
Friday, February 12, 2016

Dillard Update: February 2016

Derick Dillard just posted a new update! Here are a few highlights, but we encourage you to visit the Dillard family website for further details.
  • After serving with a short-term missionary team during December, Jill, Derick, and Israel Dillard are now full-time team members of S.O.S. Ministries. (Click here to read more about their new role.) They are living in a "Hospitality House" owned by the organization.
  • The Dillards seek to meet both the physical needs and spiritual needs of the people of Central America. They have enjoyed connecting with the locals and inviting them to church services--which Derick often preaches at--as well distributing food and hygiene items.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle recently spent a few days visiting Jill, Derick, and Israel. 
  • Israel, who weighs 23 pounds, recently turned 10 months old and is now eating fruits and veggies. Now that their son is mobile, the Dillards have taken steps to baby-proof their house with cabinet locks and outlet covers. 
  • Derick writes that he and Jill "have been stretched in ways that we could not have imagined." He also adds that they "have confidence and trust in the Lord’s faithfulness in that which He has called us."
  • The missionary couple has been forced to adjust to the Central American wildlife, which includes scorpions, tarantulas, cougars, and snakes large enough to kill chickens.
Please continue to pray that God would continue to use the Dillards to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the people of Central America and that He would keep them safe and healthy in the process.

Photos courtesy


  1. Wildlife is beautiful. They should admire the wonderful wild animals not fear them. Cougars are smart creatures and caring mothers to their cubs.

    1. no where does it say they fear them !

    2. Yes cougars are smart. They like to stalk small prey and are especially good at remembering habits of people and patterns of small children's play. Do not underestimated them, small children are always on the menu.

    3. It can also be dangerous

    4. A healthy respect is needed if you're going to live around animals that can hurt and even kill you! And yes, sometimes it's even smart to have a little healthy fear!

  2. Question: Why can't they use their abilities to make life in their home state or in the US better? I'm wondering if they can't face the types of problems we have at home & that it's easier for them to go somewhere where all it takes is a lollipop or face-painting to get someone's attention? Because here, that would probably get you laughed at, or people wouldn't want it to come attached to a religious message, or you wouldn't be allowed to approach someone's kids. This seems like the easy way out, to go to another country that's not as savvy. Try fighting poverty and joblessness and drug abuse and hopelessness at home sometime. Not easy.

    1. Apparently you do not realize when a couple prays along with their Church family and they feel a calling of God, this is what they know in their hearts as a true calling and they are prompted too obey. It's quite spimple yet a great sacrifice on their part.It's done in love.

    2. Not everyone is called to the same place. Who are you to say they are in the wrong location?

    3. I've seen many comments in the past regarding helping people in the US first. But, we are all brothers and sisters. Helping anybody in need makes the world a better place

    4. Jill and Derick are trying to follow God's Will in their life. Who are you and I to question His call?

    5. Obviously there is poverty and social issues everywhere. I don'the think it's accurate to say one place is harder to serve in than another. I find this post to be extremely cynical and somewhat insulting to both the Dillards and the people in Central America.

    6. People go into Christian missions as a response to a call from God. People pray long and hard as to where God is sending them; they see proof of His leading in the voluntary support of others, who receive the same leading from God to support specific people to go to specific places.
      If you want to go do good in your community, that's a good thing. But you don't seen to have a clue about listening to God and following HIS direction for your life. You go where HE leads and HE provides and blesses His work, done through you.
      Sorry you aren't aware of this spiritual dynamic - but it's a good thing the Apostles listened to the Holy Spirit and didn't just say, "Hmmm...where do I feel like preaching about Jesus today? Maybe I'll go here, maybe I'll go there...." They each went where He sent them, and soon covered the known world with the Gospel of peace, and were eventually all martyred as a result. 2000 years later, the entire world knows Who Jesus Christ is because His Apostles followed the leading of His Holy Spirit.

    7. you aren't too familiar with foreign missions are you? I am a missionary myself, my in-laws also are missionaries. You go where God calls you. If that is in the USA then so be it, but God calls some to overseas ministries. There are so many programs, government helps, churches on every corner in the USA. There is no real poverty in the US, try living overseas for a change and get a new perspective in life. Living among people of poverty takes a special kind of person and to share hope and love with them. I am sure when they are in the US they do what they can each day to share Christ. It isn't just something you do while overseas, it is not a religion it is a lifestyle commitment.

    8. No matter where they do their work, it is hard. Here in the states you will seldom find people who have not heard of Jesus. Many people take on spreading the word of Jesus in other countries and it is not an easy life but one that can be so worth it. Many prayers for you "anonymous" that God opens your eyes and your heart to His true word.

    9. With all do respect, leavIng the comfort of their home here in the states cannot be compared to the primitive way the small villages are in central America. They wanted to serve as missionaries before they even met each other. You go on missions where you feel God has called you. You also have to go through training. Probably counseling too ( Biblical not secular)
      You can't just raise your hand and volunteer and take off to stay on a mission.

    10. Because the WHOLE world needs to know Jesus. So if that's where He has called them, then that's where they should go!

    11. Interesting thought anonymous. I believe that for many what you suggest is the truth. however, the Duggars have faced many life obstacles--like navigating their counter culture lives in the media. I suggest that they have stood in the middle of a world (our country) that is foreign to them as any they serve in now, unwavering and unapologetic. The God they serve has used them here and has called them to give up family, friends and support system to follow where He leads. If we listen, perhaps He will call us out upon the water too.

    12. Well, they felt like God was calling them to Central America. Do you think it is wrong that they followed God's will? And there is far more poverty in Central America than in the US. They deal with just as much there as they would here.

    13. There main goal is saving souls and like you just said people would not come around if a religious message was involved.

    14. Yes there is poverty in Central America but the solution is not to hold a bible in one hand and food in another. Come to our church and I will give you food and gifts. The Catholic Church doesn't even do that. They will help anyone irregardless of your religion.
      I have to add the Dillard's and SOS have no credibility. Central America is over 90℅ Catholic. And Catholics are Christians.

      There are organizations like World Vision which have effective programs to help the people in constructive ways. They have workers that are trained to do this work, unlike the Dillards.

    15. Many people in central America know the word of God. To say that they don't is false statement. I support them in their humanitarian works and trying to live their faith. But most people in those countries are Catholic and they are being painted as having no faith. They may not understand what we believe but I have never rejected their view points or saw them as needing to be "avangilized". They believe their way of getting to heaven I believe mine.

    16. As a Catholic I can tell you we believe the only way to Heaven is through receiving Jesus as our Savior. For some reason the Baptist denomination in particular just does not seem to grasp that fact. We receive Jesus weekly through the covenant of communion during Mass. True practicing believing Catholics know Jesus, love Jesus and receive Jesus.

    17. I'm talking about the dillards. Sense I am Catholic.

    18. 100% true. Central Americans do not need saving. They are Christians already. They have their own churches and their own beliefs. Are the Dillards feeding people? That is what Central America need, food, not Christianity.

    19. I can't believe someone said "there is no real poverty in the US." Shaking my head in disbelief.

  3. I have heard this question many times, especially as my husband and I served in Mexico City for four years as missionaries. We each need to explore with God just what it is that He wants us to do to serve Him. This includes exploring where we are to serve. We serve in obedience to the God who created us. We share the love of the Jesus who provides our salvation. Asking why someone doesn't work somewhere else is like questioning God's plan for others.

  4. Derick illustrated his point beautifully. We as Christians should strive to step out boldly and not be afraid to do what we were called to do. Trust and he will lead.

  5. Moving to a 3rd world country easy? You clearly need to travel outside the US. They are fulfilling the call of God on their life. Not the call of America.

  6. Because pain, suffering and the need for compassion and ministry is needed globally, not just in the U.s. There are missionaries everywhere, churches blessing others in need. My church will be doing good works tomorrow in Tampa. WHY CRITICIZE where God has called someone to serve?

  7. I have cousins that have raised there family in another country with ministry they have been for the last 12 years. That is there calling. They are happy helping others in another country. Why do people still question this. Let them live their lives the way they want, Why judge it is not your life. Great job to the both of you. What a beautiful way to full fill your calling.

  8. What do they do about Zika-Virus? Do they change their mind about birth-control? Do they recommend birth-control in their missoinary-work?

    1. Pope Francis, while in Mexico this week, spoke about using birth control under these circumstances. "Avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil." Wise words!

    2. Wise man--I love our Pope!!

  9. I really wonder if it is his health. He does not look good at all. Compare them to pictures when they were dating and he looks like he is failing. I know he had surgery on his mouth - I hope it has been worth it and he is ok or is taking care of himself! Jill looks like she is the same.

  10. What are you doing to help? They go where they feel called to serve! Why criticize them for doing something somewhere when a vast majority of people do nothing to help anywhere.

  11. I read the entire update on their website. The Dillards are working hard!

  12. Are you seriously saying that doing ministry in another country is easy? They are living in a country where their native language is not spoken, there is different food, less resources and everything is different to them. Try living in a third world country for a few weeks and then rethink what you just wrote.

  13. The D8Llards are wonderful, selfless people. I pray that they will stay safe. I am proud of their accomplishments.

  14. You need to go where God has called you to go. My mission field is here in the USA. They were called to go where they are. We all need to be praying that God touches other's lives through us no matter where we are. ❤

  15. You actually should fear cougars. They are dangerous predators.

  16. Not wanting to sound mean,but they are starting to look unhealthy, please come home and eat!!!! Especially dad Dillard!!

  17. Its a terrible thing when someone would make such harsh comments about people just trying to be of help and encouragement to other people. Whether its "easy"or not isnt the issue, its 2 people wanting to do something for the Lord and share His love with other people. It takes a special person to leave all the know and all they r used to and go to the unknown to unknown people and situations and spread Gods love. Until we get out there and do this "easy" stuff, we need to be careful with such mean comments!!!

  18. There are countless Christians here in the U.S.and in Arkansas doing just that, and very few there. Each Christian should go where GOD leads them to go, and that's different for everyone! It's by no means "the easy way out"!

    1. Yes, I very much agree with you on that. They're going to a country with different illnesses, languages, animals, climate, you name it! It is in no way, shape, or form easy!

    2. You just described Florida, Texas, California, etc. etc.

  19. Agreed! As a firefighter, I have learned that we need to put ourselves first, our fellow firefighters second, and the victims 3rd... How are we supposed to help others if we cannot help yourself? I'm all for helping other countries and their citizens... However, we need to help our local communities and our country first before we help those in other countries.

    1. They're not even helping them very much. Read the reports about what it's like when some of these independent missionaries come & go to the villages, and what the locals really think about their happy chatty visitors. It's eye-opening.

      Real help is something like what the Peace Corps does. They send college-educated people into problem areas and have them work on the economy, the infrastructure, and the medical problems. Things that make tangible changes for a world nation with socioeconomic problems.

  20. Continued prayers for their good health and safety. I'm so grateful for the updates. God's blessings to all.

  21. Some of you people need to take a good long look in the mirror! This famiy has lived their life serving others! They have traveled the world! You do realize that the Dillard's are not on vacation in Central America! Here in the US many of our people are helped everyday! Take a look at your paycheck, see those taxes they are going to all the people who need food and have 19 kids and counting! We even give them a credit card with a monthly allowance on it! Do you think this goes on in other countries??? No it doesn't! And to be honest people are people! If they need help then we need to help them! No one person can change the problems in this world but people like the Duggar's are at least trying little by little! What have you people done to help others????

  22. They are spreading the gospel to those who haven't heard, Americans have heard about Jesus and some still have chosen to reject him.

    1. They are in Cental America. It's a Christian country. Catholics have heard and live according to the Bible.

  23. The US is THEIR/OUR country and I agree with the firefigher's statement.
    I also see no point in placing an infant in such living conditions when there was opportunity in this country.

  24. It's ok that they are doing missionary work in Central America. This is their calling. I am curious to know if any who are opposed to this out of country mission is ministering in the U.S. themselves? If not, then perhaps it is time to get involved locally while others go way out of their comfort zones to minister. Pray about it and seek God's will in your own life before judging them. There are plenty of extremely poor neighborhoods you could move to and live there to minister. Then compare your situation to theirs. At least you would have experience behind your opinion.

    1. I see what you're trying to do there with the shaming part. You do realize that you can do all sorts of good in your own community without ministering, too? Even churches go out and do things without ministering. Last night, one church I know sent a van around to pick up the homeless, give them food, and take them to a shelter due to the extreme cold. No questions asked, no liturgical lectures given. Just people keeping other people from freezing to death. What a concept! How I know this happened, I'll let you figure out.

      I'm curious to know how you know this is the Dillards' "calling." They weren't appointed by any church. They formed that non-profit for donations. Sounds more like a plan hatched on Earth, not in Heaven.

    2. And I am clappin very loud at your statement...good one!☺

  25. They say Jill will serve young women. Which advice will she give them in matter of the Zika-Virus? They said nothing about this.

    1. Even the pope allows birth control now because of the virus.

    2. Well the Dillard's aren't Catholic so I don't see how that has any relevance.

  26. I find it intetestering, people seen to put upon others their personal interpretations of the Bible: not neccerally what the Bible really says.

  27. Bravo! Many churches open their doors to serve as food pantries. Feeding Americans!! My story I will share: I was physically disabled prior to turning 50. It took almost three years to be accepted for Social Security during which time I depleted my savings and investments. I saved for years however that money went very quickly when none replaced it. I have a meger Social Security check, no car, barely can afford phone, electricity, water, and internet. I also have a 15 year old son to care for. My merger food stamps feed us about two weeks. I highly depend on food pantries to supplement and am very thankful I am Not forced to listen to other's views of the Bible in order to be helped.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. This country needs to continue to spread good - the kind with two O's.

      Have you looked into the programs that supply weekend food backpacks to school-aged children? Your son's guidance counselor at school should know if there's such a program in your area, if your son attends public school. The food is collected and distributed at the local level by volunteers and food pantries. The sorted food goes home with the children on Fridays in ordinary-looking school backpacks. It's all handled discretely. It definitely fills a need.

      Hang in there. People do care. Just have to make the connection.

    2. Yes thank you, my son was in the back pack program in elementary school. It is not offered in high school. He does get the free lunch program at school and it is a big help. We donate hours at our local Mission extending our hearts and hands helping others who may be less fortunate than ourselves. What is that saying, something to the jest of, "I cried when I had no shoes until I met someone without feet. This is America it doesn't take far to look and see others in need or worse off than ourselves. The food stamp program has made so many cuts and more are to come. Food banks, pantries, shelters and missions will be bearing a greater weight to attempt to fill the needs. By the way just so you know if anybody donates to their local food bank, DO NOT donate food; do so with dollars! Area food banks can purchase in bulk and get greater volume.

    3. The program I donate to goes K-12. Sorry yours doesn't go that high.

  28. I can't believe the comments on here. Congrats for casting that first stone...

    1. There is nothing wrong with having a discussion. I find this site a very nice community.

  29. I hope you post this because it needs to be heard.

    Try telling the homeless US military veteran living in the woods that there is no poverty in the US. I support an organization that fights to get these men and women off the streets and to turn their lives around with a place to live, employment, medical care, and counseling. The volunteers go out and live on the streets with the veterans, in deplorable conditions, in order to assess individual needs and begin the help process. I guarantee you there is no "hospitality house" anywhere with this group, nor the time or the need for selfies and soccer games and private language lessons.

    I would bet anything that there are homeless veterans in the Duggar's area. I never hear the Duggars talk at all about supporting this country's military - the ones who protect and defend them and allow them the freedom and peace to do things like go to the theme park they love to frequent, or even to their church. I see the Duggars brandishing guns for fun, but has anyone in their family ever picked one up for real, and risked their life with it for their country? Or worked to support someone who did, and who came back not so whole?

    The needs in our country due to every social issue you can think of are huge. The people working their fingers to the bone to help with these needs, the ones who give everything they have and when they run out, still somehow manage to find more to give - they are the unsung heroes that we should be lifting up. Put them next to Jill & Derick jet-setting back & forth to Central America between televised good-bye parties, posting pictures of all the fun they're having with friends and family, and there's no comparison. None.

    Ask in your own community - you'll surely find someone working with veterans, if you want to help in a tangible way.

    If you can't find it in your heart to post this, then at least I've reached one or two people with this important message, and that's a start. But it needs to be heard by more.

    - From the wife/daughter/granddaughter of 3 generations of veterans

  30. Hi sweet Duggar family! Our family from is traveling through Springdale tomorrow and would LOVE to meet your family. We are taking a whole year to travel America with our 6 kids and meeting your family is on our bucket list to do! We would be so honored to meet you guys! Please contact me through my website or Facebook page if we can make this happen! Thank you!!


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