
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Duggar Thanksgiving Snapshots

Check out these photos from the Duggars' Thanksgiving week. With their recent new addition, the super-sized family has plenty to be thankful for. Spurgeon Seewald turned three weeks old on Turkey Day.

 Ben Seewald and son Spurgeon Seewald

As expected, the rest of the family has enjoyed plenty of visits to the Seewald house, which is less than 20 minutes away from the Duggars' country home.

Jana Duggar, Joy-Anna Duggar, Jinger Duggar, and Ben Seewald

Meanwhile, the Dillards are loving life on the mission field in Central America. As explained in a recent update posted to their website, Jill and Derick are quickly becoming involved in their new community and have already had many opportunities to share the Gospel.

Israel Dillard and Derick Dillard

Photos courtesy,


  1. Cute! Joy and Jana must have only recently gotten glasses!

  2. Praying often for your beautiful family, that God's peace, strength, and blessing would permeate your lives each one. Your desire to glorify God above all else is inspiring and, I believe, contagious! Thanks for infecting tens of thousands of home with a desire to hold the Name of Jesus Christ high and precious! Thank you for demonstrating how forgiven children of God go forward in a fallen world with praise on your lips and full confidence in your hearts applying Romans 8:28-29. "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58 oxoxoxoxox

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, may God bless you all!

  4. Is there any chance that 19 Kids and Counting will be on the air again. I love the show. I know there has been a lot of negative comments made about the family but there isn't a family in the world that doesn't have some kind of issue., I love you all and miss you very much.

    1. I agree bring back the Duggars.

    2. I love you guys and your modesty as well as your family values. It's what Americans need most right now in such a twisted society. I hope that things work out and you can continue to be such a Godly example to all those that know and love your family.

    3. That is exactly what I said. The family is huge , there are going to be issues of some kind, it stands to reason that with 19 kids, some of them are gonna mess up or have issues. I miss the show so much, I can't watch my little Josie growing up! So sad. Miss you all!!

    4. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones. What? We didn't watch the show to judge all of your faults. We watched the show because you are a wonderful family that could uplift the rest of us. Somewhere there had to be a show that all of our family could watch together. No one was forced to watch it. I am not of your faith, however I am a Christian. I felt sorrow for Josh and the things he has to repent for. He is a nice young man with a wonderful little family. I would love to see you ALL on TV again

  5. God bless this wonderful family

  6. Hope each had a blessed holiday and momma and baby are growing stronger

  7. Beautiful pictures thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the special on Dec 13th

  8. I all ways like to see your wonderful family ....God bless you all

  9. Love you all Duggar family, may God richly bless you

  10. Miss the duggars I hope they come back on TV soon you can't blame a whole family for what someone did and derrick you should go see a doctor you don't look that good will keep you in prayer take care love you all keep your faith don't let the devil get u down god bless

  11. I love the show. I really do miss you guys. Thank you for the joy you were able to bring to all of us. God bless you and yours. Praying to see you all again

  12. Absolutely gorgeous baby!! Happy thanksgiving love 19 kids and counting and terribly miss watching the show!! God bless you all! TLC bring back this show!

  13. God bless this beautiful family no one family is perfect I've watched the show from beginning to end and it's wonderful. God doesn't judge.

  14. I miss seeing the show so much! Keep living your life for God and things will work out! The devil gives us many opsticals to make our life hard and to stray from Jesus, don't live each day for him and remember this to shall pass!

  15. God bless there family . God doesn't judge no family is perfect . Don't ever worry about what people say it's just words.

    1. Ha, ha. I have to laugh at the "God doesn't judge" comments. In the Bible it specifically says that God is our judge!!!! So yes, He is our judge, and we are judges by how we keep His commandments.

  16. Have Janna and Joy always had glasses? I didn't think they did. My favorite picture is the one of Ben and Spurgeon. Soo cute!!

  17. Any idea what date to expect the Counting On special?

  18. Love your family! You have been a beautiful, positive inspiration to me and my family for years. I just want to thank you. You have blessed millions of people and we are saddened that we won't be able to see you weekly. God bless each and every one of you!

  19. Great pics! Can't wait for the special! Happy holidays!

  20. I am thankful for being able to have seen your family for years and years. I am thankful for the inspiration you have given me. And I am really hoping that you will be able to return full time to television. This world really needs good people to be inspired by. God bless and keep you all.

  21. I love you guys! God bless and have a wonderful Christmas. I sure do miss seeing your sweet family on television.

  22. God bless your beautiful family!

  23. You are a beautiful family! God bless you all!

  24. God bless your beautiful family!

  25. I absolutely love the first picture with Ben and Spurgeon! So adorable! When did Jana and Joy get glasses? Hope you had a fantastic Turkey Day!!

    1. When did thanks giving become turkey day, will Chistmas become ham day next.?

  26. miss your show it was my favorite to wash. Hope you can come back on TV. Do not care for the channel as much,may God bless the whole family

  27. Side swept ponytails. Nice!

  28. I think that Jana and Joy-Anna look awesome in glasses. Could you please do a post of when they got their glasses? My name is Anna and I have glasses too. Happy Thanksgiving!

  29. I love your family so much and miss the show. It was so nice to have something wholesome to watch. Y'all are truly inspirational and Jesus shines through your family. I always say a prayer for you all every time I think of you. I'm so glad I discovered your blog!

  30. I love seeing update pics on your page since we don't get to keep up with you on your show. I miss it so much. God Bless and Merry Christmas!

  31. did Joy and Jana just get glasses.. or are those just the fun type??? they are cute in them!!!

  32. Is the stuff about josh being sued true?

  33. What a beautifull christian family! So refreshing in this world of SIN! Yes one did fall but hes trying to get help by the grace of God he will overcone. He who is without sin cast the first stone! What does the public want to crucify him??? Think about it!!! God bless and be with all of you. God help you and your kids Anna to get past the hurt! I will keep you in prayer.

  34. I love seeing the traditions of other families. Creating memories that will last a lifetime ❤️

  35. Jana looks so stylish.

  36. No family is perfect. All we can do is put our lifes in gods hands and not to condemn other. I pray for you all. Your a wonderful family and I would love to see You all back on TV. You have rasied a good family. Thank you for letting us get to know all of you.

  37. cant wait show love this matter bad comments people say ignore them your a wonderful family love ya

  38. I wish that they where back on TV but I did see therm on the 13th of this month

  39. Dear the Duggar's i really do like your big family and i am the 5th kid in my family of 7 kids with my mom and my dad and now my mom have 7 grand kids and i would like to wacth the old tv show's about your family and i really do love your names and some are them that i do know because my mom's family and i do like big family's and she will have 8 grand kids by the time i am 29 years old and i was born on Oct. 03/ 1987 and i am 28th years old and i do live in MN for 28 years and my full name is Carrie Lynnae Nordell


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