
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Jinger Duggar's Testimony

Ben Seewald has a passion for sharing the Gospel. In the following video, he prompts his sister-in-law Jinger to tell the story of how she became a Christian.


  1. Beautiful! Well stated.

  2. This video is awesome!
    In revelation 12 we read :

    11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

  3. Wonderful job, Ben and Jinger! Thank you for sharing your testimony, Jinger, and for both of you sharing such a clear explanation of the gospel message. Ben, you could be an excellent pastor. Because of your age I think you would be a great influence for many young people! Keep up the good work for winning souls for Christ! Blessings to you!

  4. Ben & Jinger that was awesome. Ben you need to be a pastor in your own church. Love Love Love.

  5. Praise God for His great gift of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ. We can be forgiven and have the promise of heaven.

  6. Awesome Jinger!!
    I wish the Duggars listened to Christian music. There is a song Amazing Love by Newsboys that I feel would really encourage Josh and all the Duggars right now. It is a beautiful song. Praise the Lord for forgiveness.

  7. A great explanation of the Gospel on this Sunday morning. Good for them!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this! I am inspired by her testimony!
    God bless you Jinger!

  9. Thank you Jinger for sharing your story. Praise God for Ben's Gospel heart! He has definately received a spiritual gift for evangelism. May God bless him and all the Duggars as they stand firm in their faith and convictions. I pray that all would come to a place of forgiveness for their current situation. The world is trying to portray Josh as an adult child molester - he is not - you can see he lives a life of true repentance and walks with our heavenly Father. May God carry him and Anna through this time and strengthen them in their marriage. I do wish we could get an update on how they are and how the pregnancy is coming. We are praying for them, In Christ

  10. Great job of sharing your testimony, Jinger! Ben and Jinger both did a fantastic job sharing the gospel and explaining the use of Christian tracts as a witnessing tool. I will be looking for those cell phone tracts for my teenage daughters to pass out to our community. What a blessing you are in the manner in which you carry yourselves in speech, conduct and dress. It is refreshing to see young people who have a genuine love and respect for the Lord Jesus Christ. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Susanne from GermanyJune 14, 2015 at 3:06 PM

    What a beautiful testimony of God's grace. Thanks for sharing. It is such a joy to see young people who love the Lord and are dedicated to sharing the gospel.

  12. That was a wonderful testimony. Thank you for sharing

  13. Very interesting video from Jinger and Ben.
    Joan,Marion and Marilyn

  14. You are a family! As most families go there are issues but you continue to amaze me at your faith! I pray for you every day and just know that you make a difference in so many lives, please keep it up! God Bless you all!

  15. It's sad that the Duggar girls are always wearing so much dark and heavy makeup these days. They would be much prettier without it.

  16. I really appreciate the strength of their testimonies and their very sincere desire to share the gospel.

  17. I really love hearing your testimony and your desire to share the gospel. Please do more videos very soon. I enjoyed this one very much!

  18. I am in awe of your faith! I am continually amazed how the Holy Spirit works through His people!

  19. That was great! I sure do miss all of you!

  20. The thing that bothers me most is that juvenile records are suppose to be locked. Someone really profited from a young boys mistakes and now it's come back to haunt an entire family. This is something that the family dealt with years ago. I pray they catch the heartless, selfish person who profited from this boy's mistakes. God bless and bring peace to all of the Duggar childre, especially Josh and his sister's.

  21. Jinger, please find your own life and passion. You are amazing and deserve God's beautiful blessings.

  22. I'm so happy to see Jinger, I've missed her terribly, she has always been on of my favorites. I'm so thrilled to see her looking happy, healthy and pretty. Stay strong sweet Jinger. Thank you to both Ben and Jinger for sharing their faith with us. They are truly inspiring young people.

  23. I love when Christians share Christ with strangers with or without tracts. I miss seeing the show so much. I know there is a saying "I would rather see a sermon than hear one any day" and by watching your show I was seeing a family living out their lives as Christians. Your show was the only way that some people had to feel a part of a loving Christian home. I appreciate this family so much. Please include my family in your prayers we are having so many problems. Thank you so much. Brenda L.

  24. It is so much bigger and deeper than this. Christ is the answer. Christ is everything. But it can't be summed up on a 3x5 tract. People often feel harassed and insulted by these cheap "3 steps to salvation" things. Please understand, I am not putting down Christianity. I am just suggesting that Christianity might be something much grander and more majestic than this. Forgive my boldness. I don't claim to be any better than anyone else, and I admire you all greatly for your courage to live "in and not of the world." I have nothing bad to say about the Duggar family. Only wondrous things I wish the world to know about Jesus.

    "In Christianity truth is not a philosophical concept, nor is it a theory, a teaching, or a system, but rather, it is the living theanthropic hypostasis - the historical Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Before Christ men could only conjecture about the Truth since they did not possess it. With Christ as the incarnate divine Logos, the eternally complete divine Truth enters into the world. For this reason the Gospel says: "Truth came by Jesus Christ" (John 1:17). - St. Justin Popovich, Orthodox Faith and Life in Christ

  25. I am of a different religion than the Duggar Family and so some of what they are saying is a wee bit foreign to me, but I know a good family when I see one. I love this family and I hope that they can heal from this trial they are going through. I wish that someone would get to the bottom of why the juvenile records were released.

  26. Thank you for being unashamed. I have recently been challenged to live my life the same around believers and unbelievers alike. I love to share and encourage those who know Christ. May I be unashamed to speak of my Savior before unbelievers as well. We have used the tracts from Living Waters with great success. They are a wonderful way to open Gospel conversations.
    Kim, Ohio

  27. I love you guys. I have watched your show for years. I hate how people have been toward you lately. Please know that everyone doesn't feel that way about you. Michelle, I have taken some of the ideas that I have seen on you show and applied them to my family. I try to make sure to praise my children and point out the positive more than the negative. Jess, I think you are such a beautiful young woman. I love that you aren't afraid to say how you feel. I found out a few weeks ago that I am going to have a baby. I just want you guys to know that we support you. My views have not changed.

  28. this is awesome Ben & Jinger! Wish all ur family all the best always!

  29. Police reports are not locked though, only court records.


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