
Thursday, June 4, 2015

Josh's Victims Speak Out

Yesterday evening, Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly sat down with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar during The Kelly File to discuss the painful situation the Duggars walked through more than 12 years ago. (Click here to watch video clips from the interview.)

Tomorrow at 9pm ET/8pm CT on The Kelly File, hear from Jill Duggar Dillard and Jessa Duggar Seewald, two of Josh's victims. "They don't have a right to do this," says Jill in the clip below, her eyes wet with tears. "We're victims. They can't do this to us."


  1. Leave these girls alone they don't deserve to have to relive what happened. Your just causing them grief they should not have to go through. Plus this kind of thing should not be on primetime cable television. leave them be to deal with wha they need to deal with

  2. why don't they let this rest, it happens in many families and the dugger are good people. Josh is very sorry for this so I think hes paid his dues. Please bring the show back on.

  3. My concern is how is Anna doing? She didnt know this before she married Josh.My prayers are with them. Next how is Jessa doing? all this stress is not good for the child she carries.What are the feelings. of Derick and Ben. Please know as a mother and Grandmother my prayers are with you all.May God bless your family.the depths of this betrayal on this family is far reaching.I want the Attorney and City Manager have broken the trust and the oath that they took to protect all in their jurisdiction.They should be fired NOW and loose all and any pay or retirement funds.


    1. Anna has stated she knew this well before she and Josh were engaged

    2. Yes she did know it. The Duggars sat down with Anna and her parents before they were married and told them. Anna said that in her statement b

    3. Anna did know before she even started courting Josh. Josh told her and her parents.

    4. she did know this before they were married. Josh had disclosed it to her and her parents before he proposed.

    5. Anna did know what happened. Josh told Anna before he purpose. Anna family knows too

    6. Yes Ben, Anna did know about this before they got engaged. (I'm not sure, but I think even before they courted). Josh was completely up front with her family. It has been discussed by Anna.

    7. Anna new about this for 2 years before she and Josh started courting. He confessed to her and her parents at the same time.

    8. Anna did know before they were married , she has already released a statement saying josh had told her and her parents while they were courting

    9. Anna already commented about this saying when her and Josh first started getting to know each other he say down with her and her parents and told them about it.

    10. On one interview Anna commented that Josh let her know what had happened before they got married. And she was humbled by his humility to come foward with the truth. But I too wonder how she is handling this with a daughter and one on the way. Strength and prayer going out to the entire Duggar family

    11. She did know. She and her parents were all told before they were married.

    12. I'm pretty sure Anna and her parents were told before engagment

    13. I read d that Josh wife knew all about this....before they married.

    14. Anna was fully aware of Josh's actions before they were married.

    15. Yes she even said she knew that Josh had admitted all this to her and her father before they married.

    16. Anna was fully aware of Josh's actions prior to them getting married.

    17. Anna did know about it. He told her long before they got married. She said so.

    18. Yes she did...Josh tokd her and her parents 2 yrs before ge proposed

    19. According to reports Josh actually tild Anna before they were married what had happened.

    20. actually Anna did state that she knew when he told her before they started courting

    21. Ben, Anna stated tht she was told before she married Josh... Two years before..

    22. She did. He told her and her parents two years before they married.

    23. Anna did know about this before they married. He confessed to her when they were courting.

    24. Actually Anna did know this before they got married.

    25. Anna did know what happened before they got married. In the statement she released she said Josh told her when they first started courting because he wanted to be open and honest with her up front.

    26. Yes, Anna did know. Read some earlier interviews, she said she accepted that his past was his past.

    27. Actually, he did tell her while they were dating. I believe he told her folks too. He was honest about his past with them.

    28. Anna and her family did know about what Josh had done before she married him.

    29. Not to be rude, but she did know. Josh told her and her parents 2 yrs before they were even courting.

    30. Anna did know she released a statement saying the family sat down with hers and told them about it in the beginning

    31. Josh, and his parents, told Anna, and ber parents, before he even began courting Anna. They did not hide anything. In so doing, they established accountability.

    32. Apparently Anna did know before they were married. And her parents knew also.

    33. Actually Joshua told Anna and her family before he asked for her hand in marriage.

    34. Anna knew, Josh told her before he began his courtship with her.

    35. She actually did know. She released a statement that Josh confessed it all to her and her parents 2 years before even proposing, so that they would know.

  4. I have followed the Duggar family from the very beginning with admiration and my heart aches for them because of the harsh and cruel and judgmental comments of others. I know they will survive this awful time because of their strength as a good Christian family. I think that although I will miss terrible the program, I feel in my heart of hearts that the Lord is urging them through this time to walk away from the slings and arrows of those who are filled with selfrighteous indignation. My favorite bumper sticker was one that said, "Christians aren't perfect, they are simply forgiven." My prayers to the Duggar family, and God Bless! Carolyn Farrell from Williamstown, NJ.

  5. Stay strong girls!

  6. Stay strong. God has you in His embrace. I'm lifting your whole family up in prayer. The enemy is attacking, but he won't prevail.

  7. Bless those girls, their families and their big blessed family! I support the Duggars!!

  8. Don't you all think it's time to leave to leave this family alone? They are a precious family who opened their home to us all so we could see how to treat our children and each other. There are skeleton's in everyone of our closet's so MYOB and let them deal with this how ever they see fit. They are precious in God's sight. Duggar family if you see jus know that most of your viewers LOVE you very much!
    Donna McDougall

  9. Whoever released these records and those that put it out there, did NOT care about the victims, the family and especially not Josh! They only cared about their agenda of using something that happened a dozen years ago to try and taint a family that is living a Godly life and standing for Biblical values. I feel for everyone involved and how they are being viciously attacked - makes me sick!! Praying and will continue to pray for the family.

  10. I am so grateful that you gave this family a chance to tell their story. Keep up the good work.

  11. Doesn't matter what I think. It's a terrible shame that someone didn't care who got hurt. These are really nice girls. We all have things that happen a long time ago. It's no ones business. If we can't forgive, what good are we.

  12. Girls remember God has your back. Josh is your brother and you have forgiven him. Families have their secret times that bring them no pride. People who hate what Christians stand for love to stir things up. God has their names.

  13. as a victim of molestation myself. Bringing all this out only hurts the victims more. As long as the perpetrator asks for forgiveness. And the victims forgive, that's what matters. We all answer to God. Not to those that think they have the right to judge

    1. I am a victim of assault, too, and this story has been a major trigger for me because I know what it is like to be told what was the "right" way to feel (angry), the "right" way to act (seek vengeance through the criminal justice system), and that my choices that weren't "right" weren't really my choices. I know what it's like when people don't actually care about you- just the idea of you and some vague sense of justice. I also have the horror of knowing what it is like to seek peace through legal justice and how woefully inadequate that is for healing the soul (as is happening to a friend who did things the "right" way.) So much presumption and hatred. Disagree with the Duggars all you want... but don't presume to speak for the victims and what can or can't heal a wound!

  14. so sorry for all of you. my love to you all

  15. You two stood tall! If your name was Kardashian it wouldn't be a big deal. Keep on praying!

  16. So sorry, I pray that God will protect you through all of this. As a child of incest it took me a long time to understand, forgive, and move on. If by any chance this information was release about my family it would destroy us. I for the life of me, can not understand how the media can not understand this.

  17. Love love love you all! I sure hope the police who allowed this to be released are dealt with. Disgusting! They were all children. I have been praying and praying for all of you and know God will use this for good!

  18. Every time someone speaks negatively about this family, these girls are abused all over again. If you actually cared, you would stop.

  19. Let's victimize the victims. The most important thing is, they have forgiven him and all got counselling. Let them be.

  20. Shannon HollingworthJune 4, 2015 at 9:58 PM

    Praying for all the girls and family and all the ladies that are married and have little children of there own.

  21. Many of us are waiting to hear when the sheriff and the city attorney will be held accountable for breaking the law. Also, it should be made public knowledge how much they were paid by In Touch magazine for this unspeakable act~as public as what they did by illegally releasing sealed juvenile records~and what became of that money. They are beneath contempt for their part in this.

  22. Anna did know. According to the original story josh told her and her parents 2 years before they ever got engaged.

  23. @Anonymous
    Anna did know about it, before they started courting. It's in the blog....please look for it and read it.

    At what point does this become gossip? We are to give others the gifts Jesus first gave us, grace, forgiveness, understanding and love.

    We are all forgiven, including Josh. Washed clean by the blood of Jesus.

    Dear Heavenly Father, Please comfort this family and give them strength and understanding. Amen.

  24. Josie is going to be beautiful like the rest of the girls. She is beginning to look just like big sister Joy. I am praying for the family and the situation at hand. I honestly think that the reason some of the public is going crazy with all this is because toward the end of the season, Jim Bob seemed to have gone a little overboard with the older girls in courtships, and their partners. I really felt sorry for them, the way he put them through some of his lessons. I wondered at the time if he was gonna do the same with his sons? I will keep praying . May God Bless you all!

  25. My prayers are with you...God has His Arms wrapped around you. We all , who have watched you for so long, love you all and especially those of us who are Christians understand...those who profess to be Christians and are judging you, well, maybe they should get on their knees. God bless you, sweet girls. Hang in there. I can't say I understand completely, but like you, am a victim and something like this would destroy my family as well...Hang on...No matter what happens with the show, we will remember you and continue to pray for you. God bless you..

  26. @Anonymous

    As was mentioned in a statement from Anna, she did know about this a couple years before he proposed.

  27. Praying for you all <3 Romans 14:4

  28. @Anonymous

    Anna was aware of all this BEFORE she married Josh. All reports so far (Including a statement from Ann herself) state that Josh told her when they started dating about all of this.

  29. @Anonymous

    Anna released a statement after this first hit the news explaining that he HAD confessed to her and to her parents 2 years before he proposed.

  30. Why can't people just leave it alone.I agree with Christine Lauzon.

  31. Know that you are all loved by millions and that by the way you live your lives, you make this sometimes cruel world a far better place. God will bless you and heal you. Praying for you all!

  32. My heart just breaks for your family! What's past, is past. You all need to hold your head up high and walk on. Including Josh! This was all done & taken care of 12yrs ago. ITS OVER!! Walk tall and proud, Duggar family. You have a lot of support behind you!
    Anyone else reading this.... I hope you've written TLC about keeping 19 Kids and Counting on TV!
    Love and prayers to your family,
    Doris Fontana, Brandon, FL

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. It is horrible when Jim Bob and Michelle try and do the right thing, people with their own agenda feel they can verbally attack them. They twist their words around to suit their needs. These people don't want to know that Josh repented, confessed his sins and received forgiveness. They don't want to know how they are re victimizing the girls. They don't want to know how this will effect the other children. I want to give as much encouragement to this family as I can. My continued prayers are with you.

  35. Sending up prayers for this family. I feel this is more about religion than wrong doings. The media is trying to find ways to point fingers about the Duggar family being hypocritical more so than the actual act at hand which was inexcusable but not unforgivable...but thanks be to God that we have a forgiving savior who loves us no matter what we have done and we dont have to worry about forgiveness from man but only from the Lord above.

  36. How much did that person get paid for giving this confidential info to the tabloids.
    Wrong, wrong, wrong.

  37. Leave these people alone. They are a godly family. The parents are doing a tremendous job in raising their children. They exhibit Christian values. Leave the victims alone. The reason I watched the program was due to the way they honoured Jesus. They were not afraid to let the world know what they believed. Our family are praying that ... what the devil means for evil, God will turn around for good .... in all their lives. Josh has repented, forsaken sin, and is a God fearing husband, and father. Whoever released information needs to be brought to justice ...and leave the Duggar family alone.

  38. This breaks my heart. We love your family so much. There are lots of us standing beside you, lifting you up in prayer. Man meant this for evil, but God will use it for good. Praying you feel our Savior's love for you and are filled with confidence that He is in control. You are greatly loved.

  39. I am praying for you! God bless.

  40. My heart aches for this family. The are precious! Jesus has already forgiven them. I wish them all the best. I know God has a plan and a future for them and It is not to destroy them!

  41. my heart goes out to all of y'all. No one is perfect but JESUS and HE paid the price on the cross for each and everyone of us and we have been forgiven yesterday, today and tomorrow. GOD's word is about LOVE and FORGIVENESS not hatred and resentment. When an old wound is reopened it is worse than the original please stop victimizing this precious GODLY family. i'm praying for y'all and for those who did this horrific and hateful thing against this family.

  42. What amazing parents Jim Bob and Michelle are for being the kind of parents that Josh wasn't afraid to open up to. It is amazingly admirable. My heart breaks for Jill who just had a baby to have to go through this. The world is incredibly cruel and it is just frightening how people of faith are under attack. It just amazes me how level headed the two of you were through that ordeal; to me i think you did an amazing job and should be commended; though i'm sure you never wanted it in public. G-d knows though......I hope this dies down soon so you and your family can live in peace.

  43. @AnonymousIt is my understand that Anna and her parents knew even before they started courting. But I feel for her too. It must be very difficult for them all. I have been praying and will continue.

  44. I pray for this families, it sounds like the girls of forgiven their brother let them all along

  45. Anna has stated that Josh told both her & her family two yrs before they were married.
    I'm sure she is having a very difficult time.....

  46. OMG! he was 14 yrs old... that don't mean he will do it now! he was just a baby him self. leave it alone people...

  47. Prayers for you all! Just remember that as God helped you through it the first time, He is sure to bring you through it again. Sad that you are having to go through it again, but there IS a master plan. Even if you can't see it right now, God is there for you. Sweet, sweet girls! Love from Michigan.

  48. Stay strong! Praying for you all. I've walked in a victims shoes. I forgave, but I hate when people bring it up. These young ladies have been drug through the ringer, as had ask of the family. Love , support, and prayers from Texas.

  49. I really do understand Jill crying bc I would too but I don't understand why they are so shocked and devastated. They knew by putting themselves in the lime light that stuff like this happens and they clearly said themselves that they knew the show wouldn't last and they wer just using however much time the Lord allowed to shine for him. And then the first news they hear about the show canceling they say, It's just not right... I do feel sorry for them but maybe God's got other plans for them now.

  50. I'm praying for everyone involved. Josh, Jill, and Jessa, stay strong in your faith and cling to God through all of this. Stick together! Still hoping to see the show back on!

  51. How did this get out when it was protected by the juvenile system.
    This whole interview had me in tears leave the poor duggers alone.
    Thank you Megan Kelly for givung the duggars a voice to share what actually happened.

    I love you all

  52. @Anonymous

    Anna actually came out right away and said that she did know about this before they were even engaged, her parents did as well.

  53. I heard he came clean before marrying Anna, has anyone else heard this? This family needs to be left alone!! this is FAMILY BUSINESS, not anyone else's!!

  54. Anna made a statement to "People" saying Josh told her and her parents before asking to court her.

  55. Jill and Jessa the system failed yal so terribly...... i too am a survivor and i know your pain... i pray for all the victims, but you two are steong women with new families....leave the ignorance behind and continue to grow....

    I believe the Deputy Sheriff should be terminated lose her retirement benefits and be charged in this situation...she was criminal in her actions and she should be held to higher standards with sensitive information and an ego so large she never gave the victims feelungs a second thought and for that she should be sued.. if she were in the medical field she would be charged with a HIPPA violation and malpractice.

    I pray for each of Josh's victims and hope the Josh we have grown to know is a changed person

    Good luck

  56. @Anonymous

    Anna and her parents know did know he did that

  57. Josh has asked for forgiveness and this family Ned's to be returned to tv. If TLC and their advertisers do not ant to support the show I hope and pray another channel will pick up he show. I am praying for this family and I know God will turn around whT the devil means for harm. Keep your eyes upon the Lorx I am praying for you you are like the family I dont have. I have a lot of respect for your morals and I Talk with my grandchildren about the morals and the courting and all because he loves the Lord and I meant him to see he can be different fro this crazy world

  58. Our prayers are with the Duggar Family. One child's mistake should not cause all of this public punishment to the entire family, 12 years later. It is a PAST private matter. The Duggars will prevail- bring their show back. They are being targeted for sensationalism and tabloid purposes. Sad and unfair!!!

  59. @Anonymous

    Anna has said that Josh confessed everything to her even before they got engaged.

  60. I want them back on TV. Period.

  61. Whoever broke the law releasing these confidential records needs to be exposed and prosecuted for breaking the law. Could they also be sued in civil court?

  62. The bigger question is what is going to happen to the people who illegally obtained the documents and sold them. Josh was a minor at the time and the records were sealed. It is illegal to make them public. This has affected every member of the family in a very adverse way. Josh has lost his job, his home and his reputation. What if he has changed his life around, someone now has damaged him for no reason. I am sending prayers to all of you.

  63. I feel sorry for the victims but not Josh. I believe in forgiving but not forgetting.

  64. God bless you Jessa and Jill. So brave. I have a lot of respect for you. Take care of yourselves at this time when you are growing a baby and feeding a baby. Take care, God bless you and keep you.

  65. Anna did know, she chosen to marry Josh any way

  66. Leave these girls alone. Stay strong girls.

  67. This is just insane to make such a big deal about what Josh did over a decade ago. He and his family have made their peace with it, and most importantly with God. These poor girls should never have been dragged through the media like this. Wake up America and realize that sexual abuse and incest occurs in houses across the country. If the Duggars have made peace with it how can we not I ask? Put the show back on and let these morons go back under their rock! Duggar Supporter All The Way!!

  68. The law made to seal juevenile records was set for the purpose of protecting them. We cannot allow the person that exposed these records to go unprosecuted!!! I am sure there are many people whether adults or children today that are concerned that this could happen to them. This is not a time for media frenzy to pass judgement on the family. They are "all" victims now-as this becomes a part of their legacy. Very sad for humankind!! Please respect their right "obligation" not to have disclosed such a personal tragedy. In fact admire their strength to push forward. And root to prosecute the criminal that exposed the sealed juevenile records. They broke the law and have terrorized a beautiful family. Also they have threatened many others if they are not held accountable.

  69. I love you all Duggar family, thank you for sharing your family and your beliefs with the world. I pray that God would protect your hearts form all the very wrong and hurtful things people say. We are all sinners saved by grace. Your love for the Lord continues to show through your lives. No matter what trials you go through God is always there and you faith only gets stronger.

  70. We love you Duggars...our precious brothers and sisters in Christ. Our hearts are aching for you, just remember we are praying for are not alone in this battle. Jesus is in the process of binding up those wounds.

    I apologize for venting, just need to say, I am SO disgusted with all the media...but I'm especially disgusted with "Dr" Keith Ablow and all of The Five on Fox news!!! Evil words that should get them fired off of that network.

    Jesus is going to make this up to you, for all the persecution you are suffering in His name. Joyce Meyer's puts it this way: God gives you double for your trouble. It's obvious the wickedness in high places are going after this sweet and precious family because they love and honor our Lord Jesus Christ and lift up His name every chance they get. God has His strong arms of love around you, Duggar family. Praying His angels surround you all.
    In Jesus love,
    "He Will Come And Save You" Bob Fitts

  71. this is none of anyone's business it happened a long time ago. leave the girls alone. I wish we had never heard about it. than we would of just kept watching the show. hope you are put back on television soon.

  72. You guys will be in my prayers!

  73. Here are Jana, Jill, Jessa, and Jinger on the 700 club, not that long ago. A testament to the loving caring parenting they have in Jim Bob and Michelle. And it completely refutes what Dr. Keith Ablow said about the Duggars on Fox and Friends. grrrr.

  74. @Kathy I agree bringing the Duggars back. This has been blown out of portion. Poor girls.

  75. @Anonymous I completely agree with this comment. I do not understand why the tabloids are acting like this is so rare. Growing up i knew at least nine victims out of every ten girls i knew. These girls are not alone and should not be put on the news. They have forgiven and i think he acted out more in curiousity more then anything. This is pretty normal for most boys and I am not saying this is right but i know that he is not the only boy out there that has done something like this and regretted it. Forgiveness to all and leave this topic alone and let the family be the great god loving family that they are... Just goes to show they are as normal as the rest of us

  76. They need to stop victimizing the girls. As a rape survivor myself I know how it feels to be victimized by this type of situation. Call them a survivor over a victim

  77. I think of the book of Job where God allowed Satan to put Job through a terrible test and Job was totally faithful. He was rewarded by being blessed seven times more than before. God will bless you too, more than you can imagine! We will miss you terribly if you are not returned to TV but the respect and love for the whole family will remain! Love you all!

  78. It was the Springdale, AR Chief of Police, Kathy O'Kelley, that unsealed the records and turned them over to a trash publication "In Touch". She apparently has a vendetta against the Duggar family and may have had financial gain from doing so.

  79. As a victim of sexual abuse (two offenders multiple times, I was age 5 and 11 ) we brought this to the police, nothing was ever done and I was teased incessantly because of it. If my offenders would have come to me, admitted their wrong doing, offered me councilling and changed the way Josh has, my life would be much MUCH better. Instead I have had to forgive, move on and deal with this for many years. People have watched the duggars for years trying to dig up something to discredit them! Well congrats they found something, and to be honest they don't care about the victoms if they did they would leave this poor family alone snd recognize this has brought more hurt than good. Meeting the Duggars has been a dream of mine for years and now more so than ever before. This just made them even more credible in my mind because honestly they have been huge examples of what it means to forgive. Hang in there Duggars because "He is faithful and just and He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness" you are loved, never forget that
    Love sarah martens (a mom from Manitoba/ Canada)

  80. I think these people who opened sealed records should b prosicuted to the fullest extent of the law. What happened was a long time ago, it needs to be left back there where it belongs, bring it out 15 years later. The Duggars R a beautiful christian family & should b e left alone, they already have taken care to stop the problem in it's tracts what more can be done except to ruin all their lives FOREVER. SHAM on the people who started this, THEY WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD WHO IS IN HEAVEN..................

  81. I'm afraid in the END the Duggars may have some difficult questions to answer.

  82. @AnonymousWell, if this is true, then she needs to be dealt with according to the law. The Duggars should sue her for all the unwanted publicity, and ruining these girls' lives. Think of the future of the unmarried girls. Think about the young men that may look at them as "tainted" now, because of this. This Police Chief needs to apologize and made to pay restitution, in my opinion. Not only to the entire Duggar family, but to TLC also. And by the way, TLC needs to put the show back on TV!


  83. I think the Duggars have been mistreated and I think Josh learned from his mistakes he has grown up and he was a child when it happened. I don't think the media has any right to go after the Duggars or the victims they have lived with the sorrow of what has happened in the past and they should never have release the documents they are suppose to be sealed and not PUBLIC RECORDS it just brings it all out again for the girls I miss your show and they should put it back on TLC or another network!!!

  84. It hurts me deeply knowing what happened to those poor girls, and of course this coming out has only hurt them more. However, it is common knowledge that tabloids only consider what news will make them the most money, not what is best for individuals. Jim Bob and Michelle should have realized that any skeletons in their closet would eventually come out into the open if they let themselves become public figures. Ultimately, then, the re-victimization of their daughters should be no surprise and they (the parents) are just as much to blame. They knew this information going into production of 19 kids and counting and, being intelligent people, had to know what would happen if it got out. With great power and influence comes great responsibility.

  85. @Anonymous

    Anna made a statement when it all first came out saying that he told her what had happened while they were still courting, she accepted him warts and all, true love and commitment. B x

  86. If the girls can forgive him, then the rest of us should be able to as well. Prayers to the Duggar family.


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