
Monday, January 18, 2016

Duggars in Little Rock (Photos and Video)

Yesterday afternoon, thousands of pro-life advocates, and even some individuals who support abortion, gathered in Little Rock, Arkansas, for the 38th Annual March for Life. Among them were more than a dozen members of the Duggar family, including Anna Duggar and her kids

Check out these photos of the event:

The Duggars and several friends gather at the Arkansas State Capitol 
2016 March For Life

 Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar pose in front of the Arkansas Capitol

 Jim Bob and Michelle

Michelle Duggar snaps a photo with two young girls at the March For Life

Click here to watch a short news video on (Look for the Duggars at 1:27.)

Photos courtesy


  1. Such a hot-button issue. Easy to be pro-life when you have the social structure in place to support and raise those lives. Harder when you're a single mother, or if you have overwhelming social or medical issues to face. Even harder to have compassion for those women, let them make their own choices, and respect their choices.

    Planned Parenthood offers all kinds of health and reproductive services, and their funding should not be cut. History tells us what happened before those services were in place and legal. This issue should not be pushed back into the shadows of doctors taking risks, or women taking matters into their own hands with devastating results. This is not a perfect world - you cannot insist on perfect answers.

    1. Um how does a single woman end up pregnant in the first place? The fact is that every child is a direct result of choices his parents made. So instead of killig children to help their parens evade the consequences of hier horrible decisions we should be encouraging those adults to make better choices and be more responsible. Killing the inncocent child is not the answer, in fact it is part of the problem. And if history has shown us anything it is that divorce, out of wedlock birth, single parenthood and STD rates have all risen dramatically since the sexual revolution. Planned Parenthood has their share in fostering a culture where half of our kids are not being raised by their married mother and father and where more and more children are being conceived to unmarried mothers. So "sex ed" is exactly what we don't need more of, what we actually need are real old fashioned family values, men and women should be rncouraged to marry, to wait, and to love their kids. That's how we fight abortion on demand! So long as our culture debases the act that produces children we will continue to see innocent lives destroyed mercilessly.

    2. What about a women that is raped ? She should be forced to have her rapist's child ? I'm a mother and I could never see myself choosing this option, but I also can't imagined being raped either and becoming pregnant because of it either, so with that thought I am mot allowed to judge anyone, because I can't say what I would do in those shoes !

    3. There ARE support systems For single moms!! If you walk into a crisis pregnancy center you will receive proper care and will be educated on your options. There is also a program called "save the storks". They have things called Stork buses which is a mobile option that can reach many women. They provide ultrasounds and provide free care to women in need. There are also many communities and organizations that would be willing to give a child a stable family. There are many people who would like to adopt whether not being able to have children or have children and are willing to adopt. There are also programs through churches to help children find families. There are other options and planned parenthood pressures women in not exactly ideal circumstances into having abortions. These organizations make you aware of your options and help you make a responsible choice for both parent and child. Yeah you always have a choice. One is wrong and one is right. I'll let you decide.

    4. So, Jackie, You're saying the babies life isn't worth saving if it was conceived in rape?! That baby was created by God for a purpose & has a right to live. The baby could be put up for adoption. Abortion is wrong, period!

    5. If you're interested, watch Conceived in Rape and other Exceptions on YouTube. It answers your question.

    6. What about if the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother? What happens if a husband and wife unknowingly have a blood incompatibility that causes the unborn baby serious health issues that are Unsurvivable outside and inside mothers womb,which carry over to the mother getting really sick to the point of death? Would it be better for the mother to die or the unborn baby who will not survive even in utero?
      Also what about if a young girl gets raped and she is only 10 or 11? As a parent would you make her young body go through the pregnancy and dangerous delivery of the baby? What if the baby was a product of incest?

    7. I really believe that it is the woman's choice whether to have an abortion or not.The people who are against abortion should mind their own business in the first place and stop handing down convictions towards the women who do have abortions.Who are they to say it is right or not.As well many of these people never ever had to make a choice and until they go through it themselves they will be against abortion and that is sad cause I was a woman who did have an abortion and I do not feel bad not one bit.Another thing do not write anything negative against me cause that will make you look more ignorant than you already are.

    8. Why is Planned parenthood's other services are going down?

    9. Ok enough with the what ifs...
      The vast majority of women get abortions because it is more convenient for them

    10. "Individuals who support abortion": What you mean to say is "prochoice advocates". I'm sure those people aren't out trying to abort as many fetuses as possible. They are Americans who believe in freedom and real world solutions including, albeit a last resort, abortions.

  2. I kinda looks like Joy-Anna is hugging the guy next to her. Its probably just the angle but it does look like it.

    1. She's not hugging a guy, she's holding a child. The child's head is just to the side of Ben's

    2. She is holding a child.

    3. She is holding a child.

    4. If you zoom in you can see she's actually holding a child :)

  3. Abortion is not the answer. Lets create ways to help the mothers instead. Young girls that don't have a healthy home life need mentors and guidance to make up for a broken family situation. Also the media and television both need boundaries and role models instead of what's become acceptable today. Thank you Duggar families for staying strong through everything.

    1. If a 13 year old girl is raped and becomes pregnant, she shouldn't be forced to carry that baby. You are cruel if you think she should!

    2. It would be cruel to kill an innocent baby who could not control his or her circumstances. That is the most injust way to handle it. The baby can't control whether he or she is born or not. It is the parents job (regardless of circumstance) the protect the life of that child. In the Declaration Of independence (which contrary to popular belief is written law) it says " And we find these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Life is a right. The most important one. Without life you can't have liberty or the pursuit of happiness. That's why murder is illegal because it instantly takes away all other rights. And especially takes away most important of all. The right to life. Which is clear in Declaration Of Indepence. Therefore abortion is unlawful.

    3. And you are cruel to think she should take the baby's life. One of the ten commandments is "though shalt not kill" so we just forget that and have abortion. Wow this world is smart.

    4. Thou shalt not kill refers to all deaths by mans hands. I always wondered why pro lifers don't broaden their quest to include all murders. Seems a bit one sided to me.

  4. Just wondering if you were going to do a post on Martin Luther King since it is Martin Luther King day?

  5. The Duggars kinda wasted their day. Walking with a bunch of people holding stop abortion signs is not going to actually end abortion.

    1. But it gives attention to the issue.

  6. Pro-choice and proud!

  7. I am 100% a pro-life advocate. However,I find it troubling that groups of the fundamental mind set consider pro-life to equal no birth control. God has given us wisdom, and part of that wisdom is knowing how to control the size of our families. It is very unfair to put the burden of siblings raising siblings because the parents are to exhausted--or busy creating more babies--to care for the children they already have. While watching the Duggar's show they never seemed to just enjoy, and care for, the children they have. It was always a race to the next baby. It comes across as more of a pregnancy addiction than being a pro-life advocate.

    1. I, too, am pro-life and I totally agree with everything you stated so well articulated in your post. Thank you for having the courage to writing it knowing that the majority of the readers and posters probably strongly disagree with you, and me.

    2. Birth control isn't the only way to not have a child. Abstain from sex when you are fertile...easy. It takes self control and a husband who is on the same page as you. Not every pro life family is huge. My husband and I have 3 children and they are all almost 3 years apart. If you learn the science of natural family planning, you don't need to put harsh medications with side effects into your body not do you need to put foreign objects into your body.

  8. Please be aware that pro-choice is not the same as pro-abortion. Many well-meaning pro-life activists do not realize that anti-choice legislation like many "personhood" measures being pushed in our legislatures could criminalize the activities of women, including what they eat, where they travel, and even their involvement in daily activities. Legally recognizing a fertilized egg as a "person" would inhibit in vitro fertilization procedures and stem cell research, and could criminalize the misfortune of miscarriage. Even families who very much want another child must sometimes turn to medical abortion in the face of a nonviable fetus, and we have seen this procedure refused to women living in governments with harsh anti-choice laws. We have also seen women (and their unborn babies) forced to die in a hospital without the option for a life-saving abortion due to anti-choice legislation. Again, while well-meaning, much of this legislation is dangerous to American women and tramples on freedoms to elect medical care as deemed necessary by patients and their doctors.

    1. I doubt anyone here needs a lesson on pro-life etc.... Not trying to be mean, just an opinion

    2. I don't think we have to worry about that. I think no matter how much we fight for life, America will never be harshly anti-choice. So let's do as much as we can while we still can!

    3. What about a woman having an eptopic pregnancy. The only way a woman can survive that is by having a life saving abortion. Also didn't michelle have an emergency c section with Josie? I don't mean this in a negative or mean spirited way but Technically speaking, michelle had to have Josie aborted from her in order to survive. What would have happened if michelle were only 18 weeks along and her blood pressure was up that high. The only cure for pre eclampsia is the birth of the child but an 18 week old baby in utero can not survive. Would michelle choose her own death before a medically necessary abortion?

    4. There is a difference of intention that is very profound. In both of the scenarios you mentioned, the procedure being done is to remove the baby in order to save the mother's life with the intent of doing all you can to then save the baby as well (i.e.move the baby out of the falopian tube -or other non-uterine space where thr baby could not survive and neither could the mother, or, either induce labor or perform a c-section, when necessary, in orDer to stop the life-threatening consequences of eclampsia. If the baby is too young to survive, that is a side consequence and not the actual intent. In contrast, abortions are done with the intent to kill the baby.
      This is called the Principle of Double Effect and is one of the main principles on which medical ethics are founded.

  9. I agree... abortion is not the answer! We should put all the money funding planned parenthood to use helping and mentoring people who need help... if there is no change then it will probably happen again!

  10. Bring back the duggars

  11. I think that they are doing something that is amazing abortion is NOT the answer and however what about when the girl or woman is raped? I mean really I understand but you have to live with either choice you make. I love the Duggars and what their beliefs are and honestly could care less what others think of them they are a good family with values that 99% of people don't have anymore. Thank you Michelle and Jim-Bob for doing this!! I love and care about you all. Praying for your family daily and yes you do deserve to be there! Support your beliefs!

    1. That's a common misconception. A baby conceived in rape can bring a lot of healing. Being raped and then killing your baby just adds pain onto pain and even more emotional scars. Watch Conceived in Rape & other Exceptions on you tube.

  12. @Anonymous If a single mother does not want to become pregnant there are birth control methods they can use. Abortion should not be used as a birth control method.
    Planned Parenthood does screening and vaccines. Low income people can now get these services at a doctor's office. That is exactly why Obamacare was passed.

    1. Wow, Obamacare is not for the low income. It's very expensive! Planned Parenthood is an excellent option to the local Doctor's office at a fraction of the price. Women can have "real" discussions and options. In a perfect world, Christian Men don't cheat, belittle, or beat their wives. Birth control is really 100 percent effective. Women and their children are cared for and protected, clothed, fed, and loved unconditionally by their fellow man (or at least their church). Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. Welcome to reality. Proud to be pro choice!

  13. Thank you for putting yourselves out there for all the little souls who are preparing to enter this world! I am so pleased to see all the guys joining in; this is a WE thing, not a SHE thing! :)

  14. It looks more like the guy next to her (to our left) is holding two kids in his arms and she's probably standing that way out of necessity.

  15. In the case of rape, the victim is usually examined by medical personnel. They can either do a D & C or give the morning after pill. Once the heart starts beating, IT IS ALIVE. Abortion should NOT be allowed at this point. Intercourse was made for procreation. Turning it into recreation means you are willing to take the risk of creating a new person. Either abstain, use precautions or accept the result of your choices. Don't commit murder. You never know who that person could have been. Adoption is a great option, too. It turns your irresponsibility into a blessing for someone else.

    1. Only 32% of rapes get reported to police, according to the Department of Justice.

    2. The majority of rapes don't get reported. The girl won't know she's pregnant for awhile. Then what?

  16. Planned Parenthood aborted 327,653 babies in the year 2013 alone, according to the Washington Post. That's more than the entire population of Corpus Christi, Texas. Each one of those babies was fearfully and wonderfully made.

    1. That sickness me so. What a world we live in.

    2. And to think how many empty arms we could have filled via adoption. I know some people who would like a child or two.

  17. Quite the perspective that a baby in the womb should be murdered if your finances are tight.

  18. To call this PRO LIFE is completely wrong. It is PRO BIRTH. These people do not care about it's LIFE after it is born.

  19. Is Anna wearing pants????

    1. I think it's the stroller handle that makes it look like pants.

    2. Yes, if you zoom it in you will see where her skirt is and where the stroller handles are. I did it.

  20. Anna looks so pretty so nice to see the little seewald family!

  21. What if the mother was dying from the pregnancy and had to or would die

    1. Or has a pregnancy as a result of rape or incest. Carrying that baby would be detrimental. Imagine going to school carrying a baby as a result of something like that happening.

    2. Or maybe a woman just doesn't want to be pregnant. Plus there are thousands of kids waiting to be adopted and in the foster care system. I wouldn't have an abortion myself but I certainly dont think any less of people who do

    3. If a woman "just doesn't want to be pregnant" and has no life threatening issues and conceived of her own free will then she should be held responsible. That is a lame excuse.

  22. To the woman who said, "abortion is a very personal private decision between a woman and her health care provider," I'd like you to go to your mother and thank her for not committing an abortion when you were in her womb. Thank your mother for giving birth to you. If she raised you thank her for not giving you up for an adoption. Get on your knees and repent, as life comes from God. Yes, parenting is a huge responsibility, and there is no room for selfishness. If you aren't ready to be a parent than abstain from intercourse...or use protection, its that simple...

    1. Being born or not is not something you can thank or blame your parents for. If you were not born you didn't exist and couldn't have any thoughts at all.

    2. My point was that the woman in the video is alive, able to speak, breath, have thoughts, etc...because her mother gave birth to her. She obviously wouldn't be able to do that if her mother chose to abort her. What's wrong with showing a little appreciation for the fact that your alive. Especially in light of this subject matter. I am thankful God formed me in my mother's womb. I'm thankful my mother didn't abort me when she was pregnant with me, and I am thankful to God for blessing my husband and I with children.

  23. Too many women are now suffering the awful consequences of abortion. I just heard a woman on the radio today who was so haunted by her decision that she had decided to take her own life. God rescued her, forgave her, and she is now sharing her story with other young women who are thinking of doing the same. Abortion not only destroys the child but the mother as well. But, we have a loving Creator Who is willing to forgive if come to Him in repentance.

  24. I didn't see Anna in the picture. The 3 kids in the front are 2 big for a scoller.

    1. She was in the picture you referred to. She is wearing pants.

    2. I said the kids in the front setting in the stroller are to big for a stroller they are acting like babies. Why have kids outside when it's that cold out. No wonder they are always sick.
      Anna has a skit on and legging to keep warm.

    3. Anna is not in the picture. The woman in the front with her hand on the stroller, I believe, is the Duggar Children Tutor. She is Chad Paine's sister.

      She is not wearing pants. It is the side of the strollet coming down in front of her that looks like pants.

  25. It's refreshing to see them out and about more.I hope they come back to tv soon!They are such a great family.Ive seen the Duggars do so much good for others over the last decade and they have been such a inspiration for me that I just can't seem to get mad about anything they do.Even when I listen to the other side of things I just can't picture them doing anything wrong or anything but what they truely believe is best for their family.

  26. TEAM DUGGAR we love and support you all!!xo

  27. We miss you Duggar family.I hope TLC will listen to everyone who has contacted them begging for a new season of them

  28. Wow, that's pretty strong statement. How do you know that the Pro-Lifers do not care about the life once the child is born? Can you back that up with some facts?

  29. What a shame that Cindy's makeover of Michelle didn't take. She looked so great.

  30. I miss watching you all every week.Was great watching Jill and Jessa but I think most fans want to see everyone except maybe Josh back on TLC or any network.I don't even watch TLC now

  31. Team Duggar 2016 hope this new year is better than the last year you all had!

  32. We need good role models like this for teens and children.

  33. All of the Duggar girls were great role models

  34. It makes me mad that people say they are pro-life then say they would never adopt an older child, only a baby. What about these unwanted kids when they are past the cute stage! Who wants them then! As an teen who was never adopted this makes me mad.

  35. Upon further exclamation Anna is not wearing pants. She is wearing leggings underneath a skirt she is holding something blue. which people mistakened for the gap between her legs. I thought she was wearing pants as well.

  36. Abortion is terrible but what about women who smoke, drink, take drugs during a pregnancy? The Duggars could also speak out to encourage people to have healthy babies.

  37. It's a new season of life for Michelle now, I think she must enjoy not being pregnant. She looks good for her age and having had so many babies!

    1. I get it she could she would have more kids.

  38. I was very saddened for the first 10 years of our marriage, when my husband and I were not able to have children. We adopted our oldest son and I am so thankful to the Lord that he was not aborted. We now have the most wonderful grandchildren. and I love every one of them. After 10 years the Lord blessed us with a son. I love both of my sons. They have brought us great Joy. Remember, 2 wrongs don't make things right. Yes it may be hard to carry a child you have no desire to keep, but you may be a blessing to someone else, and God can bless you as well for your decision. Thank You and God Bless you. If you find your self in that way. seek help. don't kill your child.

  39. No one is perfect. People make mistakes. The duggar family is a perfect example of having secrets. And even hurting their own family with these. Everyone should be able to make their own decisions about their body. This does not mean that abortus should be viewed as a birth controle. Neither should there be assumed that sex should only happen in a perfect setting. That is quite immature. People will have sex and get pregnant! I loved watching the Duggar family all the way from Holland! But feel that some views of the family are just way to conservative. And why did they support rick santorum? It was really funny to hear him claim seriously that we euthanize older sick people. Of course we don't! I wish the duggar's the best of luck! And just hope that they don't loose their sense of reality in their little bubble! Greetings from Holland

  40. I see some hypocrisy here, sadly. If the Duggar parents are SO anti abortion, why haven't they EVER adopted even one child who had no parents to look after them and love them? This should have been done when Michelle and Jim Bob were still young and adding to their own family...Secondly, why, then,did Michelle choose to have a C-section with Josie, when she was NOT expected to survive at 28 weeks to save Michelle's own life? Why did she put Josie at such risk to save her own neck?
    Just because abortion is "legal" is doesn't mean you have to go that route. It can be the most unused law on the books. Quit trying to change the law,, because that won't stop the activity. Look at history and prohibition...did that stop people from drinking? NO it didn't. One can get out there and advertise to not choose abortion but other alternatives. Changing the law just isn't the right answer either.

  41. @Anonymous
    That's the same thing I noticed.

  42. Unfortunately you can not legislate morality, and abortion is a moral issue. The problem is not the law or lack of one. The problem is the attitude and selfishness of American society, in general. This can only be dealt with through prayer and setting an example. Christianity and a belief in Christian principles must develop in the heart of the person. It can not be forced through laws and politics. And the Christian may sometimes have to make a tough decision, but it will be between them and God above. There is often not always an easy answer.

  43. I do not find the Duggar family to be pro-life as much as they are pro-conception. I am pro-life, but that does not mean I am anti-contraception. It is not prudent nor wise to have more children than you can possibly support---financially, spiritually, emotionally etc. When you refer to your children as the " older, middles, and littles" you have to many. You take away their identity. When you choose to bring a child into your world it is your responsibility as the parents to raise that child. Not children raising siblings. While I completely agree with pro-life I find it irresponsible to be anti-contraception.

  44. Why can't prolifers and prochoicers come together for a common ground which would be teaching absentance and/or stress birth control. This way there would be no abortions except for rape. But then again that's where the after pill (or whatever it is called) comes in. No girl or woman should be forced to have a child under those circumstances.

    1. Because Michelle got pregnant on birth control and miscarried. She believes it caused the miscarriage.

  45. No one likes abortion but in some instances, it is the only way out a woman may feel she had. Instead of protesting against abortions, these people should support education for both men and woman on birth control. Good quality education in the schools on all aspects of human sexuality reduces the number of not only unwanted pregnancies but STDs and has the added bonus of contributing to the young people delaying becoming sexually active.

  46. I think abortion isn´t a individual choice, like the women at the end of the video said. There is a life in you and you have to keep it and care for it. If you have asked for a child or not, it doesn´t matter. Even if you are pregnant because you are raped, wat is completely awful and sad, there is a life in you.

  47. One woman's guilt broadcast on a Christian show does not mean that abortion destroys women. I know women who have had an abortion and they are perfectly fine. I suggest some of you sit down and talk to your mothers, grandmothers and other older women about how it was in the good old days.

    My children thank me, not because I did not abort them, but because their births were planned and because they grew up in a family where the needs were meet,both emotionally and financially. It's called birth control.

  48. I'm pro-life but as a public schoolteacher, I also believe many pro-lifers are very naive when it comes to social problems. If abortion was banned, 300,000+ babies would be born each year in very difficult circumstances and many would end up in the foster system or dysfunctional families. Many of those children (born addicted to drugs or HIV-positive or of a different race) are not considered "desirable" and will never get adopted. Many raised by their parents in poverty have a VERY rough life, and end up on the streets or in jail. It makes me angry when people say "your child could have been the next Einstein" because they don't understand that these children will have very little opportunity in life.
    Just some food for thought... and maybe a little nudge for Christian families to consider domestic fostering or adoption.

  49. Jer. 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee... God is the one who gives life. He created all of the 50 million babies that have been killed by abortion. He created them for a reason. Maybe one of them would have come up with the cure for cancer, or he/she was supposed to be the next president of the U.S. If you have made choices that have produced a child that you don't want, there are so many people that would love to adopt... that would love to have children and can't. If I was raped and a child was the result, it isn't the child's fault. Murdering the child won't take away the pain of the rape. What man may have meant for evil, God could turn into something good. If I chose not to keep the child, he/she could go to a home with loving parents and live a productive life. Destroying that child's life is not the answer. If you didn't watch the videos that were taken from the investigation into Planned Parenthood, you need to do that. What they do to the babies is beyond horrific!

  50. No, it's not just "one woman's guilt broadcast on a Christian show." Yes, some woman can apparently handle abortion, but MANY can't deal with the knowledge that they killed their own baby. Do your research before speaking out.

  51. I love that the Duggars have communicated so much about their beliefs and way of life to the world. Thank-you Lily and Ellie for being a torch bearer to communicate their light further so it reaches out and gets to even me!

  52. If the government funded something such as Centers for Life for pre teens to encourage and counsel their futures, the number of abortions would decline greatly. There are some small organizations that exist but they don't have the funding and are needed on a much greater scale. We should be fixing the problem instead of using abortion as a solution.

  53. Why aren't the Diggers pro gun control?
    Guns cause a lot of unnecessary deaths of people who are already living their life on this planet. Abortion on the other hand is the termination of a pregnancy in the very early stages, when the foetus isn't a human being yet.
    Whatever you think of foetuses, I find it hypocritical to say abortion is murder but at the same time agree that guns can be bought as easily as candies...

    1. Because they want to be able to defend themselves!! And guns are not bought " as easily as candies". If you buy a gun at a gun show you need a background check. If you buy a gun online you need to get it through a licensed dealer and get a background check. you can't walk into a gun store unless you are 18. A young woman was killed by her abusive boyfriend and she could not defend herself because she was waiting on a background check!! Statistics have shown that most gun violence happens in areas with strict gun laws. A few examples are Paris terrorists used ak47s to kill people in country where guns are illegal. Turkey. You can legally buy an ar15 yet terrorists used bombs to kill people. And in Switzerland they require their citizens to carry firearms and they have they lowest homicide rate in the world. And all the major shootings that happened in the states happened in states where it is hard to aquire a firearm or in a "gun free zone". Which translates to " sitting ducks". "Common sense gun laws" really make no sense at all.

  54. Birth control, family planning-hopefully the married Duggar children will find their own way and find the need for family planning-Jill is having a hard time with no family to help her with Israel while taking Spanish classes-maybe they will find the need to concentrate on raising one child for a while while they are new in the mission field. Anna and Josh need to work on their marriage-not making a new baby at this time.

    1. Jill needs to be careful because of the Zika virus in that area, too.

  55. Some people are against abortion EXCEPT when it comes to rape... Where does that come from? A baby conceived in rape can bring so much healing!! Being raped and then killing your baby just adds pain onto pain and even more emotional scars. I'd like to recommend a video on YouTube called Conceived in Rape & other Exceptions. It also includes the "life" of the mother, children conceived of incest, and disabled children all with personal testimonies.

    1. All I can say is WOW what a comment yes there are exceptions like this but many more women can not handle the months of emotional pain. A little you tube video or even years of counselling don't often help heal people. I don't judge I let God do that. Where does that come from the knowledge unless you truly walk in someone's shoes you know nothing.

    2. Somebody that is raped should not be forced to go through labor.

    3. I so agree with you. So much condemnation from those who clearly haven't experienced pregnancy out of rape. While I am pro-life I will never stand in judgment of a woman who aborts due to rape. How can anybody possibly understand that level of trauma if they haven't experienced it. I find it very insensitive. Abortion is sin..rape is sin...gossip is sin..slander is sin...adultery is sin..gluttony is sin..homosexuality is sin.. lying is sin.." We all fit in there somewhere. How about some grace and compassion??

  56. AS someone who works for Child Protective Services, I am honestly a lot more concerned with abused and neglected children than abortion. Yes, I would rather an embryo be aborted rather than an unwanted child abused or starved.

    1. I love the Duggars so much but I wish they would do more to help abused children. They do so much for abortion but what about the children already born?

  57. It seems when people openly advocate for the life of the unborn child that it causes lots of people to speak in opposition to that advocacy. I hope anyone who takes a stand for the rights of the unborn, and for what is right and good will remember these examples of how easily negativity is put up against those who want pro life and have faith in God and they will stand strong in spite of a sudden, windy storm of opposition, or a subtle one.

  58. Abortion isn't the answer to anything. Even if I had gotten raped I wouldn't have a abortion. If I didn't want to raise the baby the I would rather give them to someone who would give them a life of having a family.

    1. That is a very naive and insensitive thing to say. You honestly don't know the choices you would make if you were ever raped. Its so easy to say "I would never" when you have never been in that situation.

  59. Sometimes there are no good choices such as in cases of rape,incest or certain genetic diseases. I honestly believe only God can judge or even begin to judge such things and feel it is immoral for anyone except the person in such circumstances to have any say. How can anyone of us truly know another's depth of pain or despair and begin to dictate their choice? We can only choose for ourselves
    . I don't know about anyone here but I freely admit I don't want to adopt a very sick child or teen that will always need care and financial help. I applaude and wish the best for those that do but I am too selfish to do so I like my house etc.

  60. Anon just because the Duggars are prolife and antiabortion does not mean they are selfless enough to adopt special emotional or physical needs or unwanted older children. It really takes a very special people to do so. It's too bad those are so far and few necessitating the need for government care. I am prolife but have seen first hand facilities and worked where these unwanted souls are housed. There are volunteers but that is such a poor substitute for a true home environment. So I do believe in some circumstances women have to sadly make choices.

    1. Jim Bob and Michelle have contemplated adoption. They also have had foreign exchange students live at their house. And Jessa and Ben and Jill and Derrick have all said they are looking into adoption. I have not doubt that they will adopt. And they have gone on mission trips to central america and have said that they wish they could take all the kids home.

  61. Why are the Duggars at the March for Life? We should all be there. Even if you are pro life your taxes are still being used to fund abortion clinics so essentially your working to support abortion. Our silence is being used against us, we must all speak out.

    1. Since 1976, the Hyde Amendment prohibits any taxpayer money to be used towards abortions. So we need to be very careful, as pro-lifers, not to make this argument. It makes us look uninformed and discredits our voice.

  62. The saddest thing in this world is ignorance.

  63. All of you pro-life ppl care more about banning abortion then the health of the mother. In most cases of abortion is due to health risks to the mother, rape etc and only a small percentage due to 'not wanting a baby'. A lot of you are saying 'if I was raped I would never have an abortion'. As a victim of childhood sexual abuse, one of my biggest fears was to fall pregnant (got period very young etc) and couldn't imagine being forced to carry at baby at such a young age because ppl like you want abortion illegal. Unless you know what each women goes through, do not judge her situation..just saying.

  64. Yesterday, the Supreme Court voted down the bill Arkansas was trying to enact, a bill that would ban all abortions after 12 weeks if a heartbeat was detected. Voted down; no further appeal possible for that.

    The majority of the Supreme Court members were appointed by Republican presidents, BTW.

    1. That is so sad. Especially sense babies have a heartbeat and can feel pain at 18 days!!!!

  65. Thank you, Duggars, for being a light in this dark and fallen world!

  66. Are the Duggars pro-death penalty?

  67. Jill looks like she is.

    1. With Zika virus in that area and all the CDC warnings lately, that would not be good.

  68. Whether people like it or not someday all the questions will be answered when they stand before God on judgement day. It is going to happen that everyone will be judged according to their actions here on earth. Try explaining to God Almighty why it is ok to kill a baby. Goog luck with that. Or how would you like it if someone wanted to abort you so that you would have never been born. We live in a fallen world, unfortunately bad things do happen to girls. But, I also know that God can take what the enemy meant for evil and turn it around for good.
    Read: Romans 14:11-12 Philippians 2:10-11 Revelation 22: 12-15 Psalm 139: 13-16


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