
Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Share Your Story

How have the Duggars impacted your life? Email us your story at, and it might appear on the blog! We plan to post them during the two weeks surrounding Ellie's wedding (June 20th-July 1st). During that time, we won't be able to post live updates or moderate comments, but based on the emails we have already received from readers, we know these stories are going to be worth reading.
Duggar family at Yosemite, 2006
 The Duggars visit Michelle following Jordyn's birth, 2008

Duggar family, 2010


  1. Great Idea!! Thanks..when is she getting married??/

  2. I think the latest challenge with the Dugger family, should have been handled within the family and church.

  3. I have always been so inspired by Michelle and Jim Bob's patience . This family shows love, thoughtful Ness towards each other. Love how they have been home schooled and play instruments. They are so organized with the day to day chores.

  4. I have watched the show from the beginning and such a wholesome family I admire mom and dad for raising decent God fearing children I don't think the mistake that Josh made when a young boy should keep the show off the air.I think the one responsible for leaking his juvenile record should be sued.

  5. Just wondering why we didn't get any updates on Ellie? I was so hoping she would do a blog about herself.

  6. The Duggars have taught me the value of forgiveness. I watch them being attacked on all sides, but know their faith is in God will sustain them. And, somehow, they will find a way to forgive their attackers. I am not nearly there, but watching the Duggars shows me that I can forgive those who have wronged me dreadfully in the past, if I continue to pray and give the hurt to the Lord. God works all things for good - somehow he will use this awful hurt they are suffering, for good as well. I'm sending them my prayers and good wishes all throughout the day.

  7. What a neat idea!
    Best wishes with all that's going on for your wedding!

  8. Wow... Where to start??
    The Duggars are very special brothers and sisters in my heart.
    I really wish I would have known them and watched their life during my teenage years... I know I would have made smarter choices.
    They have helped me realize WE SHOULD STRIVE TO PLEASE GOD NOT OTHERS
    Their testimony with their ups and downs is so real and an example to follow.
    It's definitely because of them that I felt in my heart the need to dress more modest. I also decided to homeschool my son, I feel like it's the best decision for us.
    Michelle is so sweet and patient with her kids, I hope God can make me the best mom I can be to reach my kids hearts.
    The biggest prayer in my heart and before God is that He would bring my husband to repentance so together we could raise our kids to follow Him.
    I hold the Duggars in a very special place in my heart.Love the Duggars

  9. A mother's tone of voice... Thank you, Michelle for your testimony and transparency and example.

    Jim Bob's devotion to God and marriage and family

    The Duggar children, some of whom are or are going to soon be parents themselves, for their obedience and love for God and each other

    Josh, what a great young man you are, sir. May God bless and keep you through this test of character. Prayers for you, your wife and children. God will fight for you and He will win.


  10. Michelle made me rethink motherhood, my behavior, my walk with God and enriched them all, leading me to positive changes.

  11. Michelle made me rethink motherhood, my behavior, my walk with God and enriched them all, leading me to positive changes.

  12. The Duggar family has changed my life!! I feel closer to God when I watch their show, they remind me to put God first!! I laugh, cry and always have a better day after watching their show.. I'm grateful to Michelle and Jim Bob they have away of getting to your heart . I find myself treating my husband in a much more loving manner. My patients for my children has grown stronger by there example.. Josh and Anna are also a good example on how to raise kids.. I feel like their apart of my family.. since watching the Duggars from the beginning I would like to do missionary works.. I love each and every one of them.. Thank you for brightening my days with your show. God bless all of you!! Your a class act in a crazy world.. Praying to see you back on the air soon💞

  13. I enjoy watching the Duggars because it was a show I knew would not be offensive, and above all would show God in a good light. Also being away from my own family due to moving for a job, they were always fun to watch all the kids running around and it actually made me less homesick. I truly hope that TLC keeps the show, and things can get back to normal... I will so miss it when it is gone, because this should now show how God truly redeems us and forgives us of are wrong doing and that is what the show is really about. God Bless the Duggars, and I hope they know while the world has it's detractors there are those of us who understand that God is forgiving and he will turn this all around for good.

  14. I hope that the Duggars know how many people they have standing behind them during this difficult time... There's as many people praying for them and supporting them as there is against them. I LOVE this family and really admire them. They have impacted SO many lives and if it is God's will, their show will continue. When you're bringing praise and glory to Him, then there is always going to be hate shown towards you...that's the devil trying to stop you because he doesn't like God receiving praise and glory. But their show will continue if it's for the best... And I really hope it does!! Love you duggars!


    1. I believe there are truly thousands more for them (and praying) than those who are against them!

  15. Lily, Could you PLEASE post on how Josh & Anna are doing before June 20th. Thousands of supporters are praying for them and the whole family and I know we would appreciate an update.
    I hope that Anna is doing well with her pregnancy.
    Why is it taking so long for TLC to make a decision? Will they air the shows that were filmed prior to all of this?
    Thanks so much for keeping us posted, Lily and Ellie.
    Blessings to Ellie and Mr. Handsome

  16. I have always been a Christian but came to a place where I had four children but no direction in how to train them and felt I was lacking in several areas. I was also struggling with modesty after being convicted a year prior and didn't know what to do. I had always heard of he Duggars but one night they were on the television and I became intrigued with their discussion about how and why they do things the way they do. It was like the show was made for me in that moment. I because even more curious and began to record all the episodes and listening to their advice. After much thought and prayer I started to implement many of the things hey do in my own home. I was shocked at how at peace I felt and how much the children soaked in everything from dress, attentiveness, obedience, and so forth. I felt led to honeschool my children as well and am so excited for this journey. My husband was supportive and I am continuing to grow each day. I know God could have gotten to me anyway he could have but I know he used the Duggars to push me to the next level when I was feeling dry and lacking in my spiritual life. I am SO very thankful they have let us have a glimpse into their lives. They are truly a blessing to many, many families. I for one can say they helped us to see what God would have us to do in our family. Thanks Jim Bob and Michelle! You are truly an Godsend.

  17. what do u do if u dont have an email -grace

  18. the Duggars are such a great family they have taught me how to be more patient with others and that i need to be more spiritual and that i need a better walk with God!and i beleive the Duggars have taught me through their show to be closer with God.thank you so much!!!!!

  19. You have had such a positive impact on my life, everytime I watch your show I get a renewed sense of faith and love for the Lord. My story is when I was a 16 I had my 1st child little Ricky and he was such a sweetheart. Then I have 2 girls Isabella and Gabriella. Then the most horrible thing I've ever been through happens little Ricky was diagnosed with a brain stem tumor I was told he has 6 to 9 months to live. Sadly he passed away 7 month later. Since then I have had another baby girl Angelina. And now I left it in gods hand for 1 mouth about have anymore children for medical reasons. And not even 2 weeks later I got pregnant!! I am now 6 weeks with my 5th child 7th pregnancy I have also had 2 miscarriages :( . I do find your family very inspirational when my faith runs low your family always bring it back up. Thank you

  20. So sorry about all of the things your family is going through. I always enjoyed your show and hope it will return. Someone always trying to caus heart aches. Not only for you all but all over the world. Who am I too throw a stone? Or anyone?

  21. mizzterrid@yahoo.comJune 11, 2015 at 12:45 PM

    watching this family has literally changed my life! because we don't have cable in our home, i have not been able to watch the series, but the family has always intrigued me. about three months ago, i learned that i could order and watch the episodes on amazon. after the first episode, i was soooo hooked, that i ordered the next five. when the awful stuff about poor josh came up and all the bad publicity came about, my heart just broke for you all, including josh. i was afraid that i wouldn't get to see anymore episodes if i didn't get them all right away....afraid they'd be pulled. so i ordered all the way thru the 15 episode on amazon, and couldn't find any further episodes i also ordered both books michelle and jimbob wrote, and the one the girls wrote. and michelles tea cd, and the books that jimbob and michelle recommend for marriage and intimacy and love. my heart has changed so much watching you all. i so desire that servants heart, even tho i live in a family that doesn't feel the same way about Jesus. i have learned that i can still make a difference, and i am aiming to do that. again....i am so sorry for what you are going thru, but i always beleive that God has a plan to turn hard into good, and i know that you all get your strength from the best souce there is....and so you will be just find. please don't stop updating your blog....i've really come to love your family, and would love to continue to watch all the beautiful miracles in your lives!

  22. Ellie Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. Wishing you many,many blessings. Looking forward to some of your happy event photos.
    God Bless and all things good.
    Joan,Marilyn and Marion

  23. Love you all. You are a wonderful family. Take care. Blessings, blessing's to all.
    from Maggie

  24. just want to say that ellie is going to make such a beautiful bride, and i hope you will post some pictures here on the blog after you come back. congrats ellie & mr handsome (and to lily & mr lily too!)

  25. They have made me more aware of the dangers of and treatment for child molestation. Am even more grateful to have my parents

  26. They have made me realize that god is an importance in everyone's life

  27. Have you guys heard anything about the Duggars and what TLC is going to do? 😊

  28. Without sponsors, TLC can't continue to produce the show. So we can't blame TLC if they don't continue next season.

  29. This family has substantially increased my faith and made me realize that God is in all, good and bad, and always with me. I now pray more than I used to and remember to thank God for good times and ask for help in difficult times. I have loved getting to know the Duggar's and hope that they are around for quite some time on my TV on Tuesday nights. God Bless them and all of us.

  30. I started to watch 19 kids and counting because my special needs son loved to watch all the kids on TV. It was nice to watch a nice family on TV. I hope that we will get to see them again on Tv soon. My prayers will be with your family.


  32. The Dugger family has made me completely rethink how I function in life; especially the way that I treat others and how my husband and I raise our children. My young child was in a similar situation as Josh and his sisters and I can tell you from painful experience that calling authorities as the first action is WRONG. I believe they handled the situation in the best way and the right outcome was realized.

    I miss the Dugger' so much and hope that TLC will return the show!

  33. We are all praying for you the duggers. All your brothers and sisters in Christ. I'm also aching in my heart and in my soul for you guys. May God and these words comfort you and give you peace in this time of need. I pray a special prayer for your son Josh and his family that God give him strength and peace and know in his spirit that God loves him and that that's why he sent his son Jesus to die for us and in Jesus we have an advocate. If it's God's will for the show to continue, God has the last word. God Bless.

  34. Beth & Bobby PendergrassJune 12, 2015 at 6:04 PM

    Yes, we love the Duggars. We pray for them. We have watched them from the beginning. They would make good Seventh Day Adventist, their modest dress, love for God, a " Servants Heart",as They are taught. They don't eat pork, & youngest , even play instruments. It breaks my heart to see the media just "chew" them up over something that happened & resolved years ago. They must "walk thru this furnace of fire, but THAT FOURTH MAN is in the fire with them. Truth will triumph ! God bless them.

  35. Praying for Ellie and Mr. Handsome! We are praying your wedding will go smoothly and your marriage will be strong. We are looking forward to Baby Ellie or Baby Mr. Handsome! :-)

    We are grateful for this blog. Thank you so much! May the Lord bless you as you continue to be a blessing to so many of us. :-)

  36. I think Jessa and Ben
    are having a girl my prediction

  37. The help me to remember that raising my family the right way even though it is not easy to do , is the biggest ministry that I have.

  38. May God bless and keep the Duggars.

  39. @Kim I agree with you.

  40. The Duggar are a great family my prayers are with you. I feel like I know everyone of you. Everything is going be ok in name of GOD

  41. Thank you for the well wishes and prayers! We are blessed to have such wonderful readers. Check out my personal blog for updates:


  42. The episode that had the most impact on me would be when they had #20, because I had also lost a child around that many weeks. When I heard Michelle and Jim Bob say; "God give annd God takes away.". I knew that my child that I lost needed to name. I never new the gender, but the names do mean something to me. And just hearing what Jim Bob and Michelle said helped me get through the healing process of losing a child faster. Even though I do think of the child I lost once in awhile..

  43. My kids love the show. My girls are intrigued by beautiful girls who choose modest dress and purity. In a world with questionable role models, it is nice to have a show that can show my kids a different way to live. We are not as strict with our dress (we wear 1 piece swim suits, long shorts and pants). However, because of the show my girls are more conscious of modest dress and it is a hot topic when we shop. In addition my teenage son is curious about how relationships between girls are boys are handled. It has made the topic of purity easy to talk about. All of us have a past, whether we like it or not. I support all of the Duggars, including Josh and his family as they strive to live a life of faith. Bad choices do not necessarily make "bad" people. May God bless your family and I hope your show will continue to bless ours!

  44. Its one of the only shows I watch on tv. It is not only entertainment it is educational. America needs shows like this one to teach families how to live as modern day christians. It helps me to remember bible time with my kids, to speak softly, to choose my words carefully, and to share my heart. It is now teaching forgiveness and showing God can forgive all things when one truely repents. A lesson many families could benefit from. They are a good example of how to live in real life and true challenges.

  45. I just enjoy watching the Duggars, not because they are perfect. They simply do their best to live according to Christian principles and it is refreshing and reassuring to see. It makes me feel better. The horrible reaction to what Josh did in his teen years is an extreme over-reaction, and would not be happening if they had not become politically active. The powers that be in American society are threatened by Christianity. I hope we get to see the Duggars for many years to come if not in new episodes at least in re-runs.

  46. did Anna have her baby, will you let us know, i hope there all doing well.

  47. This family amazes me, they have impacted me by the way they focus on God and respect, I am so saddened by their victimization which came from supposed Christian I hope TLC does bring them back, their show made me happy for the following week, and catching up with the older repeats kept me going all week, I do miss the shows.

    Joan Padilla

  48. Thank you for being an encouragement when all other shows are about disgusting, violent and pure disgrace to my beliefs. I have admired your family for showing the ups and downs and the fact that life can change minute by minute. I pray for you guys and hope your family all realizes that others have many skeletons in their closet and they should feel blessed that God felt your family strong enough to show grace, forgiveness and faith, wonder how they would have handled! Your show has made me laugh, cry, think, pray and hope. Thank you and I pray I CAN CONTINUE TO SEE ALL OF YOU AGAIN.

  49. I have been hooked on the show since the first episode I saw and you were making your own soap. Thank you for not having catfights, drunken scenes, and half naked people in compromising positions. Thank you for not being perfect but normal. Yes, that's right I said normal. Having a large family doesn't make you abnormal. It just makes you normal in a big way.

  50. Watching their life has blessed me and encouraged me as a person, a child of God and as a mother and wife. I haven't come from a Christian family so it has blessed me to have that Godly example to see that there is a different way, God's way. I've learnt about being frugal also, buy used and save the difference, the importance of modesty and purity and what that looks like day to day.
    Even in their sorrow I've seen how God is glorified, 'blessed be the name of the Lord'.
    In this present injustice I pray that justice will prevail. They know that God will work it out for good. God is bigger than the crazy, cruelness of the media and hateful public.
    I too was molested at a young age but had no one come to me and ask forgiveness and be sorry for their wrong doing. I saw in their present sadness that my heart can forgive if forgiveness was asked for. Without this horrible media event I may not have had the opportunity to see my heart change. You see God uses it for good. God bless you Duggar family.

  51. Since I've been watching the Duggars, and I do so with my now 13 year old son, we have both been impacted especially when it comes to dating vs no dating. I think it opened my eyes to other ways of parenting, and my son, at this point in his life, is very open to putting off dating. We discuss the pitfalls, not only the one that I fell into, but the ones that are very easy to fall into.
    I now homeschool and am grateful for the opportunity.
    Michelle has definitely exemplified what patience looks like in practice. I'm a better mom because of watching her.
    I'm so sad at all they are going through. If my teen mistakes came out now, although I am grown, a Christian, mature and I'm no longer that teenager, I would be horrified. I know each and every person who has been blabbing this on TV and in the news probably has at least one thing they're very ashamed of from those years. God will take the ashes from this too and make it beautiful♡
    My prayers are with each and everyone of you. I thank you for the fine example of a Christian family that you have allowed us to watch on TV. I'm well aware that this is your life and not a TV show.

  52. I am 23 yrs old and literally have grown up with the duggars... I have been watching since the beginning and it all started with curiosity of how a big family functions... Now I watch them with love and care about each one, as they go through struggles and their milestone in life. I don't have a big family but have always wanted one and watching them makes me feel like apart of their family.. I also have kids and they remind me of how one has to be patient and most loving to your kids eventhough its hard... well to sum it all up duggars we love your and please don't let other peoples comments affect how you see your fans...

  53. @lunworks
    Actually I have been a longstanding fan with my family for years. Ok so now I have an opinion, I politely post it...then for doing that you attack and insult me. Well good luck and God bless you

  54. The Duggers are one of the few reality shows I am willing to watch on television. They are an inspiration to every one and show that when a family follows the instructions of God, they can weather the storm and come through at the other end. There is light at the end of the tunnel. I continue to pray for the whole family and I know that even if TLC does not continue with their show He has a plan for them. Just continue to pray and follow God's instructions and you may find that He has an even better plan than that show and you will have complete peace.

  55. The Duggar family is an inspiration to people around the world. Even more so now. Hang in there Duggars!! Looking forward to seeing ALL the Duggars on TLC.

  56. I love the duggars so much! They have impacted my life as well as my family in such a positive way! 19 kids and counting is my favorite show! Im hoping tlc brings it back soon! Praying for the duggar family! Thank you all so much for being an encouragement !


Thanks for leaving your comments! We answer as many of your questions as we can, but due to the number of comments we receive daily, we are unable to answer every one. Our aim is to post all points of view, but we do not post anything that is profane, insulting, derogatory, or in poor taste.