
Monday, April 25, 2016

Oreo Cookie Truffles From 'Counting On'

Do you remember the Oreo Cookie Truffles that Joy-Anna Duggar made with party planner Sierra Dominguez three weeks ago on Counting On? If you're looking for a treat to bring to an upcoming event, these truffles are delicious and oh so easy to make!

Sierra's Oreo Cookie Truffles


1 family size package Oreo cookies (approximately 50 cookies)
1 package cream cheese (8 oz)
1/4 cup powdered sugar
24 oz. white chocolate for candy making


1. Use food processor to crush cookies.

2. Set aside 1/2 cup of crushed cookies to use for garnish. Leave remaining crushed cookies in food processor. Add cream cheese, and blend.

3. Slowly add powdered sugar, and blend together.

4. Pour batter into a mixing bowl. Form into quarter-sized balls, and place on cookie sheet lined with wax paper.

5. Freeze for 10 minutes. Re-form ball shape. Dip in melted white chocolate, and set on wax paper.

6. Garnish the tops of the truffles with the remainder of the crushed cookies. Enjoy!

Photos/video courtesy TLC


  1. At least they finally remembered to pull back their hair while making food that's going to be served to other people.

    1. I am so sick of everyone throwing a fit about this. Nobody in my family puts their hair up and none of us have ever found a hair in our food .

    2. I've found long cat hairs in my car and the cats have never been in there! Hair, human or pet, falls out, gets around, and sticks to everything. Why do you think health depts. have rules about hair nets in restaurants?

    3. Ewwww. You should you know. It's proper hygiene in the kitchen.

    4. Or maybe everyone is too polite to say something! I have long hair and if I forget to tie it back it ends up in the food. Better to tie it up. That's why people in restaurants have to wear hats or hair nets.

    5. When you prepare/serve food to others you want to be as clean as possible. They also should've worn gloves.

    6. I am thinking the same thing!!! Pull that hair back.

    7. " that's going to be served to other people." Meaning, not immediate family. Hope that helps explain their point.

    8. I agree you should pull back your hair if you are working in the food industry but there's no way I'm going to at home. Trust me everyone in my family would quickly say something if they found hair in their food.

    9. When I find a cat hair in my food, I just eat it.

    10. I accidentally get hair in dinner sometimes. Regardless of whether it's pulled back.

  2. Those look delicious, the cream cheese is a unique idea.

  3. That looks good. I'll have to try this recipe! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  4. Thanks so much! They look really good!

  5. This is not food.

    1. Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I've been confused all my life. I thought chocolate and cream cheese were food?

  6. Yummm!..may have to make these. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  7. Thank you for the recipe! I love watching the girls prepare for a party & cook together. I also love when the family travels. Cooking, traveling, & planning parties are a few of my passions.

  8. These are really bad for you, but oh-so-yummy! Try it with the mint Oreos!!

  9. Those might be good, minus the cream cheese and the sugar. Or minus the white chocolate, too. Just an Oreo alone would do it for me. Haven't had one in years! Try not to look when going down that aisle.

    1. Live a little!!!

    2. Ha, ha!!!! Me too! I love Oreos and could probably eat a whole package if I let myself. That's why I don't buy them anymore!

  10. great recipe! and so easy!!!!

  11. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe! When my mom saw Sierra and Joy making them on TV she asked me to find the recipe. So, now I have it. :)

  12. I've made these many times, so many times I'm known as the "oreo truffle lady." They are easy and a crowd pleaser, but you don't need the powdered sugar!! Just mix crushed oreos with softened cream cheese in a food processor, then freeze, and dip in melted chocolate! :)

  13. This is great, what a treat those are to make and enjoy. This is a good one to make at Christmas time. Thank you for posting.

  14. Look delicious but the company is moving jobs to Mexico to avoid paying us wages.

  15. Have made these many times before (recipe has been on Pinterest forever) and FYI they are even better straight from the fridge. Yum!

  16. Lighten up folks, its just a recipe,always complaining about some joy today...blessings😀

  17. Thank you for sharing new recipes! Love love the recipes.


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