
Monday, March 28, 2016

Duggar Snapshots

Hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend! Here are a few Duggar snapshots to brighten up your Monday.

 Jessa Duggar Seewald, Joy Duggar, Jinger Duggar, Jana Duggar

 Jinger Duggar

 Joseph Duggar and Joy-Anna Duggar

 Jordyn Duggar and Josie Duggar

 Josie Duggar

 James Duggar and Joy Duggar

Marcus Duggar and Joy Duggar

 Israel Dillard

Jill Duggar Dillard and Israel Dillard

Photos courtesy


  1. Thanks for sharing! I love the Duggar family!

  2. Of course, Josie's first word would be TV. And then some creative spellings of "Amy" and "Joseph"?

    1. That last word is Josie not Joseph I believe...

    2. I don't think that's a creative spelling of Joseph - it's her own name! :)

    3. It says "Josie" Not Joseph. :)

    4. Looks at first like "Josif" because of the angle, but it's "Josie."

    5. Maybe her first word was Josie and last word TV...could be she started from what you may consider the bottom. Just a thought.

  3. Josie always looks pale. Hope she's OK.

    1. I was wondering the same thing. And wondering if her hair would ever grow longer

    2. She is very blonde and fair. I think that is why she looks pale.

    3. She looks almost white, like she could be anemic?

    4. My granddaughter is concerned about Josie's forehead wrinkling like a Grandma's forehead.(I'm pretty sure she's referring to me...tehehe).

  4. They spelled Jinger's name wrong on the coffee cup

    1. It's actually the correct spelling of " ginger". The Duggars misspelled it to fit in with the "J" theme.

    2. Actually, the word "ginger" is spelled OK on that cup. It's the Duggars who took creative liberty with the name. That was the point of that picture when she first posted it, to show the G that Starbucks put there.

    3. Hey look, her name is spelled with a J, that's her name.

  5. Love the picture of Israel sleeping. So cute.

  6. Little Josie has really grown up. She looks so much like Jessa.

  7. I have been looking (and praying) for a Bible cover just like the one Jinger has on her lap! A friend at church has one, and I had the chance to buy one several years ago, and didn't, much to my regret! I have tried looking, but with no success. Does anyone happen to know where I might find one? Thank you!

    1. I would look at

    2. This may sound silly but have you thought about Amazon or Ebay. The reason I say those is because it seems like when I am having a hard time finding a certain item, they have it.

    3. Thank you..... I have shopped many times at, and have looked there, but haven't been able to find just the right color combination. Thank you, anyway, for the suggestion.

    4. Yes, I have looked there, too (Amazon and Ebay). I think they might have stopped making them in those colors, as it is so hard to find. If that's the case, Ebay would probably be a good place to keep looking in case someone has one to sell at some point. Thanks for your suggestions.

    5. I found my Bible cover on Ebay! Thank you!! :) :)

      (Thanking the Lord, too!) :)

  8. Cute! Thanks for posting :D

  9. Oh no, Jill is going to get lots of backlash from that picture of Israel...

  10. So glad to see the sweet pictures of you all! Still love you and love the new TV show!!! God bless you all!

  11. Aww love the photos Love The Duggar Family !!!

  12. When did Joy-Anna make the switch to Joy?

    1. Maybe it is easier, with there being a Joy-Anna and a Jo-hanna. (I know that's not how you spell it but I'm just showing the similarity)
      Maybe it's easier to distinguish by calling her Joy.

  13. Joy looks great in those glasses

  14. Can you imagine going through your entire life correcting people who want to spell your name the normal way, Ginger, and you have to tell them it starts with a J. Why did they burden her like that?

    1. I am convinced there is no "normal" way to spell names these days. Parents are making all sorts of changes. But yes, that one is puzzling. Not like there's a lack of J names to choose from so you have to tweak one to fit.

  15. Sad to see Jinger spending money with a company like StarBucks - which boldly stands for many things we as Bible believing Christian do not. I stopped buying anything StarBucks a couple of years ago when I found out the CEO and the company stood for homosexual rights, abortion rights, and gun control. The CEO has even said he did not want or need money from Christians.

    1. Just as it is your right not to buy, it's their right to stand for what they believe in. By the success of their stores, I don't think they struggle without certain customers.

    2. Many, many companies (unfortunately) support planned parenthood and the likes of it. Our local grocery stores and even our local police department do. It would be near impossible to look into each company and what they support and then live your life based on that.

    3. Wow! good to know thanks!

    4. Just buy Tim Horton's.. better anyway!!

    5. But what they stand for is murder, perversion and other anti-Biblical things.

    6. It could be that she buys Starbucks strictly because it's tasty. I can't keep up with who to boycott for their opinions, so I just don't.

    7. PlZ do not act too holy.... It is not pleasant in Gods eyes. If Starbucks does this... They do not know or understand what we know. They are blinded therefore we can't judge them. And I myself aborted as a teenager but by the grace of God he changed me :) I was blind too. Love you in JESUS name

    8. Betty, thanks for reminding me that I can do without Starbucks.

    9. Thanks for advising me of this Betty. I am embarrassed to say that I stop there quite a bit to an from working long hours. I will start going across the highway to Duncan Donuts. God Bless.

  16. Those are great pics.....but did you know that Starbuck's supports abortion??

    1. A strong statement like that needs some strong facts to back it up.

      It sounds as if you are trying to point out that Starbucks has contributed to Planned Parenthood, which provides all sorts of healthcare for women, not just abortions.

      But it is puzzling why the Duggars would want to be shown buying this brand, if they are against any of the corporate policies and practices.

    2. Let's not play word games to make ourselves feel better where human lives are at stake. If Starbucks supports an organization that provides abortions, then Starbucks is funding abortions, no? Just as your tax dollars fund abortions to the tune of about $450m a year paid to Planned Parenthood by the federal government.

    3. True anonymous 11:46, however, that is why I carefully choose who I vote for to make those choices.

  17. Lovely photos.
    Is it true that Josh wants to go on with public speaking when he should now lead a quiet and humble life, working to regain the lost trust from Anna and their children.? I believe they have had enough fame and fortune. Time to think of their children. Surely Josh can go back in the family car business.

    1. It is in his families best interest that Josh stays out of the public eye completely, he needs to totally change his life and remain near his brothers and parents to watch over him and the children as well as give extra support to Anna. I'm sure his Dad can give him a job. The example to his family and friends is not in public speaking, but in his daily endeavours to repair the damage and hurt he caused his family, to regain there trust and work hard amongst them to earn back the place of eldest child of the Duggars. He has a long journey ahead as he has just come out of rehab, now he has to prove to his loved ones that he will stay on the right path.Let's pray and hope he now only makes the right decisions for the future and puts his wife and children first.

    2. There's money to be made and a hungry audience somewhere waiting to hear every word of how he was humbled, forgiven, saved, changed, reborn, rehabbed, and all those wonderful things. I could easily see him getting speaking jobs in the circles they frequent. Only thing preventing that would be if the audiences would not be as forgiving or ready to hear him as Christians have said they are. Can he really fill a venue? Maybe the right one. A book deal is another possibility. I'd bet he's already had offers for interviews, too. You don't easily take this much fame and closet it away forever, if you can still use it.

      As far as going back to selling cars..."Would you buy a used car from this man?" The old saying.

    3. Far too early for Josh to say he has totally changed. Just out of rehab, only the next years will show whether he Is a different man or not. six months in rehab proves nothing yet.

  18. I'm always happy to see their smiling faces. Thanks so much for sharing😊

  19. Yes! They play the game Bananagrams! I love that game too!

  20. We have that exact same Johnny Jump Up and our daughter fell asleep in hers the first time she was placed in it! Fun wears you out! He is so sweet! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes! I laughed at that picture! I have the same exact picture of my son fast asleep in his too!!

  21. So glad to have y'all back.You are like family that's been gone! Praying for peace and comfort ☝💕

  22. Is Jill pregnant again?

    1. I hope she's been advised not to get pregnant, because of Zyka virus. Women who've lived in countries where the virus is spread shouldn't get pregnant for at least 6 months after they left, according to the WHO. I hope Jill and Derick follow these prescriptions.

  23. Cute pics! Thanks for posting, love seeing the children again :)

  24. As an RN myself. She may be anemic. I suffer from that myself. No big deal if she is though. Simple to treat with Iron supplements. Only a finger prick to run a diagnosis.

  25. Please, can we get over all this hate, judgement and disrespect for those that don't share our exact beliefs and opinions. We live in the United States of America where we can coexist with differing views because we have FREEDOM! Or so I thought. So, please, can we just stop passing judgement against all those who don't believe exactly the same as us? Our differences give us character, makes us interesting and can open avenues of debate, but not if we prejudge. Prejudgment precludes us from listening which can make us better human beings. Stop the hate. Stop the judgement. It is not our right to judge others unless we are placed on a jury in a court of law for allegedly breaking the laws of the land set forth by man. Listen with an open heart and open mind, no one says you have to change your belief, opinion or stance on a matter. But listening can go far in so many ways if you just open yourself. It can make you stronger in who you are or make you study more on why you hold such a belief, opinion or stance. Strength and further knowledge are never a bad thing to be gained by just listening.

    Blessed be.


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