
Friday, December 18, 2015

Jana: 'Who do you trust?'

For those who missed last week's episode of Jill & Jessa: Counting On, be sure to read our written recap. Take a look at this clip from the show, featuring Jana Duggar and Joy-Anna Duggar:

Video courtesy TLC


  1. Trust is the most important thing in all relations , if you dont have that,there's nothing left.Breaks my heart, especially since they were raised to be more cautious of the outside world, and to have their inside one so deeply violated, must be exceptionality crushing. I'm glad their strong faith in the Lord will help them through this,not all people have such a strong relationship to see them through hardships with this kind of magnitude.Being in the public eye would just add so many more hurdles to get over...cant even imagine.All we can do is pray and be supportive and not believe in all the negative gossip.Blessings to you Duggar family:-)

  2. The hard truth is you really can't trust anybody. We all wear a "mask" if some sort. You pray for The Lord to send you the right mate for you, and then trust He will help you navigate life together as honesty as possible.

  3. Jana and Joy-Anna are truly upset.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  4. This is the challenge we all have when we have been betrayed or deceived but I have found that I have to dig into the Word of GOD with much more tenacity.

    Betrayed by fellow believers or those who are only believers in name but are not committed and submitted to WALKING by the WORD but may only be presuaded by men...I find that ONLY personal time with the Lord in the study of the Word to be like the Berean's who checked EVERYTHING they thought or were taught by the measure of the scriptures is the ONLY way I know of to avoid being taken in.

    The Father of lies is very skilled and has studied man since Genesis . I think a lot of the stuff people going to church but who do not study the Word as we are told to do by the Lord are not taking the warning seriously enough OR they fall for some kind of mystical , magical 'solutions' which are taught by those who appeal to the flesh.

    I have been rejected and betrayed by close family as well as trusted believers and friends over the years. Ministry 'leaders' and long time husband but Jesus Christ has proven Himself to be faithful to what he has recorded He is able and WILLING to do.

    Many do not heed James wherein we are told to ask according to the way God has revealed to those who study what He wills. His word is His will.

    Nothing that deceives us was not told to us in scripture but sometimes it is just so hard to accept that even those who we have always thought would care for us have fallen.

    If a person is not really concerned about pleasing GOD it is more difficult for them to really care about how their choices will effect others.

    That is one of the deceptions that I believe we see scripture revealing in those whose sinful choices have illustrated how 'good people' do evil things.

    They do not see themselves clearly and they presume that GOD will not keep His Word in the areas where consequences befall us due to sin.

    God is not presently punishing ...His wrath WILL come in time ...but in this time period's own sinful choices will have the consequences .

    Sin is like a seed which WILL bring forth consequences....

    The Word of God is said to be the incorruptible seed which will bring forth life in those who live by it and submit to God's will/word.

    People may disappoint us either by their own weaknesses and areas they ignore to stay vigilant in avoiding temptation, or by deliberate deception for their own gain as they may see it, but God is faithful to His Word.

  5. It is heartbreaking seeing you all hurting so much, both from Joshua's actions and also from the very sensitive and what was supposed to have been private information that was exposed. You all are so strong and I support you all 100%. I'm praying for you all and I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas. Thank you for your examples now and before everything was exposed. You truly are Christians in every sense of the word and meaning.

  6. I liked what Jill said about no one being able to keep the standards except that they adhere to plans to keep themselves from opportunities for transgressions of the righteous standards. I would not suggest testing this idea,
    I know it is true. Really Jesus knew that we are all sinners and in that regard none of us is trustworthy, He knew what was in man and so He trusted himself to no one. That is quite a thought. How ever knowing we are prone to failures we can avoid situations that will cause us to stumble, fall.
    No one wants to be a failure at life do they?

    1. True...none wants to be a failure in life....but some live according to the standard of "success" defined by the world

      If they believe in the idea grounded upon evolution and survival of the "fittest" and are able to achieve great things by self and are glorified in the worlds eyes then there is less and less concern about the casualties their choices cause others to suffer as they rise to the top in the worlds view of "success"

      The temptations of the serpent to Eve and Jesus after his time in the wilderness have much to teach us as to what ways people are approached to accept lies of the devil

      He does not change his tactics because they work on those who do not know or respect the wisdom that can be learned from the Word of God if a person WILLS to be taught and then is armed with the desire and wisdom to avoid all lures to sin...believing those things defined by the Word as sinful to be true and good to acknowledge as protective.

      Eve's decent into sin began with an uncertainty of exactly what God said as Adam was the one to inform her and then protect her....she began to doubt Gods good intention for her protection if He was withholding from her something " good and pleasant"....but chapter 2 tells U.S. ALLIES trees were "good and pleasant"

      Sin blinds the eyes and clouds the mind

      Jesus was offered and challenged with the same temptations but he stood upon "it is written"

      The lesson learned when betrayal by people happens is that we can SEE when we know the Word of God on any and everything it teaches us that pertains to life and godliness

      Success in Gods eyes is to learn and then apply His wisdom in practical living as the ultimate success is already ours in Christ's finished work

      But to walk through this minefield called "earth" we need the WHOLE ARMOR of God

      It's there for us to PUT ON thank God!☺️

      Those who do not care or think of pleasing God will not care much about others ....especially once they see no use of them

      I am not saying Josh was this way....but today many are so self oriented that nobody matters to them as much as their own appetite

      This is the deception of humanism...communism...atheism....and religions which are a form of godliness but deny the Lord Jesus Christ .

      Maranatha Lord!

  7. don't we all make mistakes. what is encouraging with what happen to your brothers is coming to your parents and your parents doing something about it. and on your parts as siblings , you are all forgiving. but i must say Janna, even before this news break out, i felt that among all of you , you've been distant to Josh. Anna, you are such a blessing for all who are betrayed. at the end of this dark tunnel, I'm pretty sure, GOD will show you and all of us the true meaning of unconditional love modelled by Jesus to us.

    the best thing this nightmare had done and still be doing to you all siblings and to us all who can relate , are FORGIVING, being faithful to our Lord that HE will help us pass through and BEING a better person.

    1. You shouldn't be judging Jana. Its un Christian to judge others.

  8. Time for Josh actions to regain trust his choices destroyed but reality is that will happen no time soon. I feel their pain and walked that road. I hope he can earn it back and not fall into the deep dark pit again.

  9. I really wish that the show was focused on all the kids and not just Jill and Jessa. We have been hearing so much from those two for quite sometime,especially with all the wedding/birthing specials.I kinda was more interested in what the others had to say more.Joseph,JohnDavid and Josiah just completely broke me up, i guess when a man cries it is more impactful to me.

    1. Yeah they should bring them all back!I get what you mean COMPLETELY!

  10. Well said Jana well said .. Who can you trust know days not very many people, when your not looking someone will stab you in the back.. Hold your head up don't ever give up or be ashamed of yourself or your faith..

  11. I really feel for this family. I really hope they can all find a way to move on. What a terrible situation for them. None of the kids can trust their oldest brother anymore. Just terrible.

  12. I would love to purchase all the seasons for a fair price. Why aren't they available?

    1. Depends what you call a fair price. All seasons are available on Amazon and Vudu, but that doesn't include specials, just 17 kids, 18 kids and 19 kids and Counting

    2. All dvds aren't available

    3. Dvds aren't available for 6-10, 12-15 $24.99 is fair.

  13. I was just wanting to know how teenage girls who don't wear swimsuits go swimming? My 17 year old is very curious. She loves the Duggar girls!

    1. Google search "modest swimwear"....many offerings online

  14. I, too, would like to know what is going on with the rest of the children. I think the four youngest girls were all darling to watch, as well as Mackynzie, Micheal and Marcus. Oh, and also Meredith. I would love to see her. To me, watching the little kids and hearing what they had to say made the show great.

  15. Josh learned his lesson. He regained their trust from his good deeds. He got caught up in his bad habits. I'm glad he wants to get better. It's hard, but it's worth it. There isn't a magic pill.

  16. In reply to you, Anonymous 11, I wish I knew why the seasons aren't available. I only see the Seasons 1 - 5 are available. I did purchase the first two seasons, and have the intention of purchasing more. Hopefully someday they will be available. That could be another money-maker for TLC.

  17. I am so heartbroken for the pain your family is suffering. I love you all. I pray God be with you through these trying times. Please don't lose faith, in God or each other. None of us are without sin. It is hard and takes great courage to come forth in repentance. Your big brother is still a child of God and has Godly potential. He needs support through this as well as you all. Please don't abandon him. I pray you all continue to love each other and hold tight to your faith throughout these trials of life. Satan is so very good at his job and desires to destroy us all in any way he can. God bless and be with you! Praise God that he sent his son to be the Savior of the world. He makes repentance possible. There is still a bright light and much love at the end of the tunnel. Who loves God more? =The one who needs him more. Merry Christmas to you all!!!

  18. My heart truly aches for Anna, her kids and all extended family and like Anna said, the entire Christian community. A tree is known by its fruit. So someone can say they are a Christian, but it is not their words that make them a Christian but rather their actions. Josh was living the lifestyle of one who does not believe at all that the Holy Spirit is with him at all times. he had every chance to come clean during the first scandal. That would have been the time to confess. Only the Lord knows who is truly His. The best we can do is to love others as God loves them and pray, pray, pray. We cannot control others thoughts or actions. We can only control our own actions. Love to all of you. I will be praying for Josh's salvation.

  19. I watched this and cried ...

    Here's y the duggars were so devastated when they found out Josh was not loyal to Anna , because they only new Josh's Personality they didn't no his character ...

    Personality is : likes ,dislikes , social skills ,attitudes and personal preferences ...

    Character is : combination of morals and beliefs the helps u distinguish between right and wrong ..
    Character is the Core of a person .

  20. I have been reading this blog for quite some time as I assume most of us have. It saddens me the number of times I have seen so much support and empathy for the whole family except Josh. Several stating bring back the family just not Josh. Some questioning if he is really even a Christian. Jana asked" who can you trust?" Everybody and nobody. Even "real" Christians can fall really hard and really hard. Peter, David, Moses--all amazing men of God--all fell very, very hard. The Duggar family set up so many rules believing if you follow steps ABC it will basically guarantee happily ever after. That's not true because we have ALL sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. So--who do you trust? Everyone--and--no one.

  21. In response to the person who asked about swimming: I'm an 18-year-old girl and I LOVE swimming. But me and the other girls in my family have always made the decision to not sacrifice modesty while swimming. We often wear loose basketball-style shorts with t-shirts (sometimes over a one-piece bathing suit), or "modest swimsuits" which are also a good option. They have an underneath shirt/shorts piece, covered by a loose-type jumper that snaps between the legs for added modesty. It's really not that big a deal to dress modestly while you're swimming, especially if you're just doing it for fun and not, like, racing.


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