
Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Chatting with Duggar Aunts Jana & Jinger

In the following video clip, TLCme host Danni Starr sits down with Jana Duggar and Jinger Duggar to discuss their roles as aunts and their hopes for the future.

Photo/video courtesy TLC


  1. Why is it always "hoping" for the future for the Duggar girls? Hoping means sitting and waiting for something good to happen to you. "Planning" for the future means you're actually doing something to make your future happen the way you want it. Living a life with only "hopes" is sad.

    1. That is an excellent point! I agree...Yes, there is a big difference between hoping and planning. It would be nice if they were "planning" for the future.

    2. And as most people know, planning only goes so far because life has a way of intervening and interrupting the best laid plans. Why do negative? Shouldn't you be out living your own life?

    3. Hoping means they will allow God to lead them in their decisions. That isn't always in the form of a well laid out plan.

    4. Living a life trusting in God to use you the way HE plans is not sad.

    5. I made plans for my life. By the time I was 21 I was bitter, resentful, overwhelmed. At 25 I decided I needed to slow down, start making life changes and hope for a better future. Life has been progressively becoming better, instead of bitter. I did veer slightly off course at 40; however when I went back to living hopes instead of making plans, life got better. Now at 48 I have faith, hope, peace and sometimes even love (I'm strong willed and quick tempered. Sometimes it's REAL hard to love people outside of my family).

    6. I so agree with the first comment: thing don't happen by themselves, you have to work for it.
      I struggle to understand when the Duggar talk about God having direct action in their lives.
      I am on my own faith path, so I'm not coming from a place of contempt or arrogance, but I find it puzzling how they think that it's not man's action, but God's action, to actually do things in our lives.
      I think this belief can lead to irresponsible behavior: by this reasoning, if you something good it's God's will and if you do something bad it's the Devil. And where does accountability goes in all this? If I hurt someone I'm the one who's in the wrong, not tbe devil....

    7. And you're right! The Duggars have never said that or claimed that they're not accountable for their choices, but you can be tempted just like Jesus was after fasting for 40 days and nights. If you are tempted to do something, you or I make the choice to go ahead and are therefore accountable for our choices, but the temptation doesn't come from our Lord as He is incapable of doing such things, that would be from the demons that roam this world.

  2. I would love to hear one of the girl's say: "I want a family one day, but let's have an education and a little bit of a career first. I will move to wherever and live on my own. Thanks Mum and Dad, but it is time for my own live now." Would also be great if one of the boys said that.

    1. Wrong generation. Thousands of kids are now back at home with their parents and in debt up to their eyeballs without a job. It would be great if people live and let live with the Duggars the same way they did with Bruce Jenner

    2. Why does it matter how they say it to you? They are educated and have careers. If you watched the show and payed attention you would know this .

    3. I agree. Sounds like they may loose this show to with all the advertisers pulling out. Not good. But the Duggars have strong faith in the lord and if TV is not their calling anymore their faith will lead them on their next adventure. Like I tell my kids " When one door closes another opens." God just may have other plans for them and maybe not. Like I always tell my self when things don't go my way "Leave it with God and he will make it right always."

    4. Why would that be great? What's so great about having a "career" also many millennials are living with their parents living on one's own is expensive! Historically and traditionally it was very common to stay home and help with your family until marriage. Living single is very recent phenonmenon so why people act like it's some sort of necessity of life is beyond me also single living lends itself towards a lifestyle the Duggars try to avoid. Also I would think that it would get lonely after growing up with so many siblings .

    5. I do so wish that all the fans would think the same way and encourrage this. If they truly want the best for these girls, then this statement reflects the best way forward for them.
      Surely it is the duty of any parent to give their children the best opportunities in life and encourrage and prepare them to fly the nest well before they marry. Our children do not "belong" to us, we have to let go. Our duty as exemplary parents is to help them leave the home with Christian values, free, independent and educated into the world, ready to lead their own lives.

    6. If you're a fan of someone, you respect their life path and look for commonalities.

    7. Eden Grey, you hit it right on the nail! Woohoo finally someone who understands common sense!

    8. Eden Grey-
      I would beg to differ that living single is a recent phenomenon. My grandmother left her farm and went to homestead all on her own in Montana in the early part of the twentieth century. Her sister left the farm to work in the big city as an accountant for a major department store in the Midwest. She succeeded during the Depression when many in her family did not and they came to her for money. I remember her telling stories of what a tyrant her father was on how oppressed her mother became, never knowing anything more than answering to her husband and bearing children until her body wore out. My mother left her home farm after high school to attend business school. She worked for a doctor at a major teaching hospital for quite awhile before getting married.
      One cannot rely on your parents indefinitely and a woman cannot rely on a man to support her. Real life brings the unexpected. It stands to reason that having training or education that leads to gainful employment is never a poor idea. Learning to stand on your own two feet is never a waste of time.

  3. Poor jana. Wonder if she ever gets tired of being asked questions regarding when she will get married or have kids

    1. Can't win. If she'd gone to school and started a job they'd still be asking her about a husband and kids. It only gets worse in your thirties.

    2. I agree. But not just Jana. They were even asking Joy! She's still in high school! Interesting how in the last few episodes they've showed another side of Jana and Jinger, how they're NOT just into laundry and cooking or other stereotypical female roles. It showed how they are well rounded, with Jana heading up the electrical projects or sparking the idea for a treehouse, and Jinger buying & selling a car for income, but we NEVER hear them say, "Gosh, these boys only work with tools, etc., don't they want to learn how to cook?" HA, that will never happen. :-) Like it's ok for guys to have stereotypical roles, but not girls.

    3. Yes such a rude and over asked Question...she is the Bible it says not everyone will have a spouse

    4. I think people would stop asking if it seemed like she was doing anything besides helping out at home with her younger siblings and her siblings' kids. If she was pursuing something outside her family (and I'm not talking about sewing or cooking or decorating for her family) people would stop asking her.

    5. To Beth, Amen! You go girl! So, so true!!!

  4. I keep forgetting I am only 4 yrs older than Jana. Anonymous at 9:17 is spot on. At her age I had already graduated from nursing school and working. I also was hanging out with friends, playing soft ball, and making things in my life happen. Now at the age of 30, I am married with 2 little ones. Go out and make your dreams happen. They will not come to you.

  5. I get tired of hearing people make comments that having a family isn't also fulfilling. A box is a box, whether it is the "only life for me is marriage and family" box or the "to be fulfilled, a woman must go to college and have a career to be truly fulfilled" box. Let people do stuff their way. God is in charge of the Universe, everything will be okay even for those who choose a family and marriage. I wonder if Jennifer Aniston ever gets tired of being asked when she's having a baby? I get tired of hearing people say there is only one type of life to live. That is really annoying. We are free to choose what we think fulfills us. It's no one else's business to worry about.

    1. I went to school because I kept thinking I had to have this diploma. Now I wish I never did, yes I learned a few things that I've retained to this day, but I wish I would've married my husband sooner and had our kids sooner, but noooo! I was listening to "the wise world" telling me, "I needed to be an independent woman" what a waste of money that was! I'm happy and fulfilled raising my four boys, I'm blessed to stay home and take care of my husband my best friend and watch our children grow and teach them life skills and good things and respect for others and to love each other. I only wish I had done it sooner, I should've listened to my fiancée at the time and married him sooner! It would be that much better than it already is. Duggar kids, follow the teachings that have been written in your hearts and you too will be blessed and find your place in God's plan. You will not miss out if you stay in the path you're currently travelling on. Learn from mistakes and move on! You're so blessed!

    2. C-
      I sincerely hope that you never find yourself widowed or in a place where you must be the sole supporter of your family. However, the degree you regret earning may come in mighty handy someday. My sister was widowed with three small children at age 32 and was very glad she had a college education and a career to fall back on.
      I never regretted my education or career. I married in my thirties and have two great kids and a wonderful husband. I was able to retire early and enjoy a generous pension. As far as I am concerned, I have had the best of both worlds.

  6. I think they say hope because the future is undetermined and ultimately in God's hands.

    Man plans his ways but the Lord drags his steps.

  7. Does anyone else have a problem with the all of the videos not working? They always say error or currently unavailable.

    1. Yes I am.Don't offer the video if it's not going to work.

    2. Yeah, the videos on this blog don't work for me. They're either just white boxes or black boxes with nothing in them. But the videos on the Bates Blog and Nashville Wife work...

    3. Hi there,

      The videos seem to be working for all but a few readers. We recommend installing the latest version of Adobe Flash Player and restarting your computer. Hope that solves the issue!

      Lily and Ellie

  8. I feel bad for Jana and Jinger. It seems as if they are always being compared to their sisters who are married with children.

  9. I have to agree. I do love the Duggar children. I really think the older ones need to make a life for themselves outside of the family. To all as you get. Please stop worrying and letting mom and dad control you. It is your future. If they need you to come and sit for them then come but go live in your own home get a job you want and live your life not your parents. I don't want to compare you to the Bates but those kids are not responsible to take care of their siblings. In fact if they do watch them the parents pay them. Please I love you all but you need to have your own lives.

  10. You know, like many other fans, I've been a fan of the family for a long time. And I've read this blog for a really long time, and watched several seasons of the 17, 18 and 19 kids shows and all. And I've come to the conclusion I really truly think the family should not be on television anymore. It no longer serves the original purpose they say they had when they started their family shows on TV. It lost a lot of things. It seems now it is more about money and supporting their family and the show financing different trips and vacations for the family, and financing "mission trips" and all. Sure many people are still fans, and if you are, take some time and sit down and really think if you still have exactly the same excitement in watching the "counting on" shows, versus how much enjoyment you had way back when the family was just starting out on TV and not so interested in new clothes, doing interviews for magazines, photo shoots, etc. I lost interest in the show a while ago, even before anything to do with Josh, way before then. I still come to this blog however, maybe out of sheer curiosity but I definitely lost excitement in watching them on TV again. They have changed so much.

    1. The really great shows were the early days, when they all wore home made, matching outfits and lived in the small house. They were a novelty family back then. Now they're just a pretty normal family with lots of kids and a pretty cush life.

  11. People are always saying all they do is watch kids and do house chores. They should add answer stupid questions about getting married.

    1. I'm sure the producers are going to ask Joy the same questions next week! "So what do you look for in a guy? Are you courting? Are you going to be courting? Anyone on the horizon? How about your sisters or brothers? Who's next? C'mon, tell us!" There, the producers could just hire me to do it for them, LOL.

    2. I wish they would ask them different question but each single at home girl will be asked the same questions..what about something new!?

  12. I love how you exemplify family and stand for your beliefs (even when they differ from mine). Keep being the incredible people that you are. All you can do is your best. Love you guys.

  13. Thank you VERY much for role modeling to young women that you don't have to go out and get married, that you have to make plans, and you have to go into debt to work. You show that women have value not based on how much they earn, but what their accomplishments are and their attitude.

  14. I love these girls!Beautiful inside n out.Not understanding these advertisers logic on being so quick to not advertise for the show when Josh isn't on the show.i could see if Josh was on but he's not!Theyre the ones missing out it gets millions of viewers per episode.Just shocked they are so quick to listen to such a small group.Its the same people that have it out for this family.i don't understand why they want to see the Duggars struggle financially it's really mean and spiteful!


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