
Monday, October 12, 2015

TLC Specials Coming Soon

With less than three months to go before the start of 2016, two members of the Duggar family are preparing for their return to TLC. As we announced three weeks ago, Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and Jill (Duggar) Dillard, along with their growing families, will be featured in multiple specials. TLC currently has two or three in the works and plans to release the first one before the end of the year.

What are you most looking forward to seeing in these upcoming shows featuring the second and third eldest daughters of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar?

Ben Seewald, Jessa Seewald, Jill Dillard, Derick Dillard, and Israel Dillard

Photo courtesy TLC


  1. I have always loved watching the beautiful Duggar family and seeing the intricacies of their relationships. So I hope to see Jessa and Jill as they interact with each other, their husbands, children, families, in-laws, and their church. They are bright capable women so I look forward to seeing how they are using their God-given gifts in their lives for others.

  2. I really hope that it will be permissible for other Duggar family members to appear on these specials It was so interesting to see how the entire family lived, loved, laughed, prayed, and cried together. I know they relate to family in a new way as adults, but they still are close. I can't imagine a show about either woman that doesn't occassionally include a sibling or parent.

    1. I absolutely agree! I really hope that the entire family will be seen. I can't wait

  3. Without the entire family on board, it just won't be the same.

  4. I'd enjoy seeing some of the work Jill has been doing with her sweet hubby.
    I'd enjoy seeing Jessa baby shower.

  5. As they were filming at a recent event I was at, I guess I look forward to seeing me. :-)

    Vanity aside, keep us posted as I'm not sure if my DVR will pick it up if it's not named 19 kids and counting

  6. Looking forward to the Duggars period! I want to to see Jim Bob and Michelle just as bad!

  7. So Ben works for State Farm?

  8. I want to see lots of kissing and romance between Jessa and Ben and Jill and Derick!!!

  9. Replies
    1. Yes more Duggars!!! #DuggarsAreAwesome
      I do understand that Josh did some VERY bad things but he is trying to repent, I know he is!! #SupportTheDuggars

    2. Then why do you follow there blog?

    3. Why do you read their blog?????

  10. Definitely the birth of Baby Seewald! I also look forward to seeing how the Dillards make the decision and transformation to begin missions work in El Salvador.

    1. Yes!!Would love to at least see the birth journey of Jessa.Im very excited to see the Duggar family too!Lets not judge all of them for one wayward member!I ♡the whole blessed family!!Its just great wholesome tv.

    2. I can't wait to see jessa have her baby. I think that the whole family, minus josh, should be back on tv. They are dealing with something that a lot of people deal with and it is one of those subject that I think just be out out there. More people may come forwArd and get help and tell someone if something is going on with them. Do I think that what he did is right? No. He will have to deal with that between him and God. We don't have to forgive or even forget what happened but the family needs to be able to get back to a normal state and live there lives. The haters just need to move on. If you don't like them, don't watch or read about them. It is as simple as that. There is a lot on tv I don't like so I turn the channel. If there is something in a magazine you don't like, don't buy the magazine. Everyone has skeletons in their closets.

    3. I can't wait to see jessa have her baby. I think that the whole family, minus josh, should be back on tv. They are dealing with something that a lot of people deal with and it is one of those subject that I think just be out out there. More people may come forwArd and get help and tell someone if something is going on with them. Do I think that what he did is right? No. He will have to deal with that between him and God. We don't have to forgive or even forget what happened but the family needs to be able to get back to a normal state and live there lives. The haters just need to move on. If you don't like them, don't watch or read about them. It is as simple as that. There is a lot on tv I don't like so I turn the channel. If there is something in a magazine you don't like, don't buy the magazine. Everyone has skeletons in their closets.

    4. We need to forgive Josh just as we forgive each other. Yes, he did some bad things, though. But forgiveness is still needed. How would you feel if, say, your dad did something just as bad (or worse) and your whole family got hated because of what he did. How would you feel? We need to treat the duggars the same as you would want to be treated.
      #ForgiveJosh #SupportTheDuggars

  11. cantt wait to see that new baby and also Jill's little one, just glad to not miss the baby being born and to see any of them really miss the show alot. and pray for the all

    1. Cant wait to see Jill&her little family and I hope that all the Ds are at the very least guest appearance on these specials!Lets face it 19Kids and counting carried the network!Obviously the american people enjoyed the stlye and principles displayed on the show!!

  12. Are the specials just about jill@jessa?

  13. Jill in South America and the new little edition!

  14. Looking forward to see the birth of Jessa and Ben's baby. Could it be that Jill Dillard has delayed her return to the mission field in order to deliver her sister's baby? Seems so. How perfect!

  15. I hope to see the Seewalds begin the adoption process at some point.

    1. They have too be married for two years before they can adopt. They found that out shortly before they found out Jessa was expecting

  16. I will just be so happy to see them back on T.V. again however TLC decides to present it! I am really hoping that we might be able to see other members of the family included in some of the episodes, even just a little. It would seem perfectly natural for some of them to be there for a visit or to help out in some way. It would be nice to see them even in a limited way. We miss the Duggars!

  17. A test pattern would be great to see!!!

  18. I'm sure my mom and I will watch them.

  19. Actually, the babies! However, the adult lifestyle will be awe inspiring. And then hoping that eventually, the Duggars with Jim Bob and Michelle and the rest of the family will be on air. Wishing you God's blessing in this.

  20. I don't agree with them coming back to tv.

    1. Good idea, Angela.

      But I think it's best for them to not being on TV though.

  21. The birth of Jessa's baby, Israel, Jill and Derick's plan for more children, and seeing what the Seewald's life is like!

    1. Yes. Nice to follow Jessa baby too

    2. Yes. Nice to follow Jessa baby too

    3. Yes. Jessa having a baby will be exciting.

  22. Law and Order, a TV show, are doing a show about the Duggars.

  23. Wonderful! Can't wait!!

  24. I'm looking forward to it.

  25. Seeing the babies etc! I am really looking forward to the specials!

  26. Miss the family and know that Jessa and Jill will do well with their new show. God bless the Duggars and hope to see them as well in the shows. Looking forward to the show.

  27. can hardly wait to catch up on all your adventures. Have missed you folks

  28. Hoping that in time after they are on the show for awhile, that you allow the rest of the family to be included.......

  29. Wow!!! Look how big baby Israel is!!

  30. I so cnt wait looking forward to seeing their familys grow

  31. Super exciting. Love them and miss watching them can't wait to watch the show

  32. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait hope to see baby Seawald born and lots of maybe the rest of family alo!

  33. Do not think they should be on a television special.

  34. All of them! I love their whole family.

  35. All of them---- especially the new baby. I'm so happy for you all.

  36. So happy you guys are going back on tv. I have missed your show so much! God bless ya'll.

  37. Although I wish they could all return, I'm excited to see Jill and Jessa and their families. Can't wait!!! :)

  38. I myself would love to see them all again!

  39. I want to catch up and hear about how the family is doing, courtships, etc. I can't wait to see baby Seewald. But I don't want to hear any more about Josh or so-called scandals.

  40. I want to see the birth of Ben and Jessas baby

  41. I'm very Happy that Jessa & Jill are coming back on TLC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Donna Iavarone

  42. Looking forward to watching this family grow. I love these families.

  43. The other siblings as well as Anna and her kids!

  44. I miss watching the Duggars period. One of my favorite shows. My husband and I have 5 children and I could relate to a lot of stuff! I can't wait to see the girls and their blooming families!

  45. Maybe Jessas birth??? I hope that's gonna be one of the specials!

  46. Looking forward to seeing Ben & Jessa's transition into parenthood!

  47. Yea... I'm excited. Still love the family!?

  48. I'm looking forward to seeing Jessa and Ben and the birth of baby Seewald

  49. Can't wait. I look forward to the return on TLC.

  50. I love them all.. Not happy with Josh , love Anna & the kid..s

  51. What will be the name of the specials? I want to be able to set them to tape :)

  52. Looking forward to catching up! Love the chapter they are in in their lives. So many changes and additions!

  53. Babies! And a return to good family values...

  54. i am so glad to see my favorite show coming back on, i'm so happy, i 'm looking foward to it , thank the lord.

  55. The birth if baby seewald!!

  56. glad to hear they are coming back.

  57. No, I'm so disappointed with tlc.

  58. I am so excited I wish they would brig back the whole family

  59. I am so happy that we will be able to see these young couples and their families growing and becoming stronger. Here's hoping the specials are well received so that they get their own show!

  60. I can't wait to see more of their growing family I gust wish they would bring back the whole family

  61. So thankful that these Godly couples and their growing families will be back on the air as an inspiration & testimony
    to so many. Can't wait. God bless!

  62. That's great.. welcome back .. can't wait

  63. All of them love to see the 4of the them and watch there kids grow up

  64. Please continue giving updates of their lives and little families. I would also like to see more about the other kids also. If you don't want to have Josh on there or the mom and dad just have the show with the people you want to show. Our family is missing keeping up with the Duggars.

  65. Looking forward to seeing them as married couples and of course seeing those precious babies! Can't wait!

  66. I hope this doesn't show up twice...I'd love to see Ben & Jessa's first baby's birth, Derick, Jill and Israel on the mission field as well as at home and the interaction of the whole family at Jim Bob & Michelle's house!!! Can't wait to see all of you back on TV!! Praying for Josh and for your whole family as you heal and press on...

  67. All of them great family


  68. Look forward to these special events.....have missed the Duggar Family TV Series......

  69. Jessa and Jill !!!

  70. The birth of baby seewald and the sex of the baby and name plus I love watching these couples on the show.

  71. Will this new adventure allow the family to be apart of the series? I'm a Dugger fan. I'm upset with what has happened but I'd love to see the family even if it eliminates Josh. I want to see Anna and the babies too.

  72. Happy for Jessa and Jill! Excited to see how you growing families are!! So very sorry to hear about your brother Joshs sexual issues! Who would of guessed that one! I support Anna with her discions about Josh after all she has 2 daughters that depend on her right now!!

  73. I would love to see them all back on TLC it was a wonderful show and more becoming of how to love and forgive...they all would have my Vote!

  74. I want to see them all back on TLC they where a great teaching of loving n forgiveness

  75. Tlc should do a tv show with just the duggar siblings that have growing families and are getting married (excluding josh)

  76. Enthusiastic as to the return of members of the Duggar family returning to TLC - can't wait to see the shows!

  77. to see baby seewalds delver and isreals time in napel

  78. Excited to see how they have been doing and to see Baby Seewald!! So happy to see these 2 coming back even if its just in a few specials.

  79. Just want to see them all miss them so bad!!

  80. Just seeing them again!

  81. I am so excited to see Jessa's baby! So glad they are doing specials.

  82. The whole Duggar family! I am still very upset with TLC. I love the Duggars and am not sure I can support partial family specials. Maybe if TLC admits they were wrong and future specials include the whole family!

  83. It's too bad we don't see or hear about all the other family members. It's all about these 2 daughters.

  84. the progress of how jessa is doing with her pregnancy and delivery if she decides to have it televised like the others did

  85. The Duggar Children should be on the program. Blessings

  86. Their babies!!! And generally how the family is doing.

  87. Babies and what's going on with them! I miss seeing them so much!

  88. I hope TLC sends a crew to El Salvador with Jill & Derick so we can get a glimpse of life on the mission field

  89. Excited to see all of them. Catch up on their lives and meet baby Seewald

  90. The babies.
    I am just sorry we can't see the whole family.

  91. I am hoping to see the other family members. All the little ones...

  92. Looking forward to seeing Jessa n go through their pregnancy, if they are going back and doing the specials on topics like the pregnancy , from the beginning.

  93. Jessa and their new little baby. So excited for their new little one! Love them all just so excited for her. And to see how Jill has adaped to mother good

  94. I am excited to see how their lives have been going since we last seen them and of course I want to see the babies!!!

  95. I'd love to see them again! I think their lifestyle is very refreshing these days!

  96. Baby Seewald!!

  97. So glad to see you are doing well 😊 Thinking and praying for all the Duggar Family in the name of Jesus!

  98. All the duggar family members!!!!####!!!!

  99. Oh so exciting!!! I'm looking forward to seeing the new show! I miss you all so much! Not to mention the new baby due in a few weeks!

  100. I would like to see the whole family

  101. I hope to see more of the family. Your sisters/brothers. Hope Anna is ok. She needs to follow her heart. Leave/stay its her decision and only hers.

    1. She does not need to 'follow her heart'. The Bible says the heart is wicked and deceitful; she needs to follow God and I'm confident she will.

  102. So happy to see the duggars girls again miss them so much

  103. Very excited to see the new families and thier little ones. How wonderful to see them back on TV..... Eventually xo Tanya from Australia 🇦🇺

  104. I would like to see the entire family not just the girls.

  105. Excitedly awaiting Jessa's birth, and seeing how Jill and Derrik are doing with Israel and married life. I think TLC is cautiously dipping their toe back in the Duggar family filming again. If these specials go well, which I think they will, then probably TLC will end up showing more of the Duggar family again--minus Josh.

  106. I'm anxious to see them now that they are or will be mothers. I miss the whole family. My best wishes and prayers to all.

  107. Can't wait to see them as mothers! God bless the whole family.

  108. This, not baby S. Is OverDUE. LOL

  109. I've seen every episode of their show and I love the Duggars but I don't want them back on TV. I mean, I do for selfish reasons but the bible teaches us not to act selfishly and think of what's best for others. I think it's best for the Duggars to no longer be in the limelight in order for people to continue to attack them. They need to just stay off of TV and live their lives in peace. They won't have peace as long as they're on TV because they'll just keep getting attacked over Josh's actions and the reaction of Jim Bob and Michelle and the daughters. I can understand why TLC wants the Duggars back on TV. They don't care about this family. They care about all the money they lost when they cancelled the show. And honestly, it does feel like a bit of a money-grab by the Duggars as well and that saddens me to see them this way. I'm sure the advertisers for theses specials will get a lot of phone calls and e-mails from people that will protest simply because it's the Duggars. I think this family has been through too much already so I won't watch the show and I can't support it just for selfish reasons.

  110. would like to have updates on the Duggar family. maybe have them thay could tell us how they are doing .who ever wants to tell or show us how they are doing or do a movie on what they are doing. Missing the Duggar Family .

  111. I am beyond excited to see both couples and I pray sometimes we will see Michelle and Jim Bob, I would so love to see Jill deliver Jessa's baby and their mother there also, it would be beyond my wildest dream and it would be such a miracle and blessing to see such an event of a sister delivering her sisters baby. I miss the Duggars more than you can imagine, it tore my heart out when they were ripped from the show. It will be nice to see how the sisters follow their parents teachings and how they use new ones of their own!! MAY GOD BLESS THEM ALL!!!

  112. Look forward to seeing this beautiful, Christian family again. Really missed them. In my prayers. God bless you all.

  113. Look forward to seeing this beautiful, Christian family again. Really missed them. In my prayers. God bless you all.

  114. I would love to see Jessa and Jills lifes. I would also enjoy if cousin Amy's wedding would be on there. Love and miss them all. God bless each one of them!

  115. That's the great thing about freedom of choice, you don't wanna see Jill and Jessa don't watch, I on the other hand will be one of the many tuning in I can hardly wait <3

  116. Can't wait for the show . Will the birth of jessas baby aired too?

  117. would love to see the whole Duggar family agian. truely enjoyed the show and getting to see and learn from them.

  118. No wonder,only Jessa and Jill and their husband are the only photos showed in this blog it is because their siblings are not included. It is not the same as before without the siblings. Their brothers and sisters that i want to see,they never appear in this blog

  119. Add the whole family members in tlc,Josie is already big and smart

  120. My husband and I look forward to seeing the two families of the girls going forward. I would love to see the other children added to the show as they get married. Please keep the show going :)

  121. I'm so happy to see this.. I just wish all of you would come back on ♥

  122. So glad to have them coming back. Punishing an entire family for one persons mistakes did not make any sense. All REAL families have problems...this was a looloo, but seeing people rise above problems is an huge learning experience for your The LEARNING Channel to bring to the public!

  123. Thanks TLC for this gift to a sincere viewership! I am hoping this begins the end of the censorship of this amazing family. WaHoo!

  124. Tlc dont send this in swedish tlc :(

  125. I hope this leads to TLC to have the courage to let reality to be REALITY!
    Loving and caring about a family...the good the bad and yes, even the ugly!
    Teaching families how to cope with life's serious problems and difficulties. These are thing worth learning about on a LEARNING channel!

  126. I imagine first TLC special will be birth of Jessa's and Ben's baby. With Jill in town I imagine she will be there for birth.

  127. I am just glad that the TLC producers have bided their time so that some of the footage of the show that wasn't aired, with Jessa & Ben's growing pregnancy & Jill & Derick's move as missionaries can now be put on for viewers to see. Even if there are only 3 specials that ever come out on the Duggar kids - after the controversy it will be a much, much better way to leave things if we don't see any more of the Duggar's on TLC. Of course I would like to see more of the Duggar children and who know's what the TLC producers will decide after this test run but I am not going to set my self up with false hope as who but God truly knows what the future holds for this family. It is time that we all move on from the controversy and move forward with life as it is now.
    I am also glad that Grandma Cathy is getting some grandma time with little Israel - she seems to be dong well !

  128. Everything! I mis them all.Thea

  129. A special on Anna would be my favorite. And a special featuring Jana would be another. Especially if she was in a courtship...

  130. I cannot wait to see both of these beautiful families. I cannot wait for the birth of Jessa and Ben's baby. I love following Jill and Derrick and watching their baby grow. I hope that we get to see some of the other "kids" too - like Jana and John David...

  131. I'm sorry, but with TLC FILMING THEM AND PAYING THEM $$ for a TV show, this couple is
    asking for donations?? Sorry to hear that. Their credibility is being scrutinized here and they are ignoring the inquiries...doesn't look good to me for them to be doing that.

  132. Jill!!! She's been a great influence on my life! so have all the others, but especially Jill!

  133. I'm so excited for them! Since we don't have a TV, how can we watch all the shows? Is there a website we can go on to watch them? I love Jessa and Jill and the rest of their families, as well as the big Duggar clan, and wish I could watch their shows! Please help me out. Thanks!
    Kendra from Peoria, Illinois

  134. How can Jill be in it if she is serving God on the mission field?
    Jilly oxo

  135. I think that is ridiculous. TLC did what is in the best interest of their network. I enjoy watching the Duggers also and was crushed when they lost their show but that is a consequence that was brought on by Josh and no one else. Perhaps if Josh had made better choices and practiced what he preached then this poor family would not have had to go through all this.

  136. I'm excited for everything!! I miss the whole Duggar family. I'm so happy I will be able to watch them again :) I love Jessa, I love Jill, it will be so awesome to get to see them & their growing families :) I can't wait!!!

  137. I'm most looking forward to seeing Jessa and or Jill going to college someday!

    1. Me, too. We've got a l o n g wait!

  138. I don't agree with them returning to TV. Very disappointed in TLC.

  139. I am excited to be seeing them again; however, I wish we could see ALL of the family. I hope we can at least see some of the others, specifically Jana, Jinger, and Joy. Miss the sisterly love connection they seem to have.

  140. @AnonymousWell said! Agree completely. For the sake of this family, they really must step away from the spotlight. I don't understand why they want to stay out in the public and subject themselves to all the scrutiny and nasty comments. How could it possibly be worth it? I think they've lost the simplicity they used to have and are responding to all those who scream for them to stay public. It's just not healthy for this family.

  141. I would like to see them do the birth of Jessa baby,That 5 of 6 grandchildren birth will be shown on tv and all but (one birth, Meredith) from Jackson to Josie + Mackynkie, Michael, MARCUS, Isreal, and Jessa baby. I would also Like to see the other 16 children and all the grandkids)

  142. I was so happy to hear about seeing Jessa and Jill on television but the more I think about it the madder I get. I wish they were not on TLC and to only have Jessa and Jill profiled on the show is just WRONG! Why not all the Duggars?! I want to see the young kids, Jim Bob and Michelle, well just everyone! To only have Jessa and Jill is just playing into the lie that TLC took the show off because the Duggars did something wrong. Josh made mistakes but the rest of the family did NOTHING wrong. I applaud how Jim Bob and Michelle handled the situation all those years ago. At this point I am not sure I will even watch and believe me I am a huge Duggar fan! Kinda feeling this is TLC slapping Jim Bob and Michelle in the face once again.

  143. @Anonymous
    I believe in Arkansas you have t be married for at least 2 years before you can adopt.

  144. Can't .wait. TLC should have never pulled plug but instead showed this story just as it was reality, a lesson in itself, God forgives all sin no matter how great the sin is. I know the Duggar family understands this and so do most viewers. My heart goes out to all of you but know this is a challenge from God to overcome and it will build character in you that is the purpose of these challenges, you understand. On a lighter note I can't wait to see everyone and anyone who is available on the day they film the new show for TLC your such an encouragement in my life, such a wonderful example for my own family.

  145. Enough is enough; the Duggars should find another line of work other than television.

  146. How both couples are adjusting to parenthood. Love to see some of their family members too.


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