
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Israel Dillard Update

As we announced this morning, today is Israel's 1st birthday! The Dillards celebrated with friends on Sunday and will bring a pinata to church this evening. Derick's mom (aka "Grandma C") paid a visit to Central America just in time for her grandson's milestone birthday.

Jill and Derick's letter to Israel has been posted to their website. Here are a few updates:

-Israel is a pro at walking and enjoys playing soccer.
-He has 7 (soon to be 8) teeth.
-In addition to several words in sign language, Israel can say "Mama," "Papa," and "uh oh." When he wants to nurse, he says "nur-nur."
-Israel is also learning Spanish and will give kisses when he hears the word "besitos."
-During worship at church, Israel enjoys dancing and clapping.

Photo courtesy


  1. happy birthday Israel ,many more to come

  2. So cute! You are so smart! Happy 1st Birthday Israel!

  3. Happy Birthday Israel. You are such an adorable young man. I wish there was more showing of Jill, Derick and Israel on the show. I would love to hear his first words. You guys are missed and hope you return soon to the States so we can see more of you Jill, Derick and Israel on the show.

  4. Sorry to say but Derrick looks really unwell! Hope they are getting proper nutrition there!

  5. Happy 1st Birthday Israel! I can believe his 1 already.

  6. he shouldnt be nursing any longer seems like it is time for him to stop usually by time children turn one the bottle and nursing stops

    1. That is rediculous. The world health organization recommends nursing beyond two years. There is nothing wrong, or shameful about breastfeeding!

    2. Hellloooo... In some cultures breastfeeding is considered more socially acceptable. One reason to stop earlier is so it does not hurt Jill. Once a child has teeth it can hurt! I know as I nursed my daughter! Once she bit and it hurt I stopped the nursing! The really important reason to stop around one year of age is similar to the bottle. Why give a child possible ortho-dental issues? Those are some of the reasons to stop around one. Of course do what works for your family.

    3. That's crazy... I nursed until my first was 20 months and the second til he was 16 months. It all depends on the child and on your life situation. I'm feeling sorry for your children that didn't get he good nutrition and the mama's nurturing long enough. I'm not a missionary, but a teacher in the public school system so in some ways I consider myself that. Only, I preach with my actions rather than words.

  7. I love Jill and Derrick my favorite family.... They are so fun to watch and I learn a lot from them, very humble and love to serve and help others. Great great example!

  8. Since when are the Duggars allowed to dance??

  9. if the duggars do not dance why do they let I sreal do that. michelle said over and over again through the years they do not do dancing?

    1. Last time I checked, Israel's and Jill's last name is "Dillard" not "Duggar". Derick is the head of the home, not Jim Bob.

    2. That's how babies express their joy . I'm sure God enjoys watching Israel dancing since he's just 1. Adults dancing in church... I don't think so. Unless they are dancing in the spirit.

    3. The Dillards are their own family. They are not Jim Bob and Michelle. When you get married, you don't cling to your parents ways, you follow your husband's lead.

    4. Dancing is fun. I hope they all loosen up and dance.

    5. Good question but dancing in church as in "dancing and clapping" means more like swaying tapping feet with rhythm while clapping with a worship/praise song. Not the other normal dancing with a partner etc

    6. Please people! There is a huge difference between dancing for enjoyment and entertainment and "dance" that is a spiritual response through music in worship settings.

    7. Michelle is not Israel's mother.

    8. Hi, just to clarify as a Christian myself, I believe what Michelle meant is that dancing in a way to attract attention to your body and sexually provoke a partner e.g. inside a club is not what they (or I) do, because we don't 'go dancing'. You could say we don't go 'clubbing' either. We believe courtships should be formed in a different, more wholesome way. However, when it comes to dancing in general, it is not a sin, and the Bible talks about David dancing before the Lord. Dancing for joy and adoration for God is what many (including conservative) Christians like the Duggars approve of. God bless!

  10. Happy birthday Israel! How are you enjoying Central America? When do you think you'll get to go home to Arkansas to either visit or stay? Israel is getting more handsome by the day. They grow too fast!

  11. Happy birthday sweet Iseral ! Love watching your show !

  12. Lily and Ellie, You are doing an amazing job on this blog. You give us so many awesome postings. I hope you are compensated by TLC because you are doing them, the Duggars, and the fans a huge service. I do have a question. I looked up the Blog of the Willis Clan. It said you are co-authors of the blog but I couldnt find any new posts. Am I looking in the wrong place or do you no longer do a blog for them. Thanks, Barb

    1. Thank you, Barb! We stared that blog last year but took a break to plan Ellie's wedding. Life has been so busy that we haven't had a chance to pick it back up, but we might in the future. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  13. No offence, but goodness!! What happened Derick?

    1. I know!! I'm not wanting to be offensive either, but it's out of genuine concern--what is going on? I've have close friends have very extensive jaw surgery as well, but none were still "recovering" nearly a year later. He has always been a lean frame, but his eyes have lost that healthy look of youth. I do hope all is well.

    2. He does look very sick! His eyes look bad, hope he has some medical attention there.

  14. He enjoys the dancing in church? How does that synch with Duggar beliefs?

    1. It's possible that Jill and Derrick realize that there really is nothing wrong with dancing. I think it's a positive.

    2. Lol, I think they mean that Israel likes to dance while the people are singing hymns. Babies do that. . .my nephew (about a year old) loves music, and he breaks into a huge grin whenever we start singing and even bee-bops to the music a bit!

    3. They are Dillards, not Duggars. When you grow up and have a family of your own you have to establish your own beliefs and convictions.

    4. I think it's more like wiggling. Also he is very young so I don't think matters since that has to do with when they're older and looking for a relationship.

    5. Maybe it is in synch with de Dillards beliefs. Jill may be a Duggar, but she can raise her kid the way she wants and let him dance if he enjoy it so much.

  15. just wanted to wish little israel a very happy and blessed 1st birthday and wanted to wish jill and derrick a all the best and prayer while you are over in central america. love and wishes to and your family

  16. Why oh why does Derick look so very different - his mouth, his nose.... he looks so drastically different from the pics when they were courting. Is it all because of the mouth surgery?

    1. His surgery was nearly a year ago. My guess is the way he looks is a personal choice.

    2. There is a pic of him with a bigger beard and he looks unwashed and untidy, which doesn't help.
      I like beards but Derrick would look better without one.

  17. Wow! Derick doesn't look so good. Is his health doing okay?

  18. I realize Dereks's "job" is more relaxed but he is stil representing his Church, so combing your hair and trimming your beard shouldn't be too great a task.

  19. Happy Birthday little Israel.

  20. They said he was dancing in church. Plus they are Jill and Derrick not their parents. Although they most likely will use alot of the same methods they can choose for themselves. I'm sure their parents will not disown them if they have a different take on something. Also he's a baby, they dance when they hear music. It's natural not sinful.

  21. Derrick does not look at all well/ is anything done about this? Even with the surgery he underwent months ago, he should look healthier by now. No answers?

  22. I actually like his longer haircut in the picture. I think it looks pretty good with his now-trimmed beard. 😊

  23. Boy, has Derick changed! His mouth did a 180.

  24. I see a lot of comments about how Derick looks, and that is understandable, but what about little Israel? Do you think anyone in the family have thought to have him tested. If there is some type/form of a disability, the earlier it's detected the better. For Israel's sake I hope so. He is such a cutie!


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