
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Watch 'Counting On' Online

Jill (Duggar) Dillard and Jessa (Duggar) Seewald 

The first of three parts of the new TLC mini-series Jill & Jessa: Counting On is available for purchase on three websites.

On iTunes and Google Play, you can buy the SD version for $1.99 ($2.99 for HD) or a season pass, which includes all three episodes, for $4.99 ($6.99 for HD).

Amazon has the SD and HD versions for the same price but does not currently have a season pass option. 

Snapshot courtesy of TLC


  1. I just might buy them. I don't have cable and I REALLY want to watch them.

  2. Score one for the fans,TLC, and the Duggars.Looks like all the petitions didnt make one bit of difference, their show was still aired, even with the loss of some sponcers and ex-viewers.So I guess you could say we all won that battle, now let's win the war and get their show back on permanently.Hope that this doesn't sound too much like I'm trying to rub it in, because that is not my intention.

  3. I am purchasing to support the Duggars!

  4. Please know that satan will continue to try to harm your family, but just as Jesus said, he has overcome!! We are behind you and your family in Jesus name!! God bless you al!!!

  5. I really hope that Josh was made to watch the episode, for he would truly know how his siblings feel.Maybe it was hard for them to express everything to him.Josh seeing his siblings so hurt and now distrusting of others...sans Jana,might just finally be the thing that will change him for good.

  6. I honestly really enjoyed the first part of this 3 part series. All the Duggars seemed so genuine and truthful. I had tears in my eyes. This family is going through so much, and it isn't fair. I cannot even begin to imagine if my family member did what Josh did. I hope that with time they are able to heal and everyone choose the right path for them. I think I will cry watching Anna speak next week. She is a true victim as are her children.

  7. Thank you so much for posting this. I have been waiting to see if I could buy it on Amazon.

  8. I think you should put a note that it is for American readers only. Talc is too stingy to put it on youtube

    1. Well I live in Canada and was able to purchase a pass to all three episodes for $4.99.

      Do you rent movies or buy Starbucks or other coffee to go, have a gym membership, go to the movies or dine out of the house once in a week? It doesn't cost so much. It just means eliminating a bit of excess somewhere if you are truly interested in watching. Budgets can be tight, but it is our privilege to view these specials, it is not our right! If you recall, TLC had most of their major sponsors drop sponsorship for the Duggars after everything that had transpired last spring and summer. Those who are interested and have cable will tune it. I don't have cable television. I had to pay for the episodes on iTunes because I wanted to watch and if that supports the Duggar kids and Dillard's and Seewalds that is okay by me.

  9. I watched the first episode of Jill & Jessa:Counting On today....enjoyed seeing the girls back on tv and catching up on all the news....thank you 😊

  10. I can't believe we have to pay for it .. I mean ik y'all want remake money but really , someone ppl want to watch it on Google Play , but can't pay for it ...

    Can y'all make a free version !?
    If not I understand , but u would get more ratings and viewers if u did

    1. It's not too expensive for all three episodes. $4.99 for all three episodes is a very fair rate. If you're young and unemployed, I understand if you can't afford it. Do you make an allowance? Maybe you can set a bit aside. It costs more money to buy 2 fancy drinks from starbucks or to go to one movie with friends. The first episode was an hour and nine minutes long and if the others follow a similar pattern, that is three and a half hours for $5.

    2. Wow I don't know how Anna holds back the tears!!!!

  11. Pleeez put it on YouTube

  12. Why bother. I prefer to not pay but to donate money to a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter. The Duggars have enough money.

  13. can you send me the link of the show we did not see it srry:)

  14. yes there is for free!
    search on google "jill and jessa counting on watchseries" and there you go!!!!!

  15. you can watch it for free! on and jessa counting on

  16. Still can't buy it in Germany :/ That is so sad :(

  17. I, too, am thrilled that the Duggars were back on television, and I purchased the episode on Google Play since I don't have cable. It was nice to see most members of the family, even though this series does focus on Jill and Jessa. It was very hard, though, seeing the pain that Josh's betrayals have caused and I fervently agree with Anonymous 5 that Josh should watch this episode. I sincerely doubt that anyone could be so hard-hearted to continue with offending behaviour that causes so much pain. My prayers remain with the Duggars, and I sincerely hope that TLC views the demographics as a good reason to continue filming this family in the future.

  18. I watched and would have enjoyed it so much more if the 4 of them didn't say "like" so much. I almost had to turn it off mid way. This is just constructive feedback, not trying to be mean.

  19. every family has that person or persons that choose and make bad choices but that doesn't reflect the heart of the ones that try and live right the only reason the Duggars were attacked so vicious is because they try and raise their children with good values and teach a different way and look out of 19 kids only one has messed up most people only have 2 or 3 kids now days and have one or more that go astray

  20. Thank you for this info!!!! So glad to be encouraged by them once again!!
    We missed them!!

  21. Does anybody know if there's a way to watch it for free?Is it posted on youtube or somewhere else? Post the links here. Thanks

  22. This goes out to Anna. Such a sweet young lady. I have pretty much been watching the show since it started from 14 Kids and counting. And yes you can only know so much about a person and as much as they will let you know.
    I've been married for 15 years and I know exactly where you are at. I do not say this lightly. My husband was unfaithful and on more than one occasion. He also watched porn an a regular basis. When I found out the first time just like you I was crushed. And the last two times it made me feel like I was doing something wrong for him to look to other women for what he should be finding in me. But I learned that is not the case. So I beg you to not put any of it on yourself. I know that is easier said than done. We are human and we all will fall short of the glory of God. And that is why I am still with my husband. It can be done. I still love him more each and every day. But it was a LONG road to get back there I won't lie. It took a long time for me to forgive, which I wish it hadn't, and to trust him again. So with it being so fresh I encourage you to continue to have faith. Never stop praying. And do what is best for you and your family. God will send you the answers you need. He is such a merciful God and peace will come to you when the time is right. I will continue to pray for you and your family, Josh included, that you all will heal and continue to be there for each other. God bless and take care.


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