
Monday, March 14, 2016

Duggar Kids on 'Good Morning America'

"We have forgiven, and we're moving on, and we're looking to the future." (John-David Duggar)

Jana, John-David, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, and Joy-Anna Duggar, as well as Jessa, Ben, and Spurgeon Seewald, appeared on ABC's Good Morning America earlier today.

During their interview with ABC New anchor Paula Faris, the Duggar siblings share their vision for the upcoming season of Jill and Jessa Counting On, and they explain why they decided to once again appear on reality TV.

The new season of Counting On premieres Tuesday, March 15th, at 9pm ET/8pm CT on TLC.

Photo/video courtesy ABC News


  1. Thank you Robin Roberts for saying what should have been said, loudly.

    1. I would think Robin Roberts is probably biased because of the Duggars beliefs. Not exactly fair journalism.

    2. What - that the protection of minors should have been thrown away- shame on you Robin for wanting that exposed!

    3. Robin could have been more critical in her comments given the Duggars' views on the LGBT community. But she just voiced what many people think. She made a scripted comment, probably vetted prior to airing.

      I found her comments restrained.

    4. I don't think they are sweeping anything under the rug! They are trying to move on with their lives! I love the Duggars and support them through this hard time! I am not sure what really happened, you would have to walk in Josh's shoes. He was a child when all this happened, he made a mistake, Josh and his family had forgiven him and moved on with their lives. This just goes to show that this family can deal with very very difficult times! And shows an example of how others should handle hard times! I love them and support them even Josh!

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok, so let the smashing and bashing begin about the girls doing the boys laundry! And also those two newscasters still bashing Josh about being dishonest. Oh please EVERYONE is dishonest these days. Everyone lies, makes mistakes and bad choices. Everyone has skeletons in their closest. I love this family and yes even Josh!!

    1. Agree!I love this family..even Josh!!!!Jesús died for everybody.No one is perfect!!God is perfect♡♡♡♡

    2. You tell em Claudia!I agree with you!

    3. Except that everyone doesn't hold themselves up to be the paragon of Christian virtues and then makes themselves into public figures, that's the difference.

    4. Agreed. If God can forgive him then who are we to hold anything against him. Only the Lord knows his heart. Forgiveness is such a gift! Even more so for the forgiver. When people keep holding on to past offences they are giving up a true gift from the Lord. Then they wonder why theyare unhappy.

    5. Of course we know that the boys do not do their own laundry. That is expected in that family.

      What is telling is that they blamed the devil for Josh's behavior and what happen afterwards, deflecting responsibility.

      There are people in the world that are going through so much worse than the Duggars. They could teach the Duggars something about understanding, strength and courage.

      And being a role model is thrusted upon someone, not something you decide to be.

  3. Looking forward to seeing everyone on TLC ,strength and Blessings for Anna & Josh aswell as the rest of the family!
    I've missed them All!

  4. I have to laugh at that Talk host.....Knowing that it happened in your family and putting that out there. They had already put it behind them, some didn't know, why should the girls or other family members be persecuted?...and Look at CLINTON.......he set the stage that LYING is permitted. Wonder what skeletons are in her closet to say such a thing. People LOVE to Judge dont they. Just Saying

    1. My thoughts exactly, Vikki. Christians are not perfect people. You won't hear Robin Roberts saying anything about the Clinton's or anyone else behaving in this manner, just if you say you are a Christian.

    2. Well said, Vikki. Hill and Bill have both been caught in lies. THAT is what is being swept under the rug.

    3. Bill Clinton didn't set any stage - go back to the Old Testament for some far older examples of lying. Jacob claiming he was Esau (with Rebekah in on it, too), etc.

    4. Bill Clinton was not swept under the rug! He was impeached and then acquitted! It was all televised. No rug involved.

    5. I hate watching the News for this very reason. They can judge and say things all they want yet they make mistakes too! I love how graceful the Duggars have handled this situation they are a great example to how Christians should handle hard times! i really love the older girls they are so pure hearted! Such sweet girls they inspire me to walk with God and live a life close to God! So grateful for them and their example!

  5. Learn learn and learn. God is always in our lives. We fall and make mistakes. We have illnesses. Alcoholics, drug addictions, even unfaithfulness. These are works of the the devil. Keeping Jesus in your life, finding Jesus in your life. He's our judge. Ask and it shall be given unto you. Now.....Jesus forgives.

  6. People say they were being dishonest, and Robin's comments really get to me, but if you're a victim of abuse, do you walk up to a stranger on the street and confess that? Do you even walk up to a stranger and tell them your deepest darkest secret? No, you don't. So why is everyone expecting that from these amazingly strong women! I absolutely adore this family and always will.

    1. Actually Robin's comments intrigued me, because the light of Christ that the Duggars are reflecting is starting to make the news reporters ask questions... What is it about this family that is so different? She didn't say it in so many words, but it was there.

    2. Me too I don't believe any of the trash the tabloids put out about them!

    3. I agree that the Duggars did the right thing to accept TLC's invitation to have a show about their family. Jim Bob was even a public servant. People were/are interested in their story. I am glad the Duggars co-operated and let the shows be made.

    4. These is one of the most beautiful family along side with The Bates, people hate them because of their faith and I hope they fight back the Jesus way, with love, exactly like their are doing now. Love the show!

    5. You know, Cousin Amy & her husband have been talking to tabloids. Are you saying Amy is giving false information on purpose?

  7. I think the thing the Duggars understand that they maybe aren't sharing is that there is an enemy who is just as real as God is to them. And that enemy is the real threat, not Josh. Josh is not the enemy, just the tool that the enemy is using to divide the family and bring shame to God's name. They know who the enemy is and how to fight him. They are right in saying that the enemy had plans for evil for their family, but that God turned those plans into a good outcome. People who don't understand this, won't understand how those eyes can shine and those faces can light up with joy in the aftermath of what the world would call a career-ending scandal. Jesus' love and grace is real and they are brave enough to live it out in front of millions.

    1. Amen!! It's confusing to those who don't understand the grace and strength of THE LORD!! But when you understand the place of the devil and of God, their ability to heal and forgive and move on MAKES PERFECT SENSE!!!

  8. Actually it's no one's business what goes on behind close doors
    And if they choose to move on that's their choice.

    1. Sometimes what goes on behind closed doors is definitely law enforcement's business.

  9. Love them! Welcome back! Forgive but move on & always have hope for the future!

  10. To the world, it looks crazy. But as a Christian, forgiving and earning trust is normal! Not easy, but it changes how we deal with everyday life, especially the hard times.

    1. Completely agree! Well said.

    2. Totally agree. The earth dwellers cannot understand.

    3. Well, yes and no. Yes, we forgive because God forgave our great debt of sin and paid for it with His own Son. No, on the earning trust because we're supposed to be conducting ourselves in a manner that is trustworthy. God is upright in all His ways and He's the measuring stick. To love your neighbor, whether that's your sister/wife/someone else's daughter/brother, is to do them no harm. Proverbs talks about not harming your neighbor who lives trustingly next to you. The sexual sin is only the symptom. Josh has been deceitful to both his family, his friends, his in-laws, his employers, TLC, and the public for years (by his own admission). He knowingly perpetrated a lie for years (per his admission)...this wasn't a mistake, a bad choice, and the devil didn't make him do it. He made a series of sinful choices to please himself. Can he be forgiven by God? If he sincerely repents, goes and sins no more (deceitfulness, lying, adultery, pornography). The public's trust has been abused by yet another Christian, claiming to be something he is not. Can you blame them for not being so willing to forgive? The takeaway for us as Christians is are we going to be upright in all of our ways? Jesus died an excruciating death for our sins- how then shall we live? As the sinner or the saved?

  11. Looking forward to the next chapter!

  12. Christians will be attack by none believers. It is not easy for the non believer to understand God, his love, his forgiveness. We can only pray Robyn and others find his love.

  13. Wasn't too pleased with Robin Roberts trying to push the "I don't know" thing - but God be with her anyway. God is amazing and awesome and He has the final say! NO ONE IS PERFECT that is why Jesus died! Why would you project an image anyway if you are moving on from it? The bible does say: ...forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.... Anyway, let us watch and support this new show and pray for good ratings. God works all things together for good... Rom 8:28

  14. WOW shocked at Robin Roberts comments considering she kept her own secret about her life for years. Kind of portraying a different wholesome image But thats ok she is not a Duggar SMH

  15. I really wish TLC would bring back the whole family. They NEED to tell Josh and Anna's story! There are so many men, women, and teens suffering from various kinds of addiction. Josh's story is one of falling from grace, receiving forgiveness, and HOPE after the storm. Anna's is one of love, grace, mercy and forgiveness. People need to know that there IS hope!They need to know there is forgiveness, and there is life after a mistake! There's is a story that the world needs to hear!

  16. People that have not come to know God will not understand. People that believe everything in the media are just commenting on info that is everyone else's opinion and most likely is not true. Glad the family is back and I think people could learn from them.

  17. So happy to hear that TLC is bringing them back!! It's good to see that the Duggar's are moving on, and living life again! No doubt they were already living life, but to be courageous enough to say "We are not perfect" Who is?? Thank you TLC or listening to your viewers and bring them back!!

  18. I love how Jessa let's her husband talk and take the lead, I get the opposite filling with Jill

  19. Who is Robin Roberts to sit there and judge when she kept her sexuality hidden for years.

    1. What an awful thing to say. I assure you that people of all different sexual persuasions feel the same way Robin does. That's got nothing to do with it.

    2. Are all Christians this intolerant? Or only the original poster?

    3. Anonymous - I guess people who don't agree with you are intolerant. Okay.

  20. Can't wait for their new show. Jessa said it best they never said they were perfect they have always said they were Christians. No one out there can say they are a perfect christian. We need to pray for Josh, Anna and their kids. I just pray that Josh is on the right track to being a better person. My God is a forgiving God.

  21. It's great that they have all forgiven and are ready to move on, but the adultery committed wasn't against any of them. Anna has said she,too has forgiven, but truthfully forgiveness is a one way street. Reconciliation takes both partners,and as of yet nobody really knows Josh's level of commitment. He has demonstrated a history of deviancy. Now as a Christian I am an optimist that ALL sin is forgiven and cleansed by our Saviors Blood--for those seeking true repentance. I hope Anna and Josh find real freedom in Christ and each other--and let go of all the extra rules and regulations that only trap and destroy.

  22. I can tell a HUGE difference in John David's presence! He seems to have taken on the eldest child role and taking the role of the oldest as someone to look up to. He seems so much more outspoken and confident. Can't wait to watch the Duggars again!!

  23. I understand what everyone is saying about forgiveness and I agree but I still have a big concern. What of the roles were reversed? What if it was Anna who cheated ? Would the family be so accepting and forgiving ? I am deeply concern about how they consider women in this family

  24. Forgiveness does not mean forget....these fine young people love their brother, they are offering him forgiveness not a comlete pardon. Life continues, slowly returns to a new state of "normal", relationships adjust and adapt. Love is present always, affected by what happened...yes...thank goodness we can forgive and go forward!

  25. Robin's comments showcase the fact that the world is closely watching Christians for hypocrisy. Christians need to be guarding their hearts more than ever, because not only does our sin hurt those close to us, the world sees it and it is a reproach to the name of Christ. Who knows how many thousands of people have heard Josh's sad story and are more turned off to Christianity than ever. I pray they will also see him triumph!

  26. It will be good to have them back on the air! The family didn't do anything wrong, just a select individual. Glad to hear they are healing and moving on to their bright futures!

  27. I think it's great! They look fantastic and happy. The comments made by Robin, the speculation she tossed out there is irritating. But then those in the secular world don't have the mind of Christ.

    1. Secular means having no religious or spiritual basis. So it would be impossible to be in the secular world and have the mind of Christ.

  28. What?!?!? Which twins double wedding?!?!?
    Thanks for coming back!!
    Duggar's keep on keeping on!! ❤️👆🏼

  29. I have so much respect for these kids! They are more mature and loving than most anyone I know! They shine the light of Christ.....

  30. Excitrd to see the new show :) I am glad your family is healing <3

  31. For ALL have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 That means me, Josh, and you, Robin. ALL means everyone. The good news is in the next verse: Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Romans 3:24.

  32. Okay folks how many of us have skeletons in our closet. Robin Roberts I am a big fan, but what skeleton did u keep in your closet till Sam Champion came out. No one is perfect, but we have to go on. If not the prison would be alot fuller. Look at your own back door , before passing judgement on others.

  33. I dont get it, so because the Duggars had this situation in their family they should not have been allowed to have a show? I dont think they were lying at all, they always said they were imperfect and just trying their best. Also the molestation happened to minors so really I see no need to make such information public regardless, they say that the people closest to them knew about it but I dont think the whole world needed to know. People judging the Duggars are just proud and selfrighteous.

    1. It isn't necessarily about being "allowed" or not. I think many fans felt deceived. Perhaps being off air gave the family the time they needed (but perhaps didn't think they needed) to come together and support one another during these tough times.

    2. Couldn't have said it better myself. i think they need more time off from the cameras.

  34. I agree, I myself was abuse, and yes I've moved on since.. It's difficult as it is to live your life, but I assume it's more difficult for these men and women trying to live there's , when people are just judging. This is a courageous family, that have been through a lot... I praise them for being strong and staying together. I think that they deserve respect! Anna, I admire you... What a strong and courageous woman.... Wow... You are amazing. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family. To Josh, keep having faith in God, may you find peace and love... Take care of your family... I can't judge you... For I too have sinned.... But I know that God forgave me... As difficult that it is to continue to live your life.... Good days are coming our way: Because God is alive in our hearts! Keep fighting people!!!!! I love this family and hope that they can move on... 🌸

  35. victims didn't want to go public esp since this series began when all 4 of the girls were still minors...I wouldn't want this public either if I were them and who is the public to judge? Josh needs help and he's paid a high price for his actions. Why punish the entire family? So what if they kept being molestation victims private..they still choose to forgive god tells us kundos to the Duggars and I definately will be watching tonight and Robin Robbins...yeah...sinners come in all walks of life..those who live in glasses houses shouldn't be throwing rocks!

  36. The Duggars have never said they were perfect, they are just trying to follow the Lord!!!!!

  37. I think this family is so brave to keep going after all this.I m sure they were all humiliated after all that.I would have hid under a rock!I admire them they are so brave!They deserve good things.I watched every episode and have seen how much they have done for others around the world!They are very misunderstood thanks to the media trashing them to make money!!The root of all evil!!!

    1. They are the ones putting themselves continually in the public eye for fame and fortune. The love of money--the root of all evil.

    2. Amen, the Duggars are different than they were in the beginning, it upsets me when they called it a ministry. Its all about Money.

  38. I m not even a Republican and I adore the Duggars!No one or not one story will change my mind about them.I watched how great they are with my own eyes for the past ten years!!!!

  39. Ten more hours!Cant wait!Counting down to the premiere!

  40. I like this family but I am not interested in seeing Josh anytime soon on tv...

  41. I"m so glad the Duggars are returning to TLC!!!! God has forgiven you, Josh, if you have fully repented! I am so glad that you all are healing! Isn't it such a blessing when God brings us together in our trials? I am so thankful that everything is getting better again! just what i prayed for!
    Another thing: I don't have a TV but I want to watch them will you post the full episodes on this blog later? Oh and Lily & Ellie, please tell me if Lawson Bates and Jinger Duggar are courting...I keep hearing it but i don't know if it's true or not! And are Joseph Duggar and Carlin Bates courting, too? Thanks! :)
    Anonymous friend of the Duggars

  42. My question is why do they have to heal in the public eye?"Healing" this way is not neccessary unless you just want fame and attention.

  43. It's amazing that everything Josh did was so forgivable, but let anyone in that family think about kissing before marriage or wearing pants and WHOA - not allowed!

    1. I believe the Duggar girls choose on their own to wear skirts. Their parents don't force them to do anything. They have said that they all believe that it is best to wait to kiss until marriage. Like I said, I think they choose on their own.

  44. I love the Duggars .in my opinion if people don't like fine. But please don't interfere with my right to watch my favorite show.

  45. Luv the duggars so much!the only way I've been seeing what they've been doing is the blog! X thanks sooo much Lilly and Ellie!! X it means the world! The only thing is I live in England and it doesn't seem like the new episodes are going to air here anytime soon :( do you know if/when the episodes are going to air in England? X

    1. Hi there!

      Thanks for being a loyal reader! It usually takes a significant amount of time before the episodes make it to England. We will make an announcement if we hear anything. :)

      Lily and Ellie

  46. Love Robin Roberts but that was out of line. People in glasshouses. You didn't her openly admit she was a lesbian 25 years ago when her career was just getting started. She only came out after she was famous and guarded she would survive. It's private and should have remained there.

  47. The Duggars are celebrities now. They are no different from any other celebrity who making a living from Hollywood. With that, people are going to criticize them and magnify every flaw and look for weakness. They are a part of the TLC system that mocks God daily and we need to accept that.

    1. Yes, and why the Duggars want to be involved with a network that is mocking them, too, is the mystery, unless you think about the paycheck. Don't they see what this is doing to their overall image? It sure isn't helping.

  48. Shame on you, Robin! Did you divulge your whole life before you got on TV? You appal me! #goodmorningamerica #abc

  49. We have absolutely exhausted analyzing the Josh Duggar situation. The critics have said all that can be said; the supporters have said all that can be said. How can we expect the Duggars to move on when we, the public, can't let it go. I say it's time to Just sit back and enjoy "Counting On."

    1. Sure, move on. Nothing to see here, folks.

  50. Robin Roberts, ugh.

  51. The world will always be trying to find fault with Christians. Praying for this family. What a blessing to have them back!

    1. I thought the world was always trying to find fault with Muslims? Or any other non-Christian faith. Huh. News to me.

    2. Actually...the truth is... the world will always try to find fault in ANY religion, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, etc. I thank God I'm not of this world, I'm only in it, for now, for God's purpose and plan.

  52. An adult man who let his sisters do hid laundry is painful to watch. John needs some counseling too...

    1. I guess my husband needs counseling too. Right after I gave birth to our first child he made me wash dishes (by hand), do laundry, vacuum the floors, etc...Man oh man, don't men know that women need to HEAL after childbirth. Don't they realize they need to help their wife? Unfortunately not all men come equip with all the qualities we think they should have.

    2. Dear John, no one loves to do laundry.

  53. I agree on the laundry issue. There is a limit to what those girls should tolerate. However, for readers of this blog who are always finding reasons to dislike the Duggars on big issues such as their religious beliefs, their family values, the manner in which they raise children; the way they handle crises just stop watching the show and reading this blog. If it irritates you this much, let it go and let those of us who enjoy the Duggars watch in peace.

  54. A true disciple of Christ takes joy in serving others and I daresay it's a contest in this family~to find ways they can bless and serve one another because they are following Jesus' example. Seriously, finding fault with that? Ridiculous.


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