
Saturday, August 6, 2016

9 Months Old and Standing

Spurgeon Seewald, the youngest of the six grand-Duggars, turned nine months old yesterday! As you can from the pictures above, he has mastered the art of standing while holding onto a study object. The average baby reaches this milestone at 9-12 months, so Spurgeon is leading the pack.

Here's a TLC webisode featuring Jessa Seewald, Ben Seewald, and Spurgeon Seewald. It was filmed several weeks ago but is still very cute.

Photos courtesy, video courtesy TLC


  1. Very sweet.
    More exploration and more baby proofing for mom.
    Is he speaking?
    Thank you for sharing.

  2. He's such a cute little guy. But I have to wonder about them pointing out his shoes come from a second-hand store. We all know Jessa and Ben are making hundreds of thousands of dollars from Counting On, not to mention the millions Jim Bob was reported to have earned from the prior show (some of which would have had to be to Jessa once she was 18 on that show). Why do they pretend they still can't afford things? Let people who truly can't afford new clothes shop in these stores. This really bothers me. Yes, they needed to go there years ago, but they need to stop this illusion of poverty.

    1. It is not a matter of poverty and they are not pretending anything. Buying second hand or less expensive clothing and shoes for kids this age is a smart idea as they out grow things so quickly.

    2. They are not trying to create an illusion of poverty, but rather they are trying to be good stewards of what God has provided to them through financial blessings and natural resources.

    3. I agree with you, but I also see where they're coming from, too. I spend money very carefully. I get really anxious when I spend a lot of money, especially when I know I could have spent less. I always think about how if I were to suddenly become rich, I still probably would not be able to spend frivolously! Maybe the Duggars are the same way? Shoes for a baby can be expensive, and it seems crazy to spend that on a baby who isn't walking!

    4. You really think you have to be poor to shop at thrift stores?

    5. Buying second is being a good steward of the money they have been blessed with. I see nothing wrong with them shopping at thrift stores. It's ridiculous to spend hundreds of dollars on baby shoes that he will out grow in a month or less. I appreciate that they are not allowing "the love of money" take root in their lives. (1 Timothy 6:10)

    6. Also, cute as little shoes are, children need to be walking at least 15 steps unaided before they are bought shoes.

    7. Why do you pretend to know how much money they are paid for the tv show? You don't have to be dirt poor to shop at thrift stores!Anyone can shop there! Jim Bob made his money in the real estate business!

  3. It looks like they have moved into the house with the swimming pool that Jim Bob bought (from the background of the photos). I can't wait to see the next show and who is living in Grandma Mary's house. Where are Jill and Derick living and Anna/Josh/kids? When is Jim Bob going to start building houses on the land across from their house?

    1. They're probably only filming there. Maybe Jessa prefers to film in the temporarily empty house, so she doesn't have to clean up her own house before the camera crew comes?

    2. Those dust bunnies under the bed!!!! Eek.

  4. Very cute! Spurgeon looks like Michael.

  5. How funny is it that I looked at this cute little guy and instantly knew he was Jessa's?? So adorable, and I see her by the amused look on in his eyes. xx

  6. wow this cutie looks so much like both his parents - i can see ben and jess in him. also see a lot of grandpa jim bob too. may God bless them all!

  7. It is so great to see the Duggar families and grands. I think Spurgeon looks like both his parents, too, but he has Grandpa Jim Bob's eyes and I see his cousin Michael as well.
    I saw in a post above that someone is concerned about the Duggars buying at thrift stores even though they have plenty of money. I think it is wise to raise their children on thrift shop bargains. They won't ever think a thing about it and kids outgrow things quickly anyway. They also are comfortable with hand-me-downs. I think that is smart too. If our country ever has to struggle for money for some reason, these kids will be right at home with more economic means of getting clothes. That is great. I didn't have sisters growing up and my mother made most of my clothes. I preferred hers to the store bought clothes. She could have bought all my clothes, but our family thought saving money was wise and my home made clothes fit better than my store bought ones...and I had a wider array of colors and prints than the ones in the store. when I found a pattern I liked I could have a number of items that were made by the same pattern but they all looked different due to different materials and my mother's cleverness at trimming the items, I had more clothes to wear because we didn't have to spend so much money. Then when I learned to sew in 4-H, I made my own clothes!! Later on I made my children's clothes and they looked so cute...and likewise they had more clothes. It's just smart to be thrifty...leaves more money for other candy and ice cream...!

    1. Sewing your own clothes is NOT thrifty. It used to be, when clothes were produced in the US and so was fabric. Now with cheap labor in other countries, average clothing prices have fallen (think Old Navy prices for clothes produced in Asia). Drought in parts of the world and in the US have caused cotton prices to rise. So now good fabric is expensive. I just paid $25 - $45 a yard for 54" fabrics for shirts, and at about 2 yards per shirt, it's not a money saver at all.

  8. Ben and Jessa have the cutest baby ever!

  9. Ha, my cousin was walking by eight and a half months!! Now that's early.

  10. Healthy, happy, loved, lucky little adorable...blessings🤗😍

  11. Little Spurgeon looks like he's probably busy cutting some new teeth. He looks a little uncomfortable toward the middle of the video (grey & white onesie in Ben's arms and initially on the floor). Poor little guy!

  12. That is the cutest lil guy I've ever seen - besides my own lil guy LOL!!

  13. I think thrift stores are great but for a sweet baby's first pair of shoes the feet should be measured then paired with a good quality shoe. Bless you


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