
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

Hope all the mamas out there had a blessed day.This was Michelle Duggar's 28th Mother's Day, Anna Duggar's sixth, and Jill Dillard's first. Jessa Seewald is pregnant, so it was a special day for her, as well.

Today was also Israel's baby dedication. Jill and Derick went up on stage this morning at church and made a commitment in front of the congregation to raise Israel to love God.

 Michelle Duggar and grandson Israel Dillard

 Anna Duggar (expecting baby #4 in July)

Jill and Derick Dillard at Israel's dedication

Photos: Courtesy


  1. Actually, it was Jessa's first Mother's Day as well. If you believe that life begins at conception, then she is already a mother because she has a baby living inside of her. Even if someone's baby dies before he or she is born, the woman carrying him or her is just as much of a mother as the women who carry their babies in their arms.

    1. Thank you so much for writing that. So many of us are over looked because we carry our babies in our hearts. I also believe life begins at conception. Thank you again.

  2. Sweet family! Love to watch the show and get to know more about this wonderful family. God bless!

  3. I prayed for 25 years 2 months and 8 days for a baby. I fell in love with your show from the first one. God heard my prayers and blessed us with a baby born two days before Mackynzie! I just celebrated my 5th mothers day! What a joy these years have been! Desiree

    1. Congratulations! Happy Mothers Day

    2. Congratulations! What a beautiful blessing!

  4. Baby Israel looks so big already !

  5. I can't wait until Anna has her baby. I wonder what Anna will name her !!

  6. Does this mean Jill and Derick are attending a traditional church and not the Duggar family home church?

  7. Wow! Anna looks incredible! Jill is looking in pretty good shape too. All the best to the Duggar mothers and mothers to be. Happy Mother's Day!

  8. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all :-) Michelle is just beaming holding her big grandson...I adore them. I have baby fever of late, so I envy mama Michelle :-) Hope y'all had a wonderful day!

  9. what church do they attend. seems that is the church they got married in. is that there reguler church that they are involved in. I also noticed Jessa attends there sometimes. Who is Michelle and Jim bods church pastor. no one has ever said? where is the church they attend?

  10. Israel is so precious!!! Anna is getting big which is very exciting!!! Congratulations to Jill and derick for choosing to raise their little baby in Christ! Why no picture of Jessa's bump?? Lily and.Elli you guys should update that duggars family picture! Love the blog, keep it up!!

    God bless you all!

  11. Could we please have more updates about Jessa

  12. Baby Israel is a lovely looking boy. Gee he is tall. I keep trying to measure him approximately from the way he being carried in his Mum/ Dad/ Uncle / Grandma x 2 's arm to my arm to figure out how long he is. Derrick and Jill seem to be spending more time at a formal Baptist church lately rather than home church. Good for them if they are spending some time separate from the rest of the clan in a formal church for a little while.


    1. It's only been a month and mothers need to heal before relations begin again.Ask any OBGYN and they will tell you four to six weeks, so I doubt she is.

  14. So where do the Dillards go to church? The Seewalds? Do the Duggars still have their home church?

  15. Lily+Ellie: Where are Jill and Derick going to church?

  16. Where do the Duggars go to church? Where do Jessa and Ben go to church? Where do Jill and Derek go to church? Btw I love this blog;)

  17. Happy mothers day to all of u mothers and expecting mommy ... I love ur family wish we could meet all of u

  18. I have never heard of a "baby dedication". Is that similar to a baptism?

  19. Has Anna picked out a name yet?

  20. A baby dedication is where the parents dedicate their child to the Lord and acknowledge their intention to raise their child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, asking His wisdom and guidance in raising the child, praying that some day the child will trust Jesus as his/her Lord and Savior and make that decision to be baptised on his or her own.


  21. I have really enjoyed watching this family grow and watching the girls getting married and now having their own babies. I'm so excited for Jessa and Ben. I'm sure she is already counting down the weeks until her baby is here. And I can't wait to see if it's a boy or girl!!!!! Hope you all had a great mothers day!!!

  22. Anonymous 15, a baby dedication is a special time when parents publically declare their intent to raise their child up in the ways of the Lord. It is not a "saving" act or even an ordinance like baptism.

  23. @Anonymous
    It's not exactly a baptism. Basically it is a promise that the family makes in front of the whole church to raise the child in Christ/

  24. Absolutely love this family !!!

  25. Why is he holding the baby like a sack of potatoes?

  26. Michelle, Please help me understand. God took two of my babies home before they could be born. Mother's Day is happy and sad. I adore the two children I have and my heart aches for my babies in heaven. I am a good woman. Why would God allow such pain to happen twice? The first one, a baby boy, ggeneticists didn't understand what happened. And then my baby girl died because of my gall bbladder. You are so blessed your gall bladder didn't rob you of Josie. Thank you for your time.

  27. Michelle you are a great mum.With this many kids you are really a patient and tolerant mum.God bless you

  28. To the sweet mother, whose heart aches for her babies in heaven. This is not Michelle responding, but I felt impressed to write anyway. Like you I have children in heaven. Your aching heart will always grieve the physical separation you have been called to endure, until that day of reunion and rejoicing. What a glorious time that will be. I can tell you are struggling to understand how God could allow this to happen to you twice. I understand your feelings and want to share some of what I feel I have learned through my experiences.

    I have learned that the pain I feel is more than a response to the deaths, it is a also a reminder that I feel pain because I love and what a wonderful thing it is to love and be loved. Our Savior taught us how amazing love is. He literally suffered and died to atone for our sins because He loves us so very much. He has made it possible for us to return to our Father in Heaven and share eternal life with God and with those we love. You and I will be reunited with our sons and daughters in heaven.

    I also know that agonies come into our lives that are much more than we can handle. Losing a child is one of those tragic events in life which brings us to our knees and brings on despair beyond our ability to bear. But the Lord is right there, ministering, comforting, blessing, strengthening, and loving us through. We cannot rely on our own strength to get through, we must rely on God and trust in him and have faith that He can turn all things to good. We are separated for a season, but will be together eternally. My heart aches everyday, but I also rejoice in the love I have felt, and rejoice in the sure knowledge that God will make all of this right.

    I also have come to believe, that God is in charge and while He may allow for horrible things to happen He will not abandon us and there is a bigger plan in place here, a plan more glorious and amazing than we can fathom. Keep loving the Lord, and your family and reading his word and praying, and peace will come. The pain will be a part of that peace, but peace will come and you will know that God loves you, he knows you better than you know yourself, He loves you with a love that is greater than you can realize. He loves your children here on earth and in heaven. He will take care of your babies in heaven until the time comes for you to be with them again. Just keep loving the Lord, thanking him, praising Him, seeking His will, and all will be well.

    I also believe that some children come to earth just for a brief time and that is also part of God's Plan. When he sent those babies to you, knowing that they would not live a full life, he knew his precious children would be loved by their momma no matter how short their lives might be. He will bless you for loving his precious little ones. I pray for you in your grief and pray that you will have peace in your heart. Love and God bless, Ellen

  29. Penny, I have lost three babies myself. After much thought and prayer and guidance from a very holy priest, I came to this conclusion: God loves YOU very much!! He knows your openness to life and the desires of your heart. Because of your faithfulness to being open to life and His plan, he not only rewarded you with children--but children who went to Heaven immediately. Your children will never know pain, sin, or suffering. They will never know anger, hunger, hurt, or disappointment. They will only know God in all His glory--and they will know that their parents loved each other so much that they created two, unique, unrepeatable souls. As a mother, no matter how much I loved my children, I could never give them all that --never. And so, while my arms and heart will ache forever to a certain degree, the consolation I have is this: Our Lord held my children first. I grieve for them on their expected due dates and on their death dates. The live children I have also grieve--but we all grieve in Hope. My children know they will see their siblings (whom we have named) someday...just not now. As painful as that may seem, our lives are temporal. Take heart, take courage. And repeat, " Jesus, I Trust in You. ". You are in my prayers!!!

  30. You all are great mothers to your siblings, even the guys! (#MrMom) God bless all mothers and soon-to-be mothers everywhere!


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