
Monday, June 20, 2016

Dugger Update and Video

We're back! We have missed sharing the latest Duggar updates with you all, but the break was definitely a good idea. My (Ellie's) wrists are still sore, so I plan to complete my blogging tasks in short intervals throughout the day.

We know you are all wondering whether the Duggars will return to TV. Unfortunately, TLC has not made any announcements regarding the future of Jill and Jessa: Counting On. In the meantime, the film crew hopes to keep the tape rolling so they don't miss any important story lines.

The network recently posted a video that we know you all will enjoy. Jinger Duggar recently shadowed Lisa Mac, a local Northwest Arkansas photographer who took photos of the Dillard family soon after Israel Dillard's birth (video below).

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. First off welcome back Ellie glad you are back! This is off subject but could we have an updated picture in the family photos at top of the blog for: Spurgeon, Israel, and Meredith please? Thank you!

    1. Yes how that would be truly amazing. I have been thinking the same thing

  2. I love this clip!! Bring back 19 kids and counting!

  3. Do you mean that TLC is currently taping them??? Please be more specific than "hopes to keep the tape rolling." Are they filming for more shows or what?

  4. OH I think this us awesome! Jinger is already so talented! She will be amazing no matter what she does!and I just read about her courtship with Jeremy!!!!!!!😃😃😃🎉🎉🎉🎉
    I am so excited for her! He seems like a good match for her. Between his athletic nature and her big city goals I have a feeling they will be able to use thier talents to serve the lord in the best way possible that suits thier personalities. Hopefully jinger can start her own photography career maybe even be a sports photographer for her soon to be husband!!! But whatever they choose to do in thier lives, I wish them happiness. Jeremy seems like a godly young man and I just hope he can show jinger the big beautiful world and all it has to offer.
    Congrats jinger and Jeremy. I can't wait to get updates from this blog. Thank you lily and Ellie btw for making this a safe place for duggar fans and bringing accurate information!

  5. This makes me so happy. You can tell Jinger loves photography and wonderful to see her pursuing it.

  6. How nice for the girls / and boys to come back for another season! Jinger and Jerrmy- congrats to you! It's soo exciting to be where you are... Don't let others feelings for your dating rules get you down... Respect is earned (courtship), you're getting familiar with your hearts and minds, I commend you for leaving the rest until later... It makes it all the more special, bless you all.💓💓

    1. You do realize that there are zillions of couples who didn't "court" like this yet ended up happily staying together for the rest of their lives? And there are fundamentalists who did follow strict courting rules but ended up in a world of trouble? Rules are no guarantee of happiness.

  7. ok, i will stop this crusade. i wish them well and hope the world can find happiness and peace, however, much has changed since they started the show. they seemed so innocent and seemed to love the lord without judging others then, and i found it to be refreshing. i hope they find it again.


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