
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Recap: "Duggars Say I Do"

19 Kids and Counting "Duggars Say I Do"
  • It's time to look back at the most memorable moments of the Duggar weddings.
  • Jill and Jessa both sent out 800-900 invitations because they didn't want to exclude anyone.
  • To keep costs down so they could have an extravagant European honeymoon, Jessa and Ben ordered supplies and clothing online and reused a lot of Jill's decorations.
  • Ben forgot Jessa's ring on their wedding day and had to call Jim Bob. Being the jokester that he is, the Duggar Dad handed Ben the wrong ring at first, and Ben was quite confused.
  • With Derick's mom in the hospital receiving cancer treatments during Jill and Derick's engagement, Jill wanted to be there to support her fiancĂ© and future mother-in-law. Jill's sisters stepped in and took on a lot of the wedding planning.
  • All through Jill and Derick's wedding ceremony, Michelle was motioning to Jennifer, Jordyn, Josie, and Mackynzie, who were sitting on the stage, each holding one word of a "Here Comes Your Bride" sign, to sit still and stay quiet. "They kept the crowd entertained," said Jim Bob.
  • Josh and Anna tried to keep their wedding as cheap as possible. Their invitations didn't all match, but they made sure their relatives received the same design. Anna wore her sister's bridal gown, and she made her veil and bridesmaid dresses.
  • If you watched Josh and Anna's wedding, you may remember that John-David forgot the rings and had to run out of the church in the middle of the ceremony.
  • During an interview, while Jackson is joking about the pranks he will play at Justin's wedding, TLC asks Justin what pranks he will play on Jackson. "I don't know, maybe take his girl," says Justin, sounding quite serious.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle's wedding was also planned on a strict budget. While their kids have had short engagements (about three months), the Duggar parents waited a little longer to tie the knot. Jim Bob proposed on Christmas Eve, and they married on July 21st. Michelle made her bouquet and the cake, and the wedding was very small.
  • Jim Bob and Michelle renewed their vows 25 years later with a wedding ceremony that all the kids were involved in.
  • At the end of the episode, the Duggar couples play a game of How Well Do You Know Your Spouse. Turns out, Jim Bob doesn't know the color of his wife's toothbrush...
  • Three weddings down and 16 to go! Josiah is the only kid who is courting, so his wedding could very well be next.


  1. What a sweet personality Si's girl has. Look forward to getting to know her better.

  2. It really bothers me that jill and derick had a chaperone to go visit his mom in the hospital. I don't think it was considerate of Cathy or Derick.

  3. Are Josiah and Marjorie following the same modesty standards Josh and Anna, Jill and Derick and Jessa and Ben used?

  4. Why do all these couples feel the constant need to kiss on camera? Its way over done. Do we really care to see them kiss nearly every time they look at each other? Can't they show some restraint in front of others?

  5. I am so glad they highlight jessa and Ben wedding first. I feel there wedding was put to the side cause of Jill baby. You can see the love they have for each other.

  6. From what I've seen, you can have a big wedding on a limited budget. I wouldn't mind one bit if I had silk flowers instead of real flowers, going to dollar stores for ceremony accessories, or making my bridesmaids dresses instead of going to the bridal salon. I'm with Jessa and Ben on this one: save more money for the honeymoon.

  7. Ha! Funny how little things can trip you up about your spouse like the color of their toothbrush!!!
    All in good fun... We all know the most important things are what matter

  8. I cant't believe that in every Duggar wedding someone forgot the rings. That was an idea from TLC people to make the whole thing more exciting.

    1. No in Josh's case, his brother John thought it would be funny.

  9. I forgot my ring too, so I believe it.

  10. Boring episode. 90% recycled material. TLC--you can and should do better.

  11. I don't believe anybody forgot the ring in Jill and Derek's wedding. . .Maybe it was planned, but with such a huge family and such a huge wedding, something's sure to be overlooked - even something as "important" as the ring!

  12. For those of you who can't watch the show, the Duggars did mention that they have a big announcement to make during next week's show!! :)

  13. I'm just wondering why John David did not fly to DC to pick up Anna and the kids for Jessas wedding? Or why he didn't go get Josh so Josh wouldn't have to be afraid of missing the wedding? Just curious. No one else seems to ask. I thought the weddings were all beautiful.

  14. What room did the interviews take place? It looks like a new area. Is it in the duggars house? I told my daughter maybe its Grandma Duggar's living room- as if I know- hahaha! She thinks its their living room. We are just curious:).

  15. All of your children are amazing and all the weddings were absolutely are very lucky parents ..
    God Bless you all.

  16. @ anonymous 4

    Totally agree. :-(

  17. A modest priced wedding would not be having a dozen people on the altar. Flowers need not be everywhere. What is interesting is what was there budget? Open carriage that can't be trashed was brilliant. Worth every penny.

    In our church there are already a few flower arrangements. We had flowers with the unity candle. Obviously flowers for those in the wedding. No runner cause you trip. The unity candle served as flowers for table for the sit down and we had a simple flower arrangement on most tables for a sit down meal. I'm not sure what they paid for? Or why they needed hundreds of volunteers when they clearly can afford to pay people. If Josh missed it, he missed it.

  18. I love this family, but I agree that the public displays of affection are a bit much. It's like they manage to hold off until the wedding and then just let loose and can't contain themselves. Who really wants to see people kissing. Is it modest to paw each other in public?

  19. When will Jana court?

  20. This was the most delightful episode! We haven't seen much of Josh in recent seasons. It was great seeing Josh and Anna interacting with such natural warmth and humor with some years of marriage under their belts. I'm from DC originally and can see they're fitting in well with the intelligent, witty culture there. I look forward to seeing the Dillards and Seewalds developing their own married couple personalities in the coming years!

  21. Sadly, we have seen these weddings rehashed over and over again. It's like they wasted a week of the season with old news and footage. I am very tired of seeing Michelle and Jim Bob's vow renewal ceremony; quite frankly, her gown wasn't appropriate for the situation...25th anniv and was a gown for a first time 20something bride, who wasn't expecting.
    Show new stuff, TLC.


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