
Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Jinger Duggar Engagement Video

Have you heard the big news? Jinger Duggar is engaged to Jeremy Vuolo! (Click here to read our initial announcement post.)

TLC also just revealed the season two premiere date of Counting On...Tuesday, August 23rd, at 8pm ET/7pm CT. You can rest assured that Jinger and Jeremy's relationship will be featured in the new season.

"I cannot believe that I am engaged to the man of my dreams, the man that I've asked God for," says Jinger Duggar in the TLC clip below. "God is so kind, and I just cannot believe it!"

PEOPLE Magazine currently has the exclusive on the engagement photo and the season two promo video. (You can view both on 

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. I feel sad and concerned for these young women getting married without ever having lived on their own, had adult experiences, supported themselves, traveled with friends, or gone on a date. Jeremy is a grown man who has done all of this and more. The unbalanced power dynamic is truly concerning. These young women deserve some autonomy.

    1. You have to see the difference between getting the one thing you really want and getting a bunch of other stuff. I think Jinger got what she really wanted. She said that and she is happy, obviously.

    2. These are not the young women I feel sorry for. There are plenty of women who've had 'adult experiences' and 'gone on dates' who end up in terrible relationships that end in divorce (or worse) - I would guess that 100% of the women whose marriages end in divorce have had those experiences you describe and are no better off for them. The Duggar girls are happy and have a supportive family. Its the young women who don't have those things I feel sorry for.

    3. I believe there are a number of counter arguments to the above statement. I personally think the Duggar young women are blessed to have never had to experience the loneliness that CAN come from living on your own, "adult experiences"...this can encompass MANY unwanted ones as we all themselves...I believe they DO to a certain extent given the skills they've acquired and the money earned from them...they do a whole lot better with finances than people double their age with kids!! Traveled with friends...they have done this many times I believe...a few of them televised...going on dates...well ANYONE can argue even those of us who have gone on many...could be a supreme waste of short, praise God for how they choose to lead their romantic for the unbalanced power dynamic? Well, I believe, Jinger, having NOT experienced all that Jeremy has brings an even healthier spiritual power and less tattered heart to their relationship. I'm sure Jeremy is ENTIRELY grateful for the blessing he has in her!

    4. They seem to be doing pretty well "Doctor"

    5. I was married 2 weeks after turning 18 and moved out of my parent's home into a home with my husband. This was 9 year ago. My husband and I are doing better than ever. Yes, we had some pretty big bumps on the way but when God is the center of your marriage there is nothing concerning about it. They will learn and grow together which is better than growing on your own and being stuck in your own ways. I know 100s of girls who have gotten married young and moved from their parents home to their own home with their husbands and they are all just fine. Jinger is a mature young woman and I know there is nothing to worry about. Just from watching the few snippets the parents do a great job preparing their kids for adulthood in a godly way.

    6. I was married one week after my high school graduation, and I was only 17 years old. My husband was 19. We have been married for 46 years, and have experienced the best of life--true love and the birth of our children, to the worst--the death of one of those children and the deaths of 2 grandchildren. We grew up together and are growing old together. So thankful for a faithful God!

    7. Coming from someone who can't relate to her situation, I can see where your opinion comes from. However, let me tell you that this girl who also married at 18, who hadn't lived on her own, had any adult experiences, etc has been happily married to the same man for what will be 30 years in October. We've traveled together, grown up and experienced life together, I could go on & on. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome in my life. Not everyone fits the same mold. It may not be best for you, but it was perfectly fine for us & hopefully for any of the Duggar's kids as well.

    8. I truly believe that when God is the center of your marriage, your marriage will thrive, regardless of age or life experiences. I was married young and moved out of my parent's house and moved in with the love of my life. More than two years later we are doing great. We often hear people compliment how far ahead we seem to be in our marriage because we are mature and both commit daily to placing God at the center our marriage. We rarely argue and when we do, we know that mutual respect and communication is key. Either way, I had no interest living on my own before marriage. That's not where God wanted me--too much temptation. I'm sure these young women feel similar.

    9. Ich kenne viele junge Mädchen und Junge Männer,die genau das getan haben. Sie haben alleine gelebt-SICH ausgelebt,Dates gehabt,feste Freund/innen gehabt...
      diese Menschen sind schon in jungen Jahren nach mehreren gescheiterten Beziehungen gefühlsmäßig abgestumpft,taub und bleiben innerlich leer.
      Warum? Weil sie meinten,sie könnten selber über ihr Leben bestimmen.Sie haben Entscheidungen getroffen,haben sich zu schlimmen Dingen hinreißen lassen und bleiben als gebrauchte oder verbrauchte Hülsen zurück. Äußerlich mag man das niemandem Ansehen,aber wieviele innerlich kaputte Menschen gibt es heute?
      Muss man wirklich ALLES mitgemacht haben,um sein Leben gelebt zu haben? Wir haben uns schon so weit von Gottes Gedanken entfernt.
      Deswegen ist Jinger und Jeremy nur zu gratulieren. Denn die,die wirklich nach dem Willen Gottes fragen und danach leben wollen,werden Segen erfahren.
      Wenn eine Coladose offen ist,ist sie offen.Nichts und niemand kann an solch einer Tatsache was ändern. Sie wird dadurch alleine schon an Wert verlieren. Und nurmal probieren und dann wegschmeißen wegen Nichtgefallen-dass sollte für jeden Jungen Menschen eine Beleidigung seiner selbst bedeuten und INAKZEPTABEL sein.

    10. I was married three months after graduating high school I was eighteen and l am still married twenty two year's later. And never lived on my own and my hubby and I are doing fine.

    11. I lived at home with my parents until the day I got married. More than enough time after marriage for adult experiences. Never lived on my own. We went straight to our home after the wedding, didn't have a honeymoon. That was over 35 years ago and we are still very much in love and going strong.

    12. I don't know how well Anna is doing, if we're being honest with ourselves. And what do Jessa and Ben do again? These young women and girls DESERVE autonomy. They deserve it.

    13. Good points, Anonymous 10:07.

    14. Just because you don't do things that way, doesn't mean someone else shouldn't. I respect their decisions to do it the way they want. They all have choices. And they have respect for their parents. And they still found their dream mate. It's all perspective.

    15. I think Jinger as well as all the girls know what they want. They are not pushed into anything. They seek love and trust in God. God has provided them with wonderful young men!! I was married young and ended up divorced and I look at the way the Duggar's "court" and such and sort of admire it! I wish I had known such things. I think they are all the cutest couples and love the relationships that they have! They are strong in their love & their faith and it shows.

  2. I'm so happy for the both of you. Thank you for allowing us to share in your joy. This will be an exciting new adventure for you both!

  3. Can't that family do anything without selling it to People or TLC? I mean, this is a personal decision those two made...but then they had to give People exclusive rights to it. It's hard to respect people who have totally sold out like that. Look where their focus is now. Life is not one big public relations opportunity and publicity paycheck. The sooner all the Duggars learn this, the better for them. Fame has changed them and in some cases, ruined them.

    1. These are tough economic times. If I had a chance to get money by announcing my engagement, I'd take it.

    2. Some people are famous.


    4. I agree, seems weird to be "surprised" with an engagement then have a camera shoved in your face. It's like the time Josh called TLC cameras before telling Anna SHE was pregnant. They've been selling out for a while but it's gotten much more obvious and gross. I can't imagine being asked to make a promo commercial just a few minutes after getting engaged.

    5. Agree Annonymous 4:22. There are no " surprises" as everything is filmed for their show. I mean..c' you said their just happened to be an entire film crew to capture Jeremy getting on one knee complete with Michelle and JimBob? "I am so surprised " is getting old.

  4. They each seem so happy! I'm so excited for them. Marriage is a wonderful thing. Congrats to Jeremy and Jinger!

  5. Would you mind posting the Counting On Season 2 premiere video on here? keeps crashing on my iPod 😢 - Alyssa

    1. I graduated early to get married 6 weeks afterwards. I moved from my parents home into mine and my husbands first apartment. He was 21 and I was 18. We've been together since I was 15 and he was 18. We've been married 44 years and together 46. We spent 20 years in the military which meant lots of separations. But through thick and thin, good and bad with the Lord at the center of our marriage we're still very happily married. I never wanted to live on my own. I'm sure the Duggar girls are quite happy going from their parents home straight to making homes of their own with their spouses.

  6. She's just beautiful! I had to chuckle, he's a "J" too! LOL I wonder if they will have a short engagement? May they have a lifetime of happiness!!!

    1. Considering that their courtship prior to their engagement was one month, I would assume that their engagement will also be short. ;)

    2. Engagements go very quickly.. I say 3 months tops more likely 6-8 weeks. I'll just be interested to see where the wedding is. His family is in Pennsylvania and I believe he has his own church in TX. Doesn't make sense to do it in AR.

  7. So happyandexcited for ya'll! CONGRATS!:)

  8. It seems odd that the Duggars follow the very worldly and superficial tradition of giving and accepting diamond solitaire engagement rings. A diamond solitaire is one of the most illogical, frivolous and wasteful things one could buy.

    1. What would you suggest, as a way to signify to the world that a man or woman is married?

    2. ? It is a nice thing to get a ring, what is wrong with that? I just set a butterfly at the inside window free. I could have squished it, being a frivolous little thing. But they make the world special. That ring speaks volumes to many and is not just frivolous.

    3. Diamond solitaire engagement rings are the best!

    4. And that would be your opinion as many many many others would disagree, buy hey, to each his own. I LOVE MINE it shines so bright...just like Jingers smile, she looks so just keeps getting better and better for the Duggars...and that's just phenomenal blessing to be had😆

    5. Do you think matching tattoos around their ring fingers would be more economical and less frivolous and wasteful?

    6. This person who keeps making negative comments is what is known as a troll. The best thing to do it ignore them.

  9. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy! So excited for you both.

  10. OH MY GOSH, JINGER, THIS IS SO EXCITING!! CONGRATS TO YOU BOTH!!! You both will be in my prayers!! Have a blessed marriage!!

  11. Jinger looks radiantly happy. I wish them all the best!

  12. I don't think I've ever seen Jinger as excited and alive! What wonderful news. Can't wait to hear more about it and all and hopefully we'll get to see the wedding!

  13. Why do they always say the same thing? "I can't believe it"? It's sounds so phony as EVERYONE knows courtships lead to engagements which leads to a huge TV wedding on TLC. False humility is just that..false. The entire Duggar family knows they have just been given another stay of execution from any further potential cancellation of their show. I wish they would just be honest enough to admit that.

    1. It is a surprise to see Jinger get a great guy, not that she is not worth it, she is. I can't believe it is right on though, this one surprised everyone!

    2. One of the boys was in a courtship and it Did not end in marriage!

    3. Marjorie is back hanging around with the family. Something's up.

  14. I wonder when the are planning the wedding for? If I were to guess based off of Jill and Jesse's quick engagements, I'd say by October at the latest. Congrats to the happy couple :)

  15. How sad that they intend to make their relationship another non-private one.

    1. I am happy about it!

    2. I simply do not understand it either. Why don't these people value any privacy? I wonder if they just don't know how to keep anything private and it's become normal to put everything in your life out there for the world to pick apart.

    3. You'd think that Jeremy in particular would stay on the down-low with this relationship. There are no doubt people out there who could now tell stories, or worse yet, SELL stories, of his past.

    4. @Annonymous 10:06 AM..Jeremy is SELLING his story to TLC and People Magazine. How is it any different if someone else is given the same opportunity to sell their life story/ history as well?

  16. Hi Ellie, just wondering why there are no more responses from people posted on your blog? I can see maybe 3 or 4 now but you used to be great at posting all of them! Also can you please put updated grand children pictures of ALL grandchildren at the top banner please?!

    1. They said a few days ago they're working on an updated banner... I think one of them had an injured wrist? Give them a little time

  17. Congratulations! May your life be filled with love and happiness. All the time God is good; God is good all the time.


  18. exciting news, so happy for you both

  19. I'm happy for them! But I am also a bit sad that these girls are raised to believe that they're only whole when they have a man in their lives. I've been watching comments online about "now when is Janna going to get married?" and I wonder why she can't be happy as a single woman? I didn't meet my husband until I was in my 30s and I am SO glad I waited for him. Good luck to Jinger and Jeremy, though! I hope they continue to grow together and be happy.

    1. Just like you said, those are comments online. Not the feelings of the family. Jana has said countless times she is happy in the stage of lifeatures she is in. When God brings a man into her life, then she'll be happy in that stage as well. Don't assume the family is pushing those girls to get married, unless you are secretly a Duggar and know everything that goes on there, which I HIGHLY doubt.

    2. I wasn't assuming that at all. I meant why isn't it enough to the audience.

    3. Anon @4:10
      Well, the Duggar TV shows have always centered around courtships, engagements, weddings, pregnancy and childbirth. It isn't surprising that people would make the assumptions that these events are the primary focus of their existence.

  20. Aww! Congrats! So happy for you two! May God bless you.

  21. Yay!!! Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy!!! So Excited for you both! I pray we can get to see you get married on TLC!!! Love your whole family!

  22. Engaged after knowing each other for a very, very short time..... Come on.....

    1. They've known each other for 14 months...

    2. They've known each other for OVER a year.

    3. They met over a year ago (May 2015).. There's pics somewhere of when they met on a mission trip (I think either on his page of the Duggars released it when they announced the courtship). They've been courting since December of 2015. They just announced it in June.

    4. In what way would that affect you?

  23. Jinger looks absolutely beautiful in this video! She is positively glowing and I am so thrilled for them. Congratulations Jinger And Jeremy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Congratulations! May God Bless you in your upcoming life together!

  25. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy! <3 :)

  26. I wonder when they started courting

    1. They met and started getting to know each other last May (2015). They officially started courting December 11, 2015.

    2. December 2015

  27. Oh my goodness!! I'm so happy for the both of them and their families. May God bless them a thousand times over:-) I was not expecting such happy news!

  28. So exciting!!!!! Congratulations Jeremy and Jinger. A match made in heaven! So happy for you!!!!!

  29. I knew it would happen. Any of the girls' courtships that are made public result in marriage whereas Josh's publicized courtship is the only public courtship of the boys that ended in marriage.

    1. Marjorie probably wanted to do more with her life, and she's young. Wise decision. They probably just did not have that much in common or had separate goals for their lives. In my opinion, I think it will be harder for the boys to marry because most girls are raised to be independent and not depend on a man to take care of them.

    2. I hate to say it but I think his timing was just really bad. I think she wanted to be a reality star cause it's pretty coincidental the show got cut then a few weeks later (if that) she broke the courtship. Now she's starting to pop back up in pictures again. Kinda weird. I think it was definitely for the best as they were both way too young IMO but also good he found out she wasn't the type to stick by him in a crisis. Even if things weren't going well she could of waited a few months to break it off so he could have a breather.

    3. Marjorie is back, doing things with the family again.

    4. And that is you're opinion, and they have their own convictions on how they want to live. Respect others.

  30. Congratulations Jeremy and Jinger! I am so excited for you guys! You make a beautiful couple and I hope God gives you many blessings and a long life together!

  31. So very happy for both of them and praying God bless their marriage!

  32. Wow! This is just dreamy! It really is just so perfect and wonderful! Thanks for the special news.

  33. Best wishes always God Bless!!!

  34. I heard some where that they have been courting since December??? true???

    1. It was the Daily Mail, not always the most reliable source. But it most certainly could be true.

    2. Jeremy asked Jim Bob for permission to get to know Jinger better in December.

      Lily and Ellie

  35. Congratulations!
    I hope this provides a worldly life together. I'm very glad that they are committed to Texas and not just around the corner. Jinger deserves experiences. I hope she continues her passion for photography.

    1. Agree so much with this comment.

    2. Since he is going to be a pastor it might provide an other worldly life together.

  36. Jinger is glowing, so glad she found her true love.

  37. That is fantastic news. I'm so happy for the duggar family.

  38. So excited for you Jeremy and jinger! When is the wedding going to be Lily and Ellie? Hannah

    1. Hi Hannah,

      They have not announced the wedding date yet, but we will keep you all posted.

      Lily and Ellie

  39. Awww!!! Jinger didn't stop smiling in the video. I'm so happy for them!!!

  40. She truly looks in love.....

  41. Congratulations Jinger and Jeremy. When is the wedding?

  42. Congratulations ! Jeremy was actually at Jessa ' s baby shower shopping for baby food with Ben and Derrick .

  43. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So incredibly happy for y'all...Jinger you picked a good one😉

  44. They seem really close and cuddly which is nice to see, It was like he almost went to kiss her forehead at one point.

  45. Stephanie from VirginiaJuly 28, 2016 at 10:40 AM

    He wanted to kiss her on the forehead and held back. That's sad. He should be able to no hold back that emotion

    1. If they have a way they want to do things then they also count it sad when they don't follow their plan to say the physical stuff for the wedding night, so they still win, it is not so sad.

  46. I am so happy for Jinger! They both look incredibly in Love!

    To anon. July 26, 4:35pm. What a strange comment.

  47. This is beautiful. It's so nice to see her so happy. I can't wait to hear of their wedding and the great things that will happen for them. :)

  48. I would just like to say how happy I am for Jinger.She looks extremely happy.CONGRATULATIONS on your engagement Jinger and Jeremy.God Bless.

  49. It looks fake, but congratulations ether way

  50. Jeremy and Jinger, I am so happy for you both. Jinger, I think you will make a wonderful pastor's wife. God bless you both.
    Lily and Ellie, thank you so much for sharing with us. It is so fun to "live" these exciting events of the Duggars' lives with them. I think they enjoy it as well.

  51. Lily and Ellie, I would love for you to do a little updating on Amy as well. Love that gal!


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