
Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sharon Meets Grandma Duggar

We received dozens of stories from readers who have met the Duggar family, and we look forward to sharing them with you all. This one comes from a reader named Sharon:

Last August, my husband, grandson, and I were at Braum's Ice Cream Shop and Burger Restaurant in Springdale, Arkansas, when who walks in but Grandma Duggar! I gathered my courage and approached her in the grocery section. She was precious! 

We talked for about 10 minutes. I sat back down with my family, and she completed her shopping and went to her car. The next thing I know, she is standing at our table giving me a photo of the Duggar family. One for me and one for my best friend, whom I had mentioned during our talk. What a sweet, kind, and loving lady! I will always treasure our encounter.

Photo courtesy


  1. Where are all the comments or is something going on,I know that I have posted a few that haven't made it thru yet, and I'm a supporter so I really don't know what's happening.I hope the fans a haven't abandoned this site.

    1. Carpal tunnel has forced Ellie to take a break so replies aren't getting posted as usual.

    2. I think the comments have to be approved before they get published and if Ellie is taking a break, then it'll probably be longer for comments to show up 😊

    3. I think Ellie just isn't on the blog a lot, with her wrist-pain..

    4. did you not see Ellie's post the day before this one? The regular visitors to her blogs know she is in pain right now and taking a break.

  2. Do the Duggars always carry pictures of themselves? That is an odd practice. No one I know does that.

    1. She's a grandmother, probably a proud one, hence the photos. She also probably has a lot of people come to her and talk, and knows that they appreciate the gesture. Kind of like an autograph.

    2. I think it might be something like a prayer card. I remember them going to New York City in the first season of their show. When people came up to talk to them, they gave them cards with their picture on them - if I'm not mistaken, the cards also had a Bible verse. Probably, Grandma Duggar had a few of them in her car, and after speaking with Sharon, she went to get a couple to give to her.

    3. She probably had them in her car. Please be nice.

    4. The Duggars are famous.

    5. People with a fan base carry pictures. It is quite normal.

    6. She's a *grandma*. Most grandmothers are more than happy to talk to others about their grandchildren and many do carry around photos- even extras to share.

    7. Seriously? You think it odd that a proud Grandma carries pics of her family?

    8. She probably carries photos provided by TLC. I think that the gesture shows how sweet and thoughtful this woman is

    9. It's extremely common for grandmothers to carry pictures of their grandchildren with them, so I don't see this as odd at all.

    10. Do you know any famous families? I have read many accounts of famous people giving signed photos of themselves. It is quite normal for celebrities to do that.

  3. I love all of the Duggars, but Grandma Duggar is one of my faves. Her influence on her son, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren is very obvious. I want to be like her!

  4. Can you put a phtoto of you ellis's and can you pit more photo of the duggars? I loved the 19 kids and counting show


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