
Monday, November 9, 2015

Still Waiting

We know you are all eager to hear the name of Jessa and Ben Seewald's son, who was born on Thursday. Rest assured that we will make the announcement as soon as the couple decides on a name for their little guy. 

In the meantime, can you identify these newborn pictures of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's six grandchildren? What facial features do these munchkins share? For those who are blanking on the names, Josh and Anna Duggar's four children are Mackynzie, Michael, Marcus, and Meredith. Jill and Derick Dillard have Israel, and Jessa and Ben Seewald have, well, Baby Seewald.

Photos courtesy, TLC/Scott Enlow,,; used with permission


  1. Top left Meredith: bottom left Mackynzie: top middle Marcus: bottom middle baby seewald to be named: top right Michael: bottom right baby Israel!! :-) :-) :-)

  2. Makenzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith, Baby boy Seewald, Israel and I think they should stick with Quincy.. I like Quincy

  3. Do we know if Jessa is home from the hospital? Is she doing ok, maybe that is why we have not heard. There has only been 1 picture of her released and she looks very pale. Such a big baby for a young girl.

  4. Same nose (except Marcus) and same eyes.

  5. I hope Jessa is doing ok I read she had problems. praying for her.

  6. Come on Jessa and Ben!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. They should have announced the name with the birth I mean the should have already pick out the name I mean the should just call him Baby Seewald

  8. I have never heard of such a thing as waiting days and days to announce the name of a child. What is the purpose of keeping the name a secret?

    1. That and they've had 9 months to decide!

    2. You're right what is the secret?

  9. OK...
    (Top row; left to right) Meredith, Micheal, Marcus.
    (Bottom row; left to right) Mackynzie, "Quincy", Israel.
    Hope I got them right.
    Cheers all the way from Ecuador!

  10. starting at the top left and working sideways. meredith, michael, marcus bottom left mackenzie, baby seewald, and chubby little is real on the bottom right corner

  11. top: from left to rt Meredith, then marcus and then Michael
    bottom from left to rt is Mackynzie, then baby seewald and rt is Isreal. Only ones not confident on is marcus and Michael but pretty sure Kris K

  12. Top left is Meredith, to middle is Michael, top right Marcus, bottom left Mackynzie, bottom middle baby Seewald (Quincy?), bottom right Isreal

  13. Thank you I know as soon as they make the baby name public you will share it with us. I have been excited to learn the name. To be honest I am disappointed that they have taken so long to announce the name they have chosen for their son.

  14. Kynzie is on the top left, under her is Meredith. Top is Michael and then Marcus. Bottom is Baby Seewald and then Israel?

  15. All of their noses look the same.

  16. You gals need to update your banner now with baby Seewald. :) He is so adorable, I think he is a good mix of mommy and daddy but I think he looks a little more like daddy. God Bless!

  17. Hmm... I really like jessa but I'm hoping they're not holding out on the name for money from a gossip magazine. I do think they're better than that though! Best wishes :)

  18. Can't wait to hear it :-) He is so cute :-)

  19. From left to right
    1.Mackyzie 2.Micheal 3.Marcus 4.Meredith 5.Baby seewald and 6.Isreal

  20. Been keeping the entire family in my prayers for a long time. I respect their privacy but dragging out the revelation of the baby's name seems to melodramatic and a little cruel to their faithful fans. Feeling very let down.

  21. all 4 childern of josh and anna look more like anna jills and derick son looks like derick jessa and bens son looks alot like jessa

  22. the childern of josh and anna all look like anna, the son of jill and derick looks like derick, the son of jessa and ben looks like jessa

  23. I think Elijah or something like that

    1. That would have been nice and easy

  24. From top (L to R) Merideth Grace Duggar, Marcus Anthony Duggar, Micheal James Duggar. From the bottom of the pictures (L to R) Mackynze Rene Duggar, Baby Seewald, Isreal David Dillard.

  25. I believe that it is Meredith, Michael, and Marcus on the top; and the McKenzie, Quincy, and Israel on the bottom. :) Thank you so very much for the inspirational and loving posts!:)

  26. Dont understand why they are taking so long to tell everyone!

  27. I am going to try to name them but I guarantee you I will not get them all correct:
    Upper left Meredith
    Lower left Mackynzie
    Upper middle Israel
    Lower middle Baby Sewald
    Upper right Marcus
    Lower right Michael

  28. Oh My Goodness Baby Seewald Looks Just Like Isreal.

  29. All beautiful children. God bless them. As far as Ben and Jessa not sharing their son's name, I unfortunately believe it has everything to do with People magazine/TLC which ultimately all boils down to money. What a shame.

  30. Newborn babies kind of all look the same, don't they?

  31. I think it's Benjamin Jr.

    1. Quincy Benjamin Jr. ,Quincy Ryan, Luke Ryan or Noah Benjamin jr

  32. They probably sold first rights to People magazine so have to wait til People releases it.

  33. First is Meredith second Michael third Marcus fourth Mackenzie fifth baby Seewald and last is Israel!

  34. From left to right then bottom row left to right: Meredith, Michael, Marcus,
    Mackenzie, Baby Seewald, and Israel.

    Did I do that correctly?

  35. They all have a line under they're left eye!
    They r soooo adorable!!

  36. Hi i just bought your book Growing up Duggar It's all about relationships. I think it's good book. I'm closer to god than ever before. I'll continue to get his word to others. I dress very appropriately and very very modestly like you. The only thing i wear is jeans instead of skirts. Thank you for making the book.

  37. I think he will be named after his father

  38. Top row; left to right: Meredith, Michael, & Marcus
    Bottom row; left to right: Mackynzie, Baby Seewald, & Israel

  39. Left to right from top Meredith, Marcus, Michael, Mackynzie, baby Seewald, and Izzy.

  40. What a beautiful baby boy!!! Nothing else matters but this sweet baby!! Congrats message and ben

  41. Top row is: Meredith Duggar, Michael Duggar and Marcus Duggar

    Bottom row is: MacKynzie Duggar, Baby Seewald, and Israel Dillard

  42. They definitely share their cute little noses! They are all so precious!!

  43. Top left meredith, top middle michael, top right marcus, bottom left mackynzie, bottom middle baby seawald, bottom right israel.

  44. Top row; left to right: Meredith, Michael, & Marcus
    Bottom row; left to right: Mackynzie, Baby Seewald, & Israel

    They have smiliar noses, but I don't think they look all that much alike.

  45. All beautiful babies. Created in His image!
    I'm gonna do my best to guess.
    From Top Left to Right: Meredith; Marcus; Michael.
    Bottom Left to Right: Mackynzie; Baby Seawald; Israel.
    Josh and Anna's babys have the same perfect noses and ckeeks. :) Israel has such a distinct face (so cute) and well... Baby seawladnis the newest photo revealed. Congrats to all the families for their gifts from God.

  46. Pouvez vous me dire comment va Jessa car je ne vois pas de nouvelles à ce sujet et on ne la voit pas non plus sur les photos et ça m'inquiète beaucoup. merci
    marie christine de Belgique

  47. Jim Bob and Michelle's grandkids. All 6 of them pictured above!

  48. Lily and Ellie, Will you be able to share why they have chosen to keep the name a secret for so long??

  49. Top row is Meredith, Michael, marcus
    Bottom row is mackynzie, baby seewald, israel


  50. A duggar nose maybe

    ~Brittani. B

  51. I never see my posts up here but anyways , top row I think 1 is MacKynzie 2 is Micheal 3 is Marcus
    Bottom row I think has , 4 Meredith , 5 baby Quincy and 6 is handsome Isreal . It would be nice to know how I did ,enjoy those beautiful babies because they grow up fast.💜💜💜💜💜💜

  52. Top (L-R): Meredith Grace Duggar, Israel David Dillard, Marcus Anthony Duggar
    Bottom (L-R): Mackenzie Reneé Duggar, "Quincy" Seewald, Michael James Duggar

  53. I think its Meredith Marcus Mackenzie Michael Quincy Israel. What is it really?

  54. #1. Meredith Grace Duggar. #2. Michael James Duggar. #3. Marcus Anthony Duggar.
    #4. Mackynzie Renee Duggar. #5. Baby Seewald. #6. Israel David Dillard.
    Am I right? :)

  55. Top row, left to right. Meredith, Michael and Marcus ? Bottom row, left to right. Mackynzie, Baby Seewald and Israel. All adorable gifts from God !!

  56. They all have the same features from the nose down. Very strong traits

  57. Can you pleas update you cover! Baby Seewald is born so you can put his picture up!

    1. They cant update the cover until they have a name

  58. Whatever name you all decide; you don't have to name all your children starting with the same initial

  59. Why are they taking so long to announce the baby's name????

  60. Starting in the top left corner and moving clockwise, I'd say Meredith, Michael, Marcus, Israel, Baby Dilly, and Mackynzie. :)

  61. I think they have the same mouth. My guess is top left: Meredith, Marcus, and Michael. Bottom left: Mackynzie, baby Seawald then Israel

  62. Those Duggar genes are strong!! LOL Ask these babies look alike!! Adorbs!!

  63. top left going sideways Meredith Michael Marcus.
    Bottom left also working sideways mackenzie baby Seewald and Israel

  64. #1: Israel, #2: Michael, #3: Marcus, #4: Mackynzie, #5: Baby Seewald, #6: Meredith. How did i do?

  65. Top left: Meredith
    Top middle: Marcus
    Top right: Michael
    Bottom left: Mackynzie
    Bottom middle: Baby Seewald
    Bottom right: Isreal


  66. Not just that they haven't announced it yet, they haven't chosen it yet! Or so I've heard.

  67. So... I think... from left to right, top to bottom, there's Meredith, Michael, Marcus, Mackynzie, Baby Seewald and finally Israel.

  68. Top left: Meredith, Top middle: Marcus, Top right: Michael, Bottom left: Mckenzie, Bottom Middle: ???? (Jessa and Ben), Bottom right: Israel......Am I correct?

  69. I'm gonna guess from top left to right, Meredith, Michael, Marcus
    Bottom row starting at left: Mackynzie, baby seewald, Isreal

  70. Such beautiful bundles of joy! They all are so adorable!
    Here are my guesses:
    Left to right- Meredith, Michael, Marcus, Mackynzie, Baby Seewald, Israel.
    God's blessings to everyone!

  71. 1. Merideth 2. Micheal 3. Marcus 4. Mackynzie 5 . Baby Seewald 6. Isreal. I see the thing they have in common is round faces.

  72. top left: Meredith
    bottom left: Mackynzie
    top middle: Michael
    bottom middle: Baby Seewald
    top right: Marcus
    bottom right: Israel

  73. From the top left is Meredith, Michael, Marcus, Mackynzie, Baby Seewald, and Israel!! Love your family!! Anxious to hear Baby Seewald's name!!

  74. Are there any new Duggars episodes airing soon?

  75. They all have the Duggar nose in common.

  76. I heard it was Gabriel. Thats a good name. Why not just announce it already?

  77. Why dont you update pictures such as the youngest 6 or so original Duggars, the 4 kids of Josh and Anna's, and Israel? Its been the same picture for at least a year. Little guys change that fast.

    1. I didn't think they made the banners; kind people have made it for them

  78. Seriously -- you've had plenty of time to decide on a name -- what are you waiting for Christmas?

    1. Kim and everyone else who has been complaining about the delay in telling us the name.... We are not entitled to know every detail about everything in their lives. It is their child and they can take as long as they want to choose a name and to tell their fans. Everyone should just relax and stop speculating and judging.

    2. It must be publicity. I think they are waiting to announce it in People Magazine

  79. From left to right, top to bottom, Meredith, Michael, Marcus, Mackynzie, Baby Seewald, and Israel.

  80. The top left is Meredith, the bottom middle is "Baby Seewald" and the bottom right is Israel.

  81. Is Jessa okay? Is she still in the hospital?

  82. They have known for months that they were going to have a boy!
    You mean they couldn't find the time to choose a name?!?
    This is a publicity stunt!
    Makes me sad for this poor child!

    1. Lots of people know their child's gender and still don't have a name. It happens. Also, what sounded good at one time may not fit the baby after birth.

  83. How cute and wonderful to have so many babies in the family at the same time!
    Diaper duty will be a breeze with so many helping hands.
    I do wish you had the time to update the banner with more current photos of the little tikes.
    I am sure Ellie is soooooo busy now she is a new wife.
    Thank you!

  84. @Unknown

    Hi Unknown,

    Jessa is doing well. She and Ben haven't quite nailed down a name yet, but they assure us that they will soon. :)

    Lily and Ellie

    1. Hi Lily and Ellie, thank you so much for keeping us up to date with developments it is so appreciated

  85. Annie Lou Ann Grace Mary Lois Kathy Anita Janet Geraldine Edie May Ida Henrietta Nancy Nellie Alice (Pulaski) PachulskiNovember 10, 2015 at 5:22 PM

    Top row (Left to right), Meredith Grace, Michael James, Marcus Anthony.
    Bottom row (Left to right), Mackynzie Renee, Uh... Baby Seewald, Israel David

  86. If the name isn't announced soon (I'm a long-time Duggar fan, but dragging out the revelation of this baby's name is ridiculous. It's making Jessa and Ben appear to be fame and attention hungry, and I don't want to think that about them but I do.) the public is going to forever call this child Quincy, regardless of his real name.

  87. Benjassia is a good name Ben and Jessa put together.

  88. A follower from the very first show. However, waiting on a name is Ridiculous! A great way to lose fans playing games!

  89. His name is Gabriel

  90. To the person who has never heard of waiting to announce a baby's name after several is called waiting for People or another magazine to publish it.

  91. I have been a faithful fan of the Duggars since the beginning. Jessa has always been my favorite Duggar girl. But I must admit I am very disappointed with her and Ben. I understood them not sharing their first kiss. And I understood when they wanted to keep honeymoon plans a secret. But I was disappointed about them not letting us know the baby's gender and I'm very disappointed that they haven't shared his name; or given us details about his birth and why Jessa was rushed to the hospital. I understand how upset they must be with TLC; but the fans are just as interested in what is going on with their lives as we ever were. We NEVER wanted the show cancelled.

  92. We were home a week before naming our son. The first name just didn't fit after we saw him.

  93. They should name the baby Benjamin and call him Benny.

  94. Meredith Michael Marcus. Mackynzie baby seewald Israel

  95. Benton or Bentzion Quincy.......Noah Quincy

  96. Please let us know what baby Seewald's name is? Don't make us wait until Decembers show. Thank u all and God Bless.

  97. I think that all the babies have big cheeks and a roundish face.

  98. Beautiful babies
    Micheal Israel merrideth mckynezie
    And baby seewalad
    They grow up so fast. Cherish every moment
    Hope you feeling better jessa

  99. Beautiful babies
    Micheal Israel merrideth mckynezie
    And baby seewalad
    They grow up so fast. Cherish every moment
    Hope you feeling better jessa

  100. Top Row: Mackenzie, Marcus, Michael
    Bottom Row: Meredith, Baby Seawald, Israel

    All so precious and a true blessing from God may they have beautiful futures ahead of them!

  101. Top Row:Meredith, Michael, Marcus
    Bottom Row:Mackenzie, Baby Seewald, Israel

  102. Goodness, is it really true?! They called him Spurgeon?

  103. Top row is Meredith Michael Marcus bottom row is Mackenzie Spurgeon and Israel. If you read today's Jessa Seewald Facebook page you will see a video that announces the baby is name. It's Spurgeon Elliot Seewald


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