
Saturday, April 4, 2015

41 Weeks 4 Days

Do you think Baby Dilly is camera shy? Jill Dillard is 41 weeks and 4 days pregnant and so far has only had Braxton Hicks contractions. When do you think he will arrive?


  1. "Time to be born, time to die, time to reap, time to sow" Ecc. 3:2. I was exactly 10 days overdue with both of our sons, God knows exactly what He is doing.

  2. Prayers for a speedy delivery of a healthy son. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Bless your heart Jill, you are a trooper! Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for both of you. Can't wait to get a glimpse of your precious baby boy. God bless you all!

  4. Bless her heart. Hope she's feeling ok. Prayers for both.

  5. I know you're not a fan of dancing, but if you hop or dance around it could help Baby Dilly come out! :)

    1. I heard liquerish & castellated oil (Idk if that is spelled right) induces labor...If you walk a lot it could get the process started too...Jill did u ask your mom for any advice on how to speed up the process? I bet the heartburn is miserable lol...It was for me when I was pregnant...I felt like I had a rubber band tightly around my stomach at that point as well lol...God give you strength during labor...& hope your labor isn't too longπŸ˜‡❤️πŸ™πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£

    2. Maybe he will be born tomorrow on my birthday. ��

    3. Castor oil :-)

    4. I took castor oil the night before giving birth to one of my son.

    5. Castor oil and it works... I drank two ounces of it and wwnt into labor like 5 hrs later. I've never heard of using licorice though

    6. Don't do castor oil--I've heard horror stories!

  6. He's coming, he and God are figuring it out.

  7. The time this sweet baby will arrive will be exactly in God's perfect timing. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby! We already know he has a loving Mommy and Daddy just waiting to hold him.

  8. Remember to push push push jill you will do amazing your my favorite

  9. When he's ready he will come

  10. Prayers for a healthy baby and an easy delivery! Gods timing is always perfect.

  11. Baby Dilly with come when he is ready Patience is a Virtue

  12. Crystal Abel in C. VaApril 4, 2015 at 11:22 AM

    He is coming Easter Sunday! Hang in there!

    1. Easter Bunny Baby......that's it!!! Bless all of you!!!

    2. That's when my 23rd birthday is: Easter Sunday.

  13. baby dilly is waiting for the easter bunny

    1. I think that's the last thing the duggars are waiting for

    2. They don't celebrate the Easter Bunny.

  14. I think she needs to be induced...a pregnant woman should not go pAst 41 weeks

    1. Your due date is a can 2 weeks before to 2 weeks after. That is why they call it an estimated due date :)

    2. According to who? I'm sure she is being monitored. A due date is plus or minus two weeks.

    3. I'm sure she's being closely monitored by her midwives. They wouldn't let her go on if baby dolly was in any distress

    4. You may want to do a bit of research before posting things like that. 41 weeks isn't detrimental under normal circumstances.

    5. I'm sure they are doing NST's and monitoring closely. There is no reason to even discuss induction until 42 weeks. Even then, weighing the risks is the family and providers job, not the internets.

    6. It is a bit risky to go past 41 weeks the worry of the baby having a bm increases and that could be dangerous. As long as the baby is moving and is in the right position she is good to go.

    7. Jill is a midwife. She knows what's best for her and her baby.

    8. Too many are induced and then need surgery. Due dates are estimates. When all is ready, it will happen. If there are issues, Mama and Drs will know and intervene. In His perfect time! An Easter babe would be priceless. Tetalestai !!!!! XOXOXOXO

    9. A baby will come in 283 days or less that's what my mom told me her doctor said

    10. Not necessarily, pitosson causes a lot of complications as I'm sure Jill knows as a trained midwife

    11. Lots of women go to 42 weeks. Unless you know the day you conceived exactly its all a guess. Thats why its called "estimated due date"

    12. Placenta does not work as efficiently after the 40 week mark. ..medical intervention may be needed for safety and that's a fact

  15. Oh my goodness probably Monday

  16. Easter Sunday so blessed!!

  17. Due dates are educated guesses. He will come at exactly the right time. :-)

  18. Any day now :) I know how sore and tired you must feel. We'll be meeting our little one soon too.

  19. Hes comfy in there but im sure he will come when he's eeady

  20. Time to get under the care of an obgyn doctor and be induced in a hospital setting.

    1. You can safely deliver in my state up to 42 weeks before having to deliver at a hospital. Due dates are estimates.😊 not all women are fertile on day 14... she may gave gotten pregnant later in the month and first time mom's are notorious for going past their due date😊

    2. On what grounds? You've examined her?

    3. Exactly my thought.

    4. I'm certain her midwives are monitoring her closely. No need to force baby out before baby is ready. All in God's timing.

    5. Actually, it isn't. At the moment she I perfectly fine. 41 weeks is nothing to worry about. She could have ovulated a week later than the average at which point she would really be only 40 weeks but since her period occurred when it did she is considered 41 weeks. I love how non-medical people give medical advice online. Turn on your computer and you have an MD license.

  21. Praying for an easy delivery.

    John 16:21
    "Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world.

    1. Forgot that was in John so very true though

  22. So many experts but only one mother nature. Hopefully Jill and baby are ok. I'm not a fan of midwifery but to each her own..Seeing a Dr might be wise..

  23. Maybe it was a miscalculation of her due date.

  24. When you are 2 weeks over your due date and have planned a non medical birth (not induction) what is the process then? Just curious.

  25. I wonder if Jill has taken a photo every day but just sharing a few of them? Hope she is taking one every day now anyway!
    I'll guess at 42 weeks + 2 days
    Good Luck Jill!

  26. I know he will be a blessing when he does decide to show his precious face.

  27. Looks like she has dropped :-)

  28. Hang in there! I just had my baby 2 days ago at 40 weeks 6 days, the earliest of my 3!

  29. Praying for a easy birth and healthy baby when the given date arrives !!! I'm hoping easter but only God knows

  30. My 9 yr old cannot wait. She asks everyday has she had her baby yet. She loves the show and reruns and whenever it's on everything stops so we can watch as a family.

  31. Praying for a safe and easy delivery for you & Easter Blessings to all !!!

  32. Can't wait to see that baby! I think he will come on Easter πŸ‡

  33. Hang in there sis, that bun won't get burnt he'll just be well done :)

  34. I think he will arrive Easter Sunday. As God has planned. He will be a precious little guy. Can't wait for pics.

  35. Typical male - my son was 10 days late and made us wait for him every time we had to go somewhere.

  36. I was two weeks over due with my son...God bless you,Derrick and the little one...

  37. Baby Dilly will come in God's timing. I can't wait to see him. God Bless You and Yours.

  38. Those suggesting induction clearly do not know enough about pregnancy and labour to be giving their opinions.

  39. Praying for you to have an easy and safe delivery and for you and the baby to both be ok

  40. I would be worried at this point, is there enough fluid in the sac? It might be time to induce the pregnancy.

  41. God Bless Jilly muffin!!!! Prayers for you and Daddy and may baby boy Dillard be healthy and safe as he comes into this world.WOW I BET HE WILL BE A BIG BABY!!!!!!! Abot 9 or more lbs???????? Maybe on Easter??????? God Bless for a safe delivery!!!!!!

  42. He should come on April 7. That is my birthday!πŸΌπŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ͺ

  43. I'm guessing easter. 3 out of 4 of my kids were born on special days. I have a thanksgiving daughter, a 9-11 daughter, and this year I had a daughter born on valentines day.

    I hope you have a safe delivery jill. I know how things can go not as planned. with my last baby my midwife and I planned a water birth but that didn't happen. once I hit 39 weeks I was happy that I made it to full term. I wasn't thinking that my labor was only going to be 2 hours long (was only at the hospital for 40 minutes). with having group b (gbs) my daughter end up getting the infection. the hospital didn't have enough time to hook up the iv for my antibiotics. my daughter had to stay in the nicu for 9 days.

  44. Hang in there girl! I am 38 weeks along and if I am ready I know you must be too! :)

  45. Looks like Baby has won't be long now! Praying for a healthy baby and mom!

  46. Bless your heart. Walking will usually bring on labor but you have to do a good amount like walking around a mall for a few hours. He's just really cozy and doesn't want to come out. :-)

  47. May the peace that surpasses all understanding be upon you Jill, Derick, and the little one awaiting his entrance into the world.

  48. Baby Dilly must be a very very special boy , cause even God is working overtime to finish all the special details of this baby boy.
    Once God decides he is done and baby Dilly is ready then He will bless the delivery and baby Dilly will be send into this world to meet his waiting family.
    God bless you all.

  49. I hope baby dilly comes soon. Wouldn't it be cool if he was born on Easter?? That's Jill's second due date! I'm so excited for Jill derick and the whole duggar clan! I know if baby's are born to late there can be complications. I hope baby dilly is born healthy! Can't wait!! Congrats Jim on being so close to due date! You'll make an amazing mother to baby dilly and you are an amazing sister to your siblings!! Happy Easter to Jill derick baby dilly Josh Anna and the kiddos and the whole duggar clan happy Easter and God bless!! Happy Easter Lily and Ellie and God bless you to!!!!!!

  50. Are they not worried about him being born in marconium(sp)?? We r praying for safe and healthy delivery.

  51. He will get here on his birthday, of course!

  52. If she's interested in a kickstart a chirporactor can offer a non invasive lower lumbar adjustment to encourage labor.

  53. That baby will come when he is ready. He's just getting good and plump!

  54. God knows his birthday!!

  55. Jill you are glowing . I hope tonight is the night! ! Prayers and hugs.

  56. Ugh. I hate when people say "Its up to God!" No it isn't. Having babies is purely science. God is apart of the baby's soul, but the conception and pregnancy is purely science. Its very hurtful to women who have lost babies, or can't get pregnant when people act like that.

    Anyway, I hope she has an easy delivery!

  57. My guess of 3/29 is long gone and as others are saying, perhaps Easter. Blessings to everyone!

  58. I wish my doctor would have allowed my son to come when he was ready and not try to induce. Oh, what I didn't know those
    many years ago!

  59. Ashley from AlabamaApril 4, 2015 at 12:59 PM

    Oh I hope that baby no name comes soon! I wonder if they will go with a name theme like Josh and Anna and their parents. Do u think that they will induce Jill due to being pregnant for longer than time or do u think that they will just continue with a home birth? They baby is only getting bigger and bigger. We love you Jill and Derick yall are going to do great!

  60. Sure there is only one lil one in there? LOL I was born 2 weeks late, it isn't uncommon. Sending love and prayers your way!

  61. Just delivered at 41w 3d. God's timing is perfect. Rest up sister!

  62. There's no reason for induction if mom and baby are healthy. I'm sure they are monitoring closely to make sure baby Dilly is safe and sound. Due dates are based on average gestation, some take longer, some take shorter. That's how averages work. Most first time moms go 10 days late. No need to induce. Jill, you look beautiful. Rest, relax, and prayers for a safe, quick, easy labor & delivery!

  63. I think Baby Dilly will be born on Easter Sunday!
    That would be an awesome birthday!

  64. Castor oil is nasty. According to my midwife, it's something you try after you've tried a lot of other natural things first. 41 weeks is not unusual at all. Hang in there, Jill!

  65. Is she under a doctor's care, in addition to the midwives? Thank you.

  66. It is perfectly safe for her to be this overdue. The only time it becomes a problem is when the levels of amniotic fluid start to decrease. I'm sure they're monitoring her. There's no need for her to be rushed to the hospital and be induced...geesh.

  67. Oops… I ate Mexican takeout last night. I had no idea eating Mexican food on Good Friday was a sin. :(

  68. Is she gonna be able to push him out?

  69. Remember folks, Jill still sees her regular OBGYN along with her midwife, so she is being monitored by both and I'm sure if they ever feel the need to intervene they will...just like her mother did.They DO believe in modern medicine. Lots of people have a misconception of midwives and homebirthing.

  70. Can't wait to hear he has safely arrived and is in the arms of his Mommy and Daddy!

  71. Happy Pushing:) God is sweet in all of His blessings:) So excited for you:)

  72. Is Jill the only Duggar child?? How come we never hear about any of the rest of them unless they are married and having babies?

  73. Thinking of you all! You're doing great Jill! Baby Dilly loves his mommy so much, he doesn't want to leave! ;) Hoping you both get to meet your little one very soon! He will come, on his own, in Gods time! Your patience will be worth it, for a very healthy baby, that's not rushed out by other unnatural means! Wishing you and your loving family the best! As always, thank you so much for allowing us into your wonderful families lives! xo Angie

  74. Baby Dilly will be introduced to the world when GOD sees fit. Good luck Jill!! Praying for a healthy delivery for you and baby. Maybe you will a delivery like mine. My son was born only 2 hours after I started feeling contractions. :)

  75. Hope on April 6 because it's my birthday. :)

  76. A good friend had an amniotic fluid infection, that was the reason she was 13 days overdue. Her body didn't show any signs of going into labour besides Braxton Hicks contractions...
    I'll hope for the sake of both, Jill and the baby, that there's no problem whatsoever.

  77. praying for a fast speedy safe delivery- praying for mom and dad and baby Dilly.... i think easter sunday would be a perfect birthday but always remember it is always in Gods time... good luck and God Bless.....

  78. Baby Dilly is waiting until we have no more snow. He wants to stay where it's warm until the temp is higher

  79. I'm so anxious, I'M about to pop!
    GOD bless you all!!!

  80. He may be born
    on Easter morn
    and what a new
    beginning that will be
    for the new family.
    Love goes around
    and smiles abound
    to this little baby boy
    that will bring the sunshine
    in life
    as well as joy.
    Mama, will hold you
    and sing you a lullaby.
    Daddy, will watch
    over you and call you
    "my son."
    Oh little one,
    welcome to a new
    of many tomorrows
    for you.

  81. Prayers for a speedy, healthy delivery. Happy Easter!

  82. he's very low! Soon, but he is less work where he is right now, lol, best wishes and Happy Easter!

  83. I was between 10 and 13 days late with three of my four kids. They come when they are ready, not when we are ready! I sympathize with the discomfort though, just know it will be over very soon. : )

  84. he's waiting to be an Easter baby!

  85. He will come on April 5th at the end of the day.

  86. I can't wait I've been looking at some stuff a nd it seems she's in labor just look up Jill Dillard baby and read the top three stories

  87. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby. Hoping for an Easter baby. God bless you all! ♡♡♡♡ :)

  88. @Melissa Colburn castor oil is what you're referring to I believe. Unfortunately, it is not recommended as it can cause the baby to have a bowel movement while still in the womb and can be very harmful if the baby breaths it in.

  89. Do you think there are any plans for a hospital birth since she is late or will it be a home birth all the way?

  90. Their Son will come when he is ready to! :~}

  91. Good luck on the next chapter on your life's journey - congrats!

  92. Baby Dilly we are waiting for you too! Stop "Dilly dad-a-ling" around....My thoughts are with you, wishing you the best.

  93. He isn't done doing yet, he is half Duggar by the way and hardly ever do you get a Duggar anywhere on time so he will be here pretty sure it won't be too long now - maybe he doesn't want to be much older than his cousin she is due in July

  94. I hope you have baby Dilly soon. You look great Jill. I thought she might have him this weekend but not sure, I guess he will come when he is ready. Not exactly sure how long you should wait before you need to have you labor induced. Hang in their Jill hopefully it is soon.

  95. Easter Sunday :D
    one of my 6 children was born easter morning (2 weeks early).
    Your doing awesome, you seem to be very patient. It's extremely common to at least reach, if not pass your due date with your first couple of kids. :)

  96. April. 12
    My name prediction
    Anothy Richard Dillard

  97. I didn't think anyone knew the sex of the baby yet

  98. Please see a doctor about being induced. Your placenta is only designed to stay vital for 40 weeks. When you go past that mark you have an increased risk of fetal demise. The placenta can start to die off. I hope everything is ok for you and your baby. As a nurse I have knowledge of what can happen. I hope you have a better outcome!!

  99. I was over 41 weeks with my first and had to be induced. I hope that doesn't have to be the case for her. Mine was long and hard, but God was good!

  100. I hope he comes on Easter. It seems like forever since they announced that they are having a baby. Btw I love this blog.

  101. Prayers for you Jill and your son, as well as Derick. God has this in his timing.

  102. Seems like forever, especially when you are the huge mom and waiting. But it can happen so quickly. I was overdue with our daughter. Besides a lot of Braxton Hicks, I started keeping quiet about telling my husband I was sure the baby was coming. Then I went to the bathroom before bed that night. Started heading back to bed and Bam! Just like that I could hardly walk. 8 hours later we were holding a little girl:)

  103. Easter Sunday Morning! Prayers for a safe delivery for mom and baby !

  104. I will be completely stunned if this baby is born on Easter Sunday.

  105. Good luck! It will be perfect!

  106. If she tries taking stairs up and down she could go into labor tonight try 40 times up and down .It worked for me.

  107. hopefully tomorrow the longer u go the bigger he gets bless u during labor hopefully he doesnt come out walking lol

  108. tomorrow we hope an that he doesnt come out walking lol

  109. It looks like the baby is dropping so hopefully soon! All the best to Jill and Dereck.

  110. Everyone's body is different and your due date can be up to 2 weeks off. I had half of my 6 children at almost 42 weeks and went into labor naturally. They were all healthy as can be and so was I.

  111. April 7th because 7 is God's number

  112. There are issues with a late birth. I agree with anonymous 21.

  113. There is a reason why babies have to be induced if they stay in too long, the nutrients being supplied to the baby gets used up and their skin starts to peel. Childbirth is dangerous for both mother and child. We are blessed to live in first world countries with medical professionals who can help.

  114. Walking helps the labor. Good luck and I am sure the world is waiting to hear when the lucky baby is born to the most wonderful parents.

  115. I pray for a safe delivery and Mom and baby are good and Father too. Give us updates on the little dillard. I pray for your family for jill baby dillard and Derrick for this happy day and god watching over the family soon enough he will come when god has the baby's timing and when that baby is ready to come out it will be a mirracle baby that god put to you both on this earth and well worth it too. Jill I want to say you are great on holding that baby this far. I can't share enough that I never saw a women so head up tall and carring a child thats a boy in both of you and your husbands lives and stress free and a Loving husband for you that takes great, great care of you. Not many men out there that do that for a women like Jill. You are so sweet to him and he is so nice and loving and caring to you. You speak so kind to eachother. This baby will be spoiled very much spoild with a caring loving family. I will be praying for a great baby on this way and god's gift to you both in this earth when he arrives. Hope the deleivery comes soon. We probley all want to see that tinny baby boy arrive. Pray God you and derrick and the little one soon.

  116. The Placenta can only last so long! It needs to be able To provide oxygen through contractions! Would they ever consider inducing labor a little?

  117. If there's one thing this family knows about, it's having babies! Jill is trained in midwifery and I think anyone concerned can rest assured that she and the baby are being looked after and that she knows all the tricks to get things going. Babies come when they're ready. They don't have calendars. :) My last 2 were postdates, the last 1 nearly 3 weeks postdates. I'm sure if her midwife feels there's any concern for the health and safety of either Jill or the baby they will go to the hospital. Other than that, statistics prove that birth without intervention is safer than the alternative.

  118. she will have to go to the hospital if she reaches 42 weeks. That is according to the state of Arkansas guidelines for their certified midwives. The placenta etc decay and the baby can develop serious problems. Since she is pushing 42 weeks, I am sure a medical doctor or a nurse midwife would count it as 42 weeks. Like they pushed Jubilees age of gestation up. Of course for Josie, they pushed her weeks of gestation down.

  119. Pineapple helps.

  120. It also looks like she is stretching Derick's t-shirt....why? She needs to wear something that gives her some room.

  121. Can you pleas post a update on Anna

  122. He will come on Easter..when Jesus has risen!! Prayers for a safe delivery.

  123. She's closer today than yesterday;) Seriously though, her face is showing signs that this baby is coming soon.

  124. Remember the Whitney Bates was Overdue with Baby Bradley. Maybe Jill should start fast pace walking. that's what Kelly Jo Bates said Whitney to help start the labor.


  126. She has dropped a bit. I did read somewhere that she was in labor, but I doubt it was from a credible source. I'll trust what I read on this blog before another website ;-) Keep up the good work, ladies.

    Hope Jill has a lovely delivery!!

  127. It's surprising to me from the poll results that most people want to see weddings/courtships, and pregnancy announcements/births. To me, these are the least interesting aspects of the show. Seeing parents raise 19 children by Godly principles is what the show was based on and what I originally tuned in for, and I'm going to start losing interest if the show is going to start skewing so much toward weddings and pregnancies. Every wedding is special and every baby is precious; those aren't the things that distinguish this family. How much more, "I blinked and she's getting married!" can we all take?

  128. Poor Jill her back is probably killing her. Pray you have a speedy delivery and that God minimizes you labor.

  129. Camera Shy...LOL!! She is big!! She also looks tired like she wishes the baby would hurray up and come :-) Is Bringing up Bates going to be on DVD????? I don't have TV so I relied on Dvd and y'alls recaps :-) I am currently on 19 kac when Josie was born :-)

  130. Castor oil won't work. Take a ride on the gator at your parents place. The hills and rough ride will do it. Good luck hope you have a healthy baby boy soon. I think he will be here by Tuesday.

  131. God is serious about the honor of His name and the protection of His children... so to close the mouths of the naysayers, I bet He has purposely gone well beyond her date so all rumors could be proven wrong. And I personally hope the baby comes on would show God's power and leave little doubt of His hand of blessing on this family. Keep us posted!

  132. Yay Jill and Derick!!! I think the baby will hopefully be here by Monday or Tuesday. Probably early in the week. But of course God has his timing perfectly. God bless you.

  133. I absolutely love this family. They are such an inspiration! I am so excited for the sweet couple to welcome there baby boy to the world! He will truly be blessed to be born to such sweet, caring, loving, and godly parents!! It would be amazing if baby filly was born on easter Sunday! What a significant birth that would be for this family. I think it would make it more special than it already is to them! My thoughts and prayers are with the anxiously awaiting couple!!

  134. I believe this is unsafe after awhile I wouldn't let this baby stay in many more days without a hospital and doctor

  135. I hope he is born Easter Sunday! That would be so amazing.

  136. Thank you for keeping us closely updated!!!
    You're awesome!!!

  137. Weddings and births can be announced easily. We don't need to sit through hours of what we already know happened.

  138. It will be soon. Artificial induction can be really painful, but then I experienced all my labors as really painful! Once her water breaks, labor is inevitable---either at home as she plans or in a hospital or birthing center. Happy Easter Jill to you and your husband. I pray a safe birth for you and your little one.

  139. I hope he comes soon!

    Hope your birth goes well!

  140. You poor women You must be so uncomfortable

  141. Think about it your baby could be born on easter sunday... that would be a great easter surprise!

  142. Jill, you look beautiful in every picture taken of you! Have not seen any current pictures on Derick's brother though:) God is with you, just as He was with every saint in the Bible. He is finishing knitting Baby Dilly according to Psalm 139! Praying for an Easter Birth!

  143. April 5th. We can have the same birthday.

  144. In your words baby will come when baby comes. Pineapples help too!

  145. Praying that Jill will have a healthy baby and that she will be heathy!

  146. Jill and Derick, I am so excited for you both and I pray that your new son does come tomorrow because what a great way to celebrate our Lord's Resurrection! I pray labor is easy for you an no complications occur. I think you are gonna have a baby between 7-9 pounds......ouch I know! Go for a bumpy ride in the car tonight. My mom ate root beer and popcorn to start her prayers are with you both, can't wait!

  147. Even if he is late, Jill, you look great! Can't wait to hear Baby Dilly's name! Maybe the Easter bunny is "delivering" him instead of the stork! ha!

  148. My babies are usually born about 11 days over. My last one came at 17 days over and weighed 8 1/2 pounds. The Braxton his contractions do a lot of work before hand and helps reduce labor time :) go Jill! Baby in arms soon! Psalm 102 "You are He who brought me out of my mother's womb and laid me on her chest to nurse. From my mother's wom You have been my Mighty One." Our loving Creator is the one who brings a woman to her time of delivery. Isaiah 66:9

  149. Praying for a healthy baby and that Jill will continue to stay healthy!

  150. Bless you! Stay far away from the castor oil. It can cause dehydration which can cause.cramping, just not the productive kind. Lots of walking and baby will be here when ready! My mom went to 43weeks with me and had a very easy labor! Good luck!

  151. Baby Dill wants to be born on the same day as Alyssa Bates Webster's baby. APRIL 10.

    My Mom was 4 days late with her first kid amd 10 days late with her second and 10 days early with her 3 child.

  152. @Anonymous

    People like see the kids get Married and having Babys. Quick being a baby.

  153. I dont want this to be rude or anything... but she is going to have one big baby... she might need a c section....

  154. WALKING!! After 5 kids, the only advice that ever worked for me was Walking & something else that's not appropriate to discuss in open company! LOL
    When it comes down to it,,,He will pop out when he feels like it and not a moment sooner! Hang in there, it's not easy but it's definitely worth it!!!

  155. I think Baby Dilly will make his debut Easter Sunday. That would be neat.

  156. Our first son arrived late and had turned since the last ultrasound. He was breech. I suspect that is why I was so late. Praying for a safe arrival of baby Dilly.

  157. Baby Dilly will come in the Lord's timing. Jill looks amazing. Praying for them.

    Amy From Texas

  158. The only reason to be induced is if there is a risk to mom or baby. When a woman goes past her due date the placenta becomes overworked and begins to be less effective. This came be monitored by heartbeat and fetal movement, amniotic fluid levels and other testing all of which midwives know to watch for. I'm sure if she feels she needs to go for more extensive help she will. I wouldn't have a baby at home but I'm not her and women have been doing it since the beginning.

  159. Jill I pray that you will have safe delivery and that you and derick will have healthy baby boy God Bless You all

  160. @Melissa ColburnNormal is anywhere between 38 and 42 weeks. And even after than they just need to start monitoring the baby. At this point she's totally fine! Too many people rush to induce and it's so much harder on momma and baby.

  161. All the people writing comments about their experiece with having an overdue baby could be a misleading thing, if one were to gain a false confidence from these sources. Having a baby is not necessarily a group experience. It is not nice to talk about the negative experiences, but there are likely people who could write in about their bad experiences too. Hopefully Jill is in touch with all good sources of guidance for her individual pregnancy, including the medical establishment people, and makes the right choices to have her baby under optimum conditions. There is no shame in having a baby in a hospital setting, it is not 'superior' to have a home birth. Mostly I would think there is a cost factor that makes people prefer home births, if it is possible to do so safely. A hospital has all the equipment and people to deal with a complication in delivery right there on site, so a woman can move from a birthing room to an emergency room immediately, if it is necessary. What do people delivering at home do if there is a serious complication? Call the ambulance to come? I would think Jill and Derick would choose to have their first baby in a hospital setting where there is the added levels of safety and security.

  162. i think jill's labor needs to induce because if you are ove 40 weeks wather of baby becomes geen and is not good for baby.


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