
Thursday, April 30, 2015

"I was Cooking the Owner's Manual"

This week on 19 Kids and Counting, Jessa prepared dinner for the first time as a married woman. In the following video, the new bride admits she is new at cooking, but her meal turns out great and is a big hit with her hubby.


  1. I find it oddly strange that Jessa doesn't know how to cook very well, u would think that Michelle would have made sure that all her girls were proficient in every aspect of homemaking.But it was cute how she cooked the :-)

    1. My mom didn't know how to cook when she got married. And I knew how to cook a little bit, but I wasn't the world's best at it. Not all girls are cooks (believe me, my mother in law can't cook) when they get married.

  2. you are so cute Jessa!

  3. What is a hubby?

  4. teehee! This is super cute. Keep trying, girl. It gets easier. When I was newly married, I made a fancy dessert calling for three tablespoons of coffee. I didn't know they meant *liquid coffee*...I put in three tablespoons of coffee grounds. Ick.

  5. Hi Lilly and Ellie,
    I am seeing so much resemblance with baby Dilly and James Duggar. Do you feel the same?


  6. A "hubby" is short for husband.

  7. Michelle did an amazing job instructing Jessa homemaking skills. Jessa has always been upfront that cooking is she not one of her strengths and that unlike Jill,she is not a "natural" cook. Jessa spent months before the wedding cooking more, and even learned to cook Bens favorite meals from his sisters. Sorry if I come off defensive. The Duggars are an extrordinary family, and receive way too much criticism. @Anonymous

    1. It's just would make more sense to have rotatated jurisdictions more when the older girls were younger so all the kids are equally skilled at each job, that would seem logical.I know they do that now, awe you live and learn, I bet things will change when the younger girls get older:-)

  8. Hubby is a nickname for husband. Both secular and Chrisian women use it, it's not regional, it's not American, it's just a nickname. :D I know some frugal women who told me "Don't waste money on a meat hammer, just thoroughly wash your husband's hammer and use that. A kid had never taken their father's hammer but you'd be amazed at what a kid can do with a meat hammer and play dough while you take a five minute shower."

  9. Looks like she was trying to cut the sweet potatoes with a bread knife. So cute. Don't worry Jesse it will get easier as time goes by. A very cute couple. You can see the love they have for each other.

  10. Don't you think men and women should both know their way around the kitchen, especially if they want to have a family? Eating is such an integral part of living. You don't have to cook like a chef, just simple foods well prepared.

  11. Can you share a video on the girls decorating there room

  12. I agree that it was cute how she cooked the directions! I bet Jessa was usually busy helping with the kids and school time that most of her focus was on that rather than cooking while she was living at home. Either way, now she can have lots of fun learning. Practice doesn't make perfect, but it definitely brings improvements!

  13. Yikes, that's how my mom broke her countertop.

  14. I love the fact that she used a bread knife to cut the sweet potato ;). Hehe

  15. Thanks for sharing! I recall my first week of cooking, my husband said his stomach has not been the same since..that was 45 yrs ago...

  16. Ok i have a question about a previous episode- the one about the jurisdictions. What is the "Goodbye Room"?

  17. I found it odd she would cut a sweet potato with a bread knife.

  18. The type of knife you use for different tasks makes a difference. Bread knives, like she was using to try to cut the sweet potato, are made for sawing through the relatively soft crumb of baked goods. You need to use a sturdier, wider, sharper, non-serrated blade to cut through hard, dense objects like potatoes. It's a matter of safety. It's a shame she was never taught that.

  19. I cooked a ham once with the wrapper on....Have not improved much over the years....but I do Love to clean....Culinary skills are not for everyone....Jessa was just to darn cute in this episode!

  20. trust me, she isnt the only one who left things in new appliances! (or turkeys) lol, guilty as charged. i remember what it was like to cook as a newlywed. good thing my hubby loved to cook and was an awesome cook!

    1. I kept manual on ice for a week once. Lol

  21. Do they have less furniture or did the kitchen get larger? Did they add onto the house another bedroom? I thought Josh and Anna had too much large furniture. Do the people living in the house get to pick stuff out and decide how much goes into the house. Maybe it's a wrong impression from the show but it seems the parents buy or find furniture and then it gets brought over. I would like to see more independence in this matter. They are setting up their own home. Very confused about the girls spaces. Maybe too much in an episode?

    1. I know when Jill & Derick got married they went to an auction (all the sisters plus mom/& dad) . They spent the day picking out furniture & appliances then loaded it all up on their box truck hauled it to the big house Jill got. I assume that's how they do all the new couple house move ins.

  22. you can get all the episodes of this season on youtube like right after it airs on tlc its so cool!

  23. Very cute of Jessa accidently cooking the owner's manual. Jessa you will get better at cooking as time goes on. Everyone starts out a little rusty. The main thing is that you and Ben like what you have cooked. Wishing you the best!

  24. I can cook love it thanx to my home economics teacher. But only two days went out on a 13k walk and left a chicken cooking in the oven. Thank fully it was perfect and was cooked to perfection and not burned to a cinder.

  25. Am I the only person in America that hates the nickname hubby?

  26. I usually use a can of vegetables to pound the meat out or the bottom of a coffee mug. Works a lot better. Love this family.@Alberta Rose

  27. Bless her heart. . .

  28. Jessa is adorable! No new husband has ever died from a first meal. Just one question, how did the manual turns out? LOL.

  29. I love this family. I know cooking was not Jessa's thing but they were teaching her. I think some of this has to be that TLC thought it would be cute. Jessa knew she could not cut fries with that knife. Also someone had a question about the house being bigger they took the wall between the kitchen and living room out and made it one big room. I think it's so pretty and Jessa loves to decorate. God Bless them all.

  30. Jessa had better learn how to use knives and which knives to use for the job. Watching her cut those sweet potatoes, I was sure I was going to see a finger go flying.

  31. Making wonderful memories!

  32. Tip for the day: Always check the oven before you turn it on. Especially after you have little ones around. I can't tell you how many times I have found things in my oven.

  33. #33/ no you're not. Hubby is one of my many least favorite words.

  34. I always loved cooking and started cooking with my mum and granny from a young age.
    But not everybody likes it maybe Jessa s good at other things.

  35. @Sherin

    Hi Sherin,

    It seems like different pictures of Israel make him look like different Duggars. We agree that he resembles James. :)

    ~Lily and Ellie

  36. That's cute, I remember my early days in the kitchen too. She needs to preheat her oven first, then start cooking. It's probably why she gets a lot of food burning.

  37. cioking the owners manual--too funny! When my mom first got married she put the dry noodles and cold water on the stove to cook from the start. Needless to say it became paste. My dad actually ate it. =]

  38. Don't worry about it Jessa! My first Thanksgiving turkey I didn't realize there was a plastic bag with "extras" that needed to be taken out of the bird. Cooked---and then served---the meal. Wasn't until clean-up I realized I had done that. We all survived! I am still not a very good cook, but thankfully my husband of over 20 years has become very handy in the kitchen. God knew what he was doing put us together:)


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