
Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Jana Duggar on Marriage, Contentment

"I'm not just out to get married to the first one that comes along." (Jana Duggar)

When asked where she sees herself in five years, Jana Duggar shares her thoughts on marriage, children, and contentment. Take a look at this video clip from tonight's episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, which airs at 9pm ET/8pm CT on TLC.

(Click here for Jana's response to those who claim that all she does is cook and take care of her siblings.)

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. It's great she is settling for the first guy who comes around. In light of that I so wish she had gone to college and started a career. There is nothing ungodly about that. I'm a Christian. I went to college ( a secular one at that) got my degree and moved to a very large city on my own. I completely supported myself for several years before marriage and children. I'm so thankful I did. Those were great learning years--of being able to take care of myself--developing my faith--knowing what I want and don't want. You can't do that while still living at home ultimately waiting for Mr Right.

    1. Well, all I can say, is that what's right for one person isn't necessarily a good fit for someone else.

    2. GOOD FOR YOU. :))

    3. Why do you *wish* she had gone to college??? Just because you did?
      Maybe she is doing what God has called her to do :) Doesn't mean it has to be what you would want her to do.

    4. There is nothing wrong with her staying home or leaving. Just because something was right for you doesn't mean it's right for everyone. I don't intend to offend you but your post just seemed very narrow-viewed.

    5. I agree, I love Jana and I don't think there is anything wrong with waiting for the right one to come along. I do wish she had the freedom to do more on her own while waiting for the right one to come along. The girls in the Bates family are allowed to go to college, why not Jana?

    6. @the Annonymous's who tore me apart for wanting Jana to go to college. It wasn't because that's what I did or because I am narrow minded. If you stopped yourselves long enough to not be so easily offended you would have then been able to comprehend what I said. It can be very beneficial to be on your own for a few years. To know how to support yourself--pay your own bills--make your own choices and decisions. Travel--on your own! Find a Church where you can worship the Lord and find friendships that are not dictated by "this is what my family said is right". Those years I spent on my own allowed me the time to cement within myself what and why I believe as I do. I had the freedom to respectfully agree and/or disagree with co-workers, friends, family and even church members on various topics. Being on your own generally allows for less narrow mindedness. That was my "wish" for Jana. Freedom to grow in who she is as an adult 26 year old woman.

    7. I wonder if the Duggars take the SAT and could even qualify to be accepted at an accredited 4-year college? Some have rigorous entrance exams on top of the SAT, too. Not sure how the Duggar faith-based curriculum at home would translate to passing a chemistry or biology or physics college entrance exam, for example.

    8. She probably wishes Jana had gone to college because knowledge is power, exercising your brain is a good thing even if you plan to be a housewife and mother, the college experience is fun for young people… Those are just a few of the great reasons to go to college.

    9. You've got it!! Because of my experiences ( just mine--not saying for everyone) I then chose to be a stay at home Mom until my children went to elementary school, and then went back to work part-time. I have raised my children to love the Lord, value family, know that education is powerful etc. Thats all I wanted for Jana--choices.

    10. It is sad to me that in 2016 I'm repeatedly reading the phrase "waiting for the right man to come along". I think that is a real set up for disappointment. How about we say that we should live our life to the fullest and hopefully meet someone along the way that we would love to share our lives with. As a young girl, the fairy tale component to these comments is unsettling. Are we not fulfilled until we are wives and mothers? Do our lives not start until we meet the "right one"?

    11. Maybe Jana IS doing what she wants to do.I come from a family of college graduates. My youngest child's desire was to be a U.S. Marine.And, he was a very dedicated Marine.Hes now in charge of a large Super Max Prison. He's 42 yrs.old, making 6 figures a year and will retire with a great pension at age 44 !!Had I insisted that he do what "I" wanted it may have turned out differently. Jana is a sensible woman who seems very content with her life.Her parents are not "holding her to the homefront". Jana has a sweet spirit and will make choices that are right for her.We'll just sit back and wait for those choices to unfold.God bless you, Jana.

    12. Well said Kathryn, "Jana seems like a sensible woman" It seems to me she'll have NO PROBLEM making life choices for herself.

  2. Good girl never settle and God has his plan for you

  3. Jana seems to have a good understanding of what is right. I hope that she remains contented in following God's will for her.

  4. She may think she's content in her "weird in-between place," but her voice inflections & eye language say otherwise.

    1. Seriously? People just insist on thinking Jana's unhappy. I knew her saying otherwise wouldn't convince anybody, because frankly, that doesn't fit what they want to believe - that she's somehow abused.

    2. I thought so too. I felt as though Jana said that because it's the "right way" to respond. I believe she would really like to be doing just what Jill and Jessa are doing. If anyone seems "contented" on where they are at right now, I would says it's her twin brother John. Just my vibes and discernment.

    3. Being asked these questions at family functions cause the same awkwardness...I can only imagine dealing with pressure from the whole country doesn't help.

  5. Kenneth E. Hagin had a miraculous experience in which he learned the negative, real truth, about a local young woman people were pushing him towards. There is real truth in waiting for God to reveal the right one.
    Good for Jana for being discerning and trusting in a loving God to guide her to the right one.

  6. Josh should have only one priority and that is to regain his wife's and family's trust and love. He needs to stay at home, help bring up his children, lead a quiet life now, work for his Dad and simply stay out of the public eye.

  7. Good for her not going into a courtship with the first guy that asks. There won't only be one that's interested. She's had more than one that has asked. Good for her for being picky/discerning.

  8. My daughter is her age as well. Its hard to find that guy that will wait and will respect you.

  9. Jana seems to be at odds with herself in the "in-between place."I think part of the difficulty is that she won't give herself permission to explore all the possibilities God puts before her. She seems really reticent to step out of the comfort zone of her home. She has tried some possible career choices - mid-winery, paramedic - and they apparently weren't for her and that's ok. Discovering what you don't choose to pursue is all part of the process of exploring our talents. She needs to continue to consider her gifts and think of all the possibilities in the greater community. I agree with the person who said to keep an open mind about college. I truly believe God's plan for each of us, while it may include being a wife/mother or husband/father, is much more than that. I think Jana is awesome, and I pray she finds direction in her life.

  10. She'll be a prize for the right guy. And I bet she'll cook him proper meals, too.

    1. "Cook him proper meals?!?" Maybe she enjoys home projects a whole lot more than cooking "proper" meals. Let these young women be who they want to be and stop pressuring them to fit a mold.

  11. I don't understand why the unmarried adult Duggar children continue to live with their parents.
    Jana does not seem happy or sure of herself and I can understand why. I feel so sorry for her! There's nothing wrong with venturing out on your own, getting an education, pursuing a career and becoming independent. If you have faith in your religious convictions and trust your kids to continue to live by what they've been taught, they should be encouraged to make a life for themselves.

    1. I lived with my parents until I got married... some parents /kids like it that way because they have a great relationship! Now I'm a self taught interior designer and my husband has a high paying job... neither of us hAve a college degree! We have a beautiful house, Godly marriage, 2 beautiful boys and are debt free.... it mainly takes hard hard work and talent to get places... are we both are so happy to have had that time with our parents before marriage. I wish people would stop putting down those who don't move out and go to college right away...

    2. Good for you and your husband, but sadly without a college degree there are not many jobs out there that pay enough to properly raise a family or even is single, live a comfortable lifestyle.

    3. I have lived with my parents too till I got married. I moved out at one point before getting married and had an apartment but because I lived alone, I became a target for a crime. So I moved back in and stayed with my parents till I met Gods match for me. It's not just necessarily being independent but being safe too. Women alone are easy targets for criminals in today's society. I was glad to go back home because I lived in fear after that. So kudos to Jana and the "backward" Duggar family.

    4. The question is, did you choose to stay home until marriage, or did you feel that it was expected, despite the fact that you were an adult? For the Duggar offspring, there is really no choice.

  12. Jana no matter what people say or think just keep doing the great job that your doing and keep continuin to serve the Lord. Always remember to look up and smile. Always remember to trust God no matter what(Proverbs3:5-6 KJV)

  13. Jana,I believe you are one of the wisest young women I have ever heard about. Waiting to see where God wants you will bring you lasting peace and joy. I think if more young ladies would follow your example they would be a lot happier. And for all you people who see Jana as this poor sad girl I think you need new glasses!

  14. That girl is amazing!I can't believe she can wire!She learned so much remodeling homes with The family!She is going to be an amazing wife and mother one day if she chooses to and more power to her if she chooses not to.I m sure she will when she finds the right one though.

  15. She is beautiful all of the Duggar girls are.All in their own way.They all look so different.Its so cool.

  16. The sad thing is I think Jana would have started courting by now but I think she's feeling really bad for her mom and dad right now and wants to be there for them.I wish the people that love Jana would stop bashing her parents because I know it's affecting her!I feel that she feels bad I really do.She I'm sure has millions of guys after her right now trying to court her.

  17. I think she feels like she needs to be there for Anna right now too.She gets to hold all her neices and nephews all day.Shes going to be a wonderful mother and wife one day when she is ready and there's no rush!

    1. She may choose not to marry and have children either way she is still a fine young christian lady. Seems like quite a few of you feel it is a must for her to get married and have kids. That is her choice.

  18. Who is Kenneth E Hagin??????

    1. He is a religious leader that teaches God wants you to be rich.

  19. It seems like videos on this blog don't usually work for me(there's just a black box). But the videos on the bates blog work.... hmm

  20. How can she find what she wants in a guy unless she's dating? Either you realize that your expectations are too high and no guy is that perfect (a valuable lesson), or else you find that there are a lot of really nice guys out there who all have good qualities (another valuable lesson). Staying home waiting for Prince Charming to show up is for fairy tales. And waiting for your father to find someone for you is for the 1800's. "Happily ever after" is YOURS to find and yours alone!

    1. Agreed, but they don't think like we do. I wonder if Anna has had second thoughts about how she "picked" her husband.

  21. Why do so many of you make assumptions about how she is feeling or what she is doing or not doing... most of you have no idea, you're just don't even know her

    1. I hate when people assume things about others. It drives me nuts!

  22. I love all the girls in each family (Duggar and Bates). However, I have a special space for Jana and Michaela. I am so excited that we are seeing Jana in different roles and expressions. For example, while she is still quiet and humble I was able to see a bit more of her natural self - maybe a little Godly (or controlled) feistiness - come out which is okay and good. I agree with others she is awesome and wise. I also think she will know when the right one (man) comes along for her.

  23. Jana, you are so smart to wait for the right one and not just the first one that comes along...I went with the first one who came along and have lived to regret it. There is much heartache and constant struggle. Much love to you from WI :)

  24. That was kind of mean to put Jana on the spot and ask about her future. I felt awkward for her. She answered graciously but the question wasn't fair.

  25. I wonder how much of these shows are actually staged

  26. I wish Jana would say what her eyes were speaking!!! This clip about her and just everything in General about the new show has such a forced vibe to it. Like TLC is trying too hard to create a new image for the older duggar children. I liked it when it was 14 kids and pregnant again. The kids were more honest and less scripted. Now the show is all about trying to make the haters really believe that the duggar daughters do have choices and have not raised thier siblings.....

    1. I agree, Its obvious with all the reports about Jana they purposefully made Jana do this. Her body language and her eyes shows us how she really feels..


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