful, use common sense with hygiene. Don't raise a generation of children that are afraid to go outside because they may get a germ on their hands. Just respectfully disagreeing. Only my opinion.

    6. Took my granddaughter to a festival that had a petting zoo. Bunch of the kids got E-coli, took my granddaughter to pediatrician just to be safe. Went ahead and gave her antibiotics and that when we found out she was allergic to penicillin! She didn't get E-coli probably because after she pet the animals I was standing by with hand wipes. That was about 11years ago BEFORE people carried hand sanitizers everywhere! Petting zoos CAN be dangerous!

  3. People with small children, weigh in on that seat, how Israel fits in it, and if the straps are in the right place. The first thing I noticed was that he's not tall enough to have his entire head in the head restraint area. If this is an incorrect use of that size seat, someone please speak up. It could save a life.


    2. In some states this is illegal. Children must be rear-facing in their car seats until two years old. The fit isn't great either.

    3. If you faced that car seat to the rear, where would his legs go? I can't believe how critical people are. Perhaps they should read a book.

    4. The seat itself is fine. The straps are dangerously loose though. And while, it is so much safer to rear face, it is legal (though not advised) to turn the seat around before re the age of two in many states.

    5. This a 5-point harness booster not a car seat....the straps are too loose, his head isn't properly in the headrest (bc he is too small for this style seat), and he should still be rear facing bc of age (and weight-he doesnt appear to be big for his age in the photo)!!! To answer to the comment about where will his legs go...boosters are not meant for rear face but in the proper seat he would have plenty of leg room. -a concerned child care provider

  4. I'm not trying to criticize the Dillards, but it's not correct for you to say they're following ADA recommendations. The ADA guidelines say that children should have their first dental visit after they get their first tooth and before their first birthday. Since Israel is having his first visit several months after his first birthday, they are not following the guidelines. Again, I'm not criticizing them as I'm sure they are taking care of his teeth, but you shouldn't post incorrect information that others might think is correct.

  5. Give them a break about the car seat facing forward. In Grandma Dillard's time the car seat recommendations and laws were different. And it clearly states that Grandma Dillard had the car seat already waiting for them, no doubt when they came out of the airport. I already know some people commenting before me will say something about it. There are 0 comments right now, but I'm sure there are some ahead of me in queue.

    1. It's not the direction of the seat that's as puzzling as the fact that I don't see the car's shoulder belt holding that seat in anywhere, his head isn't up in the restraint area, and that piece over his chest is WAY too loose.

    2. The shoulder belt goes through the back of the car seat and is buckled. The other things mentioned are merely your opinion, so I don't need to reply to that. I think he fits perfectly in the seat. I wouldn't change a thing.

    3. You are aware that new car seats have tethers and do not require the car's seat belts to secure them?

    4. You don't use the shoulder belt when you use a 5-point harness on such a small child. The vehicle seat belt attaches & restrains the carseat underneath the carseat where you can't see it. I can tell that you don't have kids, if you did you would be aware of this information.

    5. I'm Australian and babies at 6 months change to face forward (it's six months or earlier if they reach the height and weight measurements) and we have low child car seat related deaths. I'm more worried about the childseat not restrained properly.. they need someone to go over it with them I think..

    6. I see the childseat isn't held in anywhere.. I sure hope they don't have to break suddenly for any reason..

    7. In that seat for that age child, the shoulder belt should be through the seat itself. If you can't understand the installation instructions, most places allow you to have a State Trooper help you check the seat and install it properly, for free. They'd rather spend time doing that than spend time trying to get your child out of a wrecked vehicle with an improperly installed seat.

    8. We got this exact car seat for my daughter when she turned 5. The seat is connected using the LATCH system. All cars must have the LATCH system available for car seats. You don't use the car's seat belt to hold the seat in. Technically he is allowed to forward face, as extended rear-facing until age 2 is only recommended. However, my daughter was rear-facing until she was 2 and it worked out fine. A convertible car seat would have been the best option, as he can be rear-facing now and then they can turn it once he turns 2. Just because he reaches the height and weight of that car seat doesn't mean he should be forward facing. Another big issue is the loose-ness of the five point harness. It is obviously too loose as it is not flat against his chest/stomach. If they are going to forward face him, they should at least make sure his seat belt is tight.

    9. Use and installation of this seat when a child is 5 years old is different than the "Toddler" use and installation of the seat when the child is younger. The instruction booklet for this seat is online, if you want to see the differences. And yes, the car's shoulder seat belt is used for the Toddler installation. Yet that's not visible in the picture that was posted. (Please post this comment for clarification.)

  6. OMG, the dreaded man-bun! Why are all the guys doing this? It looks hideous!

    1. I want to stick chopsticks in them, or put a scrunchie on them.

    2. I really like man buns!

    3. Depends on which ones you're talking about!

  7. I thought I heard somewhere that car safety rules were recently changed and children under 2 years of age need to be in a rear facing car seat. Did anyone else hear that? I only bring it up because that looks like a forward facing seat in the picture...

    1. Every state has its own laws.

    2. It's actually not that recent, it's been around for a few years. Yes, children should be in a rear-facing seat until at least age 2, but preferably as long as possible (up to the height and weight limit of the car seat, which is usually 40 pounds for a rear-facing convertible). My daughter is almost 4 and she's still rear-facing. It may be legal to have them forward-facing after 1 year but just because something is legal doesn't mean it's the safest thing to do.

      The kind of car seat Israel is in can only be used forward-facing. It seems like they skipped over a convertible car seat and went straight from an infant seat to a forward-facing upright. My guess is they were probably trying to be frugal and just buy one car seat that will last longer instead of having to buy a convertible and then another forward-facing seat in a few years. Since Israel may meet the minimum height and weight requirements for this seat already. I understand that kind of thinking, I am frugal too. But children's safety is not the place to try to save money or convenience. Jill and Derick seem like caring parents so I hope they heed the comments and do some research about car seat best practices, not just minimum requirements.

    3. The recommendation is 2 where we live the law is 1

    4. It is recommended, but not a legal requirement.

    5. Not every state has the same policy on car seats regulations. The APA recommends it but the state has to set into law.

    6. My neighbor's van was T-boned and spun around by a truck that ran a stop sign. Two kids under 5 in the car were OK but the parents both ended up in the hospital with broken bones. Thank goodness they had the kids' car seats installed properly and the kids fastened in tightly. There is no such thing as too much precaution when it comes to child safety seats.

  8. That's great. One of my fondest memories is of holding the baby chick's at my aunt n' uncles farm in Kentucky. Also a few years back I took a trip to visit my family in Michigan & we went to a fair where I got to hold an adorable little piglet.

  9. Why does Derick have his hair in a bun instead of in a ponytail? I don't understand why any man would want to wear his hair in a bun??

    1. Why does it concern you? No offence, but he can do what he wants with his hair

    2. I'd like to know why his hair us that long in the first place? What happened to "if a man has log hair it is a shame to him (1Cor 11)" They follow the Bible so religiously on modesty, relationship, and birth control standards, how did this slip away from him? I'm really disappointed in how much they have fallen. Girls in above knee skirts (Jessa and others), rap music?! (Jessa and Ben I know for sure) AND that's just a start!!!!!!:(:(:(:(

    3. Why are you being so judgemental, to each their own.

    4. If they don't want people to comment on Derick's hair then they shouldn't post pictures of it. There wasn't anything bad about the comment. People are allowed to have and express their opinions.

    5. I don't think the poster is being judgmental if you know what the Duggars have have said since 14 kids and counting (and before), on everything the poster listed. Yes, time and people change, however, the Duggars have never addressed their changes about what they've always said they don't do for personal conviction reasons. Some will say they don't need to explain, but on the other hand, fans want to know their reasons for change WHEN THEY'VE ALWAYS spoken and given reasons about why they never did the very things they do now. I think some fans are hurt because they looked up to the Duggars in similar ways they chose to raise their family in today's world and some are just plain curious.

  10. It's concerning that they are forward facing him in that car seat! It's so much safer for kids to rear face until 2.

    1. I think you mean " oh c'mon".

    2. calm down anon, these are valid points. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration recommend a child stays in a rear facing seat until about the age of 2 when they outgrow the weight/height limit. Israel does seem like a pretty big kid so I guess it's possible he's approaching those limits, but considering he's not even one and a half maybe the Dillards should look into convertible seats that allow faster growing children to still face the rear.

    3. Each state is different in their car seat regulations. Arkansas may not have the same car seat standards as the next state.

    4. That's true. I didn't turn my daughter around until she was almost three, for safety reasons.

    5. Impact accidents would happen no differently and with no less force from one state to another. If Arkansas doesn't have this law yet, they are lagging, and shame on their legislators. Parents should use the guidelines that are the safest, not just ones that meet minimum requirements by law.

  11. oh my Israel keeps getting I do not know because he started off so cute! also wanted to let you know the picture of Josie with her hands on her hips and her foot on stool is so cute - man the Duggars (Dillards and Seewalds) make some super good looking kids!

  12. I am so glad you all made it home safe and May GOD Bless You All.

  13. Did poor Jill and Derick have to move all of their things out of their house in Central America while they're back in Arkansas for their sabbatical? Maybe their stuff is waiting in storage until they head back?

    1. There was stuff packed in suitcases in the background of the CA house in one picture. That house is supposed to be for the "missionaries," or whatever SOS calls their employees. So maybe they left the household goods there (for the next people) and took home their personal stuff. We kept seeing the Arkansas house (with the pool) in pictures and videos this year, so some stuff was left there, and the family had access to it.

  14. I thought Duggars don't do long hair for men.

    1. There are a lot of things we thought the Duggars didn't do, but golly gosh, it turns out they do.

    2. Derrick Dillard is a Dillard, not a Duggar. He can make his own choices

  15. I can hardly stand the load times on this blog now. You should do something to speed it up, I have not got the patience to browse around on here anymore. Every time I click comments to read them, it takes a long, long time to load again. I use a tablet and WiFi.

    1. No problems loading here. Maybe it's your connection?

    2. It's your connection, not the site.

    3. Definitely your connection! Mine loads SUPER FAST!

  16. Visits to the dentist are a useful thing to show. People need lots of encouragement to be consistent with taking care of their teeth. Even if it seems a bit weird for a reality show topic, it hits home with everyone.

  17. Israel is adorable. God Bless him.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  18. Glad the Dillard's made it back home safe snd sound! I really hope Jill Derrick and izzy all went to get tested to make sure they do not have Zika. I also Hope the Dillard's read d up on car seat safety in the state of Arkansas. Surely they can't be that ignorant About the safety of thier child Surely they've read all negative comments as well as those who are truely concerned about the welfare of izzy. Or maybe they do know but post pictures that coukd cause a stir on purpose because it get attention? There's no such thing as bad publicity as long as your in the lime light and staying relevant. ....
    I do hope the Duggars understand the type of consequences occur with placing thier children's lived on television and keeping them in the eye of the media. So far I don't think they do

    1. That's judgemental don't you think? These were meant to be cute pictures...something to make us smile. I did. You don't have to look if it upsets you. That's okay too.

    2. No, Marie Menard, it's not judgmental to express an opinion on a forum designed for people to post opinions and comments.

  19. I have a legitimate question here; not meaning to be nasty at all. It is a matter of logic and the Duggar family beliefs regarding what is "feminine or masculine" according to their bible and interpretations. They have repeatedly stated that "long hair is for females and short hair is for males". How is it that Derick can wear his hair long, (ie, female style) and not be violating their dress code. It it's "ok" for him to wear his hair the way he wants, why can't any of the Duggar females wear a short or shorter more "modern" and practical hair style? Thank you to someone who will respond to this logical question.

    1. He's not a Duggar though, he's a Dillard, perhaps that's why. Somehow, I don't think Jim Bob would have approved had Derrick been wearing the man bun since the beginning. I wonder if Jim Bob has regrets.

    2. Well, Derrick isn't a duggar- he is a Dillard who married a Duggar. As such, he and his wife can make any choices they choose right for their family.
      My parents adore my husband, they absolutely don't agree with ever choice we make, but that's okay! Every family is different and that's what's great about marriage and figuring your own path.

    3. Technically he is not a duggar. Also, he is a grown man. He can interpret the bible for himself and make the best decisions for himself. It's a hairstyle! We shouldn't be so quick to judge.....

    4. This is a good question. So many rules for the girls about what not to wear but not so many for the men folk. Why is it okay for Derick to have long hair but the girls have to keep their hair super long because God likes women to have long hair. How is Derick's man bun not gender bending when it makes him look like a woman from the back?

    5. Gracie in NC was not judging! She was just asking a question, one that probably many of us have wondered about.

    6. Maybe Derick is growing out his hair for Locks of Love in support of his mom. Just a thought.

    7. When have they repeatedly stated that long hair is for girls and short hair is for boys? I've watched their show for years and read all their books and I don't recall them saying that. The only reference to the girls hair being long was early in the show where they said their dad liked long hair. And nowadays long hair is in style. They have also relaxed on some of their previous "convictions" since some of the boys now wear shorts.

  20. Seriously the buns looks bad and unmanly

    1. I think derricks man bun looks great on him!!!!!
      I do wonder what Jim bob thinks though!!! Everything is so gender specific i.e. Women have long hair boys have short hair, men go to work and have a job , women stay home and take care of kids, etc. I wonder if Derrick will cut his hair or keep it long??

    2. oh come on, was that necessary? be kind to one another! :)

    3. What aren't people allowed to express their opinions anymore?

  21. I cannot think the duggars approve of long hair on derrick. I hope a haircut is on their to do list.

    1. I can not see how jom bob or michelle see this as appropriate either. He needs a hair cut and shave he looks dirty and un kept. They did the first thing was getting izzy into see a dentist, now get mr. Dillard to see a hairdresser and shave. No dugger man has long hair. I really hope they deside to stay for good. Its not safe for little kids and especially if they want more kids?!

    2. Parents don't generally dictate the appearance of their adult son in law. Why is long hair unacceptable for men but ok for women? As a woman with short hair am I too manly?

    3. I think we should all hope that he does whatever is his own choice and will. :) And support him and be less critical! Come on people! Be nice.

    4. Didnt realize that long hair was against any religion considering Jesus had long hair. So what believes are it should not be a problem . And yes the dentist was first on the list as a appointment for a health care reason should be more of a concern then a hair cut. Not to criticize they should have the car seat tested and such to ensure safety of Izzy. And as far as handling animals they are tested now before they can even show them in most cases and the FDA has new guidelines out with the increase in disease. And most people have several blood test upon reentering the country so how do you know this has not been done. By showing Izzy at a dentist I would think they probably have taken him to a one year check up and they themselves could have gone through the necessary testing. I have worked for a doctor where several of this test have been performed and repeat test on a regular schedule. So I see a lot of assumption on here.

    5. I will answer again. Jesus had long hair, so why not Derrick? I highly doubt that this is a life or death issue that warrant's a discussion. There are far more worse things in this world to worry about.

    6. Um... exactly where in the Bible did you read that Jesus had long hair? An artist depicted him with long hair but I can only think of two men who were known by their long hair in the Bible: Samson and Absalom. That being said, the Bible talks much more about grace, love, and how to live our lives than it does about hair.

    7. Jesus did not have long hair. Jewish men of that time period kept their hair short.

  22. It's interesting how often the Duggars show car seat pictures. Given that they must know how many people express concern over how they choose to position kids in their car seats, I always wonder whether they post these pictures to reassure people, or whether they post them to irritate

    1. Maybe their highway patrol friends can guide them again on how to correct things.

    2. They are just living their own lives...just like they should and the heck with everyone's can't please everyone,so why try?

    3. Natalia, they are living their lives in public on purpose and by their own choice. No one is forcing them to post personal pictures of their mundane lives. So it becomes everyone's business if the Duggars put family pictures on the internet.

  23. It's amazing how so many people are commenting on Derrick's hair and the Duggar's biblical standards. Derrick can do what he chooses because he's a Dillard, not a Duggar. He's also a grown man.

  24. I see everyone's freaking out over the front facing seat. Front facing is fine as long as it's done safely..however they arnt following that. Us Aussies put our babies in forward facing at six months or earlier if baby reaches the height and weight requirement and we have a low childseat related deaths.I don't however believe they are doing it safely as you can see in pic that the childseat isn't secure..

  25. I've never been a fan of the "man bun" but I think Derrick pulls it off! Also, for some reason, I think the man bun looks a lot better than a pony tail or leaving long hair down on men.

  26. It looks to me like he is in the car seat for picture taking purposes only. I'm sure if they were going somewhere they would have him more securely buckled.

  27. I can't read this blog any longer. Car seats and hair? Do you not have any valid concerns? I'm Canadian but it seems to me that your election should give you pause for concern. Or do you read or listen to the news? Is it the fact that you just want to dis the Duggars and that is your source of entertainment?Shame in you and shame on Lily and Ellie for posting the same negative numerous replies. If this is all you have- discontinue the blog. You are aiding the negativity.

    1. When you think of it, elections are no different than anything else in life. It's still someone who is trying to get you to buy into what they're selling, often not for your own good but for theirs.

  28. What's the matter with everyone who posts here? Why all the negative comments?Wwy pick holes in everything they do? Why not just enjoy seeing the pictures of this lovely little family? If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything.

    1. I agree with you here let them live their lives. Quit assuming so much and shunning the family. One problem in the family has led to shunning them all. Most people dont share things that are the dark times in their lifes.

  29. Derrick is a Dillard, not a Duggar, he is an adult, leave the man alone about his hair!!! And for the sake of all of us stop with all the judgemental statements about Israel, he is their child, not yours, he is healthy and happy, let it go people. If all you have to say is negative then leave the group because obviously you are here for the wrong reasons.

  30. I can't, for the life of me, understand why someone would take the time to visit someone's family blog...really good, God loving, trying to do their best in life people and just bully. Take a second and just imagine how you would feel if you were publically bullied every time you put something on facebook about you're children and what you did for the day. Don't say for a minute, "well, they put themselves out there because there on TV". Baloney! Whether their car seat is positioned correctly, or strapped properly (there are dozens of different seats that strap differently), or if they should be letting their child touch a baby chick or my personal Derek is wearing his hair. Oh my gosh! What difference does that make to you??? You don't live with him! I'm sure you all have children because you are obviously experts on everything child related. My fear is, we have such a problem with bullying in this world. We have people committing suicide every day because they are bullied into believing they aren't good enough or don't look good enough or are too different than other people. You are in charge of teaching your children about bullying and how painful words can be. That to me is scary. I would assume that the Duggers will never see any of these remarks. I'm sure they learned a long time ago to post pictures and such for their fans, but don't read the remarks because they're full of hate. The best saying in the world is, "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all". That includes sitting behind a computer and typing hate because your face can't be seen. 😥

    1. Amen!
      LOVE your comment Jill!

    2. Thank you Jill for your great comment.

    3. Love your on, u said exactly what I feel...Thanks, i appreciate the comments that don't make me feel irritated or angry sometimes...blessings blessings blessings ☻🕆🕇

    4. Take that same outrage and use it to fight not just bullying, but also discrimination, child abuse, people who break laws, people who abuse the tax system, and the countless other travesties there are in our world.

  31. I really don't think Derricks hair is any of anyone's business!!! Who cares what the Duggar family thinks as well, if Jill and Derrick are happy then back off nosey commenters!!

  32. If Jill or Derick has zika and they don't know it and are bitten by a mosquito while in Arkansas,will they introduce zika into their area via the mosquito? Could they start a zika outbreak and endanger babies in Arkansas?

    1. Interesting question. The World Health Organization says that if a mosquito bites an infected person during the first week of the person's infection, it then becomes a carrier mosquito that could spread the virus to others during subsequent bites. It takes 3 to 12 days of incubation for the next person to become actively infected and for symptoms to appear, if they appear at all. Bites during that approximate 1 week period of infection are the ones that then perpetuate the cycle of transmission to other humans.

      So if the Duggars came back to Arkansas with active infection, and if they were bitten during that infection by the identified (so far) species of carrier Aedes or Culex mosquitoes, then they could be spreading the virus that way. It's also spread through "intimate" contact during the infection period, from mother to child during pregnancy, and through blood donations/transfusions (cases reported in Brazil). The virus is present in any bodily fluids of an infected person.

      Since a person with an active infection may have few or no outward symptoms, it's hard to pinpoint who might be carrying Zika at any given time and isolate them. If any of the Dillards came back with an active infection, and if they were bitten by a mosquito in Arkansas who could transmit the virus, then yes, potentially they could be part of the chain of disease. Potentially, meaning the timing would have to be right for both the infection and the next bite.

    2. Interesting information about the Zika virus!

  33. Stating your opinion about a picture, pointing out problems, or making comments aimed at nobody in particular is not bullying.

    It sounds as if some people want to read comments with each post, but they'd better not say anything other than "That's so cute" or "Bless their hearts." Well, we are not robots who simply repeat each other, we are humans, with brains (some say designed by God) that have the ability to think and to form opinions.

    This goes for everyone's favorite family, too. What would you call standing in front of a microphone and stating your opinion about a political issue, with the mission to make others fall in line with what you were saying? Or calling people in an attempt to persuade their vote? Or aligning yourself with certain politicians and using your platform to promote their platform?

    You'd call that freedom of speech, which is what is also happening on this blog. Thank goodness.

    Nobody is bullying.

  34. Jill Sheriff, I couldn't agree more. What this continent needs is more anger management courses! It seems that those who really don't like themselves take it out on others. Sad,sad......

  35. Israel is so cute I could squeeze him. Never get tired of seeing pictures of the Duggar grandchildren. I miss all the Duggars.

  36. The baby looks happy and he seemed to do well at the dentist. Kids don't always like the dentist at that age! Spending time with family is important. It's good they can all do that together.

  37. I read Jill and Derick's activity plans while they are in the U.S. How are they going to financially support themselves while they are here? How can Derick, who is unemployed for these months, and family live? They don't address these logical questions that will arise from their reading public.

  38. I don't understand why people think that Derrick should live his life according to the Duggar rules. The Duggar kids live under the Duggar law as long as they live in the Duggar house. But when they move out and start their own family, they live by their own set of rules, wich they decide with their spouse. Derrick, Ben, Anna and Jeremy are not Duggars. They don't have to live by the Duggar standards. The way they were raised is as appropriate as the way the Duggar kids were raised even if it's different. It's normal that they take decisions according to the standards of their own families.

    It's unfair to think that everybody who becomes a part of the family should change their ways to please the Duggars. They should live the way they feel is right. Jim Bob and Michelle have no word to say about how the kids live their lives. They can give advice, just like every parents, but they should trust their kids and let them live the way they want.


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.