
Saturday, December 12, 2015

Joseph Duggar: 'It Broke My Heart'

We have yet another sneak peek video to share, with the premiere of Jill & Jessa: Counting On only one day away. This time, you'll hear from John-David Duggar and Joseph Duggar (video below, courtesy of People).

"...It broke my heart," Joseph says on finding out that his brother Josh Duggar had been living a secret life.

"It is a big weight upon me now," shares John-David. "I know that...I've got a whole bunch of younger siblings looking up to me, and I've gotta be an example to them..."

Video courtesy TLC


  1. Bless their hearts.....this is what happens when someone is selfish and stupid with their choices. Their family suffers the brunt of it all. So very sad....

    1. Agree 100%. Praying for Josh, but mostly for his family.

    2. My heart breaks for the entire family especially Josh. Satan came to steal, kill and destroy and has pretty much reeked havoc in this family. Prayers for complete healing, spiritual reconciliation, and divine intervention. Stay strong John-David

    3. This is what happens if we elevate each other more than we should...we are all sinners, Josh's sin came to light. Praise God for for His love and forgiveness. Praying that Josh finds love, acceptance and ultimately forgiveness. Praying for the Duggars that God will continue to heal their hurting hearts.

  2. My heart aches for your whole family.

  3. sad. People need to realize their actions not only affect them but also those close to them.

  4. I can't watch this. It breaks my heart to see the kids so torn up over this. I don't believe talking to tlc for television is as beneficial as talking to a licensed therapist. These poor kids should not have to discuss what happened and how they feel for all the world to hear. Shame on tlc using emotionally hurt kids for ratings.

    1. The kids have spoken with counselors and they choose to speak out in hopes that someone watching will stop if they are lying and cheating on/to their family.

    2. Then have tlc do it for free. They are making money off of the duggars troubles. No one needs to see this. This should be a private family matter.

    3. We still think of them as kids, but remember, that are all adults now. The ones that are speaking out.

    4. The older kids speaking out may help others. I thank them for speaking up.

    5. I'm very glad that the older kids have chosen to speak out. Hopefully, this will help someone else that is coping with this because of a loved one. It may also help someone else who is making bad choices. Seeing how this effects the whole family may stop someone who is actively doing what Josh did OR it may prevent someone that is contemplating doing what Josh did. God Bless and comfort the Duggar family.

  5. It is good to know that the rest of the family is recognizing that Josh did a horrible thing and their relationship with him will never be the same. People can't blame the whole family for the mistakes of one.

  6. What a courageous young man. Stay strong and and those little ones will continue to look up to you.

  7. I know it's been an incredibly tough year for your family, along with the joys of wonderful blessings of new life. Just like life. The ups and downs. Highs and lows. The trials and the joys. My heart also broke for your family and the difficult things you've had to face. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Judgement is God's , forgiveness is the trial we are challenged with. We may never understand, but we must always pray there is an inner light that will once again shine.I miss the show and will enjoy the moments you will all share with us.

  9. You can see the hurt and heartache in their eyes. I hope that in time they will be able to rebuild not only themselves, but their brother as well. We all make mistakes, some are worse than others, but the thing about the Duggars is, they will ALWAYS be in the spotlight, and that is not fair. I still love this family. I still believe that they are wholesome, they are kind and they show nothing but love. Ben and Jessa, your baby is beautiful and Derick and Jill, your family is beautiful as well. I don't know how I would have handled being in the situation they were forced into , but I can only pray that I would be able to handle myself with as much self respect as this family did.

  10. You'll do fine John David" God bless you and your family.

  11. Wow!! That's some heavy stuff. I have seen so much hate online for all the Duggars for what Josh has done but I think it's important to remember that Josh is still their brother/son, they are not going to hate him and they shouldn't, the Bible teaches forgiveness, and I think it's as much for the ones hurt by the actions than it is the perpetrator, it doesn't mean they have to forget what he did or to even truly trust him again but a true Christian will forgive him. Anna might be a different story, she had to have been crushed to the core, but I would still hope she will forgive him even if she needs to rethink being married to him.

  12. John-David and Joseph you are both Godly young men. My family has been praying for yours as you navigate through these tough times. Remember God is always with you.

  13. Wow...such raw honesty. I love this family so much.

  14. So sad, we seldom think about the other innocent victims.

  15. Keep strong, Contine to pray for Josh, and learn from him, purpose in heart that you will do right, just as Daniel did. I am praying for him, and your entire family. John David, my late husband said we always learn from others. I always try to live as if Jesus were right beside me,and He is. I wouldn't ever want to do something that I wouldn't want Him to see me do, say, read, watch, or anything that would grieve Him. Keep on keeping on for our Lord. Philippians 4:13

  16. I'm really grateful to see this video and what the brothers are saying because that's the truth of how they feel and to freely express that brings tears to my eyes but also I feel like they will make sure that they are the good influence for their siblings and not the one the hurt everybody. I just have a new found respect hearing those young man speak their truth and the disappointment that they feel and to do something about it. Amen <3 Prayers for your whole family and looking forward to seeing the show tomorrow <3

  17. It IS sad and Heartbreaking. I DO understand how the family feels the need to unload their heart ache to the public. It's the public that doesn't understand and condemns this whole family. It's hard to heal.

  18. I continue to pray for all of you in this.

  19. Keep your head up duggar family! It was a hard time for y'all. Just know there are supporters out here for you all without judgements.

  20. Praying for your family .

  21. Ya'll keep your heads up. Praying for your family. I pray that Josh will find his way to the Lord. Ya'll are amazing family. You will get through this as long as you lean on the Lord. Anna you and your babies have extra prayers from me. Lean on the Lord for your answers to what you should do for your family. Praying for your decision and clarity as you continue to move forward.

  22. My heart goes out to all the siblings. I wasn't expecting to burst into tears viewing this!
    but what Joseph and John- David shared from their heart really touched me. I am so sorry for them. May Salvation come to Josh and healing to this family.

  23. Praying for your family to heal but especially Anna. God can do mighty things through this fiery trial. Praying for Josh too and hoping he gets the help he needs. Hang in there Duggars.

  24. Such a raw and candid statement. Glad to see healing going on in your family.

  25. I praise the strength of this God fearing family. Especially during their struggles. Each have their own beliefs about the trials and tribulations with their eldest brother. Stand tall,stand strong & together & stand. Be triumphant. You individually have gorgeous families. God bless and good luck! Amen

  26. Thanks for sharing John David. Keep striving for being a good Christian man. You made me cry! I love your family and it broke my heat too, what your brother did. You're all in my thoughts and prayers. Love in Christ, Rebecca

  27. I guess it was Joseph that made me cry, I get him and John David mixed up. Joseph
    I pray that you do keep being a good example to your brother's. God Bless

  28. Must have and still is so hard on this family. I pray they can get passed it. It is what it is.....and only Josh can change it. I hope he is getting the counseling he so desperately needs. It will be a hardship that will follow him for the rest of his life. Sadly

  29. When I saw this preview for the new show, I wanted to cry. John David has never since I have been watching the show, shown any real emotions. He just sort of smiles, and does his thing. He has such a private heart, and I could see the hurt in his eyes. I wanted to reach through my T.V., and hug him. I am so glad that the Duggars are so close. If not I would be worried for John David.

  30. I am fervently in prayer for this sweet family. I am so sorry! Words cannot describle what I am feeling for the Duggars, especially Anna and the kids.
    Faith (12)

  31. John David you are a fantastic role model, my fav Duggar

  32. I don't blame your family in any way for what Josh did. We are praying for you all. We love your family and know that God will only make your family stronger. Merry Christmas. God bless you.

  33. I have been a long time fan of the Duggar's and still am. I have friends on both sides of the fence when it comes to what has happened and I can understand their views. I have had people in my family fall into the addiction of pornography and it is terrible to see what it can do to loving couples and families. It is also terrible that the media has been so awful about everything. I hope for reconciliation and freedom from the bondage addiction brings. I pray for you guys and wish you the best. I miss seeing my girls enjoying the show. I still think, despite what has happened, that the Duggar family is just normal family with the same ups and downs every day people face. It is a testimony of the grace we find in Jesus this fallen world.

  34. I really wish you put subtitles on the videos since there are many deaf people wanted to know what's going on. I am deaf, and I cannot lip read well...

    I already set the DVR to watch the show tomorrow night.

  35. Josh has hurt the whole family by his actions. He was only thinking of himself. I know God will forgive him, but it will take a lot of time for people to trust him again or believe what he says. I don't know what I think Anna should do. If it were me, I would leave.

    1. Exactly, he not only hurt himself, Anna, and his children, he hurt the reputation of his entire family. People are going to associate Josh's molestation, cheating, and pornography with the entire Duggar family name

  36. I love the Duggars & hope the best for them.

  37. God bless you, dear young man. We so much love your family and hope to see the show back on the air. Joyce

  38. Heartbreaking and good for them to try their best to set a better role models and learn something.

    god bless

  39. It broke my heart to see so much conviction upon these young men. To see that much emotion and hear so much inner rawness, well I applaud them and I have a new respect for them. I believe in this family.

  40. I'm so sorry for all of the pain that the siblings have had to go through because of the decisions of Joshua. I'm sorry for his wife and children, parents, grandparents. I a thankful that once it was known, they are dealing with it as a family and not just hiding it. I don't mean from the world I mean from each other as a family. Healing come through openness and I pray that this is the case for you as family..and ultimately for Joshua.

  41. The pain in their hearts that shows through made me tear up! Best wishes for you!

  42. It broke our hearts too! Poor siblings , even if they forgive him their relationship will never be the will be forever broken!

  43. This is really touching what you are sharing about this personal drama in your life. I just want to share encouragement and tell you that even if sex addiction is a truly painful thing that wound everyone around, there is hope to recover. God did great miracles in my marriage and I can assure you that the one you love is still there behind the enslavement of sin. Wrong choices after wrong choices brang him captive to a point he did things that he probably never thought he could be able to do, but God's grace can work deliverance. I know that as wounded family it is hard to believe, but the addict suffer probably more than anyone he wounded, because with addiction come unbearable shame and negative emotional pattern like self-hatred. I can't imagine how worse it could be when the entire country know your sins. I don't take his defense, because he has to face his own sins, and as a woman married for 18 years to a sex addict that almost left us for another woman, I know how painful it is. But God teached me to see my husband with a different perspective, with a heart of compassion for a sinner that is suffering deeply in his sins. God show me to love at my husband as He looks at us in our sins, with love and forgiveness. That is the only thing that were able to make my husband change, unconditional love. And now I am so amazed of what God did in him. He is a complete other man, a true man of God that I am proud to be his wife. So keep courage, even in the worst situation, God can do tremendous miracle. I'm so thankful for his grace!

  44. i am so happy to hear that Joseph sees what his brother did and makes no excuses for him. I know this is . hard for the whole family to accept.I miss this show and hope they can do a show on all the kids so we can watch them grow up. pray for Anna and the innocent kids in all this. cant wait to watch tomorrow

  45. Thank you for your raw honesty. The pain is so visible and yet the hope of Christ is so evident. Prayers have been given and prayers will be answered. God bless you Duggar family.

  46. this was HEARTBREAKING. I teared up. :(

  47. This is so sad. But this should be a private family matter and these should be private emotions, not something once again in front of a camera. For what reason? Why do they feel they need the public's sympathy for this? Can't they get on with their lives & heal without having TV there? Why voluntarily put themselves back in the spotlight, when they know there will be backlash? It's going to hurt Josh all over again to see this. Is that what they want to do? The TV part of life should be over - it worked for awhile but then quickly went very wrong. More cameras at this point can't be healthy for anyone involved, especially the younger children. It actually goes beyond sad into puzzling as to why any family would allow this kind of angst to be shown. It doesn't seem right. Can someone explain?

    1. They are not perfect. They only profess to be sinners saved by grace. I think if they hid with the scandal it would be a disservice to their testimony. It takes incredible strength to share this life event with the world. They have always said their reason for being on TV was to show the world how to be Jesus. I believe showing how to walk through the good and bad goes to show they are true. May God use this tragedy to help others going through the same thing .

    2. Have they forgotten that Anna and Josh's 4 little ones will one day be able to watch this show? How could they want them to see this about their Dad?

    3. exactly! Well said, Christy! Totally agree with you!!! I am not an emotional person-but I did tear up when I saw this clip! I am praying for you all! I know this is hard! The Duggars are still my favorite family!

  48. Just to comment on what someone else said asking why they are commenting on this? They want to share this because they want the world to know they make no excuses and do not condone it. They need to say this to set themselves up as their own men and I commend them for sharing this.

  49. They aren't the only family that has gone through this. God can use this situation and their pain and forgiveness to help others who also are or will go through something similar.

  50. The video shows a gray box that says, "This plug in is not supported."

  51. God bless them! Just as the miscarriage helped to guide others through the pain of a child's death, so too will this help to guide the countless others who have and will face similar heartache.

  52. Ohmygosh this is so sad! Josh ruined a lot of lives... just not Anna and her children.

  53. This is the pathway to sin. If you have a pet sin, it will fester and grow and eventually turn on you. It will happen to everyone if you don't deal with it and turn away from it. This family continues to be a good example despite their struggles. They are completely human, but very beautiful in attitude and heart. I wish them the very best and may they be so blessed!

  54. This is heartbreaking to watch. What courage to share their honest feelings. I am proud how this family has responded to this horrific situation and love them all the more. Praying for them as this show airs and they will receive a lot of feedback, both positive and negative.

  55. We all must be careful who we hold in high regard. People are not meant to be put on a pedestal...only God belongs there!

  56. heartbreaking and beautifully honest.

  57. True examples of what real Godly young men are . I pray that this family can find some way to get over this and go on. I pray for Josh, he needs prayers , he is not a bad person he just made really bad decisions and thats what the devil wants us Christians to do. God is greater then any sin and mightier then any devil.

  58. I love this family there son did a terrible thing but God will see them through this@Sharon

  59. You have wonderful children! God bless all of you!

  60. It is brave of you to be transparent under such tough circumstances. It is important for people to know that we as Christians aren't perfect. May God be glorified through the baring of your hearts.

  61. I am so sorry you have had to experience that.....You all are so strong for speaking out about how it has effected you and the family. Josh made poor choices and unfortunately you are bearing some of the burden of them. My wise Grandma used to say, Christ did not promise it would be easy or there would be no problems but he did promise he would not forsake or leave us. Please hold on to the scripture for it will guide you well.

  62. When I saw this post, this is what really just breaks your heart and makes you cry inside and out!!! My prayers are with you and your family for a complete overhaul in the Lord. Restoration of trust when God is ready and when you are all ready. Be strong and know that Jesus is for you all and He will see you through!! We are all with you in this, we all love you, we are pulling for you, we are praying for you!!! BIG HUGS

  63. Let us all remember David and his sin with Bathsheba--and God's attitude toward him both before and after.

  64. Follow Jesus example and not man and you will tur. Out great and be an excellent example for all the little ones in you family

  65. Bless these children. It's not the family's fault what Josh did.

  66. As sad as it is that Josh betrayed his family like he did I for one am not looking at anyone else to follow in his footsteps. I would love to see the show come back minus Josh! Why should the family be ignored because of his disgusting betrayl? Please TLC, bring the Duggars back!

  67. God bless you always John David. You're a courageous, wonderful, and loving example of what a older brother should be to your younger siblings. Please continue to be the person you are and God has special plans for you. I miss seeing your family on TV as I feel as though I'm part of it. Hugs from CA.

  68. I know this video is about Josh's siblings speaking out, but how is Anna? We haven't heard about her.

  69. Thank you for your honesty and openness. I think that your candor and authenticity help me to connect with what you guys are saying. The response to decide to ask yourselves what type of choices are you going to make is wisdom. That's what I've done and taught. Praying for you guys. Thank you for helping us out here process through it with you.

  70. Bless John-David and Joseph for knowing right from wrong and to step up and know they now have to be the example for their younger siblings shows they are Great Men!!!!!

  71. @Anonymous They probably feel the need to speak about it to the public because the public has attacked them in every way possible. They probably feel they need to defend themselves because they have been accused of siding with and supporting Josh about what he did. I'm sure if your name was drug through the dirt publicly that you too would want to speak up to try and clear your name or state your true intentions and feelings. I highly doubt they are trying to 'get rating' over trying to clean the slate and set the records straight. And sadly, no matter how much they try or how hard they try, there will still be people out there that will still judge them and paint them in a negative light. God Bless the family, and thank you for sharing such personal feelings, stay strong!

  72. Josh and his family need our prayers. He was a teenager when this all started. I don't know what happened and why he may not have gotten the professional help he needed at the time, but Josh is suffering and so is his family. I'm not sure that I will watch the new shows, especially if they are going to have clips like these. We just need to pray for all of them.

  73. It's sad that their whole show got taken off of TLC because of this whole thing. I pray for everyone in the family but mainly the sisters it happened to, Anna and the kids,Jim Bob and Michelle , and Josh. I pray that God will help him recover from this.

  74. I feel so sorry for John Davis and Joseph, I can see they are deeply hurt. But Josh is a liar..I know from experience that you can forgive a person, but you'll never believe anything a repeat liar says to you again. must decide if you can live with that feeling all your life.

  75. This whole situation has been so horrific and my heart goes out to everyone in the Duggars family and all who are close to them. There's nothing right about the records being exposed, especially the victims and for Josh as a juvenile too. The Duggars had every right to do their TV show because what happened had been dealt with years ago and to the best of their ability. Josh is responsible for what has happened later but he is still human and although I don't like what he did, I won't judge him. Like anyone with a sickness and/or illness, he will be in my prayers. He will have to make amends and my heart breaks more for Anna and their kids. They as well as the rest of the Duggars are innocents in all this mess.

  76. John David is now the older brother to look up to, he feels sad and disappointed in his older brother but in his heart he knows God will help him through this.

  77. It always hurts (bad) to find out someone is not who you thought they were. I know. Praying for you all.

  78. Wow!! How heartbreaking and painful. I come from a situation where there was infidelity between my parents and my brother and I were devastated. God can truly heal and restore families. Remember Duggar family: Many are they afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all!!

  79. One day at a time, sweethearts. One day at a time.

  80. It's good to hear from the guys for a change. It was always the girls before.

  81. Truly heartbreaking to watch. I so wish this family would stay away from the cameras. Their healing should be lived out privately and not for the world to see. I can't wrap my brain around why the family continues to put itself out there and subject itself to such cruel hatred by its enemies. This special will be more raw meat for the wolves. So sad!

  82. I still love this family. It makes them just as real as everyone else. Honestly, if they weren't on tv most wouldn't bat an eye. The spirit of Jezebel is hard at work and I pray to Jesus that her works are struck down and fail. I pray Josh finds peace and forgiveness in himself and others. I pray that this family mid able to move on and not have to have this shadowing them for the rest of their lives.

  83. I think it is beneficial for the siblings to share their feelings with fans of the initial show, as well as to those who are watching to see what happens with the rest of the family. I have a couple of family situations myself that I hope no one judges me based on those situations.

  84. The Word of God says We all fall short of the Glory of God, we all are not exempt, Josh's action hurt so many and that's exactly what sin does, it's not a surprise to God nor should it be for anyone else,Duggar family may you all find healing and restoration and all your needs met through Jesus Christ for He overcame the world and all of you have that same victory available to you through Christ. I don't mean to sound like sin is not a big deal but be careful about focusing or dwelling on it too long for a righteous man falls seven times, and rises again, do not let your hearts be troubled, may the peace of God and his strength surround you for your days ahead and may breakthrough come where is needed most in all your lives and most especially Josh. God Bless and Merry Christmas!!! Mrs Caser

  85. I love this family almost as much as my own. I watched them so much I began to think of them as my own grandkids. I hated that they had to go off the air. TLC is just using them to get ratings, whatever makes money for them. I would love to see them back on TV. I hope they can move past the Josh ordeal. The Bible tells me God has forgiven him and so have I. Who am I to tell God He is wrong? I would never do that! I wish them all well, and if they bring them back on TV, I will go back to watching them.

  86. It is so nice to get to know the children and hear them speaking from the heart. I really hope that the new show allows us to come to know the older kids. Their hopes and dres. I hope JB and M take a back seat and please no more about Josh. We know what he did-let's all move forward

  87. I love this family!Praying for y'all.....

  88. I understand and want all of you back. It is for Josh to pay the price, not all of you. Just forgive him and move on and I hope you will move on with most of you on our show agai

  89. I know this is a difficult and challenging time for your family but Josh can and I have no dought will get through this. The damage is done. Mosaics are made through broken glass, may this broken glass be recreated by the Creator. My son is a violent criminal and I am coming to terms with his mental no one is immune to challenges of life is not playing out in the living rooms of America as a mother every cell in my body weeps sadness and will forever ooze of a broken heart. May all those that morn in Zion be comforted by God.


    These have deeply helped me during the hard times and the peaceful times. Praying for you guys. I wish I could hug you and let you know I'm standing with you guys. Please know, that I appreciate your choices to preserve and love God and each other even through these hard times. Praying for the little ones, Josh, your mom, dad, grandma, and your future spouses too.

  91. What goes on at home should stay at home.

  92. That's the most I've seen either of those two men talk on the history of this show. I'll be honest, I never really paid much attention to them anyway, but wow, I have so much respect for them now, the way they carry themselves and they way they are honorable and honoring with their speech. I'm so sad that they are hurting at the hand of their brother, but also so glad that the little guys can look up to such great role models.

  93. Josh left so much pain and sorrow to so many of his innocent family members and many fans of this family and all that they stand for. This is so, so sad. It begs the question, What was he thinking????

  94. @Amy LedesmaI agree with Amy. They need to take their stand and explain that they still believe in a moral and virtuous life despite what their eldest brother Josh chose to do, which by the way, was very destructive to himself, his wife and family, his parents and younger siblings and many Christians who live by the commandments that are in the scriptures.

  95. #48--I totally agree with you. This "counting on" special can only hurt Josh more. If he isn't repentant then this kind of public airing about his shameful behavior could drive him to the brink. If he is repentant then this program is pointless. Why do the Duggars have to put this terrible mess out to the public? I have no answers either.

  96. If this clip is watched twice, we can see that John David speaks first, then Joseph says a few words, then John David ends with his comments. These two have said so little in the tlc series, that when they do speak now, it is that much more powerful.

  97. Why is Anna letting herself and her children be subjected to public opinion at this time? I can't see anything emotionally or spiritually healthy about a decision to broadcast this shame to the masses. I think she will soon regret her decision to go public.

  98. If the Duggars have something to say to Josh, then they should just say it to him privately, not put it out there in tv land. What good could possibly come from this? I thought this Counting On was supposed to be about Jill and Jessa and their families--not a rehash of the whole Duggar clan.

  99. God Bless you John David. Praying for you.

  100. It breaks my heart too. It not only hurt the family's reputation. It hurt the reputation of all Christians. He is obviously very narcissistic, which allowed him to have this type of split personality. It is sad, the pain of his family really will not affect him. He will only be upset what consequences he has had to endure.

  101. It's so sad how many people Josh has hurt, I'm praying for this family and hope they can go on with their lives. I hope Josh knows in his heart what he has done to each one of his family members plus his wife and children. And you know God is not happy with him going on how he did about his religion and doing what he was doing.

  102. If I wasn't being selfish I would most likely suggest that they stay out of the media off television for a substantial period of time. Until they are 18 no TLC show. Maybe after this one wait a couple of years.... But I love analyzing their personalities developing over time.

  103. Nice to hear more from John-David and Joseph!

  104. My heart breaks for this family. Ive lived what this family is going thru. Molested as a child, but we didnt "talk" about. You just act like it didnt happen. Years of counseling as an adult ive somewhat healed. Then being a wife whose lived thru infidelity is kinda like the straw that broke the camels back. Id give anything to have had a family like the Duggars growing up. Im sure I wouldnt be the mess I am. The family is not to blame for what Josh done. Im grateful they shared their story as painful as it is. So ppl like me see terrible things happen but you can get thru them with the right help & a good support system. The Duggars are a Godsend....Thank you.

  105. Hi Readers,

    For those having trouble watching the video, you may need to update your version of Adobe Flash Player. You can also try watching the video directly on

    Lily and Ellie

  106. @Leah Toth

    Hi Leah,

    Unfortunately, we are unable to add subtitles to videos that do not already have them. Two of the promos have since been uploaded to YouTube, which allows viewers to add subtitles. Here are the links:

    Lily and Ellie

  107. My prayers are with this family. It is so sad that they are all reliving this nightmare all for the sake of spite and meanness. They had worked through the whole thing and then someone brings it all back up and has done nothing but hurt them all once again. As far as Josh Duggar and his infidelities, he has a serious problem and needs a lot of help. They are a beautiful family and they have gotten so much backlash they did not deserve, it is so heartbreaking for them all.

  108. It broke mine too. I'm sorry for you all going through this again. It's hard to bear, I know, especially for the girls. May the lord bless you all.


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