
Saturday, September 5, 2015

Jessa Seewald's Baby Bump

Jessa (Duggar) Seewald and husband Ben Seewald are expecting their first child on November 1st, which also happens to be their one-year wedding anniversary. Jessa is approaching the 32-week mark. Check out the progression of her baby bump in the photos below.

Photos courtesy of


  1. What's the gender of the baby? I think it is going to be a girl

    1. Congratulations jessa and Ben from Brisbane Australia.and when can we see a new season in Australia.

    2. Awe, I guess all the drama hasn't traveled to Australia yet.I would hate to be the one to break it to you. I think you should go back a few posts on this blog and it will explain things, just dont Google it or you will find many different stories...some true,some not.This site is a guarantee that you will get the honest facts.Now, I warn you, take a deep breath and hold tight.God bless, Sincerely, Linda from Nebraska

  2. She's growing so much! It won't be long til we get to see Baby Seewald! I will be praying for the duggars...

  3. Jessa is seriously SO gorgeous!!

  4. GORGEOUS woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Jessa, you are beautiful, inside and out!! So happy for you and Ben!! You'll be a great mommy and daddy!!!

  5. So beautiful and inspiring ! Do we know already the sex of the baby?

    1. I heard something about that they aren't telling it to the public. But maybe we will know when the baby is born.

    2. Um, yes, of course we'll know when it's born!

  6. How awsome congrats i am also pregnant i am 29 weeks and do on november 21 this is my second baby boy

    1. I'm 29 weeks due November 20th. Baby boy #3 for me. Congratulations!

  7. Jessa! You look so great, thanks for the updates!

  8. You have any updates on John David?

  9. Super cute! I think she is having a girl!! :) But those are some tight shirts Jessa...

    1. They don't make maternity clothes like they used to......


  11. Why does Jessa look so sad in the last picture?

    1. Probably because she is more than 30 weeks along in her pregnancy and its summer and very hot where she is!

    2. Probably because of All the things their Family is going through...

  12. Aw she has a beautiful bump. I bet there so excited to meet there baby xxx

  13. Can't wait! So happy for you and Ben!

  14. I say its a boy! What do u guys think? I say they will name it a book of the Bible. Deuteronomy and Galations r nice. What name do u guys think they will use?

  15. Congrats! Beautiful!

  16. @Anonymous
    No, Anna did nothing wrong. Nothing she did caused Josh to "stray". All she has been is supportive. It's his fault. Don't dare blame the victim.

  17. I think that was rather mean and rude to say that Anna might not have met Josh's needs physically. I sure hope she doesn't read this blog due to the mean things people have been posting.

    The update is about Jessa's baby belly. And she looks just beautiful. I can't wait to see their baby. He or she will be so cute!

  18. A husband has to be faithful, a wife hasn't keep him faithful!!!!Josh is the one who failed.

  19. Names from the Bible I like include, Malachi or Zechariah for or boy. For a girl Phoebe, Ruth or Sarah are some of my favorite names.

    1. I luv Ruth! I think they will use a book of the Bible and somthing unique. Like Psalms or Revelation

    2. I adore the name Malachi. It's such a strong name and I love the way it sounds.

    3. I'm thrilled about the news of your forthcoming child and I'm proud of both of you being the parents of

    4. Congratulations for both of you!

    5. Naomi is a pretty name also.or Nevaeh which is heaven backwards.

  20. @AnonymousThis is classic "blame the victim" mentality. Josh alone is to blame for his actions...not Anna. The last thing she needs right now is to be thinking that she did something "wrong" to cause her husband's sinful behavior. We are each individually responsible for our decisions. Josh's poor choices are not a reflection upon Anna.

  21. cute! betting on a girl! that will give them 3 boy grandchildren and 3 girl!

  22. Oh my gosh This is about Jessa People Let it be just that She looks so beautiful With the new life inside of herThat's what we are talking about God bless u Duggar family And new baby

    1. Jessa is beautiful can't wait to see the baby....Miss seeing you guys show...thoughts and prayers for everyone

  23. Jessa looks great. But I now feel as though she knows it. God has blessed her with amazing beauty, so I hope that she will remain humble.

  24. As someone who has grown to live by Michelle Duggars wonderful list of how to keep a happy and healthy marriage, I can understand why you might point a finger at Anna not being completely blameless in this. My marriage was difficult for many years until I heard Michelle speak about her marriage and it completely changed my way of thinking and saved my marriage. I still think that Josh carries the bulk of the blame but I can now understand your point of view even though I don't wholeheartedly agree with you.

    1. Anna carries none of the blame, that is ridiculous. We are all accountable for our own sin, we cannot blame others. Josh has an addiction that he will not be free from without God's miraculous help and intense counseling with an expert in this field.

  25. jessa is so beautiful!
    What's the gender of the baby? I think it is going to be a girl!

  26. aww, the pregnant girls are always the cutest!

  27. Jessa looks beautiful it's so exciting to know that she will soon hold her little one in her arms ! :)

  28. A Godly wonderful husband will see to the needs of his wife to talk and be rested. A wife should not live in fear of her husband looking elsewhere for intimacy just because she feels too tired now and then. That's ridiculous. Anna did not put Josh second. These problems in Josh took root long before they even met.

  29. Jessa looks beautiful. Looking forward to the birth of your baby.
    God Bless You,Ben and ?
    Joan and Marion

  30. Jessa, you look so lovely and happy. God Bless.

  31. Yes. I think it will be some really unique but cute name! :) Like Jill and Derick's baby. Love you all!

  32. Jessa needs to wear tops that are not so tight. Those tops she wear certainly don't draw attention to the countenance.

  33. Why does everyone have to comment on how beautiful Jessa is? I think it's the wrong emphasis. Besides, no one needs to be told 100 times a day that they are beautiful.

  34. Anna is ZERO percent to blame for her husband's porn addiction and affairs. He was sinning in this way LONG before he met her. Shame on you for suggesting that she has any blame in this.

  35. Gorgeous, so great to see her looking healthy and well

  36. @Anonymous

    I hope that the other Duggar girls will take note of this. An education is important.

  37. all are saying that you are so excited for this baby. That just proves it right there! A baby is alive at the point of conception! It is not just a piece of tissue!

    Can't wait to see baby Seewald! Jessa is just glowing!

  38. She is beautiful I miss watching this family.

  39. I just wish they would continue the show, good or bad, we need Godly examples, we can learn together through these examples. What other examples do we have at least theirs are from the bible.

  40. Love this collage...Jessa u r so beautiful. ..good luck and God bless!

  41. Congrates I just had my baby boy but I was only 24 weeks along

  42. Just a few weeks away. I'm sooooo happy for you!

  43. You and Ben will be wonderful parents. God Bless you all, you are in our prayers.

  44. Looking amazing Jess. So sad we will never get to see your pregnancy and birth on TV. Wishing you all the best for the last 8-10 weeks and the birth.
    Anon #13 - men do not cheat because they are not getting enough attention at home! Men not are animals that must have their needs met on demand or they cannot help but stray. Most good and faithful men would never think of cheating regardless of the state of their marriage. Josh is solely responsible for his choices. There nothing Anna could have done to prevent this. Josh has problems and chose to go down the wrong path. Marriage goes though ups and downs. The amount of time you spend together changes, especially with kids. But you make a commitment to each other and you don't cheat or turn to porn just because you are not as inmate as you might have once been when you first married. I have been married for 15 years.. intimacy is not like it once was. But we are committed to each other and nether of us have ever been tempted to cheat. And that's how it is for most committed married couples.

  45. @Anonymous
    Seriously? Both spouses should want that equally! What if someone isn't feeling well, or just doesn't feel like it at the time. She is not to blame for his mental illness, he is the only one at fault. To say anything other, is just excusing him for the terrible things he has done! God bless the rest of the family for what they are going through because if his mistakes!

  46. @Anonymous

    Her shirt is no more tight than Anna's is in the photo of them together and what pregnant woman doesn't wear tight shirts so that there belly can be seen, i see nothing wrong with her shirt at least her belly isnt hanging out or her boobs arent popping out over the top, and you definitely cannot see anything immodest

  47. Can't wait to see the baby won't be long now

  48. Prayers for an easy delivery. And prayers for a healthy baby. God Bless you and Ben!

  49. Bless you and your beautiful family! I pray that all goes well for all of your family! You look beautiful! Enjoy!
    Prayers sent for all your family and little one on the way!

  50. I'm betting its a boy. And you look beautiful.

  51. So happy for you!!!!!!! I can't wait to see if I am right on having a girl :) I remember the feeling of such excitement and worry when I was 32 weeks!!!!!!! Rock out your righteousness my friends!!!!!

  52. You are beautiful! Many happy wishes during this exciting time in your life. I love you in the Pink Jersy!!! This baby is lucky to have the two of you.

  53. Love the family god bless you all! Jessa and Jill have so much good to bring the world.
    Hope they sign up the girls for a show really miss everyone. Trust me I hate the Sin as does everyone of sound mind and heart but TLC is just as bad. The programs they are showing and promoting is horrible.

  54. Only Jessa can rock the baby bump like that!!!

  55. I vote it will be a boy!

  56. She's carrying in the front. I predict she's gonna have a girl.

  57. Jessa looks beautiful. That baby of their will be showered with so much love. Congratulations and stay strong.

  58. Jessa looks beautiful. That baby of theirs will be showered with so much love. Congratulations and stay strong.

  59. @Anonymous
    The shirts are tight to show off the baby bump. If Jessa just wore loose, baggy tops we couldn't see the change week to week. 😀

  60. First off Josh was doing his sinful behavior before he meet anna.. no matter what a woman does or doesn't do DOES NOT Give them any excuse to go and cheat .. let's not blame the victim.. second off this is about jessa and the baby.

  61. @Anonymous Anna has 4 young children, I think she has proven herself to being a loving, affectionate wife. Josh had a responsibility to his wife to remain faithful. He had every resource available to him to help him make a different choice. He has an amazing family, loving parents that would listen and help in any way possible. His church family and friends were all there for him, he only had to ask. He broke his vows and his wife's heart. His parents deserved so much better, they are lovely people as are his siblings, his in laws and their friends. He destroyed his family's method of income and really hurt the fans of the show... by his actions and the consequential cancellation of our favourite show. Josh is ultimately responsible for the choices he made and the devastation that followed. At the end of the day, he is the one who has to repair the damage... if at all possible.

    Let's give this family the time and privacy they need to heal.

  62. Jessa is absolutely stunning! She looks even more amazing pregnant! Love pregnant bellies...Jessa sure is GLOWING!

  63. @Anonymous
    You do not know whether she was there for Josh that way or not.. also, your comment is putting the blame on Anna. It is not up to her to make sure that he does not stray. He is responsible for his own actions.

  64. They all do a Gender Reveal Party with their whole Family, after they find out the sex of their Babies. I'm so sad 😔 we're ALL missing so much in the kids' lives! Too bad they can't do a show about ONLY the kids, and Anna & her kids. (even though I wish she will find a way for herself and kids to stand on her own, God knows She deserves it, to be happy, and loved by someone who loves her as much as the Love she has for others! My Heart hurts for her, and Anna and her kids have been in my Prayers!) I wish they'd even do an online reality show type thing. Jessa is my Favorite, and I wish it had been her Married and baby first, so I could've seen everything from her Wedding, and all the stages of her Pregnancy, and await the Birth of baby Seewald. They all know how to tape and record a show, why can't they do their own! Miss the Duggars Kids!

  65. Please do not blame Anna for Josh's actions! I was married to a man who I gave a beautiful daughter to, did everything I could to make his home life wonderful, was ALWAYS there for him, and I found out 5 years into our marriage he had been with other women the entire time! Needless to say we are now divorced and after much godly council I know that he is sick, and that this would have/is going to happen with any woman he marries until he comes out of denial and can face and work on his problems! So no, this is not at all Anna's fault. As for Jessa, she's just beautiful!

  66. @Anonymous
    You don't need to use Anna to try to make sense of Josh's sins. Sin never makes sense! I know from experience that a wife can be doing EVERYTHING possible, and if her husband has an ungodly, unsaved heart, it doesn't matter how perfect she can be, he will still be sinful! This is NOT about Anna in any way, shape, or form! And for the record, focusing on giving enough attention to your husband is a good thing, but it is not YOU who will keep him from sinning! It is his own personal relationship with God! You can meet his needs every single day but that will NOT keep a man from straying if that is in his heart! For many years I felt responsible for my husband's actions. It took much Christian counseling to get that thinking out of my head. It was NOT my fault! The best thing you can do is pray daily, earnestly, that your husband will be Spirit filled and led. YOU cannot keep him from sinning!

  67. I miss you all on TLC. Such a wonderful family. Prayers to you all.

  68. Praying for an easy, safe, wonderful delivery! She looks stunning and I cannot wait to see little Seewald! God bless!!

  69. Why aren't the duggars congratulating Amy? Why hasn't there been any pictures from them?

    1. Because every time they post anything all they get is a flood of nasty rude comments. Also, they were at the wedding... I'm sure they congratulated Amy and Dillon in person. Just because it's not on social media doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  70. @ Amy

    I agree!! this was NOT Anna's fault!!!

  71. God forgives so why can't everybody else . Josh was young and he shouldn't be judged . judge yet you be judged .

  72. I am curious why in none of the photos is she wearing her wedding ring. I can't imagine her fingers were that swollen at 16 weeks

    1. The selfies were taken in the mirror so her ring would appear to be on the "wrong" hand.

  73. My guess is boy. Warm blessings!

  74. I agree it is probably very hard for Anna. It reminds me of my mothers generation (she is 82) how Anna is home Witt the babies and her husband is out with the world. So sad her trust has been broken. I love to see Jessa is getting so close to delivery. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE BABY!!!!

  75. Jessa, you look so healthy and beautiful!! 8 more weeks. Hope they go fast and you remain healthy. Thanks for sharing your bump with us!

  76. Fun seeing Jessa's progression! I'm hoping for a boy! How about the name "Jim" after Jim Bob? I miss seeing the family on TV. Best Wishes Jessa & Ben!

  77. I am so hoping that there will be a book written by all the Duggars telling all their joys, sorrows, & blessings from God. Their triumph over sin through the grace of God. What a testimony it would be to those of us who know that we ALL sin, but God's grace is sufficient for all our sins. I love the Duggars. God, please give Anna the strength the strength she needs to stand by Josh through this trial,

  78. I talked with Jessa at Michaela Bates' wedding and she said only she and Ben know the gender. She would not whisper it in my ear even though I promised not to tell anyone! She also said there are not twins.

  79. I send you two blessings for a wonderful delivery of your precious offspring! May he or she bring you love, laughter & joy!

  80. (1 of 2 posts) @anonymous (comment 18 & 28) I understand your confusion. These things are shocking and we want to make sense of them somehow. I have compiled an answer that I think does this...

    Josh's problem is that his heart is sick. Straying from the marriage is not a result of any outward needs not being met, but the condition of his heart.

    All of us are bent towards sin. Our flesh craves it (Gal 5:13, 16-19, Eph 2:3). Following our heart leads to destruction as Pro. 14:12, Jer 17:9, and Matt 15:18-19 tell us. When left on "default" we would all be selfish beings and it is only by depending on the grace of God and fully relying on Him to direct us that we can truly love and serve others and live as imitators of Christ. We must be plugged into a community of believers who can encourage and admonish us (Heb 10:24-25) and we need to be fully open with our sin struggles in order for those people to lead us with Truth.

    Josh, unfortunately, was lured by the enemy to look at images he should not have (I read he was addicted to porn in addition to the affairs) and did not confess this and seek to turn the other way soon enough. One thing led to another, as it often does, and he likely found himself in so deep that the sin controlled him; he desired it and rationalized it, he became desensitized to the destructiveness of it, and the addiction caused him to seek out in real life what he was seeing on a screen.

    Porn is degrading and entirely not a depiction of intimacy as God created it. It is rooted in selfishness and treats women as objects. It causes people to become addicted to variety. When someone becomes addicted to variety and perversion, intimacy in marriage will never satisfy. When someone sees women being used in that way, they then want to use women in that way. It is terribly sad. My church talks openly about the destructiveness of porn, and how to be healed from that stronghold. I think it is an important topic to be aware of and praying about for those it ensnares. (If you would like some great resources on this, see: ... . If anyone reading is not an adult, please consult parents first since this is a sensitive subject matter.)

    Josh needs to be reminded of why walking with Christ is better than any pleasure we could experience on this earth. We need to pray that the Spirit would change his heart and put in him the desire and power to lean on God and to change his ways. God is an expert at redeeming and making people new and changing our lives so we can walk in light instead of darkness. He sets us FREE to follow Him and experience the joys of a relationship with Him.

  81. (2 of 2 posts) The situation looks hopeless, but there is always hope in Christ. I pray God would bring healing to Josh and his whole family and that Josh would be able to one day share glorious testimony of how Christ will have changed his life.

    (I'm sorry to stay on the Josh topic with this post but I think it is important to unpack the underlying issue). As Eph 6:12 says, we struggle against the powers of darkness. When the enemy lays holds of us and we let him mess with our minds and lives, destruction will happen.

    There is nothing Anna or any wife can do to please a husband who is far from God. We as humans are incapable of satisfying each other's deepest needs, only Christ can satisfy us completely (Ps 34:9-10, John 10:10). Only He is our true All in All. When a spouse looks to their spouse, or anything else on this earth to satisfy them completely, they will be disappointed. That is why a marriage grounded in Jesus is so important. When two people have a thriving relationship with Christ they will love and serve each other well as a natural outflow of that. When one person is disconnected from Jesus, it makes things really hard.

    If there are wives reading this, know that it is good and important to serve your husband and love him abundantly whether he does or does not return that to you, but at the same time, DO NOT feel guilty like it is or was up to you to change him. Only God can change hearts! The best thing we can do to help with this is PRAY. Pray for God to intervene and make all of us more like Christ. War Room is an excellent movie about prayer and mentorship and the principles apply perfectly here. When we are at rock bottom and don't know what to do, and when things are going well, too, pray. Being connected to God is the answer for everything we face. If you are struggling now, there is hope in Jesus. He is here to comfort, help, guide, provide power, and cover us in His mercy, grace, and love. Let's trust Him to lead us all, and pray for the hurting around us. In this world there will be trouble, but take heart, He has overcome the world (John 16:33)!

    1. I really enjoyed and appreciated your posts! I am especially grateful that you pointed out that no one but Jesus can satisfy our deepest needs. :)

    2. Great answer and explanation. Thank you for taking the time to write this.

  82. congrats are you having twins? I'am very happy for both of you. Good luck.

  83. I love all of you !!!

  84. amazing family and i would love to meet thim in person i miss there show to i love them

  85. Jessa you are beautiful and I am looking forward to the birth of your first child.

  86. Awee what the gender ?? I hope a little girl

  87. Best wishes and blessings to you, Jessa, Ben, and baby. Prayers for a happy healthy little one.

  88. Congrats Jessa ! Your so beautiful ! .. I wonder if they are going to tell what's she having

  89. I'm so excited for the Seewald's. Their precious little one will be so loved by all of their family and friends. I'm praying for a safe delivery and lots of pictures. Blessings Ben and Jessa.

  90. @Anonymous
    Do NOT blame Anna!!! She is not at fault! It is all Josh! He is responsible for his actions and thoughts. Anna is NOT!!!!! She is blameless!!!! Pray for them all but think no evil!
    Love you all, Duggar Family. May God continue to bless you.

  91. Jessa and I have the same due date. Mines a girl ;)

  92. Jessa is absolutely beautiful!!! I can't wait for that little blessing to come into the world.

  93. Jessa is so pretty! I can't wait until baby Seewald is born :)

  94. Jessa is a very beautiful person and I think she will be an amazing mother! They were all raised with great Christian morals and values. Josh is the only one to blame for his actions. How can anyone assume Anna is to blame for this? As someone who has been in that position, I too was raised in a Christian family with great morals. My husband also stayed and stepped outside of our marriage and I have always doted on him and given him all the attention he needs. He is the one with the problem and he now admits that he has an addiction and needs help. This is the point Josh needs to come to admit he was wrong and get help if he has an addiction. Seek deliverance and then forgiveness from God and Anna. Jessa, I hope you have a healthy and beautiful baby. I know you and Ben will be amazing parents and I pray we will see you all once again on TV. God bless you all!

  95. Will you be posting about Amy's wedding soon? A picture of her and Dillon has already been released! :)

  96. I do not think a Baptist minister should not yell at members during a sermon like what happened at Cross Church Sunday. His sermon was about Josh and everyone knows what Josh did was wrong. I do not think if it was my husband, I could forgive.

  97. post amys wedding pics!!!

  98. Lookin real good. Glowing like crazy too

  99. Jessa is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo beautiful.

  100. loved this show watched it ever since it first came on, So sorry it turned out the way it did. But that's the enemy's job to destroy and divide all that is good and wholesome. Someday this will all "blow" over it did for Jimmy Swaggarrt. Hope Anna is doing well and Josh also. Yes he has sinned but can you imagine the self loaf he has for himself. Pornography is a spirit and we should all be "praying" for him not judging him. They are having enough of a hard time without all the blame and nasty remarks being made.

  101. Oh my goodness she is soooooo gorgeous!!!!!!!!inside and out!!!!!!:D:D I can not say how excited I am for them!!!!!! I can not wait to find out the gender!!!! It's all sooooo exciting!!!!!!!lol!!!!!

  102. Congratulations on your successes each one you. You must remember, not everyone is happy about your success, namely, your enemy,Lucifer. He is not only your enemy but every human being on earth because 'WE' all are made in the image of God, He, God, has forgiven every man because of what JESUS did on the cross, not what we did or try to do. God has forgiven us and we must do the same. So, do not let the enemy tare your family apart because of UNFORGIVENESS. At one time we needed to be forgiven too. Eemjay

  103. I think it will be a boy. Benjamin is a good Biblical name so a junior perhaps? I think Levi is a great name too.

  104. We are very happy for Jessa and Ben however, can we make today about Cousin Amy and her new Husband. Perhaps offer a congrats message?

  105. Jessica and Ben, I hate that Josh's choices kind of infect this special time for you! I pray for you twice a day! You are such a beautiful young woman, Jessica, Ben is one lucky man! (ha ha) I pray you have gotten through all the mud of the past year! Praying little Seewald is happy, healthy baby. Just imagine the baby picked the two of you to be his/her parents! The baby is so smart already! Please tell Anna we love her, and she is never to blame herself, Josh has an illness just like chicken pox, he let his illness take over his life, his body, it's his problem! Our best to all, and boy do we miss you!

  106. Will you be posting Amy's wedding? I know the dress wasn't 'very Christian or conservative' but it was nice and she is a duggar. Thoughts with anna.

  107. Did you know that him and Marjorie broke up?

  108. Jessa does indeed look beautiful, as do all pregnant women. I saw she posted she wants 20 children to " show up the Duggars." I do hope that as she welcomes her little bundle she and Ben come to realize child-bearing is not a contest. Child-rearing should be done by the parents not older siblings. I hope they can learn to cherish their child/children instead of racing to out "due" each other.

  109. If it is a girl name it Jodie if it a boy name it Jonah

  110. Still love all of you . The devil is out to do his worst because he knows his time is short. No one is without need to keep their armor on. If the media cannot find any dirt they will make it up....but we love you all so keep remembering this world is not our home ....we are just passing through and keeping our eyes upon the Lord .

    The devil is after the HEAD of churches, and families....He hates those who have been created in the image of our Heavenly Father and is stealth. Putting on the whole armor of God is our best defense against the world the flesh and the devil and his wiles.

    Nothing shall separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus AMEN~

    Pray for the peace of Jerusalem for that will mean He will be ruling and reigning from there!!

    Till then continue in His Word for then we will be His disciples indeed!

    1Jo 3:13 Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you.

    Ecc 5:8 If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

  111. To Shannon Laurence,

    I think you gave a compassionate and useful dissertation on the situation the Duggars are dealing with . From my personal experience I agree with you in terms of if a person does not care about what God wants and says then they won't care about consequences of their choices or to prepare to avoid snares by becoming aware of their vulnerabilities and learning to avoid situations and people that will be useful to lure them into more sin.

    A woman who gives her all to obey God will not be able to fulfill LUST in a selfish man who disregards all warnings from the Word and the instruction of what God has given us so we may be protected from traps and also good witnesses to His glory.

    We all need such protection from within by the Spirit working the Word into our understanding. That does not just happen from knowledge but from instruction and understanding as given to those who seek Him as they study the Word and apply it ongoing.

    I pray for anyone who has not been instructed or who has not become meek to the way GOD would teach them in His Word. He has said 'My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge' ...when we do not know His Word there is room for deception to creep in.

    Being a public figure puts even more opportunity and pressure upon a person and there is even more need for a willingness to be more vigilant and accountable to people who you can trust to help you without bullying you or too much over-lording.[I think they call this 'heavy shepherding]

    Anyway many people become isolated when they become celebrities and this too can add to the way a tempation begins to become a 'retreat' from such overt 'responsiblity' such as those in the spotlight have to deal with.

    This is no excuse but it is for this reason GOD has provided instruction for us throughout His Word.

    In the meantime ..

    .2Ti 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

    2Ti 2:25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

    2Ti 2:26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

    Gal 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.


  112. part two comment re Shannon and the

    To Shannon Laurence,Gal 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

    I have been dealing with this same situation with my husband who fathered two children with the OW in their 'secret life' they had for almost half our marriage. People think the wife would and should KNOW but often times a spouse who does this is able to 'cover their tracks' so well that it is a SHOCK beyond words when it is discovered...and 'be sure your sin will find you out'

    The person locked in the grip of sin is responsible but lest we forget the enemy of our souls is oftentimes underestimated by even Christians.

    We need to stand upon the Truth of God's word for their are wolves and hirlings who neglect the Word in TRUTH...and there are many without that are happy to rejoice in the sins which they also do but they are blinded and find 'refuge' and a form of false comfort in the knowledge of someone else's sins made known.

    When Jesus exposes the beam in our own eyes we are able to identify that speck but are also merciful and gracious ..ever mindful of the sacrifice He made for all that all might be redeemed.

    May the Lord strengthen all who have suffered the discovery of such a terribly painful wound. May those who have never experienced such a thing pause to reflect upon how they might deal with such a thing themselves if it were them

    I don't know how Anna is able to deal with this as well as being in the public eye...but I thank God for her being comforted, shielded and strengthened as the days go by toward a true healing and recovering of sight to the blind amidst our nation.

    2Co 1:3 ¶ Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;
    2 Co 1:4 Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.
    2 Co 1:5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ.

  113. So glad to see you looking so great. You're a beautiful woman. I miss all of you. Prayers continue for the family. Hoping you have a safe, pain free (as much as possible) delivery. Lois, in Kansas!

  114. Enough is enough. You have lost a former very loyal fan. Please get help.
    Anna, if you even see this, my prayers are with you amd the kids.

  115. I just want to say that Michelle's marriage advice does not lay any blame whatsoever on Anna! Her advice is to young women who might be tempted to give their husbands "the silent treatment" after a silly argument. The age-old biblical advice of not going to bed mad is important. Not working out your problems/reconciling on a daily basis, and giving someone the cold shoulder all the time IS a recipe for disaster! A loveless marriage will likely lead to an affairs on the part of the husband and the wife! Michelle was basically telling women to "leave in peace with all men as long as it depends on you" - i.e. not resorting to the silent treatment every day. Josh and any unfaithful husband is still fully responsible for his actions.

  116. Anonymous 129 posted ( see below ) , what site are you referring to?

    Awe, I guess all the drama hasn't traveled to Australia yet.I would hate to be the one to break it to you. I think you should go back a few posts on this blog and it will explain things, just dont Google it or you will find many different stories...some true,some not.This site is a guarantee that you will get the honest facts.Now, I warn you, take a deep breath and hold tight.God bless, Sincerely, Linda from Nebraska

  117. Your so cute with the baby bump and adorable couple.. I can't wait to see the baby. Because how cute the parents are... God Bless and Prayers to you both.... and safe delivery...

  118. I am so excited for your family's return to TLC. They finally gave the people what they want. I know in God's perfect time that Josh will be healed & the whole family will be an even stronger testimony for the Love & Grace of our Lord. Praying for you all. Stay strong. God has a purpose for your trial & He will bring you through it victoriously as only He can.

    Love & hugs to you all, Peggy


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