
Sunday, November 1, 2015

Duggars' Canadian Appearance Canceled

On Friday, we announced that the Alberta Home Education Association was reconsidering its decision to invite Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar to speak at the 2016 AHEA convention in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.

The organization announced today that leadership has decided to cancel the Duggars' appearance at the event. Jim Bob and Michelle's bio has been removed from the convention flier, and they have been replaced by a different keynote speaker. 

Below is a segment from the statement by AHEA president Paul van den Bosch:

Although early feedback from our members this summer was supportive of having the Duggars come here, recent feedback from our own members points out that their appearance here would not be in the best interests of home educators.

Our members also pointed out that, as the Duggars would have been giving only two talks (of the more than 40 talks available), their presence would have been only a small part of the convention and that the [Duggars'] philosophy is not representative of AHEA as a whole.

Based on the thousands of comments we have received from Canadian readers over the past six years, we know you all are eager for the Duggars to make a trip to Canada. As always, we will let you know if anything is scheduled.


  1. I'm not sure what to say about this. I don't live in Canada, and I don't home school. But it seems to me there is much that the Duggars can teach us.

  2. If the Duggars were originally asked to participate because of what they had to contribute to the AHEA, how is it that their philosophy is now different? They haven't changed how they home school! Just be honest and admit that the AHEA doesn't feel that the Duggars will bring in as much revenue as originally expected.


  3. God has greater things! His plan is always better than ours. I keep you in my prayers. Hope Josh is doing well! We are anxious to see Jessa and Ben's bundle of joy on your blog pretty soon. Praying she will have an easy and safe delivery. Love you.
    His blessings,
    Sandy B.

  4. Well that's just pitiful!

  5. I am a homeschooling mother in Arizona and I am glad that they will not have the Duggars.
    The main problem is that the Duggars have given homeschoolers a black eye in the public arena.
    It is always that way when Christians sin while telling others not to sin. I do believe that Jim and
    Michelle should never have become famous, knowing that their son molested his sisters..
    Christian homeschoolers are always judged harshly and made fun of. We need to be better
    examples to the lost world. Please put my point of view on this site, I said nothing inappropriate.
    I am also hurt by this whole mess and feel depressed about the state of people who are famous
    and profess to be Christians. I also know that I am a sinner who needs God's forgiveness.

    1. I agree with everything you said. Thank you so very much and God bless you :)

    2. You are wrong and should be ashamed for your comment. The Duggars as a whole did nothing wrong, specifically the parents. JOSH DUGGAR did; and as far as the media is concerned, have you noticed that the only way they could "take" the parents down was through their son. Another thing-this was not molestion. And they are Christians, at least the parents. And also, what about the people who put Josh Duggars' SEALED record out there-why did they do that in the 1st place? Was it so the "victims" could have "justice"? Come on, hopefully people are brighter than that. By releasing that Sealed record, that caused so much heartache that used to be gone, so who did the media and people really hurt, who they claim they wanted to help? The "victims". Anyway the reason people who don't like the Duggars really wanted them off air was because they stood up for what the Bible teaches-the Bible and them are Against Abortions, Gay "marriage" which are two Very big deals right now-between church and country. Their influence made a bill that would pass for transgenders to use the same restroom as what their outward appearance looked like acceptable-be revoked. The bill did not pass with their help. Now if you have that kind of influence and people who are against you and what the Bible teaches-don't you think they would try to shut you up if they had the power to do so-hence Joshs' scandal when he was under 16yrs old that was supposed to be sealed. They couldn't get anything on anyone in that family, so they went for a sealed record. Impressive, yet sick. Because when you do the math, jill & jessa didn't have to reveal themselves-their identies were no longer secure anyway & another thing, just because you call yourself a Christian doesn't make you perfect in all things (doesn't mean you shouldn't strive though); Michelle & Jim Bob have Always said that they are not perfect-so who held them to that "perfect" standard? You? Josh was wrong for all the wrongdoing he did; but remember that all people get to a certain age when they know right from wrong-and to blame the parents when they get to that age, in his situation-that is not Michelle & Jim bobs fault. It is no one but Josh, not his parents & you need to relize that.

  6. It's their loss. Love all of you Duggars.

  7. Sharon Mitchell-FullartonNovember 2, 2015 at 5:38 PM

    I truly hope you invite the Duggars to Canada. Especially eastern Canada.

  8. Sorry Duggar family. It is going to take some time. I agree with the AHEA.

  9. I say that The Duggars have the right to Homeschool their children !! I have the up-most respect for the Duggars !!!

  10. Let us trust that this is ultimately a response by God for the Duggars at this time. If all things work together for the good of those who love Him, we can be certain this decision shouldn't be forced.

  11. I'm thinking the feedback was from people other than "their own members"! Anyway it's their loss, the Duggars are a great example of home learning! Many fans will be disappointed! I love you guys!

    1. Actually, the majority of members were not in favour of the duggar appearance

  12. So glad to hear it! It's for the best and God's will, They need to stay at home and focus on themselves. I don't see the Duggars having a career in speaking anymore due to the controversy that will always follow them. God Bless!

  13. 6 months ago they would have welcomed them with open arms! I feel they deserve a chance to show that they are a family that has had a problem and how they are dealing with it. We all have sinned and fall short of Gods plans for us but we can learn and lean on one another during difficult times.

  14. It's their loss, we love you Duggers!!

  15. I am sure the Duggars will find a way to resume public speaking again eventually. It may take some time but if that is the arena The Lord is guiding them, then that us where they will led. Who knows what's in store next for this family. I do hope things start moving in a positive direction though. I read the statement t the AHEA put out and Intetsting how that part about how the AHEA doesn't support child abuse of any kind and the apology of referring such as "old news" was omitted.......

  16. :( I live in Ontario and would have made the trip to see them even if it was for 10 minutes. :(

    Still Love The Duggar's

  17. They are missing out! Jim Bob and Michelle have homeschooled 19 children! Who else is more qualified to speak than them? I'm also so impressed with how intelligent the Duggar children are. You can even tell from social media that they are very bright. It's sad that they canceled their speech and they will be at loss.

  18. Unfortunate but not surprised. They probably just didn't want focus shifted on the Duggar's family matters.
    I wonder looking back if Jim Bob and Michelle received any counseling and direction when Josh was a young teen to better equip them to monitor signs. It's so difficult to understand a topic so concerning. It's just not typically planned for but happens.
    Prayers and blessings to them all.

  19. what is the Duggars' philosophy?

  20. I do not think its right that TLC can have a show about a man with 4wife;s but not the dugger;s the show is just showing youn guy;s they can have more then one wife

  21. I think it is very sad to condemn all for just one!!!!

  22. Gee, that's really too bad. Jim Bob and Michelle have much experience and good advice to share. Oh well. Canada's loss.

  23. I am so saddened to hear this. I know that both Jim Bob and Michelle love homeschooling their children and several have gone on to college or considering college and have gotten their GED. Not that that's every thing to consider but I think all except for one has done well and is well rounded and loves the lord! What more can you ask from a family no matter how many children it might have.. I personally support the Duggars and know they strive to be deceit parents with high morals and depend on God as their Father and guide!

  24. I think it is AHEA convention loss........ The Duggars have Jesus in their lives how many people with the AHEA have Jesus in their lives...... This world is really changing and it is not good. Jesus will come in the middle of the night. The question is: Are you ready? My prayers continue to be with every Duggar family member. God will prevail.....

  25. Do you ever feel you are being a bit persecuted? The world has turned from good is good, they now see good as bad and bad as good! Sad to be seeing prophesy come to life in front of our eyes! God loves you dear people and quite a number of us in the country do too.

    1. This is not about persecution, it's about recognizing dangerous and harmful beliefs.

  26. That's disappointing. See no good reason for that to be done. Homeschooling didn't cause Josh to dour what he did and his parents didn't cause him to do it either. Why are you punishing the parents and rest of family for what a young man chose on his own to do. What he did as a kid and what he did as an adult are two separate things. If the Dugger home schooling is not in line with yours then why were they invited in the first place. When will this stop. Seems if your a Christian based home schooling organization you should be promoting forgiveness.

  27. Wow, it seems as if Josh's actions have had far reaching effects!

  28. I am saddened by the recent change in plans regarding this speaking engagement. I will continue to lift your entire family up in prayer. I understand your hearts are heavy but I trust that your faith in the Lord WILL sustain you. I will also pray for those who seek to destroy or sully your reputation. It is truly sad when the actions of a few affect so many & equally sad when those that call themselves "Christians" cast stones against their brethren in Christ. Keep your faith - you are loved !

  29. Sounds to me like they made the right decision. For the sake of their own family, if nothing else, it might be time for the Duggars to return to anonymity.

  30. What are the differences in the Duggars's philosophy and the AHEA's philosophy? Has it changed somehow since they invited the Duggars to speak? I think it's a shame that the Duggars are being so condemned. HOWEVER, what a great honor it is to be entrusted and called to suffer for Christ as they are being called to endure. I think that alone says it all about the Duggars's "philosophy". They don't have a philosophy, they have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. :) I LOVE THE DUGGARS!!!

  31. So sad for this family going through this ...I suspect that every bag at the convention should contain a 'first stone' as a token of remembrance....

    Still how sad also that so much wickedness goes unaddressed in the world at large....but then that is as the Lord told us it would be toward the end of the age and the time of our departing.

    Jhn 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

    May the Lord heal the broken in heart during this time.

  32. They have homeschooled for years! I think it would've been relevant to the conference. Perhaps paparazzi would've been a problem. God bless the Duggar's in every part of their lives!

  33. Sad that this has gone this far. I was looking forward to seeing you speak. Praying for you all.

  34. The Duggars are not responsible for what Josh did. He is a grown man and makes his own decisions. We live in a society where bad is good and good is bad. If you looked at all the shows on tv they show a lot worse than what happened to the Duggars. Stop judging the Duggars and return them to tv. I agree Josh should not be on the show until he gets his life straight. Clean off your own back door before you try to clean others. I love the show and sure do miss the family. TV shows show women sleeping with women and men with men. Josh caused his family a lot of pain and destroyed a show that was ministering to families. Anna needs our support not condemnation.

    1. Josh should be back on the show. He got his life straight a long time ago. He needs our support, too.

  35. You know the Duggars must be living right (in God's will) because of all the hate and meanness that has come their way in the past few months. Only a person that hates God and His will would dislike this family. I say this to many of the haters that come to their fan page on Facebook - they do not hate the Duggars they hate what they represent which is God/His will. This is so sad and frustrating - I try now to just pray for these sad people. As far as the Canadians uninviting the Duggars, I can not understand why a homeschooling group would not want to hear from this very successful homeschooling family?! Very unprofessional and rude of this group! Duggars keep living for God and please HIm and pay no attention to the haters.

  36. As an AHEA member, I am deeply disappointed at this decision. It seems to me they caved to media pressure after an article on a national news site. I do indeed hope the Duggars visit Canada at some point in the future.

  37. Canada's loss, I am sorry that they cannot be gracious enough to allow the Duggars to give their their rich, but humble input into the home school discussion in our northern neighbors arena. As was pointed out, there are 40 sessions or speakers, therefore having the Duggars would not have been overbearing and could have broadened the now narrower discussion. Praying confidently, with the Duggars, for God's will to be done!

    1. As a Canadian, I feel that this was the right decision. We are a gracious, welcoming, and sensible country.

  38. Their loss. Jim Bob & Michelle would have been wonderful speakers.

  39. I am very confused on why they would make a statement putting down the Duggar's philosophy in general. If AHEA is going to be insulting, at least be specific enough so that we can understand what exactly are they taking issue with. Or do they just read the tabloids. If anyone thinks that homeschooling, or taking your kids to church/Sunday school every week is a guarantee that life will be perfect and the kids will be perfect, then you are in for a sad reality. My hope is in Christ. Not my checklist of what I think I need to do. However, I feel the Duggars still do their best to be faithful and teach their children well. They probably have more Godly wisdom now than they ever had before because of the trials. Trials will make us stronger, not weaker if we do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:21. I am praying for the Duggars. All our love from our family.

    1. I believe that by philosophy, they were referring to the fact that the Duggars discourage post secondary education.

  40. What "philosophy" are they not representative of? If they're talking about their oldest son- Everyone is a sinner. I wouldn't want to cast stones any true repentant sinner knows this. Their son seems to be dealing with his issues; how does his actions represent the whole family? I pray God keeps them firm and perseverant so that they are back in public view. They still have a lot to teach. They could demonstrate to these people forgiveness, love and grace.

  41. Disappointed... My husband and i were so looking forward to hearing you at the conference. Hopefully you will get the chance to come to Alberta in the certainly will not be disappointed if you get the chance to visit Banff/Jasper area...some of Gods best creation (though I admit to some bias 😉)

  42. I'm sorry to hear the news. I think the Duggars have done a wonderful job with home schooling. I'm sure that there will be lots of other events for them to speak at. :)

  43. I'm hesitant to reply to this because I don't know how it's going to be received. But it seems to me that what people want and desire is not necessarily in the best interest of the Duggars. I, in no way am saying that the Duggars don't have anything beneficial to offer the Body of Christ or the homeschooling community. What I am saying is, maybe now is not the time. Maybe now is the time that we as a body encourage them to step back and focus inward and upward for a season. Maybe now is not the time for them to be reaching outward.

    1. Agreed! Thank you for posting so respectfully :)

    2. I think you are correct. I think after something as devastating as what their family has went through since May, it would be wise to take time to heal away from the spotlight. I love the Duggars and have had the pleasure of meeting them. They are wonderful people. But given everything that has happened they deserve to just relax and have a chance to heal and more forward.

    3. I agree... The Duggars have never taken the time to step away from their hunger for fame and truly let their family heal. Perhaps with this cancellation they will realize many in the homeschool community are questioning their motivation instead of taking a season of time to really seek the Lord and let him restore and heal.

  44. I think this is the perfect time to do outreach. We can all learn from them how to walk through those vallys. Plus it would be healing for them to be out doing what they love to do.

  45. Anon. Nov. 3 @ 10:07- well said.

  46. I still don't understand how an entire family can be condemned because of the actions of one son. Every family has good and bad. There is so much to be learned from this.

    1. I agree a whole family cause of one sons actions wat did the police do and also he has children living at home with him and his wife i cant wIt for the new version with jill and jess to start

  47. If this conference was one for only conservative christians, ,I could understand inviting the Duggars. But this conference is for people of all faiths. It is therefore not appropriate for them to appear. This has nothing to do with what their son did or did not do. They simply do not have anything of relevance to say to the majority of attendees. And the organizers of the conference took the right decision.

  48. I am not a homeschooler but I am a Christ Follower from Red Deer Ab. and I feel so ashamed of this body cancelling the Duggars. I guess none of them have anything in their lives that would count as sin. I thought as Christians it was our duty to encourage one and other not to punish or judge. Love you Duggars and still think highly of the way you live your life. You do show the love of Jesus!

  49. The sad part about this is that as Canadians, we welcome everybody regardless of their skin colour, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. I may not always agree with what the Duggars have to say (especially Michelle's recent sex advice) but the Duggars should certainly be welcome in our country to attend a homeschooling conference. What a shame that my country, known for its peacekeeping, is caving to the pressure to shut people out. How very un-Canadian. I am embarrassed.

    1. As a Canadian, I believe the reason behind this cancellation is what you said exactly. We are a peace-keeping, loving, and welcoming country. Which, in my opinion, are things the Duggars are not (based on their beliefs).

  50. come on leave the family alone already! whats done is done. why punish the rest of the family

  51. Probably Anonymous 11 said it best. Homeschooling has received a lot of negative feedback unfortunately, and I do know some such examples. What is needed is to have open discussions about it. What has been done wrong, what has been done right, where the struggles are. But yeah, probably the Duggars aren't ready for that at this point. Is Canada; I don't know, as we're settling into a new government. Thank you for your prayers for Canada and our new Prime Minister who's getting sworn in tomorrow.

  52. This is not un-Canadian. Just because they were stars on a reality show and have 19 children does not qualify them as keynote speakers at a secular educational conference in Canada. It also has nothing to do with punishment since being keynote speakers at any conference is not a right. The conference organizers took a business decision.

    The keynote speaker is, from reports I have read, an RCMP expert on child abuse. He is going to talk about what signs to watch for and the laws of reporting in Canada. This is practical and useful information for any parent.

    As another poster wrote, it would be much better for the family if they stepped out of the limelight and concentrate on healing, in private.


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