
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Have You Signed the Petition?

Late last week, TLC officially canceled 19 Kids and Counting, nearly two months after the network pulled the show for the foreseeable future.

For the millions of loyal fans who love the Duggars and would like to see the show continue, be sure to sign the petition at And go ahead and leave a comment here sharing your response to TLC's decision to cancel the show. Your voice matters.

NOTE: For readers outside the United States who would like to sign the petition, you can do so by leaving the "State" field blank. 

Photo courtesy of


  1. I support the duggars

  2. i soppoet the duggar family love them

  3. I do miss 19 kids and counting I want it back on

  4. I would like to see the show back on again, with the family acknowledging that mistakes have been made, and perhaps without Josh and his family being featured.

    1. Every family has its hardships..... Love should always win!!!!

  5. I love the Duggars. Have been a guest in there home and believe they are very good Christian folks but I believe it's time for them to go back under the radar, heal, raise their children and go back to being a normal God Fearing family with servants hearts that they started out to be.

  6. Bring the Duggar back.. We all miss them .

  7. Our God is able :) keeping you in prayer.. From the state of VIRGINIA...

  8. Put them back on air.

  9. From what I read it was a mutual decision in the end. I support the Duggar's even if they do not want to be on tv anymore. If the family says it wasn't a mutual decision then I would love to read that. As far as TLC goes I stopped watching the channel once they pulled the Duggar's. God is love! Christ died on the cross for our sins so we may be FORGIVEN! That includes Josh Duggar!

  10. I love this family and miss the show so much. No family is perfect. We are here on Earth to learn from our mistakes and make better choices! I miss you all!

  11. I would love to see the Duggers back on TLC

  12. I quit watching TLC altogether since 19 Kids and Counting was pulled. If every television channel pulled shows because of things that happened years ago that should not have then there wouldn't be any television to watch.

  13. TLC, I am done with you, and all your shows. When you choose to dump the Duggars and continue airing gratuitous garbage, you choose to lose. . Duggars, I hope you move to a more worthy channel. Your supporters will follow.

  14. miss the show and the family I cant believe how TLC is treating them its a disgrace what happened. the past should stay in the past and Josh has turned into a great young man people need to let it go

  15. I LOVE the Duggars and our family has watched them loyally for 10 years. However, I don't know why they would want to go back onto TLC? They dropped them like a hot potato. No mercy. No understanding whatsoever about people being able to change with God's help, people being forgiven, changing the whole course of their lives, and moving on in positive ways. I support them going onto ANOTHER network, who would appreciate, understand, and celebrate them!

  16. Thank you so much for letting us know about the petition! I signed it but unfortunately, I don't think the show will be back. It's not TLCs fault, it's the fault of the advertisers. If TLC can't sell the show, they can't air it, simple economics. Hopefully in the next year or two things will die down enough and the advertisers won't be afraid to sponsor this wonderful Christian program again!

  17. Best show on TLC. Every family goes through something, It was dealt with and Josh is a great father to his children and a wonderful husband. Please bring them back. Josh has remember there are people out there that know we all go through some good and bad times with our children. And those who think there familys are perfect are wrong. I want this show back

  18. Bring the family back. They are a true inspiration to many many people.

  19. I signed the petition. We love you guys and want you to stay on the air. My daughter and son and myself look up to you all and pray God prevails either way. God Bless your family.

  20. Love Your Show. I do hope they change their verdict on your show and it will be aired again. Much love from here in Western Australia

  21. My mom and I love to watch the tv show God for give John David. Lot show still go on.

  22. My family and I truely enjoyed the show 19 kids and counting. I loved the values it showed my daughters! I would LOVE to see this show come back on TLC. You don't find a show that has true Christian values in society these days!

  23. I personally love seeing the Duggars. The decision to remove them from TLC was just wrong. He had had therapy, and never had any more issues. He was a child learning. It was wrong yes but... they got him the help he needs. We all make mistakes and those running TLC made a huge mistake. We MISS in LOVE the Duggars. Bring them back! I signed the petition and will pray they bring Duggars back. No one's perfect and God forgives him

  24. The Duggar family is awesome! They way they live their lives for God speaks volumes to me and many others. I am, however, sad to hear that the show has been canceled. I pray for the best for this family!

  25. Please bring 19 kids and counting back..

  26. I miss watching the Duggars every week!! Hope they bring yall back to tv!

  27. Please bring back the Duggars. They are a wonderful and Christian family. We miss their show and their family.

  28. TLC should put this show back on, it was a good family show. Who cares what happened in the past.They delt with it and its no one elses business...I will never watch TLC again if they don't bring back the Duggars...

  29. put thhe show back on

  30. Please put their show back on!!!

  31. I don't think I would watch it if they do put it back on ; was so hopin jill and derrick would get their own show ; I sure wouldn't miss that :)

  32. Love your family. Want you ALL back on TV. Sure do miss watching you. God bless the Duggers.

  33. Stop being a "woss" TLC and bring back the one show that has the most viewers. Your ratings will go down. People LOVE the Duggars. You don't have to agree with everything they believe, but stop being so silly and caving to the political correct people.

  34. I hope if TLC doesn't change their stance that another network will pick up your show.

  35. I can't believe how this family has been treated over something that happened 10 years ago by a child. If he had been an adult it would be totally different.


  37. i truely miss all of the family . the show should be back on the bible says let yee cast the first stone but tlc decieded they are judge and jury . if they had any love for themselves or others your show would be the first .

  38. We were really sad to see that you all would not be allowed back on TV. We've watch your show together as a family for years because of the great values you share with us. I think the network has made a mistake by not allowing the show to continue. It would have benefited the viewers to see how the family works together through this extremely difficult time. It is appalling that a large majority of the TV shows lately have no moral compass and yet the Duggars go through a very serious time in their family where viewers stood to learn valuable lessons about compassion, forgiveness, repentance and unconditional love. Shame on you TLC! We love you all and wish the very best for your whole family! When one door closes, another opens. Perhaps another network will pick up the show???

  39. TLC missed a great opportunity to allow its viewers to choose whether or not to support this family. Young viewers experiencing similar problems likely got the following ideas from the way the show was ripped off the air: Don't tell anyone if you are a victim, or if you are a perpetrator, this subject is so bad and so shameful we must punish all involved, and there is no such thing as confidentiality within law enforcement, so telling something is to risk the whole world knowing....This show absolutely is not finished and should be allowed to be responsible to their viewers. The Duggars also deserve better than this. The shame is on you TLC for sensoring without consideration of potential harm in doing so.

  40. God's character shows ultimate forgiveness and boundless mercy. As a Christian, forgiveness and mercy should be shown in our character to show we are "like Christ." I miss this Duggar family and their show. I appreciate their Christian testimony. They never claimed perfection and shouldn't be judged so harshly so as to remove their popular show. Please bring them back.

  41. I miss this show so much. The sooner they are back on the air the better!Praying for this family .

  42. I believe that if they had to background check everyone appearing on any of TLC's shows all the way back to childhood, they would not have a network, not fair, I'm in pure disgust #banTLC

  43. Love love e love the Dug g erstwhile and miss all of them. I don't have anything g to watch now. I'm sure not watching I'm Jazz. Never. And all that other rap on television. I quit watchin g TLC and I'm so done with that channel.Maybe the show ought to be on as a teaching experience.

  44. I am so sad that they cancelled 19 Kids and Counting! It is my absolute favorite show on TV and I love the family and what they stand for! I hope they realize what a mistake it is to take off the show. BRING BACK THE DUGGARS! :D

  45. Not only did I sign the petition, but I also sent a letter to TLC.

  46. I am heartbroken that the show has been cancelled. I so miss it. None of us are perfect and we have all made mistakes in our lives, but to cancel a show that has such wholesome values is beyond me. I do hope that it is brought back.

  47. Bring them back we are missing the whole family.

  48. Miss your show & praying TLC will reconsider their decision!!! To God be the glory!!

  49. Please keep the Duggars - get rid of Kardashians.

  50. I think it's terrible that they caved to the pressure and canceled the show. Even worse are the rumors that they're putting a show about transgender people in its place.
    This was the only show on TLC I watched, so now I will not be watching that network at all.

  51. There is nothing left on TCL worth watching. I guess the only silver lining is that I no longer need cable. God will continue to bless this family. Kids will make mistakes, the parents did a great job handling it.

  52. We support the Duggars AND their values...

  53. Petition signed. I try not to judge situations that I'm not directly involved it. the Duggars as a whole are good people, even good people do bad things. God and family, that's where it's at.

  54. I definitely would like to see the show reinstated!

  55. I would honestly move the show to the UP network where Bates families show is on TLC isn't the network you want to be on anymore

  56. Your show was ONE of the FEW programs that TLC had, as well as most other networks, that was a wholesome family show! I support ALL of your family 100%. NO QUESTIONS!

  57. We would love to see the show to continue!

    Best regards from The Netherlands!

  58. Of course I support them! How many other people would be fired from their jobs if it became known what they did as a teenager? Let's not be hypocrites!

  59. I love watching your show. my 13 also loves your show also. it makes her laugh

  60. I would love to see the Duggar's back on TV. However, I'm not sure that TLC is the right place for them. While they did give them a place they also turned their back on them. Perhaps UPtv like the Bates would be a better choice!!

  61. Personally I agree with the decision to pull the show. The family doesn't need to be glorified for their actions.

  62. I love the show I just want it back Who Cares what Josh did in his Past it was his Parents's

  63. I already signed and I hope something good happens to these wonderful families! They deserve a lot better!!

  64. Y E S I support the Duggars. They had a good family show. It has been replaced with a show about transgender. I don't always agree with the way they do things, but that is okay. I loved their show. I have not had TLC on since their show was took off.

  65. Yes I support the Duggars all the way. I love the show and I miss it so much. Please bring it back.

  66. Our family were and still are loyal fans of the Duggars. We are truly disappointed that TLC has decided to cancel the show, but yet continue to broadcast shows that should have never been aired in the first place.

  67. Will most certainly support you. Not that i condone what happened with Josh but he was a child and everyone got the help needed. It should be a subject of how to handle situations in a Godly manner and how to focus your children back on the right path not condemning the family. I will not be watching TLC, instead of saying yes there was an issue and we will address it and show how it was handled with moral convictions, they boot them. Then they support transgender, homosexuality, bigamy, toddlers in tiaras and other questionable subjects.

  68. I like the Duggars. I don't agree with everything, but overall I enjoy watching them. If people don't like them they don't have to watch them.

  69. I signed the petition, I think the Duggars are a wonderful family and the recent things that have happened in their lives just shows all of us that they are human, and have issues to deal with as the rest of us do. But they went through it with love and compassion and I admire them. I would love to have them back on the air, I miss them.

    Joyce Waters

  70. Bring back their show! It's the only show I watch and love!

  71. I miss following the family on TV.

  72. Can you please add 'International' to the petition as I would like to add my name to it but I live outside America.

  73. Total support and love the show!!

  74. we want the Duggars back--until they come back on, I'm boycotting TLC!

  75. Put the Duggars back on Tv and leave them along.

  76. Put the Duggars back on Tv and leave them along.

  77. Why can't people find something worthwhile to complain about and leave these good people alone?

  78. I am very disappointed in this poor decision made by TLC to cancel the Duggars' show! It was the best show they had! My whole family and I were greatly blessed as we watched this godly family set the example for others in how to live God honoring lives!!! I pray that you folks at TLC will see your error and reinstate this show!

  79. Put the Duggars back on TV.Leave them along.

  80. I'm from canada n just wanted you to know I support you. I believe you did everything you could. People need to mind there own buiness. And tlc shame on you.

  81. How do Canadians show their support as only States are shown in the drop-down list?

  82. THEY ARE GOOD PEOPLE! Please show compassion for their family - my goodness, you would think that people could step back and look at the whole situation with some common sense. How many times do people have to pay penance for the same offense? Even our legal system (which includes the woman who unlawfully released the report in the first place), wouldn't allow this!

  83. I'm REALLY disappointed in TLC. All those junk shows out there and one of the only good ones deleted. TLC may rest assured that I will not be watching ANYTHING more from them until I see the Duggars back on.

  84. I remember watching the interview special with the Duggars at the end of their last season. In it several members of the family remarked that they knew the show would end one day and that it wouldn't go on forever and they would be just fine without it. What changed? Every reality tv show eventually runs its course. All they're losing is a show, some money and some fame... The Duggars don't even care about those worldly things. It seems this would be a perfect opportunity for them to demonstrate grace and humility. This reaction is just confusing to me.

  85. If you don't work with least receive another have my continuous prayers.

  86. Nothing but support.... Love and miss you all!!!!! Erin K. Hewitt

  87. I love your family. I have followed you for about 8 years even though we do not have cable. But I have bought all your books and the first few seasons and I look at the short videos on here. Would love for you to be back on air!!!

  88. I just hope that Josh continues to get counseling and if he has urges that he is honest and gets the help he needs to keep his children and all others safe.

  89. Please come back to TLC. We need the mentoring and encouragents you give to parents.

  90. I wish some other TV network would pick up the Duggars tv show and just let TLC be the losers in the long run. One of the BEST shows on tv was wrongly cancelled against the majority of viewers who love the Duggars and what they stand for. They are not perfect -- and never claimed to be. Since when must a family be perfect to be on tv? With all the garbage out there that is allowed on the air -- for which I simply choose my right to change the channel to avoid -- why are we not allowed to see the Duggars while their protesters change their own channel for something more of their choosing. Ridiculous. God bless the Duggars. They stand for what is right in the world. Shame on the naysayers out there trying to bring a God-loving family down. Michelle, Jim Bob, and Josh you should stand tall and hold your heads high -- Josh has been forgiven for his childhood sins by God and anyone else who matters. Keep raising your beautiful families, along with Anna's love and understanding. I hope one day we will get to follow you on TV again.

  91. I suppose the family and all of them ....

  92. Praying for your family and that you return to TV!

  93. I just tried to sign the petition, but I don't know if it was taken or not--there was no way/place for me to select the Canadian province I live in.
    Losing the ability to watch the Duggar family on T.V. is just showing me, and probably some others, which direction the world & population's thinking is going and it is not a direction I want to go.
    Bring the Duggars back to T.V. please?? God-loving, clean living, Christian lifestyles that they live & show the world are what we need more of...and in abundance.

  94. Life is so unfair at times. I support the Duggars.

  95. I support you all, I loved watching you all.

  96. I loved the show ever since it came on, I miss it very much

  97. Put them back on tv Please

  98. Yes bring them back including Josh, Anna and their babies to!!! Really miss them. And if the Sisters can FORGIVE, then so should we <3

  99. I am so disappointed that 19 kids and counted has been cancelled. Please bring them back.
    We would all be in big trouble if God was as unforgiving as TLC.

  100. My heart is broken. I LOVE this family and would love to see what else happens in their lives. I was really looking forward to seeing the new babies, Josiah's courtship (and possible future wedding). I really appreciate what they stand for and I am so grateful to them for opening their home and their lives up to share with us. It seems so silly and petty for TLC to cancel their show for something minor that one of them did as a young teenager.Yes, it was wrong, but that was a long time ago and it wasn't like it was rape or something. Josh has grown into a fine young man and I 'm sure they are very proud of the person he has became. Who hasn't done something stupid when they were young? Especially considering the other trashy shows they air, this is just unbelievable.

  101. I was so sad to hear this show was canceled. Always loved watching this family.

  102. Miss them, Want them back on, TLC you really screwed up!!! No ones prefect & they never claimed to be either!! Yes I hope another channel will pick them back up so we can see them ALL,,,, ((side Hugs))

  103. Love this family, would really like to see them back on TV. Josh you should sue the heck out of the person that got ahold of what would should have been a sealed record.

  104. I miss watching the Duggar's. Thanks for this blog, this is the only way all of us Duggar fans can still feel connected to the family.

  105. I miss watching the Duggar's. Thanks for this blog, this is the only way all of us Duggar fans can still feel connected to the family.

  106. @Anonymous

    Don't believe everything you read looks more like someone is just trying to stir up more trouble for them. I sure haven't seen any of them say they want there show back on tv.

  107. We support the Duggars. Those records were supposed to be sealed but someone made a mistake and somehow those records were made public. Josh was a minor when this happened and his parents did what they thought was right for him. Shame on TLC for cancelling this show and shame on the sponsors who dumped them. I hope UP TV puts them on their lineup.

  108. Yes petition signed.

  109. I definitely support this family. They have so much to share. They've faced a really difficult family situation, Worked thru it, got the help they needed for all involved and were able to find forgiveness in their hearts with God's help. TLC have you ever thought they just might be a huge help to other families who have gone thru the same thing but are struggling. Really try looking at this in a different way.

  110. I enjoyed the show as did my 8 children. We recorded it so we never missed it!

  111. You are a wonderful family and I will support all of you! I hope this 'hick-up' in your lives will give you strength to strive and prove that God always has another plan for you. Hold on to Him!

  112. I support this God Loving family...........spread the word of God Amen

  113. I've been watching the Duggar's from the beginning. I want to see it back on television. This is a wonderful family with good values. They went through a bumpy time with Josh. They dealt with it. All families go through troubles. Put the show back on!

  114. I miss the show.

  115. As a survivor of molestation I support the Duggers. Josh confessing to his parents shows he has a conscience. True molesters keep things secret and shame their victims into not telling. Josh allowed his curiosity and hormones to lead him. As for the family not making the incidents public I would not have wanted the entire world to know what had happened to me at the time. The way this was made public just victimized the sisters again. Christ said let those among you without sin cast the first stone. He set the example for forgiveness. I forgive Josh just as I have forgiven my molester.

  116. A few years ago, Buddy Valastro's brother in law was arrested for molestatin of a child. He was quickly an quietly removed from the family, the bakery and the show. The show contnues to this day. I find this hypocritical of TLS and therefore the Duggars should be offered a second chance.

  117. I support the Duggar's I just love this family

  118. People, please realize the political agenda here..... certain segments of society would like to permanently get rid of the Duggars, Bates, and any like them, from the public square, because they threaten to bring back traditional values to our society, thereby jeopardizing the gains these groups have made in turning our country into a secular, Godless nation. Please be aware that this explains the puzzling level of vitriol being directed at the Duggars. The fact that TLC has caved shows just how many inroads those with this agenda have made in changing the culture.

  119. Put the Duggars back on TV!! If every family had to pay for the sins of one member in the family the world would be in PRISON!!!

  120. I support the duggars

  121. I support the Duggars and I want their show back

  122. I don't have a need to watch TLC anymore now that 19 Kids isn't airing. I am so incredibly disappointed in the network's decision.

  123. I support the Duggars as well and I miss seeing them on tv. Would also wish another channel would step in and bring them back.

  124. @Anonymous I support 19 kids and counting. I have been a viewer from the start. I don't like how the Media dig & dig & dig till they get a story they think will drawl the vultures in to attack. Love the Duggars

  125. I am very sad that TLC decided to cancel this program. I have been following the family since the beginning. Please TLC let this show continue.

  126. I Miss seeing them on TV. Would love to see them back in TV

  127. I Miss watching them in TV. Would love to see them back on the TV


  128. Bring the Duggars back!

  129. I refuse to watch TCL any longer. They are cowards for bending to the slanderous liberal media. This was a witchhunt of the worst kind. When will someone address the illegality of releasing juvenile records?

  130. I support the Duggars signed Cecelia. Miller

  131. I refuse to watch TCL any longer. They are cowards for bending to the slanderous liberal media. This was a witchhunt of the worst kind. When will someone address the illegality of releasing juvenile records?

  132. Yes I support them. We have all made mistakes and it is not for us to judge them!!!!!

  133. Go to the up network with Bates!

  134. I hope another station picks them up! I'm missing the Duggars😢

  135. I support the Duggars!

  136. I love the Duggars and absolutely hate that the show was cancelled. I don't know why the Lord allowed this injustice but He did. I hope the Lord sees fit to bring them back but if He does not, I accept His decision. Cable television really isn't a fitting place for a Christian family anyway... especially not on TLC, with all the garbage they produce. I'm feeling in my spirit that the Lord is going to give them another network.... a Christian network.... that will air their show. That way they'll be in better "surroundings".

  137. I hope your show remains on the air, if not TLC then another channel.. I may not agree with you on everything but that's the way of life.. My own children and I don't agree on everything. I raised them to be independent of me.

  138. I would love to see the a duggars back, unless God is leading them into a different direction. I am certainly a supporter.

  139. I want to see them back on TV I miss them

  140. I miss the duggars! If it is their wish to be back on tv, I whole heartedly support that decision! I love their family!

  141. Please bring the Duggars back on TV. I 100 percent support the Duggars and miss them alot.

  142. TLC made the right decision. Hopefully they will get back to The LEARNING part of their charter.

  143. We stopped watching TLC when they pulled the show. Won't be back.

  144. I miss the Duggars!! Miss having a show where I didn't have to worry about what was being said or done on the show - the whole family can watch...:(

  145. I believe you are a valuable witness to the world. No one is perfect and we all need to be humble and admit we struggle between right and wrong. If it is your desire to continue with a witness by being present on television, then I pray you will find a different provider who is in line with the christian values you want to be a witness of. Your family joining a new network that is focused on GOD's values across the board, and does not except advertising from interest that conflict is very important. Pray hard, listen harder and go forward following the guidance of the only opinion that matters. No one is able to hide from the view and knowledge of the one and only GOD of creations who has made salvation available to all who will accept it through Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.

  146. I am so sad that TLC has made such a poor decision. I love the Duggars and feel like they are a part of our family. I think they were treated so unfairly in this whole situation and want them back on the air. My family loves you, stay strong, god will bless!

  147. My friends and I support your family

  148. I support the Duggars, please bring the show back!

  149. I looked forward to watching the show, love the family please bring it back

  150. Produce your own show and get more of the income for your ministries. Sure you have the savvy to do it. Issue through social media until your ongoing support gets the media houses on board!

  151. Bring back the Duggars. No one is perfect!

  152. I think the Dugger's show should be back on TV. The past is in the past and it does not help to bring up old news.

  153. Love the Duggar's. I want a TLC to bring back the whole family.

  154. I do miss 19 kids and counting I want it back on

    Ik mis de 19 kids and counting ik wil ze terug

  155. Bring the Duggar back.. We all miss them

  156. I support the effort to get back on TV. I have grown over the years to see your family as a part of mine. I love watching all the children grow up and go out on to their own. It is amazing. I love the fact that God is in every part of your alls lives. Kiss the babies and give everyone my love. Prayers and Love.

  157. It seems to me that the Duggers did everything they could to protect and benifit ALL of their children. I loved the show and their examples of wonderful parenting; the world needs good examples. Please put the show back on!

  158. I DO support the Duggars. However, I was unable to VOTE as I could NOT get the link to open. It was blocked. I, too, would like to see another Network pick up their program.

  159. Bring back the Dugger family we all miss them, and they stand for so much good that this world is missing!

  160. I support the Duggars. Whatever happened in the past is the past. Let's move forward. Love the Duggar Family and watched their show all the time.

  161. Plz put them back on the air,, it is not up to u ppl to judge them... That is Gods job.. TLC I have gotten so I don't watch ur channel ne more..Put them back on.

  162. I support as well and I have stopped watching TLC

  163. Yes! I would love to see the Duggars back on TV. They have minsterd to me through the show. They are true role models for faith, patience and kindness. Miss them terribly!

  164. TLC, what are you thinking? No one is perfect... Of all the shows you cancel that you show I don't get it! It's the one morally correct show you have! They (the Duggars) handled the situation a long time ago, all was forgiven. Put them back on!

  165. Bring back the Dugger family. TLC isn't the same since the show has been off the channel. We have all been forgiven for the sins/mistakes that we have made in the past. I have learned a lot about the way a Christian family lives and the family values that they bestow upon one another. What I don't understand is why does TLC air a show about a man being married to 4 or 5 wives at one time(sister wives) and another show about a teenage girl being transgender (now I am not against transgender people). Now in my opinion, those 2 shows are just plain STUPID. Bring back the Duggers and Honey BooBoo.

  166. Sharon Mitchell-FullartonJuly 26, 2015 at 3:52 AM

    I support the Duggars full heatedly. They have been a welcome guest in my home every week as I watch them faithfully. They are loved here in Canada too but there is no place on petition for Canadians to sign Please bring them back and remove some of the other junk you show.

  167. Bring back the Duggars TLC

  168. I. Think they should be back on love the family and the programme .

  169. Be Strong and Courageous.......the Duggars "can" do all things through Christ, Who "Strengthens" them.......God's Loving Hand of Protection ! ! !

  170. Please put 19 Kids and Counting back on the air. I really miss watching their show. It was one show that I could watch with my granddaughters and not worry that there would be something come on that they shouldn't see.

  171. I support the Duggars! I think it's ridiculous that TLC cancelled their show. Maybe their show could get picked up by another network? I'm really going to miss watching them. God bless! Sending live and hugs from Texas!

  172. My whole family used to watch the diggers - miss it now...

  173. I support the duggars all the way from United Kingdom

  174. Please bring back the Dugger family. It is a far better program than most of any other show TLC Airs. I love all the Duggers.

  175. Josh was 14 yrs - Its all in the past. Only God can judge him. Don't punish the rest of the family. We love the show. Bring it back on. They are a respectable family that believe in God. If God forgives then who are you to condemn?? Looking forward to TLC changing their decision soon and airing the show. WE LOVE THE DUGGARS - God Bless.

  176. I support the Duggars. I miss seeing your family on TLC. Thank you for the blog.

  177. i very much enjoyed the Duggard Family, I really miss them

  178. I want the show to continue. Nicole sigler

  179. I support the duggars love there show bring them back..:)

  180. I have watched the Duggars since 14Kids. I cannot believe that TLC would cancel a show over something that happened many years ago and had been handled. Maybe the parents made mistakes but who doesn't. make mistakes raising kids. I mean tlc cancels the Duggars and replaces it with I Am Jazz. That mother allowed a child to cross dress and pretend to be a girl from a toddler. Jazz does not come across as happy and is way too young to make such life changing decisions. I will not be watching tlc shows anymore.

  181. I SUPPORT The Duggar Family 100%. Ever since TLC dumped them, I have not watched since they dumped them. I know a dozen or more that boycotted the TLC channel!! The Duggars are the family and show to watch. They are clean, everything is true.
    Someone must of been jealous of them. SO they tried to ruin them. Well they didn't, The Duggars are very loving, caring, supportive to one another. They are DUGGAR STRONG!!!!
    I pray all the time, they get through it and fight back.
    I LOVE u all and MISS u all.
    I never missed a episode. I would watch them over and over again. It is a GREAT show.
    I send prayers your way.
    I LOVE THE BLOG!!!!!
    Thank you!!!!!

  182. I support the Duggars!
    Carie Williams
    Lewisville, Texas

  183. Duggars are a very good Christian family. I just hope and pray that another network will pick them UP. I just know it would send their ratings through the roof. Then TLC might see what they gave UP


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